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Commerce minister says China still wants to trade Thai rice for Chinese trains


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Commerce minister says China still wants to trade Thai rice for Chinese trains


BANGKOK, 29 Oct 2013 (NNT) – Minister of Commerce Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisan asserted on Monday the Chinese government remained interested in exchanging Chinese high-speed trains for Thai rice.

Mr. Niwatthamrong last week attended a roadshow of the ASEAN region held in China, and had the opportunity to confer with Chinese representatives about the purchase of Thai produce.

He said on Monday that China would send a team to discuss the matter with Thailandin November,and representatives of both countries will again discuss the topic through their joint economic and investment collaboration committee, which should yield conclusions at the policy level.

Thailand will probably achieve the 1.2 million tons of rice sale to China by early November. The pricing would, however, be based on the Ex Warehouse method, meaning the price would be lower than that in the FOB market. China will have the opportunity to inspect the quality of the produce before the country accepts the goods,Mr. Niwatthamrong said.

-- NNT 2013-10-29 footer_n.gif

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"Minister of Commerce Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisan asserted on Monday the Chinese government remained interested in exchanging Chinese high-speed trains for Thai rice."

Actually, I remain interested in having a night with Ronaldo's girlfriend.

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Khun Niwattharong.

Show us the contract signed with the Chinese!!

Reveal the price paid!!

Until then, it is just more air.coffee1.gif

One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me...

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"Minister of Commerce Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisan asserted on Monday the Chinese government remained interested in exchanging Chinese high-speed trains for Thai rice."

Actually, I remain interested in having a night with Ronaldo's girlfriend.

Indeed. I'm encouraged.....

I think I shall pop down to the Maserati showroom on Vipavhadi and ask if I can exchnage a few bags of rice for one of their nice shiny cars

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There's pressure from the Chinese on visa waivers, but not sure if that's related.

Anyone heard from the Chinese about this? Any statements whatsoever in support of this? Or are the Thai's just making shit up once again?

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Sounds like cheap rice for cheap trains then.

Gotta hand it to those Chinese when it comes to cutting themselves a deal.

They probably have a big warehouse full of old trains which were never finished properly or failed the QC test, or are slightly damaged in use over the years.

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Sounds like cheap rice for cheap trains then.

Gotta hand it to those Chinese when it comes to cutting themselves a deal.

They probably have a big warehouse full of old trains which were never finished properly or failed the QC test, or are slightly damaged in use over the years.

Well, you know that sounds about right.

Thailand has big warehouses full of old rice which was never stored properly or failed the QC test or is slightly beyond its "best before date".

Great deal..trains for grains.

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Thai rice for Chinese trains.

Well at last I am totally confused.

Who is going to cheat who on this deal?

It's called creative accounting. If they sell the rice at loss on the open market the Government gets the blame. Instead they will add the extra cost of the rice over and above market price, in to the contract price of the Chinese trains. As far as the public will be aware, the government will have got full purchase price for the rice, and a big pat on the back. In fact they will be taking a loss, but hidden in the extra cost of the Chinese trains contract price, so the public will be none the wiser.

This is not a new idea, General Chavalit was negotiating an airport maintenance contract with us for the Thai Airforce. We were eating a Thai desert of sticky rice, when he had the idea that we should take sticky rice,instead of cash,as the Government was short of cash after the 1997 Asian crisis.

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He said on Monday that China would send a team to discuss the matter with Thailandin November,and representatives of both countries will again discuss the topic through their joint economic and investment collaboration committee, which should yield conclusions at the policy level.

Thailand will probably achieve the 1.2 million tons of rice sale to China by early November.

But, but a few weeks it was a done deal, and now it is more discussing and PROBABLY achieving a deal in November.

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