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Insect Identification


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Neem (my wife) and I saw the most amazing bugs yesterday evening at our local shop, where we sometimes stop for a beer.
We've never seen them before.

I saw the first one looking at me at seated head height from about 2' away.
I thought it was a spider hanging by a thread.
It was about as big as an average medicine capsule and it had its legs spread just like a spider.
Then I noticed that it had wings and was flying.
It could obviously hover, but it flew very slowly and for all the world, just like James Bond on that jet pack!
It was flying upright as if it was standing on its back legs.

I reached out and it just went up a little out of my reach.
It flew around a bit, very, very slowly.
Looked at the clock on the wall, looked at my wife, came back and looked at me and calmly hovered up or back out of reach if we moved towards it.

There was a bit of yellow and some green on its body.
It was amazingly calm, never darting or buzzing off.
All in all, it was about the size of the first joint of a large man's thumb and flew upright like that.
Then another one came in, slightly smaller, but not much and they flew around close together and inspected us again, as if the first one was showing the second one around.

This went on for 15 mins and they made no attempt to land or fly away.
And then they did, together, very slowly.

What do you reckon they were?
Two aliens with jet packs or has anyone seen these things before?

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