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Have You Ever Met a Thai Apologist?


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Only relativists who say that every culture is unique and different, and that we cant judge them. "Don't comment on Thailand because it has different beliefs and cultures which we have no right to judge. "

I think its a lazy and nihilistic argument, personally.

Interesting view. It's almost as though, apparently in Thailand, human nature turns on its head.

After a while, when you reconcile that people are people, and you see some of the societal oddities that go on here, you really can only sheriff your shoulders.

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All in moderation.

I find Thai bashers really irritating as they just show themselves to be hypocritical arrogant bullies. It's as if they have brought their bitterness with them over here.

At the same time, Thai Apologists are really annoying on here, as they are constantly looking to make sure no-one is saying a bad word and are always defending the inexcusable.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a little moan about some things and ways here (all in moderation); I mean let's face it Thais often laugh and whinge about us, so why can't I have a little moan when people walk too slowly in front of me or that too many people here are obsessed with talking about food all the time wink.png - as long as it isn't vicious bashing or generalising Thai people in a horrible and offensive way, then there's nothing wrong with it.

And at the same time, it's good to see people stick up for Thais on here; it's just annoying when people aren't being offensive or nasty and just having a little moan or pointing out something from the news and you get accused of Thai bashing.

I did see one guy who might have been a Thai Apologist, I guess, in the way that he acted, thought he was Thai (people who think they are Thai are ridiculous). He moaned at myself for not being good with my Thai, then went over to a motorbike taxi driver and wah'd him before hopping on. Never even seen a Thai do that. He looked completely ridiculous.

(people who think they are Thai are ridiculous). Yes! you hit the nail on the head,they are so ridiculous,they don't even know the Thais are laughing at them,and as for accepting them as brothers it's so pathetic,I suspect even their own Country and Kin are very happy to see them go native in Thailand.

The Walter Mitty Dreamers,escaping from reality, just keep on coming.......they walk amongst us!

In nearly 18 years in Thailand I have never met anyone who was 100% accepted. I take it to be very basic racial thing.

There are just some gangs you can't join no matter how hard you try.

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All in moderation.

I find Thai bashers really irritating as they just show themselves to be hypocritical arrogant bullies. It's as if they have brought their bitterness with them over here.

At the same time, Thai Apologists are really annoying on here, as they are constantly looking to make sure no-one is saying a bad word and are always defending the inexcusable.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a little moan about some things and ways here (all in moderation); I mean let's face it Thais often laugh and whinge about us, so why can't I have a little moan when people walk too slowly in front of me or that too many people here are obsessed with talking about food all the time wink.png - as long as it isn't vicious bashing or generalising Thai people in a horrible and offensive way, then there's nothing wrong with it.

And at the same time, it's good to see people stick up for Thais on here; it's just annoying when people aren't being offensive or nasty and just having a little moan or pointing out something from the news and you get accused of Thai bashing.

I did see one guy who might have been a Thai Apologist, I guess, in the way that he acted, thought he was Thai (people who think they are Thai are ridiculous). He moaned at myself for not being good with my Thai, then went over to a motorbike taxi driver and wah'd him before hopping on. Never even seen a Thai do that. He looked completely ridiculous.

(people who think they are Thai are ridiculous). Yes! you hit the nail on the head,they are so ridiculous,they don't even know the Thais are laughing at them,and as for accepting them as brothers it's so pathetic,I suspect even their own Country and Kin are very happy to see them go native in Thailand.

The Walter Mitty Dreamers,escaping from reality, just keep on coming.......they walk amongst us!

In nearly 18 years in Thailand I have never met anyone who was 100% accepted. I take it to be very basic racial thing.

There are just some gangs you can't join no matter how hard you try.

Very true,I think you have a very good point ,there are some places even in the UK,that you can be living in,and still not be totally accepted after 15 or 20 years,even being British, moving from one County or part of the Country to another.

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All in moderation.

I find Thai bashers really irritating as they just show themselves to be hypocritical arrogant bullies. It's as if they have brought their bitterness with them over here.

At the same time, Thai Apologists are really annoying on here, as they are constantly looking to make sure no-one is saying a bad word and are always defending the inexcusable.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a little moan about some things and ways here (all in moderation); I mean let's face it Thais often laugh and whinge about us, so why can't I have a little moan when people walk too slowly in front of me or that too many people here are obsessed with talking about food all the time wink.png - as long as it isn't vicious bashing or generalising Thai people in a horrible and offensive way, then there's nothing wrong with it.

