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Man shoots his girlfriend and then himself after Police chase in North Pattaya


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Of course in Thailand, public safety and empirical evidence don't mean squat, hence the shooting out of the tyres. This taken from a US site:

Indeed, other experts have cautioned police against shooting out tires, including criminologist Rick Parent. Here's what Parent had to say on the subject in an article posted by the Police Policy Studies Council:

One of the more frequent police injuries appears to be caused when officers attempt to 'shoot out the tires' of suspect vehicles. The automobile and the wheels that it rests upon are largely made of steel. The concrete or asphalt roadway that the vehicle rests upon serve to further compound the situation. When a high speed lead bullet is discharged in the general area of a vehicle, ricochets and metal fragments abound. Unlike the scenes depicted by 'Hollywood', the 'shooting out of a tire' can be a precarious and dangerous event.

Edited by Malthus101
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This guy sounds like a real failure "couldn't even top himself effectively"

And one has to question the IQ of the GF, her 35 and him 20. Maybe they are both failures

Perhaps they are well suited coffee1.gif

On the contrary, men are in their sexual primes at that age and women are in their sexual primes in their mid to late 30s, so seems like a perfect match!

There is a Brazilian nurse at the clinic I attend that used to be a waitress at the Wing House. She is super hot. She is 29, single mom. I thought she might be interested in an older, financially stable man, like me. Nope - she is dating a muscle bound 21 year old guy... Seems older women like young!

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This guy sounds like a real failure "couldn't even top himself effectively"

And one has to question the IQ of the GF, her 35 and him 20. Maybe they are both failures

Perhaps they are well suited coffee1.gif

On the contrary, men are in their sexual primes at that age and women are in their sexual primes in their mid to late 30s, so seems like a perfect match!

Add to this the fact that many Thai Ladies (that have some exra cash) like to keep a younger man on the side. Even if she is married. Sometimes they are unhappily married to....ummm...older men with good incomes, and need the ummm... excitement. The men do it as well. Not very unusual at all.

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Too many Guns , too much emotion , too much like Pattaya .

Pity about the innocent victim though.

How did he shoot her when he can't even Kill himself with a 'Head Shot'

'Shooting tyres out' is a Technique most of us Trainers discourage due to the inherent danger of Ricochet .

Tyres DO NOT explode like in the movies. The vehicle is still mobile & unless shredded , the tyres deflate as fast as the pressure on it & the size of the hole the air escapes from.


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why so often do i see older thai........................................................................................woman with little boys 15-20...

Its Mums and Sons - Thai mums mollycoddle their sons well into middle age ......

aint that the truth. my son is going on 7 and still sleeps with mum and when he takes a dump she asks me to wipe his arse. I refuse of course and get accused of not loving him.

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This guy sounds like a real failure "couldn't even top himself effectively"

And one has to question the IQ of the GF, her 35 and him 20. Maybe they are both failures

Perhaps they are well suited coffee1.gif

And one has to question the IQ of the GF, her 35 and him 20.

Wow an age difference. You may have just called into question the intelligence of 70% of TV regulars.

Didn't you know it's okay for a 65 year old fat foreigner to date a 18 year old in pattaya. But not the other way around. It's just creepy . clap2.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gif

What about the "not so fat" old foreigners ?

You can't sugar coat a Jimmy Savile.

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