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With the upcoming election almost upon us and the sound trucks blaring up and down the streets, makes one give thought for a moment.

Do the voting Thais vote by the platform of each candidate, or do they vote by the likeability of the songs the trucks are playing. I have yet to hear any "what I will do for you" speaches only music.

Any thoughts on this???

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I think they will vote for the party that plays money talks..........


Yes I am not familiar with the election system is it the same as the federal system where cheap ridicules talk and a hand full of Bahts get's the vote.

Really I am naive on the local election scene.

Even here on Thai Visa their only thing I know about the up coming election is Gonzo's posts. No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.

For instance what is there stand on the proposed rapid transit proposition. I would say plan but it would seem all they know is where they would like one to go. Not even debate if that is the best plan.


I think they will vote for the party that plays money talks..........


Yes I am not familiar with the election system is it the same as the federal system where cheap ridicules talk and a hand full of Bahts get's the vote.

Really I am naive on the local election scene.

Even here on Thai Visa their only thing I know about the up coming election is Gonzo's posts. No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.

For instance what is there stand on the proposed rapid transit proposition. I would say plan but it would seem all they know is where they would like one to go. Not even debate if that is the best plam.

The Chiang Mai Municipality announced the full list of candidates for the Mayor election that is scheduled to be held on November 3, 2013. Each candidate drew a number and that is prominently displayed on their campaign posters and signs.

Candidate number 1 is Thidarat Siriwittayakorn of the Phuer Chiang Mai party, number 2 Samphan Chatmongkolphan, independent, number 3 former Mayor Tussanai Buranupakorn of the Chiang Mai Khunnatham party, number 4 Pornchai Jitnavasathien, number 5 Wanlop Saetiaw, number 6 Non Hiranchet and number 7 Kamhomphukaew Suankaew.

You can see their election promises here........


  • Like 1

I think they will vote for the party that plays money talks..........


Yes I am not familiar with the election system is it the same as the federal system where cheap ridicules talk and a hand full of Bahts get's the vote.

Really I am naive on the local election scene.

Even here on Thai Visa their only thing I know about the up coming election is Gonzo's posts. No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.

For instance what is there stand on the proposed rapid transit proposition. I would say plan but it would seem all they know is where they would like one to go. Not even debate if that is the best plan.

Every candidate has announced weeks ago their platform. Just open your eyes and read. One is for improving the education system, another wants bicycle lanes, another doesn't have much to say but has the backing of the government, etc. It's all out there.

  • Like 1

>>Do the voting Thais vote by the platform of each candidate, or do they vote by the likeability of the songs the trucks are playing.

Not likability, silly, LOUDNESS! wai2.gif

And earlieness combined with loudness. whistling.gif

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi



No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.

number four is going to sort the traffic out !

the little lovely at number one ive no idea

what shes going to do but she gets my vote

in the green box :)








No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.

number four is going to sort the traffic out !

the little lovely at number one ive no idea

what shes going to do but she gets my vote

in the green box smile.png


The little lovely at Number 1, is not so lovely without Photoshop! She is a lawyer and wants to improve the education system here.



No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.

number four is going to sort the traffic out !

the little lovely at number one ive no idea

what shes going to do but she gets my vote

in the green box smile.png


Hmm Number 4 was just out saying he wanted to introduce motorbike queue system for sois. As far as I can see that increases the amount of traffic as most of the sois are so short you can walk down them anyway. Even the 80 yr olds can manage that in my soi. And the older ones take the bicycle samlors, which people seem to forget about but actually don't make a noise or belch smoke!

Number 4's main twist on his speech actually seemed to be that his daughter was embarassed he lost last time and it would be nice if you voted for him this time so he could tell his daughter he won ! rolleyes.gif

I kid you not, that was part of his speech and the concluding paragraph.



I think they will vote for the party that plays money talks..........




Yes I am not familiar with the election system is it the same as the federal system where cheap ridicules talk and a hand full of Bahts get's the vote.


Really I am naive on the local election scene.

Even here on Thai Visa their only thing I know about the up coming election is Gonzo's posts. No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.


