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State of emergency as fires converge on Sydney


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State of emergency as fires converge on Sydney
By Christian Edwards

SYDNEY, Oct. 21 (Xinhua ) -- The Australian state of New South Wales Monday is in an official State of Emergency as authorities prepare for what the RFS (Rural Fire Service) says is an ' unparalleled' fire emergency amid fears that three fires outside Sydney may merge into one giant inferno.

State Premier Barry O'Farrell initiated the emergency declaration in anticipation of a deterioration in conditions with the additional powers allowing authorities to forcibly evacuate residents and even demolition private property.

The state Assistant Commissioner Alan Clarke told journalists his officers will undertake forced evacuations "if the risk is necessary".

"At the end of the day, we hope we have buildings standing. But if we don't have buildings standing we don't want bodies in them."

The usually scenic Blue Mountains are ablaze, with smoke and ash inundating Sydney after almost a week of constant burning, however with conditions swiftly deteriorating, the RFS told Xinhua, Monday that hot northerly winds will fuel fires at Lithgow, Springwood and Mount Victoria, creating the possibility of an unprecedented 'megafire'.

At a press conference on Monday, the face of these unseasonal bushfires, Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said the likelihood of the fire turning down the blue mountains toward Sydney's western suburbs is also growing.

This is as bad as it gets.. some communities will be simply unsave-able," Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

The RFS told Xinhua that a fire near the country town of Lithgow, has already burned 40,000 hectares of bush will in all likelihood jump barriers and merge with the fire across Mount Victoria.

A clearly exhausted Fitzsimmons, who broke down during a weekend press conference when speaking of the courage of the 2000 fire-fighters currently deployed around the blue mountains, reluctantly told local communities to brace for the worst. [read more...]

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2013-10/21/c_132814958.htm

-- XINHUA 2013-10-21

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Good luck to the brave in that very beautiful area.

While not knocking fingers crossed action and future prevetion is needed.

While no one can prevent deranged arsonists,their punishments could be stronger.

Firebreaks more appliances and fulll timers to supplement the excellent SES all costs

The fact that Sydney's western suburbs are menanced reflects that the geographical if not population node is now west of Parramatta and the vaste new estates were constructed to a price rather a safety standard.,perhaps all those Americans and asylum seekers can be put to work ?

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As an old USDA Forest Service Wildland Firefighter my heart goes out to those on the line. I know what it is like, they will need more than one beer when it is over.

Had the great pleasure of seeing this lovely area in Feb of this year and my heart goes out to all the people who have lost thier homes; just thank goodness that nobody has lost their life as yet. I wish all the very brave firefighters the very best of luck; you can put them down for a beer on my tab anytime!

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Time to start planting trees that don’t burn like ‘rubber trees’, as fire break buffer zones, to meet the expectations of climate change. It’s a total shame there’s no proactive approach to this problem in all states other than just reactive mutterings from the CSIRO regarding more research work into the problem. So much for lessons learnt...good luck and stay safe

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Unfortunatley it is always going to happen. Just a lot earlier than predicted. Temps 35-38 degrees and they are not even in summer yet. The downside of having so much forest and national parks in the state. Bloody beautiful state though.

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For the last 2 days the sky is full of smoke, I am on a hill overlooking Bankstown airport, yesterday the sky turned red.

It seems 2 of the smaller fires were started by young kids who they caught almost in the act.

The greenies stop the hazid reduction burning in the off season.

All this has started very early this year.

Need a bit of water from Thailand.

Will be in BKK in 2 days.


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The finger is being pointed at the Army. Possibly started during a military exercise

Arson investigators are examining the origins of several of the fires that have threatened towns surrounding Sydney. Police charged two girls aged 12 and 13 with lighting a fire in woodland on Sydney’s western fringe on Friday. Firefighters put out the blaze.

An 11-year-old boy in the Port Stephens area of the state was charged with lighting two fires. A boy of 15 has also been arrested over the fires, according to local media. Australia’s military is investigating whether a training exercise using explosives may have started one bushfire.

More here - Huffingtonpost

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