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Thailand too prosperous to qualify for development donations: EuropeAid


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Well, any country that can afford to borrow trillions for trains, and stockpile millions of tons of rice they purchased at over market prices, really doesn't need to be receiving tax dollars from the European people.

And so many Thais driving around in Ferraris, Porches, and Lambos. These fat cats should be donating publicly to Thai needy organizations that help fellow Thais.

As do you and all other affluent non-Thais in their respective nations, yes?

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Development assistance isn't much good when, like most other budgets designated for such, they just end up in the pockets of corrupt officials. If all the money had been used as intended, Thaland would be a fully developed nation by now, like Taiwan, Sth Korea, or even Japan.

Again of course, you know all about this corruption. Please let us all know the details of how EuropeAid is ending up in the pockets of the officials, and which ones. I'll be waiting with baited breath. And then pass the details onto the NACC, I'm sure they'll be pleased

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Qualify or not I think the EU and other richer nations should stop all aid until there is a marked improvement in stamping out corruption. Why would wealthier nations send money to line corrupt officials pockets? The corrupt nature of this country is embedded all the way through society from top to bottom, it's really shocking to see sometimes.

Thailand's GDP should dictate that people in this country are at the very least doing ok,, but it is not the case because money gets siphoned off everywhere.

Stop all aid right now I say, including existing projects until this is properly recognised and dealt with.

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Well, any country that can afford to borrow trillions for trains, and stockpile millions of tons of rice they purchased at over market prices, really doesn't need to be receiving tax dollars from the European people.

And so many Thais driving around in Ferraris, Porches, and Lambos. These fat cats should be donating publicly to Thai needy organizations that help fellow Thais.

As do you and all other affluent non-Thais in their respective nations, yes?

Everyone on the forum that drove a Lambo, a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce or even a lowly Porsche: Please say "Aye". It's gotten very quiet in here Marlow.

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I know a 2 hill tribe guys. Each has two daughters. None of the girls go to school. Reason; too expensive for new clothes, new books, new backpacks, new shoes - all essentially required to go to school in Thailand. You would think that at least school books could be handed down, but no, this is a society which insists on NEW everything, always RETAIL, all the time.

Impoverished hill tribers are at the very bottom rungs of any kind of hand-outs from Europe or US.

Is it any surprise that most hill tribe girls get sucked in to the flesh trade going on in Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Bkk?

LOTS of students use second hand for ALL of those things. No one insists on new at all, except maybe students themselves. Lots of Hill Tribe people live in remote areas so schooling is difficult, which is why many schools will offer free housing on campus for them. There are other reasons those men aren't sending their daughters to school. I bet if they had sons, they would have found a way...

It's also completely not true that 'most' hill tribe women end up as prostitutes.

You and I have different observations. All I stated in my post is true as I've seen it first hand. Have you actually gone shopping with any kids/families before school opens? I have, often. It's always NEW everything, and always retail. Indeed, you say kids and their families can buy 2nd hand? There are no thrift stores in Thailand. No garage/yard sales. Where do you buy 2nd hand clothes or backpacks? Ok, maybe shoes, if you look hard enough. But for the schools here in northernmmost Thailand, all school books have to be brand new and bought retail.

I've known dozens of young hill tribe women and their families. Akha, Lisu, Lahu, Lao, Karen. To say 'most' get sucked in to the sex trade before their 21st birthday is an understatement. The actual % is probably over 60%.

These shops aren't found in the mall. Go to any open air clothes market and second hand shoe shops are everywhere. I'm not sure about text books but I am sure they have a way.

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Working in a government overseas aid department and using tax payers money, we gave aid to countries in all regions of the globe, where it was needed whether it be disaster or famine, flora, whatever.

The order of the day is to give so it's sustainable, NOT give food and when eaten give more food, give crops, water wells and let them grow.

Finally aid in most cases is given to non government organizations NGOs who then buy or distribute or have a man on sight to organize. No money is given direct to governments especially if they are openly corrupt.

A small % does work it's way back into wrong hands, this you can never stop.

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Well, any country that can afford to borrow trillions for trains, and stockpile millions of tons of rice they purchased at over market prices, really doesn't need to be receiving tax dollars from the European people.

And so many Thais driving around in Ferraris, Porches, and Lambos. These fat cats should be donating publicly to Thai needy organizations that help fellow Thais.

