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Suthep vows to fight Thaksin regime from the streets


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Just another version of Thaksin bad vote for us, not likely to win to many new supporters, how about getting across a workable impressive manifesto for the next election, one that will address and improve the areas highlighted so often for attention and attract the votes.....coming up with fresh new ideas to harness the power and ability to move Thailand forward

Public not convinced? Not achievable.....Oh well

Thaksin bad.... democrats good..... it is then......

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The violence would only come if those people were legally asked to leave but didn't. There are precedents for this happening.

Would you not agree that having lots of people sitting on steps and offices in civic administrative centers would cause a hindrance to the proper running of those places?

i get your point.

The violence would start when law enforcers get violent because they can't handle a peaceful protest .

Peaceful demonstrators don't have the means to shot army officers. Usually they don't come with AKA47.

I suggest you read the OP again. this is not about the red scum during the 2010 protests, but some future peaceful protests to oust the red scum that is now governing the country.

Nobody was talking about protestors shooting at army officers in this thread.

You are right....I confused it....didn't read it carefully...

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Can remember the Suthep Phuket Land Scam under the leadership of Chuan Lekpai. Suthep has always been the main financier of the Democrat Party that's why he got the Ministry of Communication Portfolio.

He was not convicted because he case was heard in the Southern courts. If the charges against Thaksin would have been in a Northern or Northeast Court they would have been dropped as well.

Let him go to the streets if he likes and if violence pops up let him be treated in the same way he treated the red shirts when he was in charge of security.

Democrats are actually the guys that divide the people's to get the army involved.

Without army they wouldn't win an election any way. They won once under Chuan in the last 30 years. The record speaks for itself.

And why won Chuan that election ?

Answer : because Chavalit, one of Thaksin's good friends, had bankrupt the country and most of the ministers including Thaksin had carried crates of money out of the country

As soon as Chuan had corrected the situation, the majority of the voters wanted back some populist government.

These are the pleasures of having a population from which the majority is uneducated.

Well the point is the money, as they got profit. Think of exchanging your THB a few days before the crash to USD and a few days later back.

You double your money in a couple of days and sure there are even better ways to make cash.

With this money they could buy the election. While Chuan had after his term less money than before as he spend his time working for the country and not enriching himself.

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Suthep, initiator/Grand Inquisitor of the first of many crackdowns on farang businessmen/landholders in the Southern provinces, (oh the irony in that one), (and yes, I know We Cannot Hold Land In The Land Of The Golden Gods), after the idiocy of the 2006 coup.

A plague on both their er, houses.

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Can remember the Suthep Phuket Land Scam under the leadership of Chuan Lekpai. Suthep has always been the main financier of the Democrat Party that's why he got the Ministry of Communication Portfolio.

He was not convicted because he case was heard in the Southern courts. If the charges against Thaksin would have been in a Northern or Northeast Court they would have been dropped as well.

Let him go to the streets if he likes and if violence pops up let him be treated in the same way he treated the red shirts when he was in charge of security.

Democrats are actually the guys that divide the people's to get the army involved.

Without army they wouldn't win an election any way. They won once under Chuan in the last 30 years. The record speaks for itself.

And why won Chuan that election ?

Answer : because Chavalit, one of Thaksin's good friends, had bankrupt the country and most of the ministers including Thaksin had carried crates of money out of the country

As soon as Chuan had corrected the situation, the majority of the voters wanted back some populist government.

These are the pleasures of having a population from which the majority is uneducated.

Well the point is the money, as they got profit. Think of exchanging your THB a few days before the crash to USD and a few days later back.

You double your money in a couple of days and sure there are even better ways to make cash.

With this money they could buy the election. While Chuan had after his term less money than before as he spend his time working for the country and not enriching himself.

I recall reading in the Herald Tribune in 1996 that Chavalit alone spent 3 million US$ on his election campaign .

He was quoted after his election as saying, If I can stay in power for 6 months it will have been all worth it. It took him actually 7 months to get loaded on the back of his voters.

As I said in a previous post, those are the pleasures of having an uneducated population, because they will believe and forgive anyone who gives them a few hundred Baht.

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The violence would only come if those people were legally asked to leave but didn't. There are precedents for this happening.

Would you not agree that having lots of people sitting on steps and offices in civic administrative centers would cause a hindrance to the proper running of those places?

i get your point.

The violence would start when law enforcers get violent because they can't handle a peaceful protest .

Peaceful demonstrators don't have the means to shot army officers. Usually they don't come with AKA47.

I suggest you read the OP again. this is not about the red scum during the 2010 protests, but some future peaceful protests to oust the red scum that is now governing the country.

