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Don't Stop for an Accident!


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under normal circumstances and in Australia I would stop everytime because it is the right thing to do, also the law isnt there to get pocket money. The trouble here is that if there are no other witnesses apart from you and your partner or friends than you can easily be held responsible as we have seen in other posts in the past. Even my wife says that it is very risky stopping as the police will just want someone to blame or you can easily be used a a cash cow. If you have a dash cam you are covered but without it you can easily be held accountable, anyone denying this happens in Thailand is simply fooling themselves. Have to admit I would certainly have second thoughts about stopping but the other part of me knows that in most cases I would.

Certainly cannot be called the Land of the Good Samritan.

As above it is the law in Australia that you must stop and render assistance. Dash camera here is becoming a must have item. I'm not so sure how exactly the circumstance would change the police would maybe say falang driver, falang camera you still wrong

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Granted it is a pitty that stopping to help those in need is taking a risk and the fact is it is a crap shoot on whether or not you will become the victim. I know serval Thai medical professional who do not stop for fear of the liability.

I was travelling with my wife at night when two bikes, both going at a fair pace, one in the correct way and the other (like so many) going the wrong way down the same bike lane.had an almighty collision just as we were passing them. I shouted to my wife to u-turn and she casually said, in words to this effect, "no let the following car deal with it as I am a farang" I said "you can't just leave them and she replied "yes we can". Considering she was driving she had the final say in the matter as we continued our journey.

I was rather shocked as you can imagine but she assured me that 'rolling over farangs is not uncommon' in such circumstances as this.

I couldn't get it out of my mind, but as this happened near to our home and the fact that we didn't hear of anyone dieing on the road that night (and we would have done had their been a fatality) this at least helped reconcile my guilt at us not stopping!!!

Perhaps the bikes couldn't avoid a collision through taking evasive action because we had blocked them from doing this through our passing at the same time and this could have been given as being a contributory factor to cause of the accident occurring despite the fact of one of the two bikes travelling in the wrong direction (the fact of which seems to be ignored, ludicrously)!!

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A corollary to all of this: if you're ever riding in a taxi that's involved in an accident, throw some amount of money that amounts to at least the fare or a little more at the driver, and RUN. You will be very likely charged by the driver of the car the taxi had the accident with as being at fault...I've heard this warning from many Thais. The logic (of the person trying to say you, the passenger of the cab, are liable)? "If the farang never came to Thailand, the accident never would have happened." I cannot tell you how many times I've heard Thais quoting this belief...if you haven't heard it yet, you haven't been here long enough...

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I'll give you one better, Guys comes off his motorcycle could be dead could be unconcious, people stood in a crowd at the roadside, body left in the centre of the carriageway, no one touches or moves him, the bus I am on drives right over him at 70kph (approx) THUMP ! no one batted an eyelid and the bus didnt even stop !

Along the same lines as the above [re the bus] Thiawife, her son and I are driving in rural Nicaragua at night. I'm going a little fast for the darkness which seems to get even darker as we enter a village doing maybe 75kph which under the conditons would still be too fast for where we were driving. No illumination anywhere and suddenly in front of the car I see a dark skined guy in dark clothes - I swerve left as hard as I can but there is the thunk. [ I think I can still hear it now and this happened ocer 10 years ago.] I pull over 50m down the road and walk back to an already gathered crowd circled around the victim - who luckily is standing up now, seems a bit drunk. I ask if he needs a doctor. He declines - the crowd doesn't stop me from leaving. As we drive off wife says "Know what happens in Thailand? - The driver backs up!" She did indicate that I may have accumulated some merit for facing up to the incident. On turning the rental car back in I thought it simplest to say someone tried to steal the mirror.

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I had an accident. The non-lock brake system wasn't working, raining and my brakes lock up, I let off and back on and lock up again. So I slide right into the back of the truck in front of me. I was on a bridge, the police came to help us move the cars and that was it, they left and let my insurance and the guy I hit insurance work things out. The Thai I hit said no problem you have insurance the insurance will take care of it. My car needed to be towed the truck I hit was not bad. The guy I hit even offered to give us a ride but my brother-in-law was already on his way. So this was my fault and I didn't pay anything. The insurance company paid to get the car fixed and their truck fixed. So I would not say every Thai is out to get you and all the money us rich ex-pats have.

