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Marriage Visa Extension Denied - Even Tough I Met All Requirements

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My old chum went for his annual extension at Phibun, which he has done several times, all the correct paperwork. The guy this time asked for his divorce certificate from his last marriage w00t.gif , he said , why, I could not have got married again without one could I. rolleyes.gif He had to drive home and try and find it then return the next day. sad.png

Same here for first time last year (she got divorced in 1988 ). Asked same question to the lady that wanted it. She said she understood but it was the boss that wanted it.

This year had copies but but didn't put them in the stack of paperwork with application. But they asked again so pulled them out and handed them over.

Things like this are not same as going against what is written in the police order.

Edited by ubonjoe
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I also once had a run-in with an Immigration Officer in Udon Thani, at the then-satellite office below Aek Udon International Hospital.

When renewing my marriage extension for the third or fourth time, the officer unilaterally decided to change my extension category to "Retirement." At the time, I wanted to leave my options open regarding one day applying for PR, so I questioned the officer about the change; he dismissed me & called the next person in line. As I got to the door, I turned around & said, "Sir, I really want to stay with the marriage extension." He then raised his voice & angrily responded, "what's the problem"?

Not wanting to lose my new extension, I quietly said, "no problem," & left.

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A week or so prior to every year's extension (based upon marriage) I go to the immigration office (Chiang Mai) and ask for a copy of the list of required documents, which they keep in a drawer near the center at the information counter, return home and create two copies of the documents in the order on the list. On the day I appear for the extension I present the two stacks to the officer along with the immigration list printout on top. Never had a problem, but with that said, one never knows in this country what will happen the next time around.

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My old chum went for his annual extension at Phibun, which he has done several times, all the correct paperwork. The guy this time asked for his divorce certificate from his last marriage w00t.gif , he said , why, I could not have got married again without one could I. rolleyes.gif He had to drive home and try and find it then return the next day. sad.png

Same here for first time last year (she got divorced in 1988 ). Asked same question to the lady that wanted it. She said she understood but it was the boss that wanted it.

This year had copies but but didn't put them in the stack of paperwork with application. But they asked again so pulled them out and handed them over.

Things like this are not same as going against what is written in the police order.

And I thought an up to date Kor Ror 2, signed and dated by your amphur boss, was the absolute proof of anything related to marriage. Why on earth don't they just ask for that instead of stacking up mountains of paper that is totally unnecessary.

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You have been in Thailand for some time and yet you dont know that Thais will never admit any mistake and never say sorry like in other civilized places so it is pretty much useless to argue with them-they will just do as they did with you-keep bringing up non-sense arguements until you pay them or go away-OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVE TO DO the 400,000 and finish it-that shouldnt be very difficult-you can always borrow the money if you are short and take it oput later.

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Possibly not the best course of action, but if you are refused again, you may have to make an appeal. As someone mentioned, record the exchange as evidence.

To an extreme, in 'theory', you can actually take the officer to court for 'improperly doing his job' which to the law could result in him being fined and or jail time. but that's if you can find a lawyer who would help you do this and you are really wanting to tangle with them in this way.

A friend of mine was considering the same thing to counter some charges against him in Phuket, but the lawyer also suggested not sticking around on the island whilst waiting for the proceedings!

It does sound like what other people have said, the guy was confused and got flustered when he realised that you where right (and therefore he was wrong) And we all know Thais don't like admitting they're wrong ;-)

Try again, record it, and if it fails speak to a lawyer. Just remember, always stay calm!

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It of course hurts to be refused, especially when it is based on a mistake or misunderstanding.

But I would go the easy way. All that appealing stuff and hiring lawyers will make sure, that you stay in a bad mood for months.

So why don't you just top up that accont to 400'000 and go again?

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Sympathise with your situation, had a similar experience earlier this year and ended up having to obtain a 90 day visa from Vientiane then re-apply at the same office with the same paperwork to the same officer.

Second time paperwork was accepted. Why not try that route?

How can he try that route-----he has no passportsad.png

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Sympathise with your situation, had a similar experience earlier this year and ended up having to obtain a 90 day visa from Vientiane then re-apply at the same office with the same paperwork to the same officer.

Second time paperwork was accepted. Why not try that route?

How can he try that route-----he has no passportsad.png

The passport was returned after being forced coerced to sign a document.

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My old chum went for his annual extension at Phibun, which he has done several times, all the correct paperwork. The guy this time asked for his divorce certificate from his last marriage Posted Image , he said , why, I could not have got married again without one could I. Posted Image He had to drive home and try and find it then return the next day. Posted Image

Same here for first time last year (she got divorced in 1988 ). Asked same question to the lady that wanted it. She said she understood but it was the boss that wanted it.

