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Difference in price of tablets for my Thai wife and for myself.


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You are all part of the problem you let these people shit on you, screw you literally extort money anyway they can if they were in our country and were treated like so you think they would keep quiet. dotpoom you are right and I would send my wife in first to check the price then leave her outside go in with the receipt and confront them they need to know we are not idiots and we are not prepared to take this racial discrimination. When I go in a shop there I always ask if the price quoted is the Farang price or Thai price.

Thank you LUSHGOAT,

I fail to understand why many posters here have the attitude of just shrugging their shoulders and saying ...Ah well...... this is Thailand you know...... without even feeling that it's worth a protest when they find themselves in this situation. If one doesn't even make the slightest protest (without having to blow your blood pressure through the roof) is it any wonder that it is going on. Why would it stop with so many who give the impression that it's "OK" if you want to make a sucker out of me.

Who was it that said....." Evil prevails when good men do nothing".....or words to that effect. Maybe a bit overstated in this context but I think you get my drift.

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That's one drawback of being raised in the west, where the gov'ments look after us and make sure we all pay the same, clearly marked price and that no baddies cheat us.

Then, when we enter the real world of business, especially international business, we're sadly lacking in trade sense.

What happens in the retail markets is a tiny microcosm of the billions of dollars left on the table by westerners doing business with folks that grew up negotiating everything since they found their first Baht or Yen or RMB on the street when they fell down and went boom on their diaper.

There will always be dual pricing. One price for those who know how to negotiate and another price for those who never learned. (Unless you live in the west where the marked price is the only price, and it's the price that would be only a starting point for negotiating in the rest of the world.)
Edited by impulse
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Thailand has Universal Healthcare for all it's citizens. It might just be that she showed her healthcare-care and got a goverment discount on the medication..

Not sure however if it works in any pharmacy or just goverment hospitals.

Just an alternative to it just being because you're a falang biggrin.png

My wifes sister got a sepsis and as she refused to pay more she almost died, because the hospital told no antibiotics without cash.....

I had to jump in with my emergency antibiotics to avoid a funeral.

at least a couple of years ago...there wasn't much you get for the 30 Baht

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You've got your tablets, dotpoom, so why would you want to raise your blood pressure further by confronting Jomtien pharmacists? I don't understand.

Good point Wool.....but you see it shot up already when I got the 800 Baht quotes....so now I' attempting to bring it back down when I see the look on their faces when I show them the receipt and wait for their explanations, 555......Seriously though.............. I thought it would be obvious why I would be interested in hearing what they have to say for themselves without actually admitting that ""We double charge Foreigners" or..."We like to rob people".

UK....you are right, but a lot of Thai people, including my wife, just don't want to confront fellow Thais in situations like this so I wouldn't put her in that position.

Jai yen, yen. I think I can see some of the possible reason for high blood pressure. I agree, shop around and go with the same product at the lower cost but it is your time, in your life. Do you really want to spend your time challenging or is the best revenge that of living a calm, good life? Om.......

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You are all part of the problem you let these people shit on you, screw you literally extort money anyway they can if they were in our country and were treated like so you think they would keep quiet. dotpoom you are right and I would send my wife in first to check the price then leave her outside go in with the receipt and confront them they need to know we are not idiots and we are not prepared to take this racial discrimination. When I go in a shop there I always ask if the price quoted is the Farang price or Thai price.

Disagree, in my home country if not dealt with fairly, I vote with my feet and deal with another company. If enough folks do this the company dealing unfairly fails and goes under. No need to confront (enforcing warranties notwithstanding).

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You are all part of the problem you let these people shit on you, screw you literally extort money anyway they can if they were in our country and were treated like so you think they would keep quiet. dotpoom you are right and I would send my wife in first to check the price then leave her outside go in with the receipt and confront them they need to know we are not idiots and we are not prepared to take this racial discrimination. When I go in a shop there I always ask if the price quoted is the Farang price or Thai price.

Disagree, in my home country if not dealt with fairly, I vote with my feet and deal with another company. If enough folks do this the company dealing unfairly fails and goes under. No need to confront (enforcing warranties notwithstanding).

