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Chalerm collapses again


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Chalerm collapses again
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Labour Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung collapsed in his office at the Labour Ministry yesterday afternoon and was rushed to hospital.

He was talking to Pol General Pongsapat Pongcharoen, the secretary-general of the Office of Narcotics Control Board, about organising a meeting for drug suppression when he collapsed.

He was rushed to Ramathibodi Hospital at 1.45pm. Chalerm had just returned to work for a week after undergoing an operation for bleeding on the brain.

Dr Surasak Leelaudomlipi, director of Ramathibodi Hospital, said that though Chalerm's fists were clenched, he could talk to the doctors and interact with them normally.

Chalerm will be kept in hospital for observation.

-- The Nation 2013-10-22

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No surprise to hear that this happened, I was at a certain hotel last Friday, where I bumped into old mate and his posse - he sure has some protection detail, I counted at least 20 of them! His party of 4 (wife and 2 other chums) knocked back at least 2 bottles of red wine (good for the heart though :P ) that I saw and I'm sure he'd been there for a fair chunk of the afternoon.

I hope he doesn't kick the bucket just yet, we need more of his commentary on all things that can be resolved within 90 days! :P

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*Deleted post edited out*

I never said that anybody needs to respect him. I never said that you must have any pity with him.

However, it is just cowardly to kick a man who already is on the floor. Do you guys also belong to the group of farang who believe themselves superior to the Thai and know better how the country should be governed? Are you members of the "we-farang-are-treated-so-bad-here" group who complains about everyhing from Visa process to address reporting to double pricing to Thai not respecting you (which I agree all exists)?

and now read the comments... "superior" farang wishing somebody to die slowly and painful and rot in hell... superior... my ass...

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Reading the outpouring of commentary about Chalerm on Thai social media sites yesterday was an eye opener. As was the case when he collapsed last time most Thais posted that they hoped he wouldn't make it and expected that parties would break out all over the kingdom if he died.Many talked about his karma and said that he deserved a slow painful demise on his way to hell ( narok). Hehehe got to give thais credit where it's due.

This puts it into perspective as he's not going to get much sympathy from we cynical, irreverent foreigners but when Thais are sticking the boot in it shows just what little regard he is held in.

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I never said that anybody needs to respect him. I never said that you must have any pity with him.

However, it is just cowardly to kick a man who already is on the floor. Do you guys also belong to the group of farang who believe themselves superior to the Thai and know better how the country should be governed? Are you members of the "we-farang-are-treated-so-bad-here" group who complains about everyhing from Visa process to address reporting to double pricing to Thai not respecting you (which I agree all exists)?

and now read the comments... "superior" farang wishing somebody to die slowly and painful and rot in hell... superior... my ass...

His sons as well as Chalerm himself were quite happy to indulge in a spot of both kicking and shooting a man when he was on the floor as their track record shows only too clearly.

I suggest that we members of TVF club together and subscribe to Exit as a gift to Chalerm..Indeed many people in Thailand would appreciate that gesture

To wrongly quote Groucho Marx. "I don't care to belong to any club that will have me you as a member"

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