For instance what is there stand on the proposed rapid transit proposition. I would say plan but it would seem all they know is where they would like one to go. Not even debate if that is the best plan.


Every candidate has announced weeks ago their platform. Just open your eyes and read. One is for improving the education system, another wants bicycle lanes, another doesn't have much to say but has the backing of the government, etc. It's all out there.


Now you're in trouble, Elektrified! Soon there will ve calls to shut the thread.


number 3 former Mayor Tussanai Buranupakorn of the Chiang Mai Khunnatham party

errrr ummm errrr is the lady at the back

on the left our y....... ?

or is this poster for something else ?




I think they will vote for the party that plays money talks..........


Yes I am not familiar with the election system is it the same as the federal system where cheap ridicules talk and a hand full of Bahts get's the vote.

Really I am naive on the local election scene.

Even here on Thai Visa their only thing I know about the up coming election is Gonzo's posts. No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.

For instance what is there stand on the proposed rapid transit proposition. I would say plan but it would seem all they know is where they would like one to go. Not even debate if that is the best plan.

Every candidate has announced weeks ago their platform. Just open your eyes and read. One is for improving the education system, another wants bicycle lanes, another doesn't have much to say but has the backing of the government, etc. It's all out there.

Now you're in trouble, Elektrified! Soon there will ve calls to shut the thread.



I like looking at all the street signs, and imagining what the message might be, since they are all, with one exception, in Thai:

Number One is saying I'm hi-so all the way, the class of this race for sure. I know of one spot where she has two signs up side by side, wearing a white jacket on one (with some sort of mark of affiliation) and black judicial-looking robes on the other. Hmmm?

Number Three, the Young Guy, looks like Somchai Regular Thai Guy. I thought he was the mayor now, the one who resigned to be a temporary monk. He's probably gonna win, you heard it here first. (Don't call me Karl!)

Number Two, I don't think there is a Number Two. If there is, he's not spending his war chest on street signs.

Number Four, he's "Traffic Guy", gonna waste a bunch of paint striping in bike lanes. Nobody cares about traffic! No shot.

Number Five is interesting. He's the only one with any English on his signs, and he has a lot of different ones. One has him petting a cute l'il puppy, and his pitch there is "Pet Friendly City." That's good for a few hundred votes. Does that mean people will be encouraged to spay and neuter their pets? My favorite sign is the one where he's kicking back with a big smile, ear-jacked into his Gen-u-ine I-Pad, and on this sign the promise seems to be "Wired City, Baby, Free Wi-Fi all over town, Yo!" Then there's one where he's jogging, and the English says, "Sports City." Can't kick on that. Can he get the Fantastic Thailand ladies National Volleyball Team to play some matches or train in CM? Gotta hand it to the man, he's got his hand on the throttle, and ready to rule. Best signs since The Man's last successful one man campaign...No, not the Elusive Mr. T, I mean Khun Chuwit! Party of One!

Number Six is "Respectable Looking Dude in a Suit Without a Message or a Plan". Double No Shot!

Number Seven I call "Dark Lady", after one of Cher's lesser hits. She's a fine looking, well dressed lady with deep dark eyes. That's all we know, but that's often enough. As we have seen before.

As an lowly farang outsider with no knowledge and no vote, I think whoever is running the City right now is doing a fine job, at least as far as keeping the place clean, and fixing the streets. That's what we hire them to do, right? Good luck to all the candidates, but I think it will come down to Three vs Seven. That's just my reading of the signs.


No. 3 has it already IMHO. Whoever wins I hope they will replace all the burned-out light bulbs and street lights all around the city. My estimate is that only about 25% of all lights are working right now.


Yes I am not familiar with the election system is it the same as the federal system where cheap ridicules talk and a hand full of Bahts get's the vote.

Really I am naive on the local election scene.

Even here on Thai Visa their only thing I know about the up coming election is Gonzo's posts. No one seems to have any idea of what the respective parties stand for.

For instance what is there stand on the proposed rapid transit proposition. I would say plan but it would seem all they know is where they would like one to go. Not even debate if that is the best plan.