And at the same time, it's good to see people stick up for Thais on here; it's just annoying when people aren't being offensive or nasty and just having a little moan or pointing out something from the news and you get accused of Thai bashing.

I did see one guy who might have been a Thai Apologist, I guess, in the way that he acted, thought he was Thai (people who think they are Thai are ridiculous). He moaned at myself for not being good with my Thai, then went over to a motorbike taxi driver and wah'd him before hopping on. Never even seen a Thai do that. He looked completely ridiculous.

(people who think they are Thai are ridiculous). Yes! you hit the nail on the head,they are so ridiculous,they don't even know the Thais are laughing at them,and as for accepting them as brothers it's so pathetic,I suspect even their own Country and Kin are very happy to see them go native in Thailand.

The Walter Mitty Dreamers,escaping from reality, just keep on coming.......they walk amongst us!

In nearly 18 years in Thailand I have never met anyone who was 100% accepted. I take it to be very basic racial thing.

There are just some gangs you can't join no matter how hard you try.

Very true,I think you have a very good point ,there are some places even in the UK,that you can be living in,and still not be totally accepted after 15 or 20 years,even being British, moving from one County or part of the Country to another.

Have a passport, all good, but really belonging. Hmmmm

I'm welsh, but can't speak it, from Cardiff. I know that some consider me less welsh than others. I'll will never forget being refused service in a shop in north Wales because I spoke English to them.

I have met so many Thais in Bangkok who basically consider half of Thailand capable of barely being worthy of being their maid, that a wannabe farang is pointless.

At the end of it, I left, because it got basically tedious to stay. Time for a change and time to get the kids home for proper school. Spent the night watching "University Challenge".

I wonder why that show never caught on in Thailand.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I knew one very well.

I distinctly remember him giving a spirited and very audible 'correction lecture' to a colleague who had made the grave mistake of complaining that he had had enough of Thai women trying to rip him off.

I also remember taking him to the airport with a couple of bags containing the remnants of his life's belongings after his Thai g/f threw him out of the house he had bought for her.

Thank you for staying on topic and answering the question.

As best as I can tell, Thai Apologists are a rare breed, infrequently seen in public.

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You guys know me fairly well

Heck, I post enough here

I'm fairly comfortable with my lot in Thailand

And comfortable with those natives around me

Am I a Thai Apologist?


I'd say you're open-minded and fair, with the occasional streak of exasperation. Like most of us here.

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I find the classifications 'Apologist' and 'Basher' both unfair and wanting.

Spent my life in three countries so far (35 +30 +7). Yes, it is 72 for those who can put 2 + 2 together.

Loved all three of them and always had some things to criticize.

Bad is bad but good is good. If one cannot take criticism - tough luck.

As to the labels, - never paid much attention to any.

The one thing I get really angry about is when people cannot argue without getting into personal insults.

On the other hand - it does give me an excuse to happily return the insults with interest. Can be fun too. tongue.png

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Here's another TV definition of Thai Apologist (recently seen on TV):

Westerner who contends, often vehemently and with name-calling, that the word faring can never be racist.

Anyone ever meet this person, in person?

I think they only exist in cyber world, because if they really tried to defend it in public face to face, even they couldn't keep a straight face.

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All in moderation.

I find Thai bashers really irritating as they just show themselves to be hypocritical arrogant bullies. It's as if they have brought their bitterness with them over here.

At the same time, Thai Apologists are really annoying on here, as they are constantly looking to make sure no-one is saying a bad word and are always defending the inexcusable.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a little moan about some things and ways here (all in moderation); I mean let's face it Thais often laugh and whinge about us, so why can't I have a little moan when people walk too slowly in front of me or that too many people here are obsessed with talking about food all the time wink.png - as long as it isn't vicious bashing or generalising Thai people in a horrible and offensive way, then there's nothing wrong with it.

And at the same time, it's good to see people stick up for Thais on here; it's just annoying when people aren't being offensive or nasty and just having a little moan or pointing out something from the news and you get accused of Thai bashing.

