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What in "this world" did I see?


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Last night around 1 in the morning I got up to get a drink of water. As I was going back to bed, I saw a bright light in the sky moving rather slowly. I figured it was a shooting star and the slowness was do to the angle. Then sure enough it made a dive to earth. So I look to see if there were going to be more, when I noticed the light that I saw was sitting on the ground about 30m from me. If that was the distant, the the light I saw was about 1 inch in diameter. Now I was thinking it was some firework. It sat on the ground for about a minute then raised slowly up to about 20m, then moved rather quickly horizontally out of my sight.

Do they have very large firefly here? My wife said she has never seen anything like that--- and you can guess what the villagers say it was.

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May have been a flying trilobite beetle, same family as the firefly.

I will look that up. As for the mating fireflys Bigger than that, not green light but bright white. As for the other replies--not much different the the ghosts the villagers said it was. The funny part about that is yesterday was some kind of Buddhist holiday where the ghosts come out to eat. The problem being the

"door" closes at midnight. Maybe ate and drank too much and fell asleep.

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Get yourself a better supplier. Too much crap in your mix

I remember the first time I saw one of those fireflies that glow like green neon I was indulging in a rare " smoke" with a friend on my back porch of an evening and thought " This is some decent shit" biggrin.png

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Well, I hoped I could give the village a little farang wisdom, but it looks like their answer is as good as any other. This ghost is one that only gets to eat "dirty things" because they never brought food for merit in their lifetime. I now have met two villagers that claim to have seen this in the past. Anyway-- I still think its a large insect of some kind.

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