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Where can I buy a didgeridoo in Phuket?


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You can buy pvc pipe from any didgeridoo shop in Phuket.

Sent from my LG-E612 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app[/quot

Krisb that really made me laugh out loud :lol: do think he found his didg yet? There is also ebay to turn too

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Calling someone an arse where I'm from is light-hearted indeed. The same as calling someone a scally-wag or a doofus. My apologies if everyone is all butt-hurt about being called an arse.

The way I see it, if you have something decent to share, share it. If you don't, GTFO.


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I'm guessing that this was a deliberate troll topic set up so that you had an excuse to swear at your fellows on the internet.

Well, it's not big, and it's not clever. It just shows an embarrassing lack of vocabulary and wit.


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There was a three piece band playing around Oz many years ago called Gondwanaland with a guy called Charlie Mamahon i think it was . He played a pvc didge with a sliding section to change pitch , similar somewhat to a trombone. He had also lost one hand in a accident and slide the didge with a hook. If you are making one out of pvc perhaps you could try the same.

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How do they make a traditional didgeridoo, anyway? I guess in the absence of bamboo, the aborigines had to come up with an ingenious alternative


EDIT: or PVC pipe

Hollowed out tree trunk or branches. They used to sit around taking some native hallucinogenic drug and dance around a fire playing it. Similar really to those rave parties I never went to cause I was such a good little boy.
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How do they make a traditional didgeridoo, anyway? I guess in the absence of bamboo, the aborigines had to come up with an ingenious alternative


EDIT: or PVC pipe

See post #12

It must be a tough job training the termites to hollow out the branches

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Take a trip to Bali they are readily available over there in fact most of the ones I have seen on sale in Aussie souvenir shops have been made in Bali and havent been in any way fabricated by memebers of the indigenous peoples of Australia !

Globalisation dear chap......lets face it even HP sauce that Great British staple for your bacon sandwiches aint made in the UK anymore....its made in Holland

that great american icon the fender strat is made in mexico, although you can buy an "american" version but it costs more...

When will they begin making Vegemite here in Thailand?

I'm hangin out for a hot fresh bread roll, butter and a bit of Vegie

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While it may be sacrilegious to some, one can easily and cheaply make a very nice sounding didgeridoo from PVC pipe. I've seen and heard several of them and with your eyes closed you'd never know the difference between a real didge and the PVC pipe.

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While it may be sacrilegious to some, one can easily and cheaply make a very nice sounding didgeridoo from PVC pipe. I've seen and heard several of them and with your eyes closed you'd never know the difference between a real didge and the PVC pipe.

I know training termites to eat PVC is not a problem; you could be on to a winner there

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When I first saw my post had 24 replies, I was quite excited. Finally, somebody knows where I can purchase one... And then, to my chagrin, I realized that this board was filled with a bunch of <deleted>. But, I digress...

I've been playing the didgeridoo for a while, I've mastered circular breathing. I'm only intersted in purchasing a didgeridoo, not any other wacky instruments you guys find humerous to mention. I have built pvc didgeridoos in the past, and I could settle for one again.

Does anyone know where I might be able to pick up some pvc pipe in phuket?

Only looking for genuine answers. I appreciate any valid responses. Thanks!

No but you should be able to buy a BONG any where over here, that may suffice

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Even from Thailand you should be able to find

A didgy on eBay I'm sure I've seen a few sold there for a resnoble price

Should that fail pm me and we can make the arrangement to have one sent to you

Shouldt take long to find a place in Fremantle where they sell them

Could even take photos and measurement and send via txt message / email from a local shop while I'm there

When I first saw my post had 24 replies, I was quite excited. Finally, somebody knows where I can purchase one... And then, to my chagrin, I realized that this board was filled with a bunch of <deleted>. But, I digress...

I've been playing the didgeridoo for a while, I've mastered circular breathing. I'm only intersted in purchasing a didgeridoo, not any other wacky instruments you guys find humerous to mention. I have built pvc didgeridoos in the past, and I could settle for one again.

Does anyone know where I might be able to pick up some pvc pipe in phuket?

Only looking for genuine answers. I appreciate any valid responses. Thanks!

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