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DSI Eastern Branch begin Pattaya Jukebox crackdown

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DSI Eastern Branch begin Pattaya Jukebox crackdown


PATTAYA: -- In the early hours of Thursday we joined the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) Eastern Branch as they conducted multiple raids of Karaoke bars around the Pattaya area in search of unlicensed jukeboxes.

Many complaints from multiple record companies and music copyright agencies have been received by the DSI Eastern Branch and there is additional pressure from the United States of America who are threatening to ban the sale of US-made music in Thailand if their Music Piracy Rating increases.

A total of 20 Karaoke Bars were visited by almost 50 DSI Officers and most of them were either completely owned or partly owned by Police Officers who allegedly offer protection to the bars in exchange for up to 70% of the bars’ profits.

Jukeboxes were seized and prosecutions will be initiated by the DSI who are warning all bar owners...

Full story: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/108230/dsi-eastern-branch-pattaya-jukebox-crackdown/

-- Pattaya One 2013-11-07



Owned or partly owned by police officers in return for protection?

In violation of licensing laws?

What ever next?

sent from my hippo phone

What's a hippo phone?



It's the lite version of the one that I'm using..................Posted Image


sent from my hippopotamus phone

Big guffaw.

sent from my hippo phone


I use a very expensive rhinoceros phone. So called because rhino = money, ceros (saurus) same same sore ass) meaning piles. Piles of money.


The DSI failing to arrest every single officer involved in this is about as lunatic as the Transport Minister riding on illegal minivans and making vain comments without shutting them down and fining or arresting the drivers and owners.

What clearer picture does the world need to see these people for what they really are; the despicable cannibals of human life and every resource - both good and bad - which man and the earth has to offer?

Sounds harsh to the idealists, I know; but my expectations of filling the definition of a human being far exceed what I constantly read about, describing what these people are capable of at any given moment, and the reprehensible fashion with which they engage in and execute these sub human behaviors... utter cannibals with no regard for anything at all except fulfilling and satisfying their greedy impulses and knee-jerk emotions. So the coppers are running the very thing they purport to fight. What else have we not yet read about?

It doesn't take dipping a stick in the shit tank to guess how deep these scum bags are involved in the worst parts of what the human nature is capable of descending into.

It begs the question, "Is anyone really that surprised at it all; and I mean at it all?" I am not, and my anger and disgust cannot be satisfied without eliciting this epitaph to the culture. That is exactly how I view this at the moment.


I know this will make me feel so much safer here. All those jukeboxes out there robbing and stabbing old folks, raping ten year old girls.... yeah, lots safer. But to paraphrase Bruce Lee: "Jukeboxes don't strike back".


Pressure from the US could be daily tackled by referring to their industrial spy programs of the NSA. But I have hardly noticed and karaoke bar that plays American Music anyhow. It is all Thai and therefore it is probably so that Grammy entertainment is behind it. The owner seem to forget to pay his bills on a regular basis, maybe because he receives too little money from the karaoke businesses.


If they did stop selling music here then all it would mean is that ALL discs sold here would be bootlegs instead of having the choice right now to buy the boot or the real thing. That would be a bad move......


What a low life country this is....

A total of 20 Karaoke Bars were visited by almost 50 DSI Officers and most of them were either completely owned or partly owned by Police Officers who allegedly offer protection to the bars in exchange for up to 70% of the bars’ profits.

All the problems in this country and most likely under aged girls in these police owned businesses and they concentrate on this....pathetic people


if the usa dont want to sell stuff

thais will just download it

just another PR stunt of 5 min for people who did not pay their monthly POLICE licence


At one count 2 years ago it was said that to close down all copyright breach industries from Music to Clothing it would put tens of Millions of Asians out of work , worldwide & affect several economies.

This is the time of year that USA , UK , Australia, remind the Thai Government that they contribute Funding to fight this 'crime' & it is time to Re assess the amounts that they will contribute, so there is an immediate 'flurry' to show how the Thai Government is 'combatting' this scourge.

'Fake' phones , Clothing & Bags will be the next target in the next 3 months or so.

Wait & See.

coffee1.gif .


If they did stop selling music here then all it would mean is that ALL discs sold here would be bootlegs instead of having the choice right now to buy the boot or the real thing. That would be a bad move......

It's called "Foot in Mouth" tomorrow they will have another rethink and threaten something else.

Just like when the Chinese forced down their spy plain a few years ago, their aircraft carrier in the South China Sea did a 180 turn at full speed and set course for China it was the next day that started to think what were they going to do when they got there so the aircraft Carrier did another 180, the only people the Americans put the wind up was some bar owners who who were expecting the 7th Fleet in for some RNR.

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