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Tak Bai incident 'used to incite violence'


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I still think that people are overreacting to this. Just like Khun TS's War on Drugs and its supposed human rights abuses. I find in Thailand that people GENERALLY get what they deserve. Forming a 1500+ crowd outside a police station demanding that suspects who participated in an armed revolt (violent assault and theft from an army base in Narathiwat) be freed, amounts to insurrection against the state. Any person with peaceful intentions would have headed in the other direction, since doing so is asking for a crackdown.

I have no sympathy for these people, and think the terrorist response to the supposed injustices just goes to show that the southern insurgents are not the innocent farmer-freedom-fighters some make them out to be. The proper response would be through legal channels rather than blowing up or beheading innocent people. Where are the protests against the terrorists?

I find it difficult to understand your comment of "supposed human rights abuses" during Thaksin's "War on Drugs" that resulted in the extrajudicial killings of more than 2300 people. As a bit of detail you may remember the 17 year old youth who was tortured and then hanged by three (?) RTP who were eventually convicted for murder. As per usual on appeal of their death/prison for life sentences were released on bail on appeal and have since disappeared.

From the Thai official report, URL below, on the Tak Bai incident the six held were arrested on suspicion of supplying arms to the insurgents. Rocks etc were thrown by some in the crowd and tried to enter the police station. The security forces responded and killed six at the scene and we know the ultimate outcome for some of those arrested.


Sure protesters should have gone through legal channels, but what would you do knowing of the use of torture on detainees. As you know one of the main lawyers, who represented Thai Muslim detainees alleging torture by Thai security agencies, was "disappeared".

From a number of reports the vast majority of the local Thai Muslims do not condone the killings, some of whom are murdered on a regular basis for informing on the insurgents. A few months ago a highly respected local Imam was murdered for speaking out against the violence and supporting the peace dialogue.

The despicable acts of targeted revenge killings of monks & other civilians can never be justified.

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BANGKOK: -- ILL-INTENTIONED people should stop citing the Tak Bai incident to instigate violence in the strife-torn South, spokesman for the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc) Region 4, Colonel Pramote Phrom-in, said yesterday.

"Nine years have passed and local residents want to put the incident behind," he said in reference to the botched transport of protesters that killed some 85 of them in Narathiwat's Tak Bai.

The worthy Colonel Pramote Phrom in might do well to remember how the Israelis pursued the perpetrators of crimes and the punishment administered to those criminals too. the pursuit time was a darn sight longer that 9 years too.

Time may well come, I hope when we see the person who ordered that massacre in the dock.as opposed to living in another country or countries as a convicted bail jumping felon.

Yet one more reason that the aforementioned is afraid to actually return to Thailand due to fear of summary justice meted out by an aggrieved person or persons.

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Keep going Thaddeus - forget the political bullshit - so those responsible were identified - what was the reason given that they did not face charges

Read the article I posted, you're an intelligent guy, form your own conclusions.

(I can't copy and paste some of the more relevant parts as it mentions some things that can't be mentioned)

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what happened 9 years ago

What has 9 years ago got to do with anything? Would you support the cessation of the ceremony to be held at the Cenotaph in London in two weeks time? How about flattening Auschwitz and/or Dachau? Tak Bai, if it isn't already so, should be a shrine for the oppressed Southerners.

Thailand would do well to remember that independence for Southern Ireland, now Eire, has brought benefits to both sides of the conflict. Strange that many of all those suppressed Paddies now want to live in the UK. The obvious solution, although not at all obvious or acceptable to the BKK cliques, is self government for the South.

Tak Bai has become a shrine and certainly up to a few years ago bus trip were a common tour agenda, especially for Muslims

The issues in the south and those which besseted the Irish are in no way comparable with the issue of the Southern provinces. Not sure of how long you have been here or involved in Thai history, however, self governance is neither a practical,acceptable nor feasible solution to either side.

The current Government has both blood and rank incompetence on it's hands and would prefer to downplay this situation in the gravest manner. Acts of random terrorism are conducted on an almost daily basis and thousands have died most violent deaths , however there are no terrorist in Thailand according to the current Government and media, only a few "insurgents". Terrorism or the mere suggestion of a potential civil war would play havoc with the tourist potential.

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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

A bit like Abhisit gave the orders but did not fire the gun..Thaksin gave the order but did not throw them in the truck. Totally abuse of army power with an agenda supplied by those who really run this country.

Maybe Abhisit has the same paymaster as the army and it would appear Khun Thaksin now has the army where he wants them

If one gets a clean slate and the other does not there is a great term the red shirts used during 2010 ... double standards

but you add the criminal conviction ... fleeing the country ... the war on drugs deaths and it is pretty easy to see the Thaksin is not deserving of a clean slate .... but money talks ... and thaksin walks

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what happened 9 years ago

What has 9 years ago got to do with anything? Would you support the cessation of the ceremony to be held at the Cenotaph in London in two weeks time? How about flattening Auschwitz and/or Dachau? Tak Bai, if it isn't already so, should be a shrine for the oppressed Southerners.

Thailand would do well to remember that independence for Southern Ireland, now Eire, has brought benefits to both sides of the conflict. Strange that many of all those suppressed Paddies now want to live in the UK. The obvious solution, although not at all obvious or acceptable to the BKK cliques, is self government for the South.

Tak Bai has become a shrine and certainly up to a few years ago bus trip were a common tour agenda, especially for Muslims

The issues in the south and those which besseted the Irish are in no way comparable with the issue of the Southern provinces. Not sure of how long you have been here or involved in Thai history, however, self governance is neither a practical,acceptable nor feasible solution to either side.

The current Government has both blood and rank incompetence on it's hands and would prefer to downplay this situation in the gravest manner. Acts of random terrorism are conducted on an almost daily basis and thousands have died most violent deaths , however there are no terrorist in Thailand according to the current Government and media, only a few "insurgents". Terrorism or the mere suggestion of a potential civil war would play havoc with the tourist potential.

Did not Yingluck propose some form of autonomy for the deep South provinces that was opposed by the military on the grounds of the nationlist slogan of "Nation, Religion, King". There has been debates on a form of self goverence along the lines of Pattaya & Bangkok. It seems that as the conflict progresses the new generation of the insurgency groups are being more radicalised & not inclined to negotiate, but prefer to demand.

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