I did see one guy who might have been a Thai Apologist, I guess, in the way that he acted, thought he was Thai (people who think they are Thai are ridiculous). He moaned at myself for not being good with my Thai, then went over to a motorbike taxi driver and wah'd him before hopping on. Never even seen a Thai do that. He looked completely ridiculous.

a LITTLE moan?? lol. so many whiners here take every opportunity to denigrate thais and their ways of doing things.

I agree with you, there are ones who whine all the time and bash and are complete bores, hence my moan at Bashers too. But some Apologists seem to jump on anything that's said.

Having a "little moan" about how things are here (Government, corruption) and what could be done to improve the country; nothing wrong with that.

There were news stories on here recently where a young girl has been subjected to sexual abuse by her family, and a westerner who had been machetted by a taxi driver and people were rightly condemning the evil crimes, but still the Thai Apologists came out in force with lines along "It was probably the farang's fault", "Oh any excuse to bash a Thai". I mean, come on, these individuals who did these crimes deserve all the bitching they get.

P.S. I may have picked the wrong news stories, but pretty sure it was these ones on here.

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Here's another TV definition of Thai Apologist (recently seen on TV):

Westerner who contends, often vehemently and with name-calling, that the word faring can never be racist.

Anyone ever meet this person, in person?

Yes, it was the same person who I took to the airport.

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My definition is a Thai Apologist is:

"Someone who who is unable to accept any criticism of Thailand, Thai society, politics, culture of Thai people , who will on principle defend any aspect aspect of Thai society, politics, culture or Thai peopled with illogical or irrelevant counter arguments - no matter what the criticism is or no matter how well founded the criticism is"

Coincidentally, they are often people who have never taken part in the political or social development of the society they came from - seldom even bothered to vote.

The reason you seldom meet these people, and yet they appear with such regularity behind a keyboard, is because if they where standing in front of you they might and their position might be subjected to face to face questioning - the stuttering as they try to avoid the obvious ridiculousness defending the undependable would give the game away.

would you mind linking us to the survey that showed you that they are often people who have never taken part in the political or social development of the society they came from - seldom even bothered to vote.

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Gotta say, though I'm bashing Thai Apologists; I think Thai Bashers are more dislikeable and Apologists are just plain annoying.

Also sticking up for Thais when faced with a basher won't make you an Apologist, it's just fair game.

Met a couple of long term expats in a bar the other day who were saying that doing business over here is frustrating because "all Thai people are stupid", this led into my friend and I arguing with these 2 idiots about it. Those are the kind of people I despise.

Apologists and Thaskin Apologists are just plain annoying though especially when they come out with comments like "maybe you should understand Thai culture a bit more", when you disagree with them on their pro-Thaksin views.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Gotta say, though I'm bashing Thai Apologists; I think Thai Bashers are more dislikeable and Apologists are just plain annoying.

Also sticking up for Thais when faced with a basher won't make you an Apologist, it's just fair game.

Met a couple of long term expats in a bar the other day who were saying that doing business over here is frustrating because "all Thai people are stupid", this led into my friend and I arguing with these 2 idiots about it. Those are the kind of people I despise.

Apologists and Thaskin Apologists are just plain annoying though especially when they come out with comments like "maybe you should understand Thai culture a bit more", when you disagree with them on their pro-Thaksin views.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

i suspect thaksin supporters are just as annoyed with you.

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Gotta say, though I'm bashing Thai Apologists; I think Thai Bashers are more dislikeable and Apologists are just plain annoying.

Also sticking up for Thais when faced with a basher won't make you an Apologist, it's just fair game.

Met a couple of long term expats in a bar the other day who were saying that doing business over here is frustrating because "all Thai people are stupid", this led into my friend and I arguing with these 2 idiots about it. Those are the kind of people I despise.

Apologists and Thaskin Apologists are just plain annoying though especially when they come out with comments like "maybe you should understand Thai culture a bit more", when you disagree with them on their pro-Thaksin views.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

i suspect thaksin supporters are just as annoyed with you.

I hope so.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

quite an existance, being annoyed or annoying others!!