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At lead that is not as bad as in Korea. The Koreans will take down your plate number as you drive by and then call the police that you hit them (THey first look to see any damage that may be on your car and then report that is where you hit them..

No win situation. Your passport is taken from you until you pay the requested fee. If they fake injuries it goes up from there….

Even the US Military can't do anything but pay.

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Why would you care about a random stranger on the road?

You FAIL as a human... with that perspective.

Caution is necessary in these situations and the saftey concerns for 'helping' certainly at the forefront of decisions to stop and aid a person in distress... most likely driving onward is advisable to avoiding the negative potentials that foreigners may encounter.

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here's my take on this subject, driving my girls sporty Honda jazz back from universal gym today on sukhumvit, being from uk I indicated to turn left and didn't expect a young kid to smash right into side of car on his bike....I shit as I seen him fly thru the air and thought oh no hes gonna be really hurt and a whole world of crap is coming my way!!! he gets up shouting in thai limping an holding his back, jacket ripped to bits cut arms, but thank god he had a lid on, anyway a taxi driver stopped woman started crowding round so I said to him lets park bike up and I take you to hospital, you can all imagine my panic....he said banlamung hospital so I take him, my girl took his id card went to desk I sat him down, about an hour later after xrays and and cuts all dressed up we head back to his bike to inspect damage!..two indicator smashed both wing mirror bent exhaust bent and scratched to f***, I had already paid the hospital bill 1200 then said how much do you want to mend bike? they were talking in thai an am thinking I don't care how much it cost am just glad hes not dead!!! he asked for 4000 and took gf number to get back in touch if it cost more....I would of give him way more....here's the best bit, 4 hours later he rang my gf and said thanks for repair there's 1100 left over!!!!!! obviously she said keep it...just shows people there are some good honest thais out there despite the slagging they get of us farrang.... anyway some of you might know him, his mum is married to a german guy and have a bar on soi 31...I will be going to that bar very soon and ring that bloody bell all night....peace out!!!

A good honest Thai?! He was at fault, you pay for that and your own repairs and call that honest? Wow!

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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

Been here 5 minutes and you know that 'many' Thai people don't stop.

I'm half Thai, was born in, and spent the first 11 years of my life here. Returning in my mid 20's a number of years ago.

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For those who want to be heroes, go for it. I wouldn't stop. Have seen too many things here when it comes to accidents. You may not get worked over, but you might. Also, the most I have ever seen Thais do at an accident scene is stare and point. Seen people bleeding, unconscious or with broken limbs and in pain....all the same...the group comes around and goes "tsk tsk" until the police or the ambulances show up. My involvement in the ritual is unnecessary.

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Just to understand the rules here. A Thai friend, a teacher was drunk and had an accident with his Pick up and another guy on a motorbike.

Cops arrived and both were intoxicated, so both vehicles were brought to the police station. ( That could take up to a year)

Unfortunately, the first class insurance wouldn't have paid, as the driver was drunk.

So his mom whose daddy had been a high police officer went to the cops. They'd changed the whole report in a way, that her son wasn't drunk at all and the guy on the motorbike had caused the accident.

She had to pay 50 K to the two cops who were at the scene. Money can change facts here.-wai2.gif

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A corollary to all of this: if you're ever riding in a taxi that's involved in an accident, throw some amount of money that amounts to at least the fare or a little more at the driver, and RUN. You will be very likely charged by the driver of the car the taxi had the accident with as being at fault...I've heard this warning from many Thais. The logic (of the person trying to say you, the passenger of the cab, are liable)? "If the farang never came to Thailand, the accident never would have happened." I cannot tell you how many times I've heard Thais quoting this belief...if you haven't heard it yet, you haven't been here long enough...

if you haven't heard it yet, you haven't been here long enough...

What other rubbish have you heard from Thais, or expats living here for 20 years and more??

Complete rubbish. Yes, I'd pay and go, as there's no reason to wait for the cops when sitting in a cab. I've been constantly living here for eleven years. I don't give a flying one what other peoples' opinion is.