This year had copies but but didn't put them in the stack of paperwork with application. But they asked again so pulled them out and handed them over.

Things like this are not same as going against what is written in the police order.



And I thought an up to date Kor Ror 2, signed and dated by your amphur boss, was the absolute proof of anything related to marriage. Why on earth don't they just ask for that instead of stacking up mountains of paper that is totally unnecessary.


We had brand new Kor Ror 2 that the wife had just got from the Amphoe in Phibun because last year was first time they asked for it.

And one just a few days old this year.

What about the offices asking for a copy of the Affirmation of Permit to Marry that you needed to get married?

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It looks to me like your are a victim of what I call "information overload", ie you gave the immigration officer far too much information, too many documents, which at first glance made him think that you were applying on the basis of money in the bank and subsequently he refused to acknowledge his error.

For an extension of stay with income as proof of financials, nothing but the embassy letter should be proffered and only if the officer asks for supporting documents confirming this income should these documents be given.

Remittances to your Thai bank account are money coming into Thailand but they are not evidence of income. If such evidence is required it will, in your case, have to be a letter from the trust attesting, certifying or confirming the payments being made to you.

A bank book is not required for an extension based on income. However, sometimes an immigration officer may want to see that you are actually spending some money from your own pocket and in such case a bank book showing some money being credited and withdrawn is one way of proving it and should be sufficient to allay his possible suspicion that you might be working illegally in Thailand.

You are now in a difficult situation because the immigration officer coerced you to sign a statement that you would now do the extension with 400k in the bank.

In my case, I got first extension from Samut Prakarn. For following extension, I headed straight to Laksi @ head office.

Everything was proper in my case including 400k deposit and indeed I have a 3 years old baby.

She refused my extension of stay as she said you can't avail this facility here in HEAD OFFICE as your previous extension of stay was from Samut Praka.

We don't have an authority to extend this stay and only Samut Prakarn will do it.

This was very funny as I know head office is fully authorized to do any legal formality.

She than give me very HUMBLE and NOBLE advise to pay 13k for hassle free visa and extension service from them forever provided keep inflation in mind @ 10-15% annually.

Sorry to hear this....but yours and others posts here read like a "joke country" when it comes to immigration.

Edited by elzach
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I am very sorry to read this, it is indeed shocking.

Just a thought, would not have been better to let him keep your passport and go straight to your embassy and explain everything and let them deal with it?

Best of luck to you

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Sorry for the lack of knowlege on my part, concerning your problem. The only thing I was told by my fellow Americans, is that I would only need to get a Statement of Income from the US Embassy stating that I make (80,000) per month. This would be for a retirement visa. I choose not to have a Bank Account here. Yes, I do have supporting evidence (retired military). However, I was told I only need the Statement of Income. I am not sure this is the same for all countries. Am I right...or am I wrong?

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Maybe u could try going to a school. They do visa for student 1 year. Just attend the class as u like. No attendance % required.

seems I read they are shutting down many of those avenues.

The worst that can happen to the OP is that you may have to venture outside the country to get a double entry visa twice a year(laos)...and perhaps break that up with a few months out of the country, just to avoid excessive back to back visas. For me, it works out fantastic, as I spend a few weeks in the Philippines twice a year anyways. Cost a bit more, but as I said, I enjoy the trips, and would leave Thailand often anyways. Best part of having a Philippine Immigration card is that I only paid 50 dollars and it was good for years. However, on that end, there is a paper drill and Exit Clearances which add up. I ripped my Philippine Immigration card up and entered as a tourist last time. Now I pay only airport departure fees...lol.

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OP is trying to obey the law, do the right thing but they keep moving the goal posts on him. They do this- well, because they can!

A buddy of mine living in Pattaya stopped applying for a extensions of stay based on marriage. Every year Immigration wanted photos of him with his family sitting on their house on their couch; in the front yard; at the front door...He would apply for his extension, then have to wait one month for a "review." Every year, more photos, same pose, thicker application file...

Finally he said screw it and lives here now on a one year multi entry o visa.

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Sorry for the lack of knowlege on my part, concerning your problem. The only thing I was told by my fellow Americans, is that I would only need to get a Statement of Income from the US Embassy stating that I make (80,000) per month. This would be for a retirement visa. I choose not to have a Bank Account here. Yes, I do have supporting evidence (retired military). However, I was told I only need the Statement of Income. I am not sure this is the same for all countries. Am I right...or am I wrong?