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Its like driving continuously up a cul de sac reading the Thai apologists for so called unfair and racialist trading practices.

To these laid back apologist posters.

Are you so Blase and lazy minded that you cannot at least share a sense of outrage when you are being shafted so blatantly?

One Bod talks about the real world of business as though it is normal to "sucker" your customer and get as much as you can out of the deal, this of course is pure <deleted> and a proper "Business" would be more concerned with "Repetitive and regular trade where there is built up good will based on trust and integrity and customer satisfaction that means that the customer will come back time after time after time therefore maximising potential profits!

Surely that should be the aim of any "normal" business?

Lushgoat has summed it up with his post;

"You are all part of the problem you let these people shit on you, screw you literally extort money anyway they can if they were in our country and were treated like so you think they would keep quiet."

The absolute corruption in all facets and shades of society in this Country is well known throughout the world and of course must to a degree be accepted if you wish to reside here but my issue is with those who choose to sweep it under the carpet as it where by making some one who speaks an elemental truth into some kind of nut for even voicing a protest.

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If you are suffering from high b-p, what on earth are you getting so worked up about this issue, and certainly do NOT go to confront and argue with the two pharmacies who appear to be over charging you. The employees couldn't care less; you will appear to be confrontational, and their policy will not change one single iota. Your b-p will go up still further, you will

achieve absolutely nothing, and you don't even know whether one is selling the genuine article and the other a generic version, or whether one is a fake, copy or imitation! Do yourself a favour, and us, and let this one go, just for once. O.K?

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Yeah I really can't see any point in making an issue about this when there are actually MULTIPLE local options to get fair competitive prices on meds that most every local expat knows about! At most, a baht bus away.

So these gougers are going to have to gouge even more for a smaller number of suckers that haven't learned yet or only need a one off ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I dont think it has to do with expat / Thai price as much as it as to the location. I buy medications at a local pharmacy in Isaan. In Pattaya they are almost double the price. Same for some places in BKK too. Does not matter if I try to buy or if my wife tries to buy. Also, if you buy a whole box compared to one blister pack they will discount. Example I can buy a blister pack for 30B (10 pills) if I buy the whole box 25 blister packs I pay 500B. So I save 10B a blister pack. I have walked in a several pharmacies in Isaan that are new to me and enter by myself and I get the same price as my local. But as I said in Pattaya and BKK they want more.

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Its like driving continuously up a cul de sac reading the Thai apologists for so called unfair and racialist trading practices.

To these laid back apologist posters.

Are you so Blase and lazy minded that you cannot at least share a sense of outrage when you are being shafted so blatantly?

One Bod talks about the real world of business as though it is normal to "sucker" your customer and get as much as you can out of the deal, this of course is pure <deleted> and a proper "Business" would be more concerned with "Repetitive and regular trade where there is built up good will based on trust and integrity and customer satisfaction that means that the customer will come back time after time after time therefore maximising potential profits!

Surely that should be the aim of any "normal" business?

Lushgoat has summed it up with his post;

"You are all part of the problem you let these people shit on you, screw you literally extort money anyway they can if they were in our country and were treated like so you think they would keep quiet."

The absolute corruption in all facets and shades of society in this Country is well known throughout the world and of course must to a degree be accepted if you wish to reside here but my issue is with those who choose to sweep it under the carpet as it where by making some one who speaks an elemental truth into some kind of nut for even voicing a protest.

You still dont understand Thailand. My wife even bargains on price weather I'm there or not. Do you not know this? As for international business that guy you talk about is correct. I do international trade. Do you think I accept the first price quoted? If I did I would not have a business for a long time. You always have to negotiate. Do you buy a used car for the price they ask? Stop blaming others for your misery.

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You are all part of the problem you let these people shit on you, screw you literally extort money anyway they can if they were in our country and were treated like so you think they would keep quiet. dotpoom you are right and I would send my wife in first to check the price then leave her outside go in with the receipt and confront them they need to know we are not idiots and we are not prepared to take this racial discrimination. When I go in a shop there I always ask if the price quoted is the Farang price or Thai price.