My life and what I'm doing is my own decision.-wai2.gif

I hate this " some Thai people have told me: bs, too.

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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

Wow, you actually stopped short of recommending that if people don't like it,

they can go back to the country they came from...

Good for you and other just like you.

This appears to be an improvement of such negative statements.


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Your wife and sister-in-law absolutely correct. Police will also embezzle you too. Unless you got the whole thing on video that proves your not involved and just being a good samaritan, never stop.

Bull crap! I have had two accidents in Thailand one my fault as posted earlier and one that was not my fault. I was stuck in traffic at a light and a Thai on a motorbike hit the side of my truck. I didn't even know what happened just a big thump. I look behind me and see the guy on the motorcycle on the ground. I pull to the side and get out. Me and my wife go check on the guy and you can smell the whiskey. Police show up asked what happened we tell him the guy hit us.

Guess the guy was thinking since I was an ex-pat pay day for him. He starts with who is going to pay to fix his bike, my wife starts saying to him who is going to pay to fix our truck! The cop asked my wife what we want to do, my wife said she didn't know yet. The guy kept saying about his bike and who is going to fix so then my wife yells at him about being drunk and maybe she should have the police check him. The police agreed with my wife, do you want to push things or just walk away, the guy figured out no money for him better shut up before he ends up in jail. He only damaged the hubcap on the truck so it was no big deal for us. So don't believe the police are out to get you all the time. I know several good police. I even had one I tired to bribe and he would not take the money insisted I be given a ticket. I have had some issues with employees stealing from me and the police did their job with one phone call.

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Best hope a family member of yours is never laying injured on the side of the road in urgent need and everyone drives on by like you did.

Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

I think your missus has an outstanding character, good for you.

Sorry I don't understand your Post first you say what if it had been his family

Then you say he had two credible witnesses

Then you say his wife has outstanding character for advising him not to stop.

I would think that the two credible witnesses would be enough unless they don't think they are credible.

What if it had been his wife drive on.

I am missing the logic here but I see a lot of people understand it explain it to me please.

I understand that most farongs are afraid they will get blamed but most of the stories of first hand account I have heard are not that way. All though I am sure there has been some cases but I have not heard a first hand report from some one involved in it. Sure hear a lot of rumors from the rest of the people.

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A few months ago three students on a motorcycle pulled out of Dowroong school with no helmets headed towards Chalong with no helmets on, the driver was weaving around in the road and I thought this was accident ready to happen, sure enough the bike went out of control and knocked down two other motorcycles, one with a mother holding an infant, there were lots of scrapes and bruises, this was across from the small Lotus center where I was going to shop, I parked at Lotus, walked across the road and shamed the 3 idiots who caused the accident.

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Best hope a family member of yours is never laying injured on the side of the road in urgent need and everyone drives on by like you did.

Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

I think your missus has an outstanding character, good for you.

Sorry I don't understand your Post first you say what if it had been his family

Then you say he had two credible witnesses

Then you say his wife has outstanding character for advising him not to stop.

I would think that the two credible witnesses would be enough unless they don't think they are credible.

What if it had been his wife drive on.

I am missing the logic here but I see a lot of people understand it explain it to me please.

I understand that most farongs are afraid they will get blamed but most of the stories of first hand account I have heard are not that way. All though I am sure there has been some cases but I have not heard a first hand report from some one involved in it. Sure hear a lot of rumors from the rest of the people.

He was being sarcastic.

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My own experience on a Lampang highway with a neighbor: I was riding my bicycle, on the shoulder but in the wrong direction. This guy exited from a country road, look to its right, cut me, and I crashed on his truck. My bicycle under his truck, and I lying on the concrete. He stopped, come to look in his truck, took my bike under, do not say a word, 10 seconds and.....run....Not witnesses, but was my fault. I do not know this guy, but many people around knew me well because I was teaching at the village school, and I was the only farang bicycling on the road every day to go to teach.. I was lightly injured. I asked to Thai people about, and they told me that it is common event. They said that in a crash between a car and a bike, always the car driver will be in fault, and people will avoid the responsibility in any way they can. I asked why he did not even touch me to see if I was in bad shape. They said that Buddhist people will not touch an injured person because if he died or not it is because was its "karma"...Thai people just will look and wait for the ambulance....

