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Top cop warns new officers over bribes, extortion

Lite Beer

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Since it is a public secret that these top cops pay millions of Baht to get the position in the tourist areas, I have a tendency to believe that he isn't serious when he says he want to expel bribes and extortion.

Could it be possible that this particular top cop did not pay for the position and instead he was put to the position to do a swipe on the corrupted police force?

We are getting large number of brand new BIB's to the island. Bangkok seems to be getting serious of the complaints and problems on the island (Thailand reputation and money flow).

The DSI has been working here for some months already. They don't seem to be leaving the island yet. Their boss put serious namings on the table when this all started. It has been quite different what we have seen here before.

I remember some years ago I was kiddingly hoping for the military to come here and clean the island of the wide corruption. Now we got DSI, which I suppose is the next best thing.

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Since it is a public secret that these top cops pay millions of Baht to get the position in the tourist areas, I have a tendency to believe that he isn't serious when he says he want to expel bribes and extortion.

Is there a video of his announcement? Anybody see a wink-wink and a nod? Did he drive away in a six million baht Mercedes?

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Since it is a public secret that these top cops pay millions of Baht to get the position in the tourist areas, I have a tendency to believe that he isn't serious when he says he want to expel bribes and extortion.

Could it be possible that this particular top cop did not pay for the position and instead he was put to the position to do a swipe on the corrupted police force?

We are getting large number of brand new BIB's to the island. Bangkok seems to be getting serious of the complaints and problems on the island (Thailand reputation and money flow).

The DSI has been working here for some months already. They don't seem to be leaving the island yet. Their boss put serious namings on the table when this all started. It has been quite different what we have seen here before.

I remember some years ago I was kiddingly hoping for the military to come here and clean the island of the wide corruption. Now we got DSI, which I suppose is the next best thing.

Pattaya better look out, that is where the "transfers" are likely to land. It is easy to be principled and let them eat crumbs when you have your piece of the cake. This whole scenario is about appearances not substance because every native in this country considers corruption a virtue, wish they could participate, and respect those that do.

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Since it is a public secret that these top cops pay millions of Baht to get the position in the tourist areas, I have a tendency to believe that he isn't serious when he says he want to expel bribes and extortion.

Could it be possible that this particular top cop did not pay for the position and instead he was put to the position to do a swipe on the corrupted police force?

We are getting large number of brand new BIB's to the island. Bangkok seems to be getting serious of the complaints and problems on the island (Thailand reputation and money flow).

The DSI has been working here for some months already. They don't seem to be leaving the island yet. Their boss put serious namings on the table when this all started. It has been quite different what we have seen here before.

I remember some years ago I was kiddingly hoping for the military to come here and clean the island of the wide corruption. Now we got DSI, which I suppose is the next best thing.

Not a snow balls chance in Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Translated back to Thai:

1. Now I have to say this so read between the lines.

2. Do not be greedy and take too much.

3. Be descrete and do not draw attention to yourself.

4. Learn from your fellow experienced officiers.

5. If you try to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, then we will be forced to take some public action. That might be as severe as transfer you to a different area, but of course this will depend on how high you have moved up the food chain.

Good hunting

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This is the most ludicrous thing I have ever read in a Thai newspaper. And that is saying something.

I don't know how these recruits will carry out their duties and will take the wait and see approach since my crystal ball is in the shop.

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What about the money spent on passing the entrance exam? huh.png


And where is the money coming from to pay for promotions?

Can you provide factual information please? I'm not a member of the inner circle so I am not privy as to how they are promoted. Cheers.

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Since it is a public secret that these top cops pay millions of Baht to get the position in the tourist areas, I have a tendency to believe that he isn't serious when he says he want to expel bribes and extortion.

"These Cops"? Please provide some examples. I'm confused about this "Public Secret"? Infomation, to my understanding can be one or the other. Please define Public Secret.

Opinion experts are plentiful. Finding one who has done the research and has the facts is indeed a challenge.

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Since it is a public secret that these top cops pay millions of Baht to get the position in the tourist areas, I have a tendency to believe that he isn't serious when he says he want to expel bribes and extortion.

"These Cops"? Please provide some examples. I'm confused about this "Public Secret"? Infomation, to my understanding can be one or the other. Please define Public Secret.

Opinion experts are plentiful. Finding one who has done the research and has the facts is indeed a challenge.

Could you kindly define 'opinion expert' and provide a detailed etymology of the term? Thank you.

Edited by marell
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Thai PBS news did a report yesterday ... people were complaining that the police shoot the people and serve the criminals. And the top cop is the boss. Thais have more to complain about than expats and they (the law abiding people, the moms and pops) suffer more abuse by police but it is the expat and their country's news media that reveal the ugly nature of things hence discouraging tourism. Thais get is from both ends. If they have any kind of business they face extortion and if they are victims of a crime, the judicial system never punishes the criminal (if the police bother to go after them). Maybe one day the police will not be safe from the citizen judging from the anger I saw in the news report.

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