This goes even more, for those Thais who are rich enough, to run private-jets ! wink.png

This goes even more, for those Thais who are unusually rich enough, to run private-jets ! xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.Tg-YB9NPfX.webp

I've added a word to your erudite statement sir. Hope you don't mind thumbsup.gif

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Development assistance isn't much good when, like most other budgets designated for such, they just end up in the pockets of corrupt officials. If all the money had been used as intended, Thaland would be a fully developed nation by now, like Taiwan, Sth Korea, or even Japan.

Again of course, you know all about this corruption. Please let us all know the details of how EuropeAid is ending up in the pockets of the officials, and which ones. I'll be waiting with baited breath. And then pass the details onto the NACC, I'm sure they'll be pleased

I'm sure the NACC would make the same progress its making on the rice scam corruption and all the other cases its earnestly following up.

You believe corruption does not exist in this country and current regime. Well done.

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there are not to many middle class people were i live, issaan is dirt poor and forgotten by the rest of thailand yea bangkok sends money to support the region, but it never seems to end up were intended theirs a surprise! these people have little or no chance of a future, there are many smart kids that could go to university but will never have the chance due to poor parents, so the rice fields will have plenty of workers ,to feed the fat cats in bangkok.

Fortunately you live in the fastest growing area of Thailand. An area supported by the largesse of the Puea Thai Party, with fast improving infrastructure.

All brought to you by P.M. Yingluck and P.M. Thaksin.

What you refer to as Bangkok, is the headquarters of the PTP government and is where all decisions are made. The people of Isaan must be well pleased with their lot in life as they keep supporting the PTP.

The rice fields need plenty of workers to keep up the torrents of rice pouring into huge warehouses for storage and sale at premium prices.

Fear not Thaksin loves you.

Yes Isaan is booming. Problem is, (if it's anything like in where I still have a house), it revolves around building too many condos, too many large projects that all have to be crammed into too little space onto tracts of land all owned by about half a dozen cronie families in the town. The plan is to put nearly 4,500 condo units all within 1 km of the recently completed shopping centre , outdoor market, and extended private hospital. It may as well be pedestrianised as an area.

Where are the new schools? Any though to out of town affordable houses? Any thought to new hospitals? Any new roads? Not yet. The infrastructure up there was groaning 10 years ago. It is going to be decimated by the time this boom will have run it's course. I was out with a well respected bloke from the town, and he wondered if the idea for the development was to actively try to mimic top end Sukhumvit as a model way of life. The funding apparently for most of these condo's and developements is coming from Hongkong through nominee families who spilt the whole thing. It is a Thai Chinese carve up, up there. Once it's done, it can't be undone, and what they are creating is going to ruin the town.

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I was told Thailand has more billionaires than Australia. This country has money for sure and they dont deserve to get aid from Europe or anywhere else because if the elite actually paid taxes, thats social welfare money the people should be getting but they dont because of the type of socieity it is; utterly corrupt and faceless. I wonder if they refer to the donor as "Farang" when the cheque is handed over?

That may very well be true.  I have seen more luxury vehicles on the roads in Thailand than I have ever seen in Australia.

According to sites on the Internet, there are approximately 15 billionaires in Australia, and 10 in Thailand. Considering that Thailand has twice the population, not sure how to interpret that.

Mike Macarelli

Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I can picture it now, the aid money first comes ....where? ....perhaps to a government agency which is purportedly designated mete it out to where its earmarked. The agency heads (all they way up to their top bosses, the Shinawatres) aren't going to skim any for themselves, OH NOooooooo. Neither are the banks where the billions of baht are stored.

Then a portion gets sent down the tubes to pu yai ban of cities / provinces. And of course, those pu yai bans aren't going to skim any off the top. OOH NOooooooo. Banish the thought.

Then, perhaps a modicum gets sent to village level , and of course those Pu Yai Ban, aren't going to........ (ok, you get the picture).

On every bureaucratic level, some money is transferred, as there needs to be AN APPEARANCE of decency in the process. If very lucky, those at the bottom, get the 'trickle down' effect - somewhat like hanging out under the broken drain of a public bathroom.
Edited by boomerangutang
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I was told Thailand has more billionaires than Australia. This country has money for sure and they dont deserve to get aid from Europe or anywhere else because if the elite actually paid taxes, thats social welfare money the people should be getting but they dont because of the type of socieity it is; utterly corrupt and faceless. I wonder if they refer to the donor as "Farang" when the cheque is handed over?