By the way....20 minutes later...many people showed at my door after knowing that a "farang" on a bicycle had an accident, offering to take me to their doctors, offering food, etc, etc....and they came to ask me everyday, specially when I was shopping at the local fresh food market showing my bandages...Probably I crossed with the truck driver many times after without a word from him....but..I understand.

Edited by umbanda
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A corollary to all of this: if you're ever riding in a taxi that's involved in an accident, throw some amount of money that amounts to at least the fare or a little more at the driver, and RUN. You will be very likely charged by the driver of the car the taxi had the accident with as being at fault...I've heard this warning from many Thais. The logic (of the person trying to say you, the passenger of the cab, are liable)? "If the farang never came to Thailand, the accident never would have happened." I cannot tell you how many times I've heard Thais quoting this belief...if you haven't heard it yet, you haven't been here long enough...

if you haven't heard it yet, you haven't been here long enough...

What other rubbish have you heard from Thais, or expats living here for 20 years and more??

Complete rubbish. Yes, I'd pay and go, as there's no reason to wait for the cops when sitting in a cab. I've been constantly living here for eleven years. I don't give a flying one what other peoples' opinion is.

My life and what I'm doing is my own decision.-wai2.gif

I hate this " some Thai people have told me: bs, too.

Oh I've heard it too; the 'If the Foreigner wasn't in Thailand the accident wouldn't have happened' line.....

However, I've only ever heard it from foreigners... you know the type, experts on anything and everything, yes fitting to stereotype they are usually in a bar when sharing these golden droplets of knowledge...

They just love to spread how they can be hard and cruel because in Thailand life is tough and you have to play the game... "Toughen up Boy !"

Strange how I never hear these attitudes from the decent and respectable Thai's I know....

Of course - its absolute balderdash... codswallop... myths perpetuated by bargirls through their gullible marks who believe these latests cultural insights direct from the whorses mouth places them a step above those around them in terms of their cultural understanding and one-ness with Thailand....


A friend was doing a 'world trip' and passed through Thailand... when she arrived in Thailand I gave her my old phone and suggested she call me if she has any issues. She did... a few days later the taxi she was in had rear ended someone... the driver got out of the car to talk with the driver of the car he'd rear ended. My friend called me and asked me what to do.

I told her to leave the fare on the passenger seat, whatever was on the meter (i.e. 37B - leave 40B) and walk out and get another taxi.

Not because I was worried that she'd face blame, but because there was no point in waiting for the drivers to sort out the issue.

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For those who want to be heroes, go for it. I wouldn't stop. Have seen too many things here when it comes to accidents. You may not get worked over, but you might. Also, the most I have ever seen Thais do at an accident scene is stare and point. Seen people bleeding, unconscious or with broken limbs and in pain....all the same...the group comes around and goes "tsk tsk" until the police or the ambulances show up. My involvement in the ritual is unnecessary.

I sometimes thing people should walk around with some sort of tattoo on the forehead... something to distinguish them from the crowd...thumbsup.gif

i.e. decent, considerate and caring people could have one code (i.e. DCC)

and another personality type: i.e. Selfish, Self-centred, Paranoid (SSP)

This way we know who to ignore and let die in pain when / if they are involved in an accident and we stop to help... whistling.gif

This country really needs a 'Good Samaritan' Law.... and some people really need to think about who they are and whether they really like what they have become.

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I remember seeing a bag snatch from a young lady at an ATM outside a 7-11 on the other side of a 5-6 lane road (Ratchaprarop in BKK). It took three big yanks, each one accomapanied by a ear piercing scream from the victim, the bag snatcher was just in a scruffy shorts and t-shirt. After getting it he just walked off. Right next to where it happened (and where the guy walked through) was a bus stop with about 10-15 Thais waiting for a bus.

No one did anything to help in anyway.

They let the guy just walk off past them when it would have been very easy to suddenly king-hit him by surprise.

Not one of them went to help the victim in anyway and she was left sobbing on her knees on the steps by herself.

Beautiful, caring, loving, Buddhist Thais. A superiorly decent and moral people.

Edited by yingyo
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