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Plodprasop: Flooding in East worst in 50 years


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Not to put a too finer line on the floods , how come the PTP are so quiet on the subject , egg all over the face of PM Yingluck Shinawtra and her cronies spells just one thing, to run a country requires more than talk , you also need to do something , so far the PTP flood management has been a dismal failure, talk your way out of this one PTP , the country laughs at you, not with you. Score:1/10, the one being for , if bulls!!t was a penny a pound , the PTP would have more money than Bill Gates.coffee1.gif

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Does this idiot make this up himself or does he have script writers ?

He is obvious not familiar with the old saying about keeping your moth shut and only appearing to be a fool...!

It's enough to make Chalerm arise from his sick bed.

In the space of a month, we have heard emanations from his pie hole of: No floods this year, then, prepare for floods, then, worse floods in 50 years.

"Plodprasop, who is also a deputy prime minister, said the East was facing its worst floods in 50 years"

This is actually his apology. It is not his fault, it is the fault of nature and history and....

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Not to put a too finer line on the floods , how come the PTP are so quiet on the subject , egg all over the face of PM Yingluck Shinawtra and her cronies spells just one thing, to run a country requires more than talk , you also need to do something , so far the PTP flood management has been a dismal failure, talk your way out of this one PTP , the country laughs at you, not with you. Score:1/10, the one being for , if bulls!!t was a penny a pound , the PTP would have more money than Bill Gates.coffee1.gif

The "current" government is always blamed, that's everywhere the same. Mind you one of the 'election promises only' of the government majority party Pheu Thai was "no more drought, no more flooding". That's why wink.png

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Rip Van Plod in Plunderland wakes up.

What a pathetic excuse this creature is for a puppet government minister.

He deserves a starring part in that old television series ''Sea Hunt. '' or was it C. Hunt ?

He sums up so well what is wrong with this country. The bazillionaire bureaucrat with little natural intelligence and even less hands on knowledge.

A disaster waiting to happen.

A disaster waiting to happen.

''Indeed that disaster has happened, it was his conception and subsequent survival,''

Edited by siampolee
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Does this idiot make this up himself or does he have script writers ?

He is obvious not familiar with the old saying about keeping your moth shut and only appearing to be a fool...!

It's enough to make Chalerm arise from his sick bed.

In the space of a month, we have heard emanations from his pie hole of: No floods this year, then, prepare for floods, then, worse floods in 50 years.

Next he will give direction to form a committee to build an Ark.
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As I read the news today, words fail me. We have this idiot Plodprasop who seems to be clueless on every topic he speaks about, we have Yongluck washing her hands of the reconciliation process and bill and saying she did not know the committee put through a complete whitewash to include sweeping amnesty including Thaksin and giving him the way back to get his 46 billion of seized assets back, and we have the Santka nightclub owner getting off Scott free while dozens dead and dozens more disfigured for life directly through his actions.

Thailand HAS no government, has no leader, has no justice - it is wallowing in the worlds economic ocean without a paddle or a rudder.

As for Abhisit, as much as I like the guy, he is firstly a puppet and secondly all talk and no action. I hope for Thailand's sake he is mounting a solid set of policies including all sections of society and with a budget to hit the message home and the balls to tackle Thailand's biggest issues head on without compromise this time around.

However I am not sure Thai people are mature enough for democracy yet given 500 baht is enough to sell your soul.

Timewilltell, I suppose.................

Meanwhile, Thailand improves.

Must be hell though for some expats living here.

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As I read the news today, words fail me. We have this idiot Plodprasop who seems to be clueless on every topic he speaks about, we have Yongluck washing her hands of the reconciliation process and bill and saying she did not know the committee put through a complete whitewash to include sweeping amnesty including Thaksin and giving him the way back to get his 46 billion of seized assets back, and we have the Santka nightclub owner getting off Scott free while dozens dead and dozens more disfigured for life directly through his actions.

Thailand HAS no government, has no leader, has no justice - it is wallowing in the worlds economic ocean without a paddle or a rudder.

As for Abhisit, as much as I like the guy, he is firstly a puppet and secondly all talk and no action. I hope for Thailand's sake he is mounting a solid set of policies including all sections of society and with a budget to hit the message home and the balls to tackle Thailand's biggest issues head on without compromise this time around.

However I am not sure Thai people are mature enough for democracy yet given 500 baht is enough to sell your soul.

Timewilltell, I suppose.................

Meanwhile, Thailand improves.

Must be hell though for some expats living here.

Especially the ones under an illusion that Thailand improves...
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As I read the news today, words fail me. We have this idiot Plodprasop who seems to be clueless on every topic he speaks about, we have Yongluck washing her hands of the reconciliation process and bill and saying she did not know the committee put through a complete whitewash to include sweeping amnesty including Thaksin and giving him the way back to get his 46 billion of seized assets back, and we have the Santka nightclub owner getting off Scott free while dozens dead and dozens more disfigured for life directly through his actions.

Thailand HAS no government, has no leader, has no justice - it is wallowing in the worlds economic ocean without a paddle or a rudder.

As for Abhisit, as much as I like the guy, he is firstly a puppet and secondly all talk and no action. I hope for Thailand's sake he is mounting a solid set of policies including all sections of society and with a budget to hit the message home and the balls to tackle Thailand's biggest issues head on without compromise this time around.

However I am not sure Thai people are mature enough for democracy yet given 500 baht is enough to sell your soul.