Thank you LUSHGOAT,

I fail to understand why many posters here have the attitude of just shrugging their shoulders and saying ...Ah well...... this is Thailand you know...... without even feeling that it's worth a protest when they find themselves in this situation. If one doesn't even make the slightest protest (without having to blow your blood pressure through the roof) is it any wonder that it is going on. Why would it stop with so many who give the impression that it's "OK" if you want to make a sucker out of me.

Who was it that said....." Evil prevails when good men do nothing".....or words to that effect. Maybe a bit overstated in this context but I think you get my drift.

I think you are confusing historical acts of genocide with what the rest of the world knows as basic market economics.

Some of us call it arbitrage, buying a product cheaply in one place and selling it some where else where people are willing to pay more.

Sounds like you are a prime candidate to open up a bar here in Thailand, or perhaps an Internet cafe...

Edited by samran
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I will think again about what to do. By the way, I had intended to hide the name of the pharmacy if it was at the top of the receipt, but to the best of my knowledge most receipts here are just written on a receipt book that you can buy in any store, not personalized. I'm surprised to hear that going back is not considered a good idea by the contributors here...where I come from it is considered a "must" to pull up people who overcharge in the hope that being "found out' might help them change their ways. Yes, I hear you all saying "You're not at home now".... this is Thailand............but old habits die hard. I think by lying down under such practices is, to say the least, condoning it. If more people let it be known to shops who "double charge Foreigners" that they were taking their custom to shops that did not do this....maybe...just maybe...it might make at least one of them think again. It's people not doing this that encourages the practice.

You of course can do as you see fit. After reading this post I have come to the conclusion that where you come from it is also a country that in many cases will charge foreigners more.

My back ground is mainly Canadian with a few years in the states and this sort of thing was not practiced there. Of course there were differences in price from store to store but not based on nationality.

I am very sure they could justify a little bit for rent differences but not double. Also unless your Thai wife goes in and checks the price you can not say for sure that they charged you so much because you are a foreigner. You may be making a false assumption. Jomptian is not the cheapest place in Thailand.

I am not saying that over charging because one is a foreigner does not happen here in Thailand but make sure that is what is really happening before you face them and get upset and raise your blood pressure because they don't see it your way. I can almost guarantee they will not see it your way

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You are all part of the problem you let these people shit on you, screw you literally extort money anyway they can if they were in our country and were treated like so you think they would keep quiet. dotpoom you are right and I would send my wife in first to check the price then leave her outside go in with the receipt and confront them they need to know we are not idiots and we are not prepared to take this racial discrimination. When I go in a shop there I always ask if the price quoted is the Farang price or Thai price.

We are the problem and you are so smart you figured out what to do. So you ask them if it's expat price or Thai and if they tell you Thai price you believe them?

Typically when I'm buying something I know what the price should be. I ask the price, if it's too high one of two things happens. Either they negotiate or they stand their ground in which case I leave and don't buy. That simple. I don't know why expats get so pissed off about prices and needing to negotiate a little bit.

If you as an expat is selling something say a used car or a TV wouldn't you quote the highest possible price you think you could get? Knowing the buyer is going to ask for a discount. Same thing here in Thailand. My workers even negotiate on things when buying stuff for the company and that is Thai to Thai.

The real problem is guys not knowing they need to negotiate price. I'm not saying all sellers will negotiate and if they don't and you don't like the price

then don't buy. If you don't negotiate and pay too much don't blame the seller. If you negotiate and still pay too much then brush up on your negotiating skills. Anyone living here for any period of time knows the game, if you don't play the game it's your own fault.

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I will think again about what to do. By the way, I had intended to hide the name of the pharmacy if it was at the top of the receipt, but to the best of my knowledge most receipts here are just written on a receipt book that you can buy in any store, not personalized. I'm surprised to hear that going back is not considered a good idea by the contributors here...where I come from it is considered a "must" to pull up people who overcharge in the hope that being "found out' might help them change their ways. Yes, I hear you all saying "You're not at home now".... this is Thailand............but old habits die hard. I think by lying down under such practices is, to say the least, condoning it. If more people let it be known to shops who "double charge Foreigners" that they were taking their custom to shops that did not do this....maybe...just maybe...it might make at least one of them think again. It's people not doing this that encourages the practice.