That may very well be true. I have seen more luxury vehicles on the roads in Thailand than I have ever seen in Australia.

According to sites on the Internet, there are approximately 15 billionaires in Australia, and 10 in Thailand. Considering that Thailand has twice the population, not sure how to interpret that.

Mike Macarelli

Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That the money isn't exactly spreading around here? When people harp on about the "middle" class in Thailand, I really would love to know what that means, because, if 50k baht per month as a measure might satisfy it, how many people or families in Thailand earn that?

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Actually Gates and Buffet are very charitble people. Can't speak as to others.

A few years back we visited a Long Neck Village in the Mae Hong Song area. They had thier own school. I'm sure there are poor that can't afford school costs. But I don't think it is universal in Thailand.

6th grade education is common in rural areas.

If you follow Thai news hardly seem thye need money from anybody. But. what you see here is often not what you get.

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Had very pleasant American Peace Corps folks visit the village a few years ago.

They mentioned it was the last year the Peace Corps was going to be operating in Thailand due to the new prosperity here.

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I was told Thailand has more billionaires than Australia. This country has money for sure and they dont deserve to get aid from Europe or anywhere else because if the elite actually paid taxes, thats social welfare money the people should be getting but they dont because of the type of socieity it is; utterly corrupt and faceless. I wonder if they refer to the donor as "Farang" when the cheque is handed over?

That may very well be true. I have seen more luxury vehicles on the roads in Thailand than I have ever seen in Australia.

According to sites on the Internet, there are approximately 15 billionaires in Australia, and 10 in Thailand. Considering that Thailand has twice the population, not sure how to interpret that.

Mike Macarelli

Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That the money isn't exactly spreading around here? When people harp on about the "middle" class in Thailand, I really would love to know what that means, because, if 50k baht per month as a measure might satisfy it, how many people or families in Thailand earn that?

Good point. In countries like Mexico, with an impressive manufacturing base, the middle class seem to get larger every year. Not so here. The wages are so low, that even with a college degree and a significant skill set, the wages are comically low. If one emerges from university, and can only get a job for 15,000 per month, he is not far ahead of the worker with no education at all, who is making 12,000. That is not a middle class. It appears that the power elite here, and the government are deliberately trying to keep the middle class from earning good wages.

Of course the flip side of that is that as wages rise, the cost of everything goes up. There may come a point in time when things get so expensive here most of us will not consider it economically feasible to live here anymore. In countries like Mexico and Costa Rica, things are so expensive now much of the ex-pat community has cleared out. When the cost of a sandwich in the third world is 20 cents less than in New York of LA, what is the point of being there?

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I wonder how many Thais know their Kingdom receives/d assistance (financial) etc. from other nations? Humnnnnn.

Sadly millions of them think that the DL donates money from his own personal wealth. The irony, considering how much he pilfers from the state.

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I bet every last shackle of aid is stuffed into the mattresses of politicians and other corrupt officials. Try telling the average joe that he is now middle class as he scrapes out barely enough to feed himself.

the rich have always <deleted> over the poor always have always will.

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I bet every last shackle of aid is stuffed into the mattresses of politicians and other corrupt officials. Try telling the average joe that he is now middle class as he scrapes out barely enough to feed himself.

the rich have always fuc_ked over the poor always have always will.

im gonna get suspended for that

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Truly amazed that the EU has been so stupid to give aid to a country that in many ways likes to hide it's prosperity. Thailand already benefits from the generosity of donators to the NGO's which are mainly centred in USA and Europe. Having said that the money wasted by the NGO's in paying handsome salaries and benefits to their staff their foreign staff, is a real shame and means well intensioned donations don't get to areas where they are intended or most needed.

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Well, any country that can afford to borrow trillions for trains, and stockpile millions of tons of rice they purchased at over market prices, really doesn't need to be receiving tax dollars from the European people.

And so many Thais driving around in Ferraris, Porches, and Lambos. These fat cats should be donating publicly to Thai needy organizations that help fellow Thais.

As do you and all other affluent non-Thais in their respective nations, yes?

Everyone on the forum that drove a Lambo, a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce or even a lowly Porsche: Please say "Aye". It's gotten very quiet in here Marlow.

Drove or owned? Or drives/owns?

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