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What Do You Like Most/least About Thailand?


What Do You Like Most/Least About Thailand?  

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What are posters' most valued aspects of Thailand and what are some of Thailands aspects which have the least appeal?

My favortie aspect of Thailand are khon Thai. Each to their own but as a nationality I find Thais hard to beat overall. In fact, it was the Thai people that convinced me more than anything to move here. Of course, the wifey plays a major role in my decision. :o

After that, and in no particular order, are all of the above choices I listed.

Aspects that I don't care for are few. The heat doesn't bother me too much but the humidity can be a killjoy at times. Visa and residency are issues that I wish would be different on the one hand and yet there's benefits in my eyes, also.

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I like the girls most and the Government red tape least.

Am not real crazy about being broiled alive at this time of year either, but try to spend as much time as possible in air-con! :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I guess I would go under 'business opportunites' for most liked. Doesn't exactly fit, it's that I really love my job here. Extremely challenging and extremely satisfying with non of the conflicts with personnel I had to deal with back home plus my work and skills are actually appreciated here.

Least liked, visa/residency - always a nervous point for me even though I know my stay is pretty much guaranteed due to my work. Just went through my 1-year extension and work permit renewal this week and the university screwed up and came up short one letter so they (imm) gave me a 10-day extension to clear it up. I have to admit though that immigration was very helpful and friendly about the situation and told me not to worry, the poo-yai's comment 'you're legal' so no problem. :o

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Overall I like the weather, food and cost of living. Thais are good to be around but they are quite shallow and not very bright. I get fed up of dealing with imature 'big kids' who find thinking a 'chore'.

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Overall I like the weather, food and cost of living. Thais are good to be around but they are quite shallow and not very bright. I get fed up of dealing with imature 'big kids' who find thinking a 'chore'.

That's going to get you a few comments for stereotyping.

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Overall I like the weather, food and cost of living. Thais are good to be around but they are quite shallow and not very bright. I get fed up of dealing with imature 'big kids' who find thinking a 'chore'.

That's going to get you a few comments for stereotyping.

Which is exactly what has happened in every other What Do You Like Most/least About Thailand? thread..

Tip.. be more creative.. no need to keep regurgitating this rubbish

totster :o

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Which is exactly what has happened in every other What Do You Like Most/least About Thailand? thread..

Tip.. be more creative.. no need to keep regurgitating this rubbish

I see your point now.

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The question was asked and I answered. I don't think I was being mean, just stating what I see. If you see things in a different light then fine.

If I had said Thais are polite and fun-loving, would that have been a problem?

Like I said, it's a good country full of good people.

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Which is exactly what has happened in every other What Do You Like Most/least About Thailand? thread..

Tip.. be more creative.. no need to keep regurgitating this rubbish

A little more originality in polls would be most refreshing :o

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Which is exactly what has happened in every other What Do You Like Most/least About Thailand? thread..

Tip.. be more creative.. no need to keep regurgitating this rubbish

A little more originality in polls would be most refreshing :o


Geeez, :D !!!!!!!!! Wasn't thinking about the negatives when I posted. But you're probably right, tots, might just be an invitation for people to stereotype. Well, if it's old hat it'll run it's course quickly. :D

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Why is beer selection in the 'what you like least about thailand' part.

Beer selection in Thailand is great. There are what, 13-14 different regular beers to choose from...not to mention all these new light and draught craps on the market now...and if you really want to be spoiled and close minded, you still gots loads of places that carry imports of irish, german, and even american beer...

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Overall I like the weather, food