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In the the last couple of weeks 2 expats have been murdered in Pattaya what prominence has the the BKK post given on line or in print? I was under the illusion that it was a newspaper. Bangkok Ostrich would be more apt.


I must admit that I have seen no reference made to these crimes in the english language press in Thailand apart from that well known local rag PCN. Maybe I missed the few lines they might have had.

However, both crimes have been well aired in the overseas press. Another great tourist boost :o

In the the last couple of weeks 2 expats have been murdered in Pattaya what prominence has the the BKK post given on line or in print? I was under the illusion that it was a newspaper. Bangkok Ostrich would be more apt.

Too common? Also, wrong forum.


How many Thais have been killed? Have they been reported?

Why should dead farangs get more press than Thais?

How many Thais have been killed? Have they been reported?

Why should dead farangs get more press than Thais?

Let me guess, BK is printed in english, percentage of expats that get murdered to Thais? :o


Maybe you should change to the Nation. The story was in there yesterday and listed under top stories in the online version today.

Having said that, Bkk Post carried a story about Toxins business partner seeking a criminal case against him last night. My better half searched the Thai language news and found no reference to it at all.

Having said that, Bkk Post carried a story about Toxins business partner seeking a criminal case against him last night. My better half searched the Thai language news and found no reference to it at all.

:D:D It all seems to be about priorities, but I did smile when I read it. Give it time Farma, the Thai press is always printed a day or two late :o


How many Thais have been killed? Have they been reported?

Why should dead farangs get more press than Thais?

Let me guess, BK is printed in english, percentage of expats that get murdered to Thais? :o

So what? What's fair is fair reporting. Their audience is not just farang, but educated Thai, too.

Why not take your whine to the Post? Or maybe your intention is only to slam them?


The Bangkok Post have never been up to date on reporting non political Thai national news. It is designed for international news and political shenanigans (and as a test for future policy changes IMHO). Most subscribers I suspect are Thai officials and have all the local gossip in such as Thai Rath and don't want to read English for that. Tourists, who make up a large proportion of the foreign readership are not interested in local news to the extent we expats are. It is a negative and when they used to ask readership I always pointed this out - they have not asked for years now (or at least me). They also seem to have been very keen on not upsetting anyone the last few years so that may also be a factor. PLC means you do not have freedom unless it is granted.

In the the last couple of weeks 2 expats have been murdered in Pattaya what prominence has the the BKK post given on line or in print? I was under the illusion that it was a newspaper. Bangkok Ostrich would be more apt.

I knew a 14 year old boy that was stabbed to death at Songkhran - did you ever hear about it? No, you never. Had it been the UK it would have been front page news, but things like that are so common here...


A european tourist was also killed in a nasty bike accident between Chiangmai and Mae Sa, during Songkhran, but not a mention anywhere. Just got awallowed up in the overall statistics. Another sad case, but hardly "newsworthy"

Why not take your whine to the Post? Or maybe your intention is only to slam them?

Of course his intention is to slam them. What's wrong with that? If you're defending your paycheck, pal, just say so.

In Hong Kong they have the South China Morning Post, a world class newspaper, and in Bangkok we have...uh, the Bangkok Post, a fish-wrapper put out by half-literate Thais and uneducated Brits who couldn't get jobs in the UK.

Ain't life unfair?


Unfortunately this is nothing new.

The Bangkok Pest has be censoring the news for years........ :o

I am not sure if it is editorial policy or outside pressure to only paint a rosy picture of Thailand to the world.

Is the Nation any better?


Why not take your whine to the Post? Or maybe your intention is only to slam them?

Of course his intention is to slam them. What's wrong with that? If you're defending your paycheck, pal, just say so.

In Hong Kong they have the South China Morning Post, a world class newspaper, and in Bangkok we have...uh, the Bangkok Post, a fish-wrapper put out by half-literate Thais and uneducated Brits who couldn't get jobs in the UK.

Ain't life unfair?

OldHandLuke ........

How about a positive post about Thailand from you? Jst once .... really ... it won't make you beleed .... (though your constant whinging on about Thailand does call to mind ...)

How about a positive post about Thailand from you? Jst once

so , jdinasia , what exactly do you think is so great about the bangkok posts newsgathering and reporting service then ?


Thank you.

I particularly love the use of the word 'whinging' to characterize any observation about anything connected in any way with Thailand that doesn't amount to the sort of mindless, half-witted cheerleading that is the usual grist for this forum.

I thought we were talking about newspapers here, but apparently not.

The refugees from reality are, yet again, trying to hijack a perfectly reasonable conversation to pee on anyone who doesn't show everything about Thailand the unconditional love that is about the only focus most of them seem to have left in their wretched little lives.

Good Lord.


Why not take your whine to the Post? Or maybe your intention is only to slam them?

