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Criticised for watching ICJ Preah Vihear verdict, man hangs himself


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Sounds more like he was nagged to death to me. To try any pin it on the government or ICJ seems to be just an attempt to politicise things - he could have just been watching Tom and Jerry.

I doubt he really did this because his wife criticised him. These things tend to happen because of a build up of problems and the trigger is often trivial. The debt problem would certainly have been a factor I would think and you can't really balance the blame for that between the government, himself, his wife or her family's expectations without knowing the facts. It wouldn't be just the government though.

The trigger may have been his wife but if the verdict was known by that time the lose may, with the arrival of his wife may have tipped him over the edge.


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It's another sad case that pinpoints what is wrong with this country.

It is very worrying when you think about the Thai people's attitude to suicide versus most other countries. Suicide here is rampant.

The reasoning behind this poor chap's actions was placed by the fact he had debt issues. With Thailand's very unstable economic bubble and the unbelievable figure of 77% household debt to GDP ratio (and growing), and the deficit being out of whack (and growing). I can see this becoming almost the norm here.

The Thais have some very gloomy days ahead.

Very gloomy.

Way to go Thaksin and your PTP puppets.

I don't know why you think 77% is horrendous, uk is at 99% having fallen from 126%.

It's called a mortgage.

Debt isn't a problem and is in fact desirable in an economy. It's unsustainable debt that's the problem and that's seen in the level of defaults. Also there's the debt that's just being managed by not taking care of necessities like eating or in colder countries heating.

I've no idea if either sets of figures is correct.

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This is the real world, just not a corner of it we understand very well.

At a low point, a straw can break the camel's back. 'Twas beauty that killed the beast.....and in proper Thai fashion. I would not be glad at all, or surprised, if a follow up story told of her suicide, too.

He had very little face left, and she peeled off the last layer of skin with her words. None of us know the backstory, or if he deserved such criticism. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

News feeds worldwide are wonderful at capitalizing on tantalizing 'maybe-it-was' stories...so everyone can stay on their chosen bandwagon and point figers, generating more news...

Too many are buying what they are selling.

I am not, and I never will. It is tragic, nothing less.

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I am sure the blind red faithful will be along shortly to demand Abhibsit and the democrats are charged with the murder of this person

It's quite clear that they are responsible.....

This is a real BS story though in general

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Sounds more like he was nagged to death to me. To try any pin it on the government or ICJ seems to be just an attempt to politicise things - he could have just been watching Tom and Jerry.

In the real world, people don't commit suicide because their wife nags them.

In the real world, people DO commit suicide over debt problems.

As a matter of fact, did you know that in the UK suicide is considered by 50% of people who are struggling with debt? Also serious debt leads to depression and depression is the number one reason people kill themselves.


In the real world.

It is possible to also be depressed due to relationship problems (nagging) in the real world.

I totally accept that.

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It's another sad case that pinpoints what is wrong with this country.

It is very worrying when you think about the Thai people's attitude to suicide versus most other countries. Suicide here is rampant.

The reasoning behind this poor chap's actions was placed by the fact he had debt issues. With Thailand's very unstable economic bubble and the unbelievable figure of 77% household debt to GDP ratio (and growing), and the deficit being out of whack (and growing). I can see this becoming almost the norm here.

The Thais have some very gloomy days ahead.

Very gloomy.

Way to go Thaksin and your PTP puppets.

I don't know why you think 77% is horrendous, uk is at 99% having fallen from 126%.

It's called a mortgage.

It is a bit more complex than that

The debt to gdp has been falling in the UK for the last 3 years, not growing, and was actually initiated by the sharp decrease in GDP when the banks went belly up in 2008.

Also, the UK people are paid better than Thais and can handle increases in debt a lot better without the need to default, they just cut back on luxuries and affluent living. Also there are plenty of domestic mechanisms in place for people to consolidate or move around their finances to elevate the strain. Such as moving mortgage, consolidating credit cards, changing utility suppliers. Thais have very little ability to do such things. Also the economy is growing steadily and bank lending has been severely limited.

It's been a struggle, but the UK is in very good recovery mode.

On the other hand, Thailand was sheltered from the western credit crunch, and has yet experience the bug crash which is coming like a juggernaut with its brake lines cut.

Thailand's household debt to gdp rose by 17% a year over the 3 years 2010, 2011 and 2012, that is how fast it is getting out of hand. With household credit provided by credit card, leasing and loan companies increased by 27% a year in the same term.

When the bubble bursts here, I can not see it handled well by the Thai government and they won't get much help from China, because their own bubble bursting will be what brings Thailand's economy down. I have a strong feeling it will be felt a lot more severely here than the west. The very sharp decrease in the GDP here will push the ratio probably well over the 100% especially if it is already hovering around that mark when the bubble pops.

Thailand's people have way less options compared with the UK people's. The UK felt the pinch for a few years and moaned a bit, but the people of Thailand will feel a lot more than a pinch.

The government needs to urge the banks to stop all the borrowing now, and stop these stupid schemes to encourage the nation to buy new cars and houses that they know they can't really afford. Instead of swanning around in their little dream world that Thailand is a super economy with a very stable future. Because they could drive the banks and people to bankruptcy, and the government will be in no shape to bail out the banks.

Comparing Thailand and the UK financial situations is like comparing apples with oranges.

Edited by Thainy Tim
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I am sure the blind red faithful will be along shortly to demand Abhibsit and the democrats are charged with the murder of this person

We got something similar - just another colour - courtesy of Thainy Thim

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been rich and I've been poor. I've had it all and lost it a couple of times. Never, ever, have I considered suicide as an solution to my problems. As miserable as it was to be destitute, even living in my car for a time in the dead of winter, I still had my most valuable possession......my life! At least if you're alive, you've got a chance to change things, you've got potential. Now, sitting here in LOS, with a beautiful wife and a comfortable life, I can look back on the bad times and be thankful I didn't decide to throw it all away in a moment of desperation.

Good for you. I'm sorry there is no medal to hand out.

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