Nobody was talking about protestors shooting at army officers in this thread.

Those peaceful protestors left behind one helluva arsenal at the airport when the eventually left. Oh, and a corpse, too, btw.

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Suthep, initiator/Grand Inquisitor of the first of many crackdowns on farang businessmen/landholders in the Southern provinces, (oh the irony in that one), (and yes, I know We Cannot Hold Land In The Land Of The Golden Gods), after the idiocy of the 2006 coup.

A plague on both their er, houses.

You could not hold land BEFORE the 2006 coup as well.

Edited by h90
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Those peaceful protestors left behind one helluva arsenal at the airport when the eventually left. Oh, and a corpse, too, btw.

You mean the PAD at the airport....I never read any report of weapons.

And the corps was a yellow shirt killed by unknown.

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I recall reading in the Herald Tribune in 1996 that Chavalit alone spent 3 million US$ on his election campaign .

He was quoted after his election as saying, If I can stay in power for 6 months it will have been all worth it. It took him actually 7 months to get loaded on the back of his voters.

As I said in a previous post, those are the pleasures of having an uneducated population, because they will believe and forgive anyone who gives them a few hundred Baht.

At least he is honest....

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Excellent news, time for the people to turn against this rubber stamp government- by the way, is it true they're going to increase VAT to 10%?

May all those who believe in the rule of law turn out to oppose this blatant whitewash of corruption and violence.

Suthep is not a saint, but then neither was Winston Churchill nor Sonthi Limtongkun.

In times of a crisis like this the brave must stand against injustice, whatever the personal cost.

No politician is a saint, but that's not really the point.The comparison you make of Suthep, Sondhi and Winston Churchill (WSC) is a little bizarre.

Nevertheless WSC said that he would make a pact with the devil himself to defeat Hitler - perhaps this is what you were thinking of.Unfortunately those who make pacts with the devil have a tendency to end up inside the devil's maw.Seriously I still however think that such a campaign would be more effective if led by someone of genuine moral stature.

Anyway I don't think in principle there is anything too untoward about what Suthep proposes though he is very vague about tactics and strategy - and even ultimate objectives.There are laws to deal with the situation if protests get out of control and in a free society demonstrations are allowed.

But the question remains.What happens if the government does fall? What then?

Another question.Can Thai opinion be mobilised by this kind of action to make a Democrat election victory more likely? Or will it have the opposite effect? The sheer stupidity and myopia of the old elites, epitomised by this old crook, make it more likely a Thai style Chavez will emerge.

Wouldn't it be easier and more effective to re-energise the Democrat Party, detoxify its tainted leadership - and then campaign in parliament and the country (in the streets if needs be) to convince the Thai people there's another way.

Edited by jayboy
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Excellent news, time for the people to turn against this rubber stamp government- by the way, is it true they're going to increase VAT to 10%?

May all those who believe in the rule of law turn out to oppose this blatant whitewash of corruption and violence.

Suthep is not a saint, but then neither was Winston Churchill nor Sonthi Limtongkun.

In times of a crisis like this the brave must stand against injustice, whatever the personal cost.

No politician is a saint, but that's not really the point.The comparison you make of Suthep, Sondhi and Winston Churchill (WSC) is a little bizarre.

Nevertheless WSC said that he would make a pact with the devil himself to defeat Hitler - perhaps this is what you were thinking of.Unfortunately those who make pacts with the devil have a tendency to end up inside the devil's maw.Seriously I still however think that such a campaign would be more effective if led by someone of genuine moral stature.

Anyway I don't think in principle there is anything too untoward about what Suthep proposes though he is very vague about tactics and strategy - and even ultimate objectives.There are laws to deal with the situation if protests get out of control and in a free society demonstrations are allowed.

But the question remains.What happens if the government does fall? What then?

Another question.Can Thai opinion be mobilised by this kind of action to make a Democrat election victory more likely? Or will it have the opposite effect? The sheer stupidity and myopia of the old elites, epitomised by this old crook, make it more likely a Thai style Chavez will emerge.

Wouldn't it be easier and more effective to re-energise the Democrat Party, detoxify its tainted leadership - and then campaign in parliament and the country (in the streets if needs be) to convince the Thai people there's another way.

Many different points...to compare with Winston Churchill is not a good idea. A war criminal who saved Europe from an even worse criminal. Luckily we are not in that situation in Thailand.

You rise a good question: What are the ultimate objectives?

Having new elections?

Having a coup?

Having a people revolution that is just impossible and if it would work it would end in something complete random.

or something complete different?

