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Husband kills wife for being addicted to Thai soap opera


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this is a repugnant brutal murder and the flippant attempts at humour in here denigrate the woman, her family and friends. Imagine the victim was your sister or your friend or your daughter-would you be making snide jibes then? I think not. Show some restraint in commenting on what is a very unfunny event.

Get off your high horse we are talking Thai soap operas here. Should be not guilty by insanity or reduced to manslaughter.

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this is a repugnant brutal murder and the flippant attempts at humour in here denigrate the woman, her family and friends. Imagine the victim was your sister or your friend or your daughter-would you be making snide jibes then? I think not. Show some restraint in commenting on what is a very unfunny event.

Have you ever seen a Thai soap ?

Get a life and quit lecturing others with your pompous drivel.

you think it's pompous drivel to provide some decency and a modicum of moral fibre to ameliorate insensitive commentary ? Ad hominem abuse in response is very revealing of you and your capacity for reasoned argument. You provide support for the indefensible, glibly pass off the levity underpinning the senseless loss of life of a defenceless woman in these posts and my critique of that's pompous huh? You might like to reflect on what you are saying in the cold light of sobriety, if you have the capacity to, and hope no one notices such limited scope and range of your thinking.

That is exactly the kind of pompous drivel he was trying to tell you to avoid. You are not our moral compass.

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