Every candidate has announced weeks ago their platform. Just open your eyes and read. One is for improving the education system, another wants bicycle lanes, another doesn't have much to say but has the backing of the government, etc. It's all out there.

Now you're in trouble, Elektrified! Soon there will ve calls to shut the thread.


Actual information from a knowledgeable person. No ranting against Thai politicis, Yingluck or Thailand in general, or pet fantasies of any kind.

The post is clearly out of place and inappropriate.

  • Like 1


number 3 former Mayor Tussanai Buranupakorn of the Chiang Mai Khunnatham party

errrr ummm errrr is the lady at the back

on the left our y....... ?

or is this poster for something else ?


Unbelievable. That poster speaks volumes.


"Thidarat Siriwittayakorn (Candidate No. 1) said she wants to improve the quality of life of people and is not worried about competitors because each is doing his job and she will do hers to the best of her ability." -quoted in the Chiang Mai Mail

How's that for a winning message? Staggering!

  • 2 weeks later...

are kids voting in this election coz the boy and girl

on the right of this poster look like 10 year olds !

or are they supposed to be mom and pop ?


9 days to go until the sound trucks stop :(



  • Like 1

Something I don't understand and maybe someone can help with.

If number 3 was already mayor, why did he quit and several days later decide to run for the office he just quit?

I understand he wanted to make merit and show respect for his late uncle, I think it was, by going into the monkhood.

But making merit and showing respect could just as easily have been done and he could have kept the job that was entrusted to him. If he was doing it for Buddah, ok Buddah would have known, but the way he did it looks like he did it for public recognition of what he was doing.

It was good that he was going into the monkhood, but the time in could have been measured in hours, only to then announce that he wanted his old job back. One that the people gave to him and he then threw it away.

Why would anyone vote for someone who gave up the job they gave him and he threw away?? Thats what I don't understand. Little help with this please.


Did I say 3 vs 7? Dark Lady had me hypnotized! Those eyes! No, I'm thinking a tight race, breaking down to 3 - 1 - 5. Still anybody's ball game. Gonzo may have hit on something that's bugging the voters, which is why did "Da Mare" (as they say in Chicago) quit to join the sangha (temporarily, but still...) and then want to jump back in and be The Man again? That could hurt the very earnest looking young man, so close to the election. Or not.

I must say I'm getting pretty tired of Number One's sound truck running up and down Santhitam Road every morning with that stupid tune blaring out. I'd rather see her out pressing flesh with the voters, in the street, as I've seen Number Three doing several times, at several locations. I think I spotted Number Five (Sports Guy/Pets Guy/Music City Guy!) out there too. All Candidates: PLEASE Lose the sound trucks! So annoying!

Anybody else notice all the tree trimming , street repair, and fresh road striping (new crosswalks that everybody ignores!) that's happening all over town lately? Must be...Election Time!


Something I don't understand and maybe someone can help with.  


If number 3 was already mayor, why did he quit and several days later decide to run for the office he just quit?


I understand he wanted to make merit and show respect for his late uncle, I think it was, by going into the monkhood.

But making merit and showing respect could just as easily have been done and he could have kept the job that was entrusted to him.  If he was doing it for Buddah, ok Buddah would have known, but the way he did it looks like he did it for public recognition of what he was doing. 


It was good that he was going into the monkhood, but the time in could have been measured in hours, only to then announce that he wanted his old job back.   One that the people gave to him and he then threw it away.


Why would anyone vote for someone who gave up the job they gave him and he threw away??   Thats what I don't understand.  Little help with this please.



My understanding (which could well be incorrect) is that if he had completed his term in office he would be be ineligible to stand for election again (similar to American presidents)

However by resigning early he was able to stand again

As members of his family apparently hold several other elected positions I can't see him being allowed to lose ;)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Very interesting observation. So if it is fact, that means that any politican that gets elected to office can resign a week before the end of his term and as long as he continues to win the next election, can serve in that office for life. Is that the case?


only 6 days to go and things are hotting up :(

number 4 has put a little poster of his under number

1 at thephae gate since the 25th !


ps ... posters seem to be ahem " falling " down

of some candidates overnight all of a sudden :(

but im not posting pics of those !




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