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Halloween, Dumb and Dumber !


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Halloween. Completely stupid waste of time. At best an American Childrens marketting opportunity. At worst, a non event celebrating nothing at all. Tonight the bars will be full of people wearing witches hats and stuff, but theres not a single person who can tell you what its all about, apart from some vaguely Pagan ritual from a thousand years ago>>

There are even people supposed adults no less, I was told about one such American down Hang Dong way who spend a couple of weeks of their life dressing up their house with fake gravestones, fake cobwebs and stuff like that......jeez, man, get a life !!

Common sense still rules in Aus, virtually no silly halloweeny crap there, and guess I ll be staying in tonight to avoid the nonsense!!!

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Having a bad morning or just naturally grumpy?

I think Halloween is just as dumb as the Melbourne Cup which has adults dress up in silly hats and brings an entire country to a standstill.

Don't ever get a job in the Ministry of Fun.

Actually, I enjoy any excuse for a party......

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Seeing the excitement on my 6 year olds face last night as he got is costume ready was priceless. Don't give a ratsa$$ what the origins are or how silly some adults take it, it's a time for kids and they love it.

The origins were actually Irish, brought by immigrants to the US where it was, you can guess, commercialised. As for it not being in Australia 'fraid y're wrong. TV and retailers have seen that it has arrived on our shores and the kids are out there tricking and treating along with the best of them.

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Good thing the OP did not live in my neighborhood 50+ years ago. A few rolls of toilet paper in the trees and maybe a paper bag 1/2 full of dog shit lit on fire on his door step as we rang the door bell.

Nice to know there's someone else on the forum who remembers those fun times.

If the "Treats" weren't forthcoming, the "Tricks" could be tough-love lessons in how to live in harmony with the local kids.

Stepping in that bag of dogshit as you came out your door to see that your windows had been soaped with graffiti messages, and shaving cream had been sprayed all over your new car; and then maybe to be hit in the ass with a water-balloon as you retreated back inside your house.

Maybe the new guy never had a childhood.

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Sounds like the "tricks" were similar to what we did as kids in the UK on 4th November, which was called "mischief night". That was the night in history when the explosives were laid by Guy Fawkes and Co trying to blow up Parliament, hence, 4th November, mischief night, 5th November, bonfire night (commemorating Guy Fawkes being burned at the stake!!)

Mischief night was always much more fun than bonfire night, because mums & dads werent around so you could do stuff that wouldnt be approved of by parents!!

Ahhh, those were the days, bad tricks and fish and chips for a shilling....5p, thats 2.5 baht!!!

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Sounds like the "tricks" were similar to what we did as kids in the UK on 4th November, which was called "mischief night". That was the night in history when the explosives were laid by Guy Fawkes and Co trying to blow up Parliament, hence, 4th November, mischief night, 5th November, bonfire night (commemorating Guy Fawkes being burned at the stake!!)

Mischief night was always much more fun than bonfire night, because mums & dads werent around so you could do stuff that wouldnt be approved of by parents!!

Ahhh, those were the days, bad tricks and fish and chips for a shilling....5p, thats 2.5 baht!!!

With a big walley and a couple of large onions.......food for the gods.

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I used to really enjoy the Halloween parties, then the police had a clamp down on the naked anti clockwise 13 times dancing around a tree during the full moon and put stop to the traditional sacrificing of the young virgin. I used to especially enjoy the summoning of the prince of darkness.

After that I lost interest and stopped going, as it`s just not the same any more.

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Seeing the excitement on my 6 year olds face last night as he got is costume ready was priceless. Don't give a ratsa$$ what the origins are or how silly some adults take it, it's a time for kids and they love it.

The origins were actually Irish, brought by immigrants to the US where it was, you can guess, commercialised. As for it not being in Australia 'fraid y're wrong. TV and retailers have seen that it has arrived on our shores and the kids are out there tricking and treating along with the best of them.

I am well aware it has been in Aus for some time. I have adult sons in Aus and used to take them out trick or treating 18 years ago.

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I used to really enjoy the Halloween parties, then the police had a clamp down on the naked anti clockwise 13 times dancing around a tree during the full moon and put stop to the traditional sacrificing of the young virgin. I used to especially enjoy the summoning of (b)the prince of darkness.(/b)

After that I lost interest and stopped going, as it`s just not the same any more.

He lives here on the Skellig islands


Edited by I Like Thai
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Actually, we had a slightly modified version then BillyBodthai's in that if their was someone we didn't like, we would also fill up a paperbag with dog poop, lite it and place it on the front door step and ring the front door bell. We would run like hell around the house and wait for the bloke to get dog poop all over his shoes and feet, and then we would start banging loudly on his rear door. By then he was so pissed off, he would run like a crazed man through his house to the back door all the while spreading dog poop all over his floors and rugs. It was spot on and another victim fell prey to our wicked ways.

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I always enjoyed the little ones going out trick or treating, normally 2 fathers were designated bird dogs for about 4 or 5 munchkins from the neighborhood. The women folk were cooking up a meal for our return and to feed the kids before they got into the candy. Had to ration it, of course the dads picked out their favorite first, for a snack later.

As teenagers it was a prank night, they would turn livestock loose inside the school, block main street of the same town with farm implements, etc.Normally the next day at school the older boys were pressed into service to put things back where they belonged. Any radical pranks (tipping over outhouse, opening fire hydrants,etc) were normally committed in neighboring towns and of course the kids there did the same.

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OP, I hope you have a ticket to happiness somewhere including here, if you stay.

Otherwise, thanks to you and others above for reminding me of the fun of Halloween, obviously a Western expatriate import here, but one fun-loving Thais like a lot. Love the photo of the dogs in costume!!

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Some kids have just knocked at my door with their parents, so I jumped out with my Jimmy Savile mask and Speedos on, with the S rubbed out for added effect !! Parents not happy and kids started crying!! ...What is wrong with people these days I ask thee???

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