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UDD asks DSI to file treason charge against Abhisit, Suthep


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Indeed, there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel.
How could there be any light? There is zero constructive dialogue between the parties...

From your perspective it is exclusively the government and their allies that are arrogant. From other's perspective it is the opposition that plays destructive games.
The opposition rallies against an amnesty, then, after the amnesty is dropped, they "upgrade" their protest to topple the elected government. These guys are obviously not trustful...
They stage a fake "whissle blowing" farce (how smart was that?), they incite the people to stop working, not to pay taxes, they continously go to the constitution court, they use any possible delay tactic in parliament, they look down at a whole section of the population... Well, it's going to be difficult to find the end of the tunnel with these guys inside...

On the other side, the reds will never trust them. How could they trust them, since they always want to topple the elected government. So, the reds respond by also rallying again. One more round...
Both sides accuse eachother of all sorts of things, just to disturb eachother, they bring eachother to court as often as they can, there is a war of words... hopefully not yet a war.

The treason charge is just another tactic, which will be matched by the Dems with another tactic, then matched by the government with one more tactic, etc, etc, etc... There is no end indeed.

The end of the tunnel will come when both parties will be willing to sit together and find a way out.

The Dems are unfortunately not interested in that option yet. They just have refused every invitation to discuss about a reconciliation, while all the other parties joined hands (except the PAD, of course).

Forgiveness will come one day, but it's not time yet.
So, treason charges in the meantime? Why not?


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Treason charge against Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and former Surat Thani MP Suthep Thuagsuban were long overdue. Abhisit's illegitimate government was a coup engineered by the army and he maintained that government up to the point of almost outright civil war by Thais to restore an electorial government representing their needs. Continuing to make former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra the boogieman is just a political diversion.

Edited by metisdead
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Once again 'the democratic government' - which has lied and stolen from its country and completely neglected its duties in favour of wasting time fawning over its fugitive criminal puppet master. Treason becomes necessary when the government is being run by a despotic crazy with plans to rule the country with his spiteful iron fist. What a load of idiots! Peua Thai ok bai rew rew !!!

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"serious crime for refusal to recognize the legitimate government" is treason ?

What does that make the UDD 'peaceful protesters' in 2010 then ? facepalm.gif

and by extension, doesn't that make any opposition political party guilty of treason for failing to recognise the legitimacy of the current government...?!

What a joke these people are...!!

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It is a typical case of som nam naa. The amnesty law which nobody wanted anyhow would have protected these 2 gentlemen too while they should be in jail for ordering mass murder on the streets of Bangkok. The Democrat party which is unable to win any election and always screws up when they could win voters over are fond of the courts. They do not leave any possibility untouched to bring up lawsuits. let's hope the boomerang is returned to them.

You've decided the 2 gentlemen are guilty prior to the indictment being read and accepted in court, and prior to a trial and the trial verdict.

Why does that not seem surprising form a supporter of PTP - the party that talks of democracy and justice, but only for their supporters of course.

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Actually you have tried Gerry ... on more than one occasion

Could you please explain to the rest of us how civil disobedience, peaceful protesting etc are treason?

They are actually hallmarks of a democracy and trying to stop them are hallmarks of totalitarianism.

Can you explain how protesting for the dissolution of parliament in a parliamentary democracy is treasonous? After all it is the right of the people to make their opinions known in a free society....

I don't remember having written any insults on this forum. But please be welcome to search all my past posts to find any. Allow some time, you might have to search for long wai.gif

However, I do remember that some people here qualifed some of my posts as "nasty" or "belittling"... That's just a question of writting style I guess. And its surely less crude than insults whistling.gif

Why should I explain you anything about what is considered as treason? I trust that the DSI and the court will do their job. It is up to the court to convict them, not us.

But again, everything is irrational, so what can we expect? The previous government used the "terrorism" charges, which was absurd in my opinion, so now we hear about "treason" charges. Not surprising at all...

I agree with you that there is nothing wrong with one making his opinion known in a free society. However, when that opinion is always about toppling an elected government I find it rather boringly repetitive (to say the least).

They could make their voice heard in the next election too. That's what people do in democraties. Of course, they get free food and entertainment at the rallies... It must be a magnet for some people who have nothing else to do.

