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Violence on Thai Soap Operas


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Thai Soap Operas. Interesting critters. It's difficult to call them TV shows, primarily because the thematic content of these shows seldom evolve into anything the could be call, 'original'. They are more like thematic rehashes of thematic rehashes.

However, one of the reoccurring themes is violence: men beating women, women (possibly of higher social status) beating women, women beating men, and then getting the crap kicked out of them. How endearing?

It's not like Western TV doesn't have it's share of violence, but I don't see the same amount of deliberate, focused, violence on women purely for the sake of dominance -- this is normal??? Or maybe just my flawed farang perception.

In the US this type of male on female violence is usually thematically framed as deviate. Examples, Criminal Minds, and other various cop shows. But Thailand, quite obviously has neither the budget nor the will to produce anything comparing in caliber, and defers to "soap opera" -- with targeted violence against women. I find it offense personally, and often move to other room while the wife indulges.

I welcome other opinions. This is just mine.

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Do you live in Thailand?

Ask yourself, do these soaps mirror society, or does society mirror these soaps?

I would wager these soaps are closer to the mark than many would like to admit, Thai society incuded.

To an extent, I tend to agree. But I've seen some pretty brutal stuff here -- not that I haven't in other places, but not with the same frequency.

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Get hip dudes. TV is out and tablets are in. Line chat and Candy Crush. If TV is watched anymore it is watched on the tablet.

Times are a changing.

Then what are the five TVs doing in my home. They ain't gathering dust and the Thai folk in the family are the one's who turn them on. I sure as hell don't.

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Totally agree.. The violence against women on TV is very sad indeed and no it doesnt mirror the image of nowadays.. 40 / 50 years ago maybe..

In a way you are correct, some of these women are now empowering themselves.

One of the best I have witenessed recently in Bkk.

An upcountry girl moves to Bkk gets a job and starts to improve her lot in life, she know realises she has other options available to her as opposed to Somcahi sat on his motorcyle squeezing his zits.

Girl gets a cheap ass dive to rent and sure enough along comes the worthless <deleted> from upcountry, sits in the house all day sleeping and watching tv waiting for his teerak to come home.

The teerak stops off at a Thai place and meets her coworkers for a drink and eat some food, not long after 6 o' clock the mobile starts going, where are you, why you not come home, wheres my money etc etc.

One of the Thai coworkers picks up the phone and gives this prick shit.

Twenty minutes later this piece of shit arrives, his first mistake was forgetting he was in Bkk and not upcountry, 4 Thai women proceed to beat the crap out of him, they then ask the m/c taxi drivers to go to where this girls lives and pick up her things.

30 minutes later girl and her things arrive back at same Thai place, girl is told you now live here, forget this prick, m/c taxi drivers also tell him to get stuffed.

Outcome, an upcountry girl is now moving on with here life and has taken up with a decent Thai guy from elsewhere.

Somchai back upcountry never been seen again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bangkok Post just ran an article on domestic violence. To note, it crosses social strata and still is prevalent. Then I come back to Thai TV and the glorification of violence on a daily basis in virtually every 'soap' storyline.

They could write storylines of empowerment, of the merits of compassion vs violence, but that probably doesn't sell ad space.

Whatever. Who am I to judge?

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Soap operas will violently rape your brain and leave nothing behind, yes. My guess is the average national IQ drops about 50 points every time a soap is on. Often times it looks like the zombified watchers are just about to forget how to breathe. Soaps should be made illegal and carry a death sentence to producers.

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Do you live in Thailand?

Ask yourself, do these soaps mirror society, or does society mirror these soaps?

I would wager these soaps are closer to the mark than many would like to admit, Thai society incuded.

To an extent, I tend to agree. But I've seen some pretty brutal stuff here -- not that I haven't in other places, but not with the same frequency.

Yes, I find these soaps extremely realistic, especially the magic/zombie/vampire/ghost bits.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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