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City View Condo......advice sought.


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I am contemplating buying a Condo in this complex, and would appreciate any advice. How much should I be paying per square metre? Do prices increase as you get higher up?

I have looked at a few here over the past few months, but as yet have not 'taken the plunge'.

It's an area and a Soi that I like (soi 2, Thapae Road), but the building itself is so shabby, and the lifts seem to be in poor condition. I am also aware of historic problems of many owners not contributing to the common service charges. And the pool!!!.....what a waste of an asset.

Any information or insights would be appreciated. Anything PM'd will be treated in confidence.

Many thanks.

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You have answered your own question really. All the negative things that you have pointed out would have me running away at great speed. You will forget about price if you get quality, the same cannot be said for inferior products or buildings

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Thanks for the replies so far.

It's not a troll post - simply looking for more information about the building and it's history.

Not so sure it needs demolished - imo it just needs some money spend improving the general condition. I believe the committee recently looked into repainting the whole building, but the costs were prohibitive.

I have been in many spectacular appartments there and know many people who rent and are happy enough. Plenty have been bought and sold over the past year too, so there is sales activity here.

Thank you all for your contributions.

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Well on another note a friend of are's moved in there and another friend of mine and myself went over to visit him. I will say it was a good size room but nothing spectacular about it. Definable needed remodeling. As you say the pool was a waste. Probably no money to fix it or maintain it. Not surprised as many tenants fail to pay there fees. No chance of remodeling it with no money.

To get back to the subject on a different point of view. We both took are Thai wives with us. After we left the building both the wives informed us that the elevator was haunted.

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Well on another note a friend of are's moved in there and another friend of mine and myself went over to visit him. I will say it was a good size room but nothing spectacular about it. Definable needed remodeling. As you say the pool was a waste. Probably no money to fix it or maintain it. Not surprised as many tenants fail to pay there fees. No chance of remodeling it with no money.

To get back to the subject on a different point of view. We both took are Thai wives with us. After we left the building both the wives informed us that the elevator was haunted.

You mean people or person have/has died in th elevator???!!! How did they conclude it was haunted-they could 'feel' something or they had heard a story before?

Maybe it just needs one of those anti-spirit things hanging up?

Isnt the thai word for spirit Pee? Possible someone Pee'd in the elevator after a night out?

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Well on another note a friend of are's moved in there and another friend of mine and myself went over to visit him. I will say it was a good size room but nothing spectacular about it. Definable needed remodeling. As you say the pool was a waste. Probably no money to fix it or maintain it. Not surprised as many tenants fail to pay there fees. No chance of remodeling it with no money.

To get back to the subject on a different point of view. We both took are Thai wives with us. After we left the building both the wives informed us that the elevator was haunted.

You mean people or person have/has died in th elevator???!!! How did they conclude it was haunted-they could 'feel' something or they had heard a story before?

Maybe it just needs one of those anti-spirit things hanging up?

Isnt the thai word for spirit Pee? Possible someone Pee'd in the elevator after a night out?

I have no idea how they came to that conclusion. Both my friend and I are smart enough to let them believe what they are going to believe.

Maybe some one did pee in it. the building strikes me as one that would attract some people like that. On the bright side it is close to Sunis (not sure on the spelling) restaurant.


Spelling other words wrong also. spelling and remembering to use my spell check are not my strong points.

Besides it dosen't always work rite.

Edited by hellodolly
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Well on another note a friend of are's moved in there and another friend of mine and myself went over to visit him. I will say it was a good size room but nothing spectacular about it. Definable needed remodeling. As you say the pool was a waste. Probably no money to fix it or maintain it. Not surprised as many tenants fail to pay there fees. No chance of remodeling it with no money.

To get back to the subject on a different point of view. We both took are Thai wives with us. After we left the building both the wives informed us that the elevator was haunted.

You mean people or person have/has died in th elevator???!!! How did they conclude it was haunted-they could 'feel' something or they had heard a story before?

Maybe it just needs one of those anti-spirit things hanging up?

Isnt the thai word for spirit Pee? Possible someone Pee'd in the elevator after a night out?

I have no idea how they came to that conclusion. Both my friend and I are smart enough to let them believe what they are going to believe.

Maybe some one did pee in it. the building strikes me as one that would attract some people like that. On the bright side it is close to Sunis (not sure on the spelling) restaurant.


Spelling other words wrong also. spelling and remembering to use my spell check are not my strong points.

Besides it dosen't always work rite.

5555!! Agree - I would never rubbish other people's beliefs either. Spelling less important than communicating in my view. Too many irritating pedants around

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Well on another note a friend of are's moved in there and another friend of mine and myself went over to visit him. I will say it was a good size room but nothing spectacular about it. Definable needed remodeling. As you say the pool was a waste. Probably no money to fix it or maintain it. Not surprised as many tenants fail to pay there fees. No chance of remodeling it with no money.

To get back to the subject on a different point of view. We both took are Thai wives with us. After we left the building both the wives informed us that the elevator was haunted.

You mean people or person have/has died in th elevator???!!! How did they conclude it was haunted-they could 'feel' something or they had heard a story before?

Maybe it just needs one of those anti-spirit things hanging up?

Isnt the thai word for spirit Pee? Possible someone Pee'd in the elevator after a night out?

I have no idea how they came to that conclusion. Both my friend and I are smart enough to let them believe what they are going to believe.

Maybe some one did pee in it. the building strikes me as one that would attract some people like that. On the bright side it is close to Sunis (not sure on the spelling) restaurant.


Spelling other words wrong also. spelling and remembering to use my spell check are not my strong points.

Besides it dosen't always work rite.

Thanks...........never knew about the lifts being haunted.

It's .......'Sunee's' I think. She's recently remodelled her place slightly, and food as good as always. But just don't upset her!!

Cheers for all replies.

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soblue -- it sounds like you have your heart set on buying a place, despite knowing the elevators are in poor shape, the pool is beyond repair, the price to repaint is beyond the reach of the building committee, the water rates are about twice what other condo units charge per unit, etc, etc. Since you know how to spell Sunee's name and the quality of her food, then you obviously know the soi and what you're getting into.

Don't put any more into a unit than you can afford to walk away from and figure you'll have --0-- resale value. So, let's do a little math. If you plan to stay 10 years, you'll save yourself 120 month's rent. Let's say you pay 10,000 baht/month now for rent -- bingo, pay $1,200,000 for the place. Or spend that much in purchasing the place and fixing it up. Remember though, that the water rates are likely to be much higher than where you are now. Fortunately, though, the electric rates area at gov't rates.

Yes, yes, I know I didn't figure the time value of money into my little example, but the point I wanted to make to the OP is not to consider ANY resale value in making his purchase decision at City View Condo.

Oh yeah, better check with Sunee to see how long she's planning to run her restaurant. Her boy's about ready to go off to college! Maybe she's going to fly the nest, too!

Edited by NancyL
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