Abhisit and Suthep could even try to have people actually like them. And their program for the country. That would be nicer than staging street rallies one after another and fighting treason charges...

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They could make their voice heard in the next election too. That's what people do in democraties. Of course, they get free food and entertainment at the rallies... It must be a magnet for some people who have nothing else to do.

Sometimes i wonder if the red shirt supporters can actually hear themselves, with the things they come out with.

The hypocrisy is really quite staggering.

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He probably got his degree from Kentucky Fried Chicken.

I hope some fat bastard wearing a wife beater didn't steal his backpack while he was receiving his degree ! cheesy.gif

Treason charge against Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and former Surat Thani MP Suthep Thuagsuban were long overdue. Abhisit's illegitimate government was a coup engineered by the army and he maintained that government up to the point of almost outright civil war by Thais to restore an electorial government representing their needs. Continuing to make former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra the boogieman is just a political diversion.

Calgary ? Is that you ? ...................................................clap2.gif

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They could make their voice heard in the next election too. That's what people do in democraties. Of course, they get free food and entertainment at the rallies... It must be a magnet for some people who have nothing else to do.

Sometimes i wonder if the red shirt supporters can actually hear themselves, with the things they come out with.

The hypocrisy is really quite staggering.

Indeed. I am now witnessing the first democratic rally in Thailand since long. No violence and most people join have day jobs. It's not fair to compare them to the reds. Day time it's fairly quiet, except for noon time, and then the more protestors show up again during the evening.

Some people believe that democracy is only about elections and if you win you can do whatever you want. No checks and balances, no accountability just do as you please. Sad indeed.

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Did you wait 11 months since joining to write this nonsense?

Illegitimate government? Even jayboy agrees Abhisit's was a legitimate government. All legitimately elected MPs who legitimately choose a PM. As for the 'almost outright' civil war, more like UDD leaders whipping up their cannon fodder with daily shoutcasts and the odd grenade thrown in for good measure.

As for our golf caddy, the criminal fugitive, well, 'his' government seems less legitimate by the day.

Anyway, may I suggest you do some reading, that is assuming you didn't apply for the local troll position?

Treason charge against Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and former Surat Thani MP Suthep Thuagsuban were long overdue. Abhisit's illegitimate government was a coup engineered by the army and he maintained that government up to the point of almost outright civil war by Thais to restore an electorial government representing their needs. Continuing to make former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra the boogieman is just a political diversion.

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Anyway, may I suggest you do some reading, that is assuming you didn't apply for the local troll position?

If he does apply for the resident troll position he better get in line, seems like there are quite a few ahead of him with pretty impressive resumes. whistling.gif

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Anyway, may I suggest you do some reading, that is assuming you didn't apply for the local troll position?

If he does apply for the resident troll position he better get in line, seems like there are quite a few ahead of him with pretty impressive resumes. whistling.gif

You've got it all wrong - WE are the trolls for being "anti-democracy" "coup supporting" members of the "elite". The die-hard red apologists here are the champions of democracy - I wonder if they support this country's leader though? Just replace the president's name with Shinawatra and the country with Thailand and get a glimpse of what we might be reading in the next 30 years - http://www.voanews.com/content/sadc-observer-deems-zimbabwe-election-generally-credible/1741618.html

Edited by SABloke
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Treason charge against Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and former Surat Thani MP Suthep Thuagsuban were long overdue. Abhisit's illegitimate government was a coup engineered by the army and he maintained that government up to the point of almost outright civil war by Thais to restore an electorial government representing their needs. Continuing to make former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra the boogieman is just a political diversion.

Is that you chrisswe?

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Treason charge against Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and former Surat Thani MP Suthep Thuagsuban were long overdue. Abhisit's illegitimate government was a coup engineered by the army and he maintained that government up to the point of almost outright civil war by Thais to restore an electorial government representing their needs. Continuing to make former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra the boogieman is just a political diversion.

You talk about "almost civil war" who engineered that.. the tooth fairy?

Surely the paymaster and instigator of an armed protest to throw out a legal government is an insurrection. is it not...

  1. 1.
    a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down"
    synonyms: rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny, revolution, insurgence, insurgency,rising, rioting, riot, sedition; More

Oh my . yes it is. So with the same thinking Thaksin is indeed a boogieman and should be charged accordingly. Along with the red shirt leaders.

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6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.Defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

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