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Khon Kaen: Police track down one of the 'most-wanted'


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Police track down one of the 'most-wanted'
The Nation


KHON KAEN: -- Chiang Mai native Jom Inkaew, an alleged former hitman, was arrested in Khon Kaen yesterday after spending several years in hiding. The 63-year-old Jom is ranked ninth in a list of 29 most-wanted criminals.

Jom, who reportedly began his career as a hitman when he was 21, said he had killed at least 70 people in the North for payments of Bt4,000 to Bt70,000. The suspect has been sent to the Chiang Dao police station for further legal action.

-- The Nation 2013-10-18

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These hitmen are 'owned' by people of influence, e.g. police, army or politicians. They are evil people who have found a patron who will provide an income and protection from the law in return for their services as a hitman. They do not operate in a vacuum, neither are they sole traders listed in the yellow pages.

The police can pick these guys up any time they want. It merely depends on the balance between the need to arrest them and the need to keep them out and available.

If they are arrested and imprisoned, their protected status will continue in prison until they are released when they will resume where they left off.

Like are criminal industries in Thailand, it is 'managed' by the authorities rather than forced to exist outside of state structures. An opposite approach might be drug dealers in the West who have the opportunity to get rich through criminal means, not possible here whilst not co-operating with the police, etc.

Punish the monkeys, but let the organ grinders go...business as usual.

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These hitmen are 'owned' by people of influence, e.g. police, army or politicians. They are evil people who have found a patron who will provide an income and protection from the law in return for their services as a hitman. They do not operate in a vacuum, neither are they sole traders listed in the yellow pages.

The police can pick these guys up any time they want. It merely depends on the balance between the need to arrest them and the need to keep them out and available.

If they are arrested and imprisoned, their protected status will continue in prison until they are released when they will resume where they left off.

Like are criminal industries in Thailand, it is 'managed' by the authorities rather than forced to exist outside of state structures. An opposite approach might be drug dealers in the West who have the opportunity to get rich through criminal means, not possible here whilst not co-operating with the police, etc.

I wonder where you get this information from? We all know that corruption in rampant in Thailand, just like much of the rest of the world. But you portray as if you have personal knowledge, when I suspect you are listening to 'hearsay' which is rarely a reporting of facts.

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Not much of a financially substantive career. Even if you assume that all his victims were in the 70k region which I am sure they were not, then that gives him 4.9 million over 4o years or 122,000 annually. 70 k would be a high profile hit, so lets say he had 20 of these and the rest at 4k that would result in a total income stream of 1.6 million or 40 K per year. Sad bastard.

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Many Jokes here. It's no joke guys. Thai policemen do have their irritants.

I became an irritant to a senior Thai Police Officer when I foiled him in his attempt to take me for a significant sum in tea money payouts, on two separate occasions. On each occasion I called my lawyer who succeeded in sending him packing. My Lawyer informed me that I had become a police irritant and that he would not be able to help me again in similar circumstances. However he has remained my lawyer in normal commercial matters.

My lawyer confided that he is becoming a police irritant himself. If you are are police irritant you will be at least taken down or maybe terminated. Like I said in an earlier post this month "every farang must have his own Thai Lawyer". Never retain a foreign Lawyer in Thailand. When the chips are really down he will not be able to help you. Having a foreign lawyer also increases you risk of inadvertently breaking the Thai Law yourself. "My lawyer said will never save you"

How do you become an irritant? There are many ways eg.

Interrupting a flow of tea money.

Getting Taken down several times for drug offences, and only getting probation.

Having police assistance in settling a serious dispute and not rewarding him.

How many of my acquaintances have been disappeared over 20 year period 5. Two were Thai, three farang.

Have I ever broken Thai Law myself- NO!

Is this all bullshit? Decide for yourself. After all we live in a twilight zone here in Thailand.

Whether you believe this story or not GET YOURSELF A THAI LAWYER - In Thailand it costs nothing to retain the services of a kosher Thai Lawyer.

Edited by indyuk
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