You of course can do as you see fit. After reading this post I have come to the conclusion that where you come from it is also a country that in many cases will charge foreigners more.

My back ground is mainly Canadian with a few years in the states and this sort of thing was not practiced there. Of course there were differences in price from store to store but not based on nationality.

I am very sure they could justify a little bit for rent differences but not double. Also unless your Thai wife goes in and checks the price you can not say for sure that they charged you so much because you are a foreigner. You may be making a false assumption. Jomptian is not the cheapest place in Thailand.

I am not saying that over charging because one is a foreigner does not happen here in Thailand but make sure that is what is really happening before you face them and get upset and raise your blood pressure because they don't see it your way. I can almost guarantee they will not see it your way

I too am from the USA. I can tell you double pricing does happen in the USA. I'm from Florida. In Florida many restaurants offer discounts only to senior citizens which I do believe is a good thing. They know they are on fixed incomes and help them. However Disney World, Bush Gardens, Sea World etc all offer discounts to Florida Residents. They offer a big discount anywhere between 30-50% discount. You have to prove you live in Florida to get the discount. Same for a hunting or fishing license. Residents get a discount. So this does happen outside of Thailand.

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Whether the same price for Farang's as for Thai's in Pattaya I can only assume?

When I came to Thailand I went to a little Pharmacy on the soi Day and Night , as I am taking (8) different medications twice a day, I brought a six month supply with me from the states. I went around and priced medication so when I had to start purchasing medication in Pattaya I would know were to purchase them.

The owner of the shop understood that I was a regular customer and would purchase eight different medications monthly, I always received the medication I needed for a great price, one day she informed me that she opened a new store on 2nd road behind The Royal Gardens Plaza. So at times I would stop in there and buy my medication, On one occasion I went to buy medication that cost 30 baht a strip of 10, and was quoted a price of 80 baht for the same medication by the new sales person.

I went back to the first shop and reported that to the owner and she sold me the medication for 30 baht. the same pharmacy on Soi Day and Night, and a new store in the tourist area, different prices (the prices were the same for me or my Thai wife at the owners store).

When I moved away from Pattaya and into rural central Thailand my medication cost was immediately 40% lower.

So I would venture to say it is not a Farang price it is the same price for all in a tourist area, even in rural Thailand the much lower prices differed in different local shops. So we purchased most of our medication from a Government hospital. Now that I signed up on the Thai 30 baht scheme last week, my wife states my medication would be with-out charge (free) that remains to be seen.

But one thing I do know even the inflated prices I paid in Pattaya where much cheaper then the prescription drugs I purchased at discount prices at The U.S. Veterans hospital I went to in the states.

I now can purchase 3 months of medication, for the cost of one month of medication purchased in the states.

I still came out ahead!


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Easiest solution is to not support places charging double. Tourist cities all over the world are filled with over priced goods. Why? Because tourists have limited time and won't shop for the best value. What many of you should be asking yourselves is:

"Why have I decided to live full time in a tourist trap?"

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You are all part of the problem you let these people shit on you, screw you literally extort money anyway they can if they were in our country and were treated like so you think they would keep quiet. dotpoom you are right and I would send my wife in first to check the price then leave her outside go in with the receipt and confront them they need to know we are not idiots and we are not prepared to take this racial discrimination. When I go in a shop there I always ask if the price quoted is the Farang price or Thai price.

Disagree, in my home country if not dealt with fairly, I vote with my feet and deal with another company. If enough folks do this the company dealing unfairly fails and goes under. No need to confront (enforcing warranties notwithstanding).

Yes it is incomprehensible to me why people will come over here and rather than vote with their feet complain about it.

Here was a case of where the man knew he could get it for 400 baht and decided to go to a strictly tourist area and price shop then get upset when he finds out he already had the best price. They wanted double.

Had it been me I would not go to a fancy tourist place to price shop and the first one that quoted me 800 baht I would simply have walked out on and been satisfied with the 400 baht.