And how to mobilize people if you don't tell what it is about?

For democratic elections Thailand must get rid of vote buying first and I can't see that the Democrats did anything to reduce it when they could.

For me it seems the Democrats don't have anyone better than Abhisit. Sure they are the better option in compare with Thaksin, but to be not as bad as Thaksin is not really the big motivation.

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As far as not having an alternative to Thaksin goes, he wasn't asked that so we don't know. He is right to focus on getting rid or the potential dictator and his corrupt clan out of power in Thailand. That is a start. It doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of PTP.

Both major parties have quite a few capable politicians and IMO PTP could run the country if free from the clan's influence. Kick out the incompetent lick-<deleted> like Kittirat, Plodprasop, Chalerm (probably out anyway), and a few whose names I can't remember - Justice, Commerce, Interior ministers. It's possible that the Dems could join the government under those circumstances.

Yes, Suthep is no angel but Thaksin won't be stopped by angels.

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So he says they won't act like red shirts but then openly calls for the seizure of town halls the length and breadth of the country. Are peaceful demonstrators both able and allowed to do that?

He's already started on a war footing with that announcement. the unknown factor is how much support he'll get nationwide. If yellow-associated anti-gov demos of recent months have been anything to go by, he might get away with occupying a few car parks and maybe a restaurant or two.

I think he's talking about a lack of violence but it could get difficult if the police come and try to force people to leave. It's certainly different from burning down town halls.

He's not a man I can say I like from what I know of him but reading this has improved his image for me.

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Excellent news, time for the people to turn against this rubber stamp government- by the way, is it true they're going to increase VAT to 10%?

May all those who believe in the rule of law turn out to oppose this blatant whitewash of corruption and violence.

Suthep is not a saint, but then neither was Winston Churchill nor Sonthi Limtongkun.

In times of a crisis like this the brave must stand against injustice, whatever the personal cost.

No politician is a saint, but that's not really the point.The comparison you make of Suthep, Sondhi and Winston Churchill (WSC) is a little bizarre.

Nevertheless WSC said that he would make a pact with the devil himself to defeat Hitler - perhaps this is what you were thinking of.Unfortunately those who make pacts with the devil have a tendency to end up inside the devil's maw.Seriously I still however think that such a campaign would be more effective if led by someone of genuine moral stature.

Anyway I don't think in principle there is anything too untoward about what Suthep proposes though he is very vague about tactics and strategy - and even ultimate objectives.There are laws to deal with the situation if protests get out of control and in a free society demonstrations are allowed.

But the question remains.What happens if the government does fall? What then?

Another question.Can Thai opinion be mobilised by this kind of action to make a Democrat election victory more likely? Or will it have the opposite effect? The sheer stupidity and myopia of the old elites, epitomised by this old crook, make it more likely a Thai style Chavez will emerge.

Wouldn't it be easier and more effective to re-energise the Democrat Party, detoxify its tainted leadership - and then campaign in parliament and the country (in the streets if needs be) to convince the Thai people there's another way.

Anyway I don't think in principle there is anything too untoward about what Suthep proposes though he is very vague about tactics and strategy - and even ultimate objectives.There are laws to deal with the situation if protests get out of control and in a free society demonstrations are allowed.

Unusually I agree with much of what you say and in particular the above.

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Suthep: Boss of Abhisit, crooked and corrupted businessman and responsible for setting up life firing zones in Bangkok. Quite a man. There is one problem, he can't order extrajudicial killings anymore, will not be allowed to murder people on temple grounds and I eat my shoes if the military are that stupid again that they will organise another putsch.

The democrats will never win elections so Suthep's strategy is clear. Create chaos and hope that there is a coup.

There is one problem, he can't order extrajudicial killings anymore, will not be allowed to murder people on temple grounds

Actually there's another problem. From all the evidence I've seen so far neither of these two points are true. There was a state of emergency so any killings that were carried out whilst under the ROE would not be extra judicial. All of the enquiries and inquests so far have shown military personnel shooting people under circumstances not approved under the ROE. The murderers are therefore likely to be the soldiers. As far as I know the DSI has said no action will be taken against the military.

BTW I don't think he was Abhisit's boss either.

Edited by kimamey
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Stupid old fool.

Every post from you just enforces my very low opinion of Thaksin/PTP/redshirt terrorist supporters. And trolls and people who post under multiple names. Not really a contributor to the topic, just getting your post count higher.

I hope Suthep at least has the ability to open the eyes of the people of Thailand and expose Thaksin and his gang of lying crooks and paid thugs. The nation as a whole deserves better than this rubbish that is currently dished up to them.

