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Thailand's left-hand traffic 'impedes integration'


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Why not ask the other ASAEN countries to change to driving on the left of the road?

Would it not be far simpler for countries with less established infrastructure to swap over - so that would obviously include Cambodia and Laos. ...and VN has far less 4 wheeled vehicles than any of Thailand, Indonesia or Malaysia.

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as it costs investors extra logistic expenses for having to change the car engines when crossing the border.

Obviously the guy knows what he is talking about, makes a lot of sense to change the cars engine! after all a left handed engine works different to a right handed engine, it turns in the opposite direction!!!!!

I expect some clever guy will invent a car with 2 engines!

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as it costs investors extra logistic expenses for having to change the car engines when crossing the border.

Obviously the guy knows what he is talking about, makes a lot of sense to change the cars engine! after all a left handed engine works different to a right handed engine, it turns in the opposite direction!!!!!

I expect some clever guy will invent a car with 2 engines!

According to a Thai lady I know they already have.

But then she drives a Beetle.

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as it costs investors extra logistic expenses for having to change the car engines when crossing the border.

Obviously the guy knows what he is talking about, makes a lot of sense to change the cars engine! after all a left handed engine works different to a right handed engine, it turns in the opposite direction!!!!!

I expect some clever guy will invent a car with 2 engines!

According to a Thai lady I know they already have.

But then she drives a Beetle.

is she blond?

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as it costs investors extra logistic expenses for having to change the car engines when crossing the border.

Obviously the guy knows what he is talking about, makes a lot of sense to change the cars engine! after all a left handed engine works different to a right handed engine, it turns in the opposite direction!!!!!

I expect some clever guy will invent a car with 2 engines!

According to a Thai lady I know they already have.

But then she drives a Beetle.

is she blond?

No, just dumb. wink.png

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They drive in the middle around here ,problem solved,driving test 200 baht note for locals,car test zero,cops with no helmets, lubrication 2 shts of yadong and and a lao Khao for the road.

Darwiniansm witnessed.I always get off the highways during the happy hours dusk until midnight,on long 800km drives south I find 0100 to dawn the safest while the maniacs sleep

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  • 1 month later...

It occurred to me recently that as the majority of motor vehicles in ASEAN are RHD (drive on the left side of the road) it would probably be not such a bad idea for everyone in ASEAN to adopt this.

I think it is unlikely.

HOWEVER there is one country that I feel would benefit immensely from changing over......and that is Burma.

As the change over was never fully planned or properly implemented there is good reason to switch back. Many or most of the vehicles there are Ja/Thai imports and already RHD......but there is one more factor to consider.

If Burma was drive-on-the-left it means you could drive from Peshawar to Hobart on the same side of the road.

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand Malaysia, Indonesia East Timor and Australia.

....and you could take in Brunei,Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan Hong Kong and Macau Japan on the way...and afterwards, a quick trip to New Zealand.

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Thailand is really getting it in the neck. Rice Scheme(scam) about to unfold, Prime Minister being chased up on a plethora of charges, elections all gone to pot, farmers about to invade Bangkok once more. Red shirts agitating like he'll, kids being shot, all in the name of "democracy"

But the real problem is that all the steering wheels are on the wrong side. Sutthep please take note

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Myanmar has a lot of old cars on the road with right-hand steering...it would be cheaper to persuade Myanmar to change back to driving on the left, then Thailand would be connected with the majority of its trading partners from ASEAN.

Did anyone watch the Top Gear Special the other night?

2 parter driving through Burma to Thailand and the river Kwai.

Very good actually. Stunning mountain scenery. The next thailand.

Virtually all the cars, trucks, buses are left hand drive and yet they drive on the left!!!!

Because the former general dictator decided switch from the british system of driving on the left to driving on the right.

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Myanmar has a lot of old cars on the road with right-hand steering...it would be cheaper to persuade Myanmar to change back to driving on the left, then Thailand would be connected with the majority of its trading partners from ASEAN.

Did anyone watch the Top Gear Special the other night?

2 parter driving through Burma to Thailand and the river Kwai.

Very good actually. Stunning mountain scenery. The next thailand.

Virtually all the cars, trucks, buses are left hand drive and yet they drive on the left!!!!

Because the former general dictator decided switch from the british system of driving on the left to driving on the right.

Were you watching in the mirror. All the cars were right hand drive and they drive on the right.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If we have to start driving on the wrong side of the road with right hand drive vehicles then the road toll will climb even further. How do you phase out 30 million vehicles in 20 yrs.

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If we have to start driving on the wrong side of the road with right hand drive vehicles then the road toll will climb even further. How do you phase out 30 million vehicles in 20 yrs.

If Sweden can change, so can Thailand.

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If we have to start driving on the wrong side of the road with right hand drive vehicles then the road toll will climb even further. How do you phase out 30 million vehicles in 20 yrs.

If Sweden can change, so can Thailand.

Sadly you didn't read the earlier posts on this or you would have realised what an utterly facile comment that is.

It seems to me that if anyone should change over it would be the other ASEAN countries to conform with the majority.

the reality is it really doesn't matter that much as anyone who has experience of both LHD, RHD will tell you.

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If we have to start driving on the wrong side of the road with right hand drive vehicles then the road toll will climb even further. How do you phase out 30 million vehicles in 20 yrs.

If Sweden can change, so can Thailand.

You jest, of course.

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Myanmar has a lot of old cars on the road with right-hand steering...it would be cheaper to persuade Myanmar to change back to driving on the left, then Thailand would be connected with the majority of its trading partners from ASEAN.

Did anyone watch the Top Gear Special the other night?

2 parter driving through Burma to Thailand and the river Kwai.

Very good actually. Stunning mountain scenery. The next thailand.

Virtually all the cars, trucks, buses are left hand drive and yet they drive on the left!!!!

Because the former general dictator decided switch from the british system of driving on the left to driving on the right.

Were you watching in the mirror. All the cars were right hand drive and they drive on the right.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Lost in translation

They drive on the right but the driver sits on the right by the verge

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I used to get misdialed phone calls for an auto parts store. When the caller would ask for a generator, I would always ask "Do you want one that turns clockwise, or counter clockwise?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I used to get misdialed phone calls for an auto parts store. When the caller would ask for a generator, I would always ask "Do you want one that turns clockwise, or counter clockwise?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


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The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced the Burma should change back to driving on the left of the road.

I agree... especially since the entire swath of countries there were British-colonised and so are all RHD-left of road. Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore in one long stretch would be all RHD-left of road if Myanmar would just switch back.

But what are the odds of it happening...

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