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Bangkok International Schools encourage kids to celebrate Halloween


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Bangkok International Schools encourage kids to celebrate Halloween by scribbling their delicate faces with fugly make up

Poor little ones don't have the slightest idea of what the heck they are celebrating for with ugly costumes and scary make up.


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The school I work for will not allow kids to celebrate Halloween. We are not even allowed to mention it in class. When I was a kid I enjoyed Halloween, its good clean fun for kids. Whats the harm? Lighten up, as long as they were not forced to take part then good for them, they are exploring other cultures.

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the good thing is, regardless of how ugly the custume and the makeup, a nice thai girl will still look good wearing it smile.png

My potential niece.


Not for Halloween though.

They were doing a movie for school ...

Halloween is like the Oktoberfest or say Easter.

Prevalent in places where there is a western influence.

If it exists outside there ... it's because commercial interests are pushing it.

For those who say I am being a Scrooge for say 'Bah Hum-Bug' ... I say &lt;deleted&gt; to you.

It might have been part of your Culture where you came from ... but it's not part of mine.

Allmost all the Aussies reading this will fondly remember the Melbourne Cup ... held on the 1st Tuesday of November ... it's everywhere ... it's branded as the 'Race that Stops a Nation' ... should you be celebrating it in Thailand or the USA ... obviously no.

So don't think that people who don't observe Halloween are wet towels ... horses for courses I say ... rolleyes.gif


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the good thing is, regardless of how ugly the custume and the makeup, a nice thai girl will still look good wearing it smile.png

My potential niece.


Not for Halloween though.

They were doing a movie for school ...

Halloween is like the Oktoberfest or say Easter.

Prevalent in places where there is a western influence.

If it exists outside there ... it's because commercial interests are pushing it.

For those who say I am being a Scrooge for say 'Bah Hum-Bug' ... I say &lt;deleted&gt; to you.

It might have been part of your Culture where you came from ... but it's not part of mine.

Allmost all the Aussies reading this will fondly remember the Melbourne Cup ... held on the 1st Tuesday of November ... it's everywhere ... it's branded as the 'Race that Stops a Nation' ... should you be celebrating it in Thailand or the USA ... obviously no.

So don't think that people who don't observe Halloween are wet towels ... horses for courses I say ... rolleyes.gif

the "potential niece" is a beauty!


I say traditions schmarditions - religious or not, none of them really matter anymore other than for folklore.

Any official occasion of having fun and doing some nice snapshots is welcome in my book.

And unlike others, I see no evil in trying to make money from people's fun.

Edited by manarak
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posting photos of children without permission? the pics are irrelevant to whatever point the OP is trying to make and should be removed asap..

I do not think that Thai laws require release forms by everybody that has his/her photo taken; this is not the UK. If it was, all the tourists taking millions of pictures of Thais would be in serious trouble.....

And probably irrelevant as those kids all have FB accounts where they happily post their pictures for the whole world to see!

Edited by hanno
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The school I work for will not allow kids to celebrate Halloween. We are not even allowed to mention it in class. When I was a kid I enjoyed Halloween, its good clean fun for kids. Whats the harm? Lighten up, as long as they were not forced to take part then good for them, they are exploring other cultures.

I thought to encourage kids to celebrate it in Thailand is crazy...But not allowing to mention it, is even more crazy.

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Not being from the country of Halloween, I had never ever celebrated it, nor wanted to.

Having returned last night from the kids halloween party at school, all had a great time, all laughed, played games, joked about and had a right hoot of a time. A lot of effort went into haunted houses and such and kids came home sweating, tired and with a smile on their face, not a TV watched, not an electronic game played.

What is the problem?

Let them have a hoot no matter what the reason is, its fun, who gives a rats what the meaning of it all is, I have no idea nor do I care to google it.

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the good thing is, regardless of how ugly the custume and the makeup, a nice thai girl will still look good wearing it xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

My potential niece.


Not for Halloween though.

