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annoying nise from floor above

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i just move in to a new condo two weeks ago. The floor of all units is tiled.

So the first thing i recognize is this annoying "uhhhhhiii" noise when i move my chair or table on the floor.

So i went to home pro, bought some of these small round small soft gliders, fix it on chairs and table

and the noise was gone.

Unfortunately the tenant or owner above me had not the same idea, and he/she move furniture a lot.

So i have this annoying noice all the time above me....sad.png

I have two ideas now, but i am not sure how to handle these kind of problems here in thailand.

As i have only access to my floor and the ground floor i can not go to the unit above me and knock

at the door and talk face to face. As there are many people living here, i don´t know is it owner or tenant, thai or farang

who life above me. So my idea is now to write a friendly letter, where i mention this problem.

This letter i will put in the mailbox together with a free package of these soft sliders.

Or is it besser to talk to the juristic office and let them handle this problem? Any advice for me how to handle these things here?

Thank you



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I would discuss it (calmly) with the building management first, in all cases.

In my building for minor irritations the management write a polite letter themselves without giving the name of the person who has reported the irritation. For major irritations they just send security up straight away and the problem is rapidly sorted.

Based on what the management say/do you can then think about writing your own letter.

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I also agree with all of the above,

If the request is made from the management and in a general sense, then it will be seen as a good idea and implemented by all, but if one particular person is targeted, then that person might take it personally, persive a loss of "face". and assume a defensive pasture.

Edited by sirineou
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Hadock -

I think your approach to the problem is very sane, very civilized and neighbourly. The point others make about the potential backlash if your letter is addressed to the tenant who is making noise is a real possibility. These simple things can get so complicated - no matter how well meant.

My suggestion is to post a notice at the appropriate place in your bldg. You may need Bus. Off. permission. If you don't have a condo bulletin board, the Reception desk would be a good place, perhaps even the business office itself if no other place exists for the purpose. The notice should mention that these sliding thingies are available, where to find them, and what they're for - include a sample. If you can find a cartoon of someone's ears being "squawnked off", so much the better. Take it from me, most people have no idea how they sound from the floor below.

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I had the exact same problem. My response - I bought some of the glider stickers you mentioned, knocked on the upstairs neighbor’s door and asked them to please put it on their chairs. It turned out to be an Indian family. The woman who answered the door seemed kind of shocked, but took the stickers. About four hours later the husband came down to my unit, returned the stickers, apologized for the noise, said he would buy some himself and please don’t hesitate to let him know if they are ever making too much noise. Problem sorted.

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but if one particular person is targeted, then that person might take it personally, persive a loss of "face". and assume a defensive pasture.

I am so sick of worrying about everybody's loss of face, I could scream.

I hear you Brother, but when in Rome........

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I also agree with all of the above,

If the request is made from the management and in a general sense, then it will be seen as a good idea and implemented by all, but if one particular person is targeted, then that person might take it personally, persive a loss of "face". and assume a defensive pasture.

I think too many farangs think that there is loss of face in all situations. A Thai won't lose face over an issue like this and probably won't even care. I don't see why they'd adopt a defensive attitude unless you provoked one. A friendly request will be met with a friendly response. An angry attack will get the defensive. That applies to all countries. There's no need to bring loss of face into every discussion of Thais.

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but if one particular person is targeted, then that person might take it personally, persive a loss of "face". and assume a defensive pasture.

I am so sick of worrying about everybody's loss of face, I could scream.

Then just stop worrying about it. There is nothing to worry about. It's (mostly) all in your head.

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I had the exact same problem. My response - I bought some of the glider stickers you mentioned, knocked on the upstairs neighbor’s door and asked them to please put it on their chairs. It turned out to be an Indian family. The woman who answered the door seemed kind of shocked, but took the stickers. About four hours later the husband came down to my unit, returned the stickers, apologized for the noise, said he would buy some himself and please don’t hesitate to let him know if they are ever making too much noise. Problem sorted.

But this is thaivisa. Most people on here like to turn a simple situation into something extremely complicated that involves discussing it with people around the world. They just can't seem to grasp that they could speak to the owner. I know they don't have access to the floor, but they could as the juristic person to be allowed up for a few minutes.

Probably the person doesn't realise their making a noise, so would responded positively if it's mentioned.

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It is unfortunately the problem of apartment (and condo) living the world over, perhaps more acute here because most people don't have fitted carpets, (which are not suited to the weather), and because sound-proofing is non-existent in most buildings. We have had it in the main bedroom of the apartment, from that above us. We spoke to the management office and asked them to speak to the upstairs neighbour politely, adding that we knew it wasn't a deliberate act, but because of the lack of sound-proofing etc. Worked for a bit, but then it has continued, until the tenants moved out. It has been quiet since, but another tenant is due to move in, so the noise will resume. We had it too in our apartment in Hong Kong, and in London. Sadly it's a downside of this type of living space.

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I had the exact same problem. My response - I bought some of the glider stickers you mentioned, knocked on the upstairs neighbor’s door and asked them to please put it on their chairs. It turned out to be an Indian family. The woman who answered the door seemed kind of shocked, but took the stickers. About four hours later the husband came down to my unit, returned the stickers, apologized for the noise, said he would buy some himself and please don’t hesitate to let him know if they are ever making too much noise. Problem sorted.

I did exactly the same thing with my next door neighbours, but when I came back to my room and opened and closed my kitchen cupboard and it made quite a noise I put some pads on the doors. You can get a bit paranoid about noise when living in a condo. By the way, am I the only one who uses infer-red headphones when watching TV/ computer. Have done so for 11 years now and can't enjoy anything without them..

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Some of you need to move to a better quality condo. I've lived in 4 condos in Bangkok and never had any noise issues at all. Where do you all live that you have so many problems. I often think there must be another Thailand somewhere and I'm in the wrong forum. I just don't know how so many expats can create so many problems for themselves. This forum is awash with expats who don't seem to be able to do the simplest of things.

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Some of you need to move to a better quality condo. I've lived in 4 condos in Bangkok and never had any noise issues at all. Where do you all live that you have so many problems.

It's not the condo, it's the people who live in them.

Some people just dont make much noise. They move softly and rarely if ever drop things or move furniture. Other people seem to stamp about like elephants and are constantly dropping things and dragging things around. I wont comment on the likely geographical origin of the two sorts.

If you happen to have the first sort above you you will probably never even know they are there. If you have the second sort then you need to think about sonic insulation on your ceiling, or move.

I've yet to see a condo building in Thailand that has been constructed with any sound insulation between floors. Or any real heat insulation on walls for that matter. They all seem to be built on the cheap, regardless of the prices they are sold for.

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