The minimum income for an extension of stay (not a visa) for retirement is 65k baht; You do a income affidavit at the embassy to prove it.

Some offices (Phuket now) have been known to ask for back up proof for the income affidavit (or letter for some). A bank book is often used for this that shows some money coming into the country.

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Guys the original poster is wrong here. You can not and never have been able to apply for an extension of stay based upon supporting a thai wife with the 40k a month option without a job in Thailand. All the supporting documents require documents from a thai company including a copy of your work permit, the shareholders list, and documents from the revenue department showing the most recent tax payments over a three month period.

Information overload, the officer not knowing what he/she is doing, etc are absolutely not the case here. I am quite surprised that everyone who has posted up to this point in this thread hasn't already called the original poster out on this yet.

Never mind, seems legit afterall

Edited by andrewfenn
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My old chum went for his annual extension at Phibun, which he has done several times, all the correct paperwork. The guy this time asked for his divorce certificate from his last marriage w00t.gif , he said , why, I could not have got married again without one could I. rolleyes.gif He had to drive home and try and find it then return the next day. sad.png

Same here for first time last year (she got divorced in 1988 ). Asked same question to the lady that wanted it. She said she understood but it was the boss that wanted it.

This year had copies but but didn't put them in the stack of paperwork with application. But they asked again so pulled them out and handed them over.

Things like this are not same as going against what is written in the police order.

And I thought an up to date Kor Ror 2, signed and dated by your amphur boss, was the absolute proof of anything related to marriage. Why on earth don't they just ask for that instead of stacking up mountains of paper that is totally unnecessary.

Another case of TiT.

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Guys the original poster is wrong here. You can not and never have been able to apply for an extension of stay based upon supporting a thai wife with the 40k a month option without a job in Thailand. All the supporting documents require documents from a thai company including a copy of your work permit, the shareholders list, and documents from the revenue department showing the most recent tax payments over a three month period.

Information overload, the officer not knowing what he/she is doing, etc are absolutely not the case here. I am quite surprised that everyone who has posted up to this point in this thread hasn't already called the original poster out on this yet.

You are incorrect.

Money can be from abroad, in that case your income must be affirmed with letter from your embassy.

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Guys the original poster is wrong here. You can not and never have been able to apply for an extension of stay based upon supporting a thai wife with the 40k a month option without a job in Thailand. All the supporting documents require documents from a thai company including a copy of your work permit, the shareholders list, and documents from the revenue department showing the most recent tax payments over a three month period.

Information overload, the officer not knowing what he/she is doing, etc are absolutely not the case here. I am quite surprised that everyone who has posted up to this point in this thread hasn't already called the original poster out on this yet.

Nonsense !

If you do not know ask a question or refrain from posting !

I have no idea what you're trying to say but the support documents are clearly labeled. If you don't believe me then you can either look them up on thaivisa, the immigration website or call them directly. The 40K a month is requires a number of documents you can only get from a job in thailand.

Edited by Mario2008
Warning: this information is incorrect
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Guys the original poster is wrong here. You can not and never have been able to apply for an extension of stay based upon supporting a thai wife with the 40k a month option without a job in Thailand. All the supporting documents require documents from a thai company including a copy of your work permit, the shareholders list, and documents from the revenue department showing the most recent tax payments over a three month period.


Information overload, the officer not knowing what he/she is doing, etc are absolutely not the case here. I am quite surprised that everyone who has posted up to this point in this thread hasn't already called the original poster out on this yet.



Nonsense !


 If you do not know ask a question or refrain from posting !

Then how have I been able to get 6 consecutive extensions based upon marriage with only an income document from embassy.
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Guys the original poster is wrong here. You can not and never have been able to apply for an extension of stay based upon supporting a thai wife with the 40k a month option without a job in Thailand. All the supporting documents require documents from a thai company including a copy of your work permit, the shareholders list, and documents from the revenue department showing the most recent tax payments over a three month period.

Information overload, the officer not knowing what he/she is doing, etc are absolutely not the case here. I am quite surprised that everyone who has posted up to this point in this thread hasn't already called the original poster out on this yet.

Nonsense !

If you do not know ask a question or refrain from posting !

I have no idea what you're trying to say but the support documents are clearly labeled. If you don't believe me then you can either look them up on thaivisa, the immigration website or call them directly. The 40K a month is requires a number of documents you can only get from a job in thailand.

You are making the same mistake !

See Marios post above!

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