Of course his intention is to slam them. What's wrong with that? If you're defending your paycheck, pal, just say so.

In Hong Kong they have the South China Morning Post, a world class newspaper, and in Bangkok we have...uh, the Bangkok Post, a fish-wrapper put out by half-literate Thais and uneducated Brits who couldn't get jobs in the UK.

Ain't life unfair?

Um, I rather think the SCMP and Bankok Post are owned by the same company, based in Hong Kong, which employs expatriate labour, including those from the UK, at both venues.

I concede there may have been an element of FILTH in the past but, given the decline in standards in the UK generally, I do not think the trend holds true anymore. In fact most hacks in London,and elsewhere for that matter, would give their right <deleted> for the opportunity to work either here in Bangkok or Honkers.

I always appreciate good invective and your posts seldom disappoint but when it is at the expense of accuracy I am compelled to intervene although taking potshots at Jdinasia is to be encouraged.

How about a positive post about Thailand from you? Jst once

so , jdinasia , what exactly do you think is so great about the bangkok posts newsgathering and reporting service then ?

Fair question ... I am rather ambivalent about the BP and TN .... I have home delivery for both and would say that 1/2 the time they go completely unread. Though the crosswords get done a bit more often.

Newgathering in the BP is OK ... othing great ... but for news I usually read Manager or watch TeleV ... (and would say that "news" in Thailand overall just sucks ... but there's the internet ... and TVisa

But can you really blame people for reacting to oldHandLuke's constant whingeing on about Thailand ... I just polled his posts .. and it is all pretty negative about where he has lived for 20+ years ... (what does it say about someone that stays 20+ years in a place he loathes?) I really do wish for him that he finds some of the beauty of living here that he must have once felt! Or at least that he can manage to break free if not!)


Short memories or what?

A recently past long-term editor of Bangkok Post was sacked for running a story criticising the then-govt's 'highly acclaimed' new airport.... what hope has the real truth of getting to readers?


You have to understand, in Asia news is not publisized as in the west. Most of asia is effected by tourism, and to publisize news such as murders only hurt the local economies.



Having subscribed to the BP for 2yrs now I must say that it usually is very sub-standard reading. I feel the quality has more to do with their limited resources and reader numbers rather then the staff themselves. The Nation is by no means any better/worse then the BP either...

I'm sure the thai newspapers are more comprehensive.


I am a daily reader of the BP and an occasional reader of The Nation. Actually I like TN better, but old habits die hard and I just don't feel quite like I've read the news unless I've gone through the BP. Both seem to have pluses and minuses.


Crime news from Pattaya are simply not worth reporting, especially if they are in any way connected with sexpats/sextourists.

Even if some serious shit happens Thai reporters won't touch it with a pole. They have to break through the stereotype of an ugly, fat, naked farang overdosed on viagra.

For all the coverage on Thaivisa, Route 666 fire got only half a column and a small picture in The Nation.


I don't know if I'm the only one who does this but this is how I read the BKK post

1. Glance at front page (glaze over all political stuff)

2. Read all non-political Thai articles

3. Skip out everything unitl postbag - read postbag

4. Read football

5. Look at what supplements are available - read the funnies and ignore everything else

The fact is the the BKK post is not the sort of newspaper I would read back home and I'm not about to start reading it here - if it's in the gym or in a restaurant the it's worth a look - otherwise I can get all my Thai news here - and everything else on newspaper websites.


i used to buy the bp daily , but soon got disappointed with the poor coverage of news.

these days i know which pubs and coffee shops have it (and other papers) available and will read it whilst having a coffee or sandwich.

my first stop is always the cartoon page , and monty.

then its the front page , sport page , letter page and finally a slower browse through the news pages.

i like the database computer section and i like reading about cars in the friday motoring section.

i also find some sordid amusement in the oh so predictable anti western rantings of the travel writer , imtaz muqbil.

its a poor quality rag on the whole , and not worth a fraction of the 25 baht ask for it.

if i can tear out the wordgame pages and pocket them without anyone seeing then i will.

for some time now , with the help of my thai teacher , i have been reading selected articles from thai rath and the thai daily news , and have been pleasantly surprised at the quality of both the reporting and the comment. i had always been under the misapprehension that thai newspapers were no more than scandal filled rags.

not so.

my first stop is always the cartoon page , and monty.

then its the front page , sport page , letter page and finally a slower browse through the news pages.

i like the database computer section and i like reading about cars in the friday motoring section.

i also find some sordid amusement in the oh so predictable anti western rantings of the travel writer , imtaz muqbil.

its a poor quality rag on the whole , and not worth a fraction of the 25 baht ask for it.

if i can tear out the wordgame pages and pocket them without anyone seeing then i will.

I always knew we had lots in common tax! I always go for the intellectual part of the newspaper first too :o

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