And I hope he can do it without having to resort to redshirt style violence, or by having to bribe the population. whistling.gif

That old troll argument again. My post content is available for all to see on my profile page. You will see that this three word post , although apt and to the point is unusual amongst my normal output.

You can learn two things today, well three.

One: people who either have a different opinion to you or argue against your point of view are not trolls. It's the way debate works, if we all had the same opinion there would be nothing to discuss.

Two: Attack the post, not the poster. If you have a counter argument use it, it's the way debate works.

Three: Don't accuse me of anything that you can't back up.

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Stupid old fool.

Every post from you just enforces my very low opinion of Thaksin/PTP/redshirt terrorist supporters. And trolls and people who post under multiple names. Not really a contributor to the topic, just getting your post count higher.

I hope Suthep at least has the ability to open the eyes of the people of Thailand and expose Thaksin and his gang of lying crooks and paid thugs. The nation as a whole deserves better than this rubbish that is currently dished up to them.

And I hope he can do it without having to resort to redshirt style violence, or by having to bribe the population. whistling.gif

No he just bribes the locals in Surat Thani.

What has Suthep got to offer the people of thailand?

All we hear are threats to banish the Prime minister etc etc, create chaos, drive away again the tourists.

Bullyboy tactics is all he offers

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Stupid old fool.

Every post from you just enforces my very low opinion of Thaksin/PTP/redshirt terrorist supporters. And trolls and people who post under multiple names. Not really a contributor to the topic, just getting your post count higher.

I hope Suthep at least has the ability to open the eyes of the people of Thailand and expose Thaksin and his gang of lying crooks and paid thugs. The nation as a whole deserves better than this rubbish that is currently dished up to them.

And I hope he can do it without having to resort to redshirt style violence, or by having to bribe the population. whistling.gif

No he just bribes the locals in Surat Thani.

What has Suthep got to offer the people of thailand?

All we hear are threats to banish the Prime minister etc etc, create chaos, drive away again the tourists.

Bullyboy tactics is all he offers

Maybe he does bribe the locals but I doubt if he needs to. I suppose bribing the locals in Issan is OK with you.

Suthep offers the people of Thailand freedom from a dictatorial criminal who has pocketed billions of their money. Suthep is not clean but is not a danger to the country's future.

Create chaos? Nowhere near what DL has created & even further from the numbers that have been killed. I don't know what tourists he is supposed to have driven away - not many if TAT figures are to be believed.

As for 'bullyboy tactics' - just ridiculous. The real bullyboy is obvious to those with any commonsense.

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Stupid old fool.

Every post from you just enforces my very low opinion of Thaksin/PTP/redshirt terrorist supporters. And trolls and people who post under multiple names. Not really a contributor to the topic, just getting your post count higher.

I hope Suthep at least has the ability to open the eyes of the people of Thailand and expose Thaksin and his gang of lying crooks and paid thugs. The nation as a whole deserves better than this rubbish that is currently dished up to them.

And I hope he can do it without having to resort to redshirt style violence, or by having to bribe the population. whistling.gif

No he just bribes the locals in Surat Thani.

What has Suthep got to offer the people of thailand?

All we hear are threats to banish the Prime minister etc etc, create chaos, drive away again the tourists.

Bullyboy tactics is all he offers

Maybe he does bribe the locals but I doubt if he needs to. I suppose bribing the locals in Issan is OK with you.

Suthep offers the people of Thailand freedom from a dictatorial criminal who has pocketed billions of their money. Suthep is not clean but is not a danger to the country's future.

Create chaos? Nowhere near what DL has created & even further from the numbers that have been killed. I don't know what tourists he is supposed to have driven away - not many if TAT figures are to be believed.

As for 'bullyboy tactics' - just ridiculous. The real bullyboy is obvious to those with any commonsense.

Yes he offers them the wonderful opportunity to return to decades of servitude to the elite.

If these pesky underclass could just get back in their position and we could get rid of TS and his clan then status quo can be restored- next time we will keep our noses out of the trough sufficiently to see a TS type problem coming along. No doubt they will probably reduce the minimum wage again so they don't have to fork out 300 baht a day for their issan house slaves. (Not that they would even pay them that anyway).

Was it not just the other day that there were a number or reports both local and international about slavery etc in Surathani province. Should Suthep the great hope for freedom of the Thai person not clean his own back yard first?

I would be all for getting rid of TS and his clan and happy for the Democrats to be back in power if i was confident they would actually change things. But they have shown repeatedly that despite the rhetoric they to do nothing about corruption etc when in power. Actually they do nothing really about anything- which is why big business vote PTP.

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