Timewilltell, I suppose.................

Meanwhile, Thailand improves.

Must be hell though for some expats living here.

Especially the ones under an illusion that Thailand improves...

Er.... My life in Thailand is pretty happy even though I am under the illusion the country is "improving".

Sorry for your unhappiness.

Please present any index you like for the last 10 years.

Have you got any that show adverse trends ??

Substantiate the "illusion" and lack of improvement, please, if you can.

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Not to put a too finer line on the floods , how come the PTP are so quiet on the subject , egg all over the face of PM Yingluck Shinawtra and her cronies spells just one thing, to run a country requires more than talk , you also need to do something , so far the PTP flood management has been a dismal failure, talk your way out of this one PTP , the country laughs at you, not with you. Score:1/10, the one being for , if bulls!!t was a penny a pound , the PTP would have more money than Bill Gates.coffee1.gif

Why isn't abhisit in the press every day about the incompetence and corruption.

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Not to put a too finer line on the floods , how come the PTP are so quiet on the subject , egg all over the face of PM Yingluck Shinawtra and her cronies spells just one thing, to run a country requires more than talk , you also need to do something , so far the PTP flood management has been a dismal failure, talk your way out of this one PTP , the country laughs at you, not with you. Score:1/10, the one being for , if bulls!!t was a penny a pound , the PTP would have more money than Bill Gates.coffee1.gif

Why isn't abhisit in the press every day about the incompetence and corruption.

Perhaps he fears further jibes from Oak, on Facebook ? Grrr ! laugh.png

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The East is a big area. Ubon city area has fared better than two years ago, as one example of the dangers of the sweeping generalisation so loved by politicians and press.

"as one example of the dangers of the sweeping generalisation so loved by politicians and press"

and not to mention the sweeping generalisation and imagination of a fair few TV posters.

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As I read the news today, words fail me. We have this idiot Plodprasop who seems to be clueless on every topic he speaks about, we have Yongluck washing her hands of the reconciliation process and bill and saying she did not know the committee put through a complete whitewash to include sweeping amnesty including Thaksin and giving him the way back to get his 46 billion of seized assets back, and we have the Santka nightclub owner getting off Scott free while dozens dead and dozens more disfigured for life directly through his actions.

Thailand HAS no government, has no leader, has no justice - it is wallowing in the worlds economic ocean without a paddle or a rudder.

As for Abhisit, as much as I like the guy, he is firstly a puppet and secondly all talk and no action. I hope for Thailand's sake he is mounting a solid set of policies including all sections of society and with a budget to hit the message home and the balls to tackle Thailand's biggest issues head on without compromise this time around.

However I am not sure Thai people are mature enough for democracy yet given 500 baht is enough to sell your soul.

Timewilltell, I suppose.................

Meanwhile, Thailand improves.

Must be hell though for some expats living here.

Especially the ones under an illusion that Thailand improves...

Er.... My life in Thailand is pretty happy even though I am under the illusion the country is "improving".

Sorry for your unhappiness.

Please present any index you like for the last 10 years.

Have you got any that show adverse trends ??

Substantiate the "illusion" and lack of improvement, please, if you can.

Some people are permanently unhappy it seems. It makes me wonder why they chose to settle here.

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the man is either a complete idiot - or he believes the whole population in thailand to be idiots. otherwise one really can't explain his behaviour. his 'modus operandi' every time there is a problem:

- first he denies repeatedly that there will be any problem

- then, if he sees that there will be a problem, despite of him having anonunced that there won't be any (I wonder why the problems 'dare' to persist despite his announcements), he does either one of two options:

- either he shuts up immediately and goes completely mum for a few weeks/days

- or he comes up with a totally unsuitable solution first and then shuts up

- if, after a few days or weeks of his silence the problem has - expectedly - gotten out of hand, he does not even try to seek for solution any more, but just forecasts that the problem will go away by itself in a certain time frame - this time frame being adjustable (usually to a later date in the future) any day...

i have never read or seen that he actually had come forward with a solution which has helped to solve any problem...

I really wonder, how the people in floodeed areas feel now about the government's assurance that there is nothing to worry about flooding this year...

He doesn't care.

He sums up so well what is wrong with this country. The bazillionaire bureaucrat with little natural intelligence and even less hands on knowledge.

A disaster waiting to happen.

He and cronies only care about zones they've invested in; that is the truth, we have seen it again and again. So, now we know what areas they have not invested in.

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geologically, the Korat Plateau is actually a vast drainage basin, much like the 7,600 sq mile Plain of Jars in Laos..(area = New Jersey or State of Israel) Anyol'hoo, the actual surface terrain/area of slopes & mts are vastly more than a 2-D flat map. The once mighty Khmer Angkor empire collapsed due to human diseases generated by the excessive reverse flow & siltation of major rivers in that immediate area. Hence, the ancient bridges over existing farmlands of that now Cambodian plat. Back to Phimai Korat, there is a confluence of major waterways/rivers at this once major Dharmsala from India. Phimai surrounds were somehow connected to a once inland sea as evidenced by the many underground salt deposits mined to this day. Having lived there for more than a year, and seen many of these salt-fields. in addition, the porous sandy oxisols & alfisols of that region are now in a canopy of vegetation and other impermeable, compacted surfaces. hence, incredible amounts of rain runoff. RTG must reach out to this uniquely bucolic treasure... te-te

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