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My definition is a Thai Apologist is:

"Someone who who is unable to accept any criticism of Thailand, Thai society, politics, culture of Thai people , who will on principle defend any aspect aspect of Thai society, politics, culture or Thai peopled with illogical or irrelevant counter arguments - no matter what the criticism is or no matter how well founded the criticism is"

Coincidentally, they are often people who have never taken part in the political or social development of the society they came from - seldom even bothered to vote.

The reason you seldom meet these people, and yet they appear with such regularity behind a keyboard, is because if they where standing in front of you they might and their position might be subjected to face to face questioning - the stuttering as they try to avoid the obvious ridiculousness defending the undependable would give the game away.

No one has given a true definition of a Thai Apologist, many one sided assumptions of what a Thai Apologist is.

Guesthouse definition (more like an assumption) does not fit me as I was the first Chicano elected to my local School Board and a Arizona state Presidential delegate for the Democratic party in the 1970's. Still vote in every US election on an absentee ballot as a resident of Thailand.

Someone else assumed it was a person who continually state :"Farang" is never used as an insult, that also is not me as I state to the origin of the word (did not originate in Thailand) and stated any word can be used as an insult depending on the situation, tone and volume it is used in, even the holy word "mother".

Also many state it is a person who will defend any criticism of Thailand, when someone generalizes that "All Thai's are lazy, uneducated, uncultured people" definitely "gets on the fighting side of me" all Thai's include's my family. If you have a problem with one Thai or some Thai's state it as such!

Some people say they never met one in public (again it could not be me), If you met me in person you would remember me, I grant you!

When the OP comes up with a clear concise definition of what a "Thai apologist" is, maybe I can better respond to the OP's definition. Maybe marrying the definition of Thai and apologist in the dictionary would be a good start. (I know to impartial and fair!)

Me personally never met one,


Edited by kikoman
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You guys know me fairly well

Heck, I post enough here

I'm fairly comfortable with my lot in Thailand

And comfortable with those natives around me

Am I a Thai Apologist?


No, you are confused smile.png

He is truthful, extremely different than confused!

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^^ Thanks for that ... wai.gif

What I try to be is to be my own man.

Make valued judgements as I see them, based on my up-bringing and the value set taught to me by my parents.

I love this place ... warts and all ... facepalm.gif

That said .. if only I could tweak and change this and that ... whistling.gif

But, jokes aside ... it's the endemic corruption which still disappoints me.

This place (Thailand) could be so much more, so much a more a vocal voice in Asia if that could be reduced, because, we all know from our experiences back home ... corruption, it always exists ... just the scale of which changes.

OK .. where's my gloves ... Queensberry Rules please ... someone must be up for a good stouch!

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^^ Thanks for that ... wai.gif

What I try to be is to be my own man.

Make valued judgements as I see them, based on my up-bringing and the value set taught to me by my parents.

I love this place ... warts and all ... facepalm.gif

That said .. if only I could tweak and change this and that ... whistling.gif

But, jokes aside ... it's the endemic corruption which still disappoints me.

This place (Thailand) could be so much more, so much a more a vocal voice in Asia if that could be reduced, because, we all know from our experiences back home ... corruption, it always exists ... just the scale of which changes.

OK .. where's my gloves ... Queensberry Rules please ... someone must be up for a good stouch!

considering that the western banking systems almost brought the worlds financial system to its knees without a single one of the sons of b8tches going to jail, I find it difficult to point fingers at thai corruption.

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There it is again.

Find something worse happening elsewhere and you can ignore the problems in Thailand.

Thanks for that GH ... I fully acknowledge the issues that Thailand face.

There are so many warts ... an old Toad would be proud.

But, on balance ... Thailand ... still one of my favourites.

But apologising for Thailand's many faults ... no, not me.

Acknowledge them ... and move on.

It ain't Singapore ... but then again ... I hope it never is.


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Here's my poor attempt at defining a basher or an apologist.

If you have negative and positive perspectives and your points of view on most things "Thai" would usually fall somewhere within the central shaded area, but never always in the same quadrant, then you're neither a basher or an apologist.

If your opinion always falls outside the central area, and always falls in the same quadrant, then you're either a basher or an apologist to greater or lesser extents.

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I was (past tense) a Thai apologist. Not to the extent that I couldn't see some negatives, but I almost always made excuses for them.

With the coming of the Red Shirts, however, I moved over into the other column. Again, I can still see the good things, but the rose colored glasses are definitely off.

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