They were doing a movie for school ...

Halloween is like the Oktoberfest or say Easter.

Prevalent in places where there is a western influence.

If it exists outside there ... it's because commercial interests are pushing it.

For those who say I am being a Scrooge for say 'Bah Hum-Bug' ... I say &lt;deleted&gt; to you.

It might have been part of your Culture where you came from ... but it's not part of mine.

Allmost all the Aussies reading this will fondly remember the Melbourne Cup ... held on the 1st Tuesday of November ... it's everywhere ... it's branded as the 'Race that Stops a Nation' ... should you be celebrating it in Thailand or the USA ... obviously no.

So don't think that people who don't observe Halloween are wet towels ... horses for courses I say ... rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>


What does your wife think about you thinking your niece is hot?

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the good thing is, regardless of how ugly the custume and the makeup, a nice thai girl will still look good wearing it xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

My potential niece.


Not for Halloween though.

They were doing a movie for school ...

Halloween is like the Oktoberfest or say Easter.

Prevalent in places where there is a western influence.

If it exists outside there ... it's because commercial interests are pushing it.

For those who say I am being a Scrooge for say 'Bah Hum-Bug' ... I say &lt;deleted&gt; to you.

It might have been part of your Culture where you came from ... but it's not part of mine.

Almost all the Aussies reading this will fondly remember the Melbourne Cup ... held on the 1st Tuesday of November ... it's everywhere ... it's branded as the 'Race that Stops a Nation' ... should you be celebrating it in Thailand or the USA ... obviously no.

So don't think that people who don't observe Halloween are wet towels ... horses for courses I say ... rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>


What does your wife think about you thinking your niece is hot?

Hi there Showbags.

I do my darnedest not to be negative on the Forum, but I have to say, 'Attention to Detail 101' wasn't your major at Kindy ... was it?

'Potential Niece' ... might imply that the woman pictured is my gf's niece.

I've left my whole post intact ... just exactly where I said or even intermated that I was ... "thinking your niece is hot" ... facepalm.gif

I encourage healthy debate ... but don't lie and please stick to the facts.

BTW ... for all others, the Lassie pictured is 17 ... so not exactly a girl.

Geeze ... why do I have to come back and defend a simple post ... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


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Harmless fun. My kids enjoyed the dress up and the trick or treat without really understanding. Nobody lost an eye so lighten up.

Since you mention losing an eye.. isn't Guy Fawkes night the appropriate time for that? Or have the Thais already worn out the novelty at the end of Buddhist Lent?

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I'd have to rank Halloween as my favorite holiday, all things considered. I think it is a shame all don't get to celebrate it, nothing beats it. One, there is no stress around the day really, like say Christmas for instance. When you are a kid (at least in my generation), there was nothing like it. Trolling around to different neighborhoods all night in search of candy. We used to literally get back with a pillow case full. So much for our teeth I guess. There was the interesting little nuances, like the people who were too cheap to buy good candy, and you got these blobs covered in a nondescript orange wrapper. Then some had the candy corn. Throw aways. When a house gave out good candy, we always strategized as to how we could return, rearranging our costumes.

Halloween can't get much better as you get older either. An excuse to party all night, even on work or school nights, and the vibe and wardrobe can't get much better than that. Even at the schools as a youngster, the girls come dresses in the of the sexist stuff you'll ever see them in. It is like a day when they have an excuse to show you their goods. It is a beautiful "holiday".

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I'd have to rank Halloween as my favorite holiday, ...

Considering that you are 'here' ... and not 'there' (home country ... where ever that may be)

Relate the celebration of Halloween to anything remotely Thailand ... seriously ... I like to know.


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I'd have to rank Halloween as my favorite holiday, ...

Considering that you are 'here' ... and not 'there' (home country ... where ever that may be)

Relate the celebration of Halloween to anything remotely Thailand ... seriously ... I like to know.


Money......... hahahahhah too easy David!!

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