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Thai govt 'ready to retreat'


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you have to accept in order to make peace between all political parties that the bill will pass, now or later. It will be the first step for further development in this country. Mr. T is not the only criminal. There are hundreds of those waiting in jail for this bill. Thailand needs peace but no fights. Public will have to accept even unpopular bills.

You assume the bill will pass now or later.

I doubt that this "government' can believe the massive public backlash to this bill. They will lose some "face' since they believed they could force it through unchallenged. Well, the tiger has awoken and is on the streets..

No, Mr Thaksin is not the only criminal, fair enough, but he IS a criminal and while those hundreds are waiting in jail, Mr Thaksin, may blessings be upon him, swans around the world from one luxury resort to another with time to flirt with Norwegian teens. Had he been a real man and served some time for his 'crimes', he might be a bigger hero than ever. Right now, he is a figure of division and derision in the kingdom.

Thailand, being a democracy, needs peace, but its citizens have the right to fight for justice and fairness. The public does not have to accept unpopular bills without criticism. That's why we call it a democracy.


...but who is ruling the country?? An elected government or a mob on the streets? Better to bite the bullit once than to have the fights between the hard headed parties forever!

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...but who is ruling the country?? An elected government or a mob on the streets? Better to bite the bullit once than to have the fights between the hard headed parties forever!

I can only wonder how you would have responded to those questions in 2010.

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...but who is ruling the country?? An elected government or a mob on the streets? Better to bite the bullit once than to have the fights between the hard headed parties forever!

I can only wonder how you would have responded to those questions in 2010.

Good point. These hypocrites who condemn the current anti-government protests seem to think what happened in 2010 was ok. What they call an elected government to me is a pack of greedy, thieving, lying criminals who bought their way into power using government funds, to further their own needs. Hard to believe there are people out there walking the streets who actually support this evil regime.

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