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Amnesty Bill debate starts, PM Yingluck absent


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Amnesty Bill debate starts, PM Yingluck absent
By English News


BANGKOK, Oct 31 – Thailand’s parliamentary debate on the controversial Amnesty Bill kicked off today without the presence of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who asked to be absent to attend the Cabinet meeting upcountry.

Under tight security, the session was to deliberate the bill in its second and third readings after it was passed by the House scrutiny committee.

Jurin Laksanavisit, Democrat MP and opposition whip, opened the floor with a question on Ms Yingluck’s non-appearance and Parliament’s failure to broadcast the debate on state-owned television Channel 11.

House speaker Somsak Kiatsuranont said Ms Yingluck has submitted a letter stating her need to be away to attend the weekly Cabinet meeting, this week taking place in Lopburi.

Mr Somsak said that Parliament television and radio broadcast the debate while Channel 11 was permitted to relay the coverage if it wanted.

Responding to a government MP’s criticism of the planned rally at Samsen railway station this evening, Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban said it would be a peaceful demonstration under the law.

The House of Representatives finally started debating the scrutinised Amnesty Bill in which 197 MPs had reserved their right for discussion in the House.

The bill comprises seven articles, three of which were changed from the original version proposed by Pheu Thai MP Vorachai Hema.

Several companies of metropolitan police were dispatched to guard around Parliament while security inside the building was the responsibility of Parliament police.

Motorists entering and leaving Parliament were strictly checked. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-10-31

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Only in Thailand! How can someone be elected into the prime minister position but be so negligent and ignorant about the responsibility and the sacrifice that she needs to make?

Oh the agony of those confounded mobile cabinet meetings along with all those tiresome debates concerning my puppet master brother along with all those vexing questions I have to keep calling big brother about so as he can answer for me .

my ears ache from the constant phone calls let alone the bills for those calls and worst of all it plays havoc with ones shopping expeditions in foreign places too.

Yingluck :Now let me see, driver can you take me to eeeeeerr????

Driver you mean: Parliament madam?

Yingluck : Oh yes it's that big place isn't it that has people in it at times and I am told i have a nice chair there too.

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Okay, if I understand this correctly, not only is the PM absent, but the ENTIRE CABINET, too.

During a crucial debate on a highly controversial bill like this one, allegedly drafted to foster national reconciliation?


Unbelievable in a true democracy where the public are careful to choose their representatives and the representatives remain accountable to the people.

Here, it's only a surprise that they haven't allowed the pro-government supporters to do the policing inside and outside Parliament ... or maybe they have!

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Amnesty Bill debate starts, PM Yingluck absent

No surprise there.

Well it's not like this bill is important or significant is it! Yingluck never fails to continue to reach new heights of .........unbelievability!

There is absolutely no reason why the Cabinet meeting should not have been postponed so that all of them could have been present for such an important debate.

This debate is about nothing else but her brother's interference in Thai politics, and there are bound to be numerous relevant questions which she must be prepared to answer.

Do these people actually believe that by absenting themselves they will be able to force this bill through without having to face any real opposition? This tactic will only further infuriate those opposing the bill, particularly those who represent the PTP's grass roots support.

Words fail me as to the stupidity of this rabble who loosely refer to themselves as a 'government'.

Edited by GeorgeO
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Why bother attending? She probably hasn't read it, doesn't understand it and couldn't care less about the debate. Big brother has decided time to push this through and come home. She simply does as told. Keep out of the way. The minions will push it through, the clan are above such trivia.

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Indeed there is the mere suggestion that this second reading of the controversial bill has no real meaning to the PM and her cabinet.

"Thailand’s parliamentary debate on the controversial Amnesty Bill kicked off today without the presence of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who asked to be absent to attend the Cabinet meeting upcountry."

BTW did her cabinet members who are also MPs asked to be absent ? How about Dept. Minister for Commerce Nattawut for instance?

Okay, if I understand this correctly, not only is the PM absent, but the ENTIRE CABINET, too.

During a crucial debate on a highly controversial bill like this one, allegedly drafted to foster national reconciliation?


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Amnesty Bill debate starts, PM Yingluck absent

No surprise there.

Well it's not like this bill is important or significant is it! Yingluck never fails to continue to reach new heights of .........unbelievability!

Maybe she is finding who will win the Thai Beauty and Brains competition by seeing who has the most money for her brother?

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Not the most evil Prime Minister by a long shot, but Yingluck is certainly the worst example of a Prime Minister I have ever come across when it comes to lack of knowledge, lack of opinion, lack of responsibility for anything, lack of understanding and the uncanny ability to be anywhere other than where she ought to be. She is certainly a Prime Muppet. Well done those who voted her in or did little to stop her being voted in. You will reap what you have sown.

well, she is not as worse than any other PM as David Cameron e,g, Let her do her work, means work to develop the country in infrastructure, economy. water/flood management and health. Of course she has the right to make mistakes, but also the right to act with a good tactic to get on with her plans. You can't compare Thailand with a western democracy. She is the first PM to proceed in making peace with red's and yellow's. And let her brother come back. He paid his dues, but he is Thai and want to spend life in his home country where he is under full control of parliament and PM whoever it is,

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I guess she still doesn't have helicopters that can fly at night! It was reported elsewhere that she went up the day before the mobile cabinet meeting--it doesn't start until tomorrow. She had to go check on a drug prevention program. Guess she is adding more jobs to her office rather than delegate (if it allows her to skip parliament meetings).

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