Difference in prices for the same product can vary in stores all around the world. Go into a fancy 5 star bar and order your favorite drink then go to a bar on the skids and order the same drink. You will notice a big difference in prices are you going to attempt to straighten them out.

You have two choices vote with your feet or add to there dislike of foreigners plus raise your blood pressure while you accomplish nothing. In fact as has been mentioned here before provide them with amusement after you have left.

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I will think again about what to do. By the way, I had intended to hide the name of the pharmacy if it was at the top of the receipt, but to the best of my knowledge most receipts here are just written on a receipt book that you can buy in any store, not personalized. I'm surprised to hear that going back is not considered a good idea by the contributors here...where I come from it is considered a "must" to pull up people who overcharge in the hope that being "found out' might help them change their ways. Yes, I hear you all saying "You're not at home now".... this is Thailand............but old habits die hard. I think by lying down under such practices is, to say the least, condoning it. If more people let it be known to shops who "double charge Foreigners" that they were taking their custom to shops that did not do this....maybe...just maybe...it might make at least one of them think again. It's people not doing this that encourages the practice.

You of course can do as you see fit. After reading this post I have come to the conclusion that where you come from it is also a country that in many cases will charge foreigners more.

My back ground is mainly Canadian with a few years in the states and this sort of thing was not practiced there. Of course there were differences in price from store to store but not based on nationality.

I am very sure they could justify a little bit for rent differences but not double. Also unless your Thai wife goes in and checks the price you can not say for sure that they charged you so much because you are a foreigner. You may be making a false assumption. Jomptian is not the cheapest place in Thailand.

I am not saying that over charging because one is a foreigner does not happen here in Thailand but make sure that is what is really happening before you face them and get upset and raise your blood pressure because they don't see it your way. I can almost guarantee they will not see it your way

I too am from the USA. I can tell you double pricing does happen in the USA. I'm from Florida. In Florida many restaurants offer discounts only to senior citizens which I do believe is a good thing. They know they are on fixed incomes and help them. However Disney World, Bush Gardens, Sea World etc all offer discounts to Florida Residents. They offer a big discount anywhere between 30-50% discount. You have to prove you live in Florida to get the discount. Same for a hunting or fishing license. Residents get a discount. So this does happen outside of Thailand.

You are of course rite I was speaking more of restaurants and stores. I thought Bush Gardens was just out side Victoria on Vancouver Island.

The double pricing you mentioned is not based on nationality however and you must prove you are eligible to get it. If I was to show them my US passport it would not do me a bit of good. I am not a Floridan. I am just an American citizen.

That is a completely different thing than we are talking about here. What you are saying would be similar to a Thai from Bangkok coming to Chiang Mai and having to pay a higher price because he was not from Chiang Mai.

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If you can't remember how much you originally paid then the whole story is pointless. If you were paying 800 baht a box and your wife found them locally for 400 then why would you drive all that way to check the prices?

Having driven to Jomtien why not go back to the original shop?

Why didn't you take your wife with you? You could be cure of the best price.

You are spending 2000 baht per year! I spend 4000 per month but used to cost 10,000 per month at Bangkok Hospital

Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You should try learning Thai. I get the impression that you can't speak a word and smile when you go into a shop. It will relax people and help things along. Don't drive to Jomtien to show to the Pharmacy staff. They will laugh at you aa will I

Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You've got your tablets, dotpoom, so why would you want to raise your blood pressure further by confronting Jomtien pharmacists? I don't understand.

I will read no more the first answer,the correct answer.Do not worry about the blood pressure the next tablets with be for a pooper valve and they are a lot more expensive than the blood pressure tablets,

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Could it have something to do with the fact when your wife worked she probably

made 200B $6/day, and when you worked, if in the States or Europe you probably

made 6000B $200/day....Of course you have to shop around, if you know your wife,

gf,Thai friend can get such a discount what are you complaing about....let them shop,

and with your farang income you shouldn't mind paying $24 and not $12.......TIT......

don't be so cheap !!!!!!!!!!

Ok I'll bite.

So going by your logic my Thai neighbour who drive a new 7 series and merc m class shouldn't mind pay more than me because he earns more than me.

I'll run that by him see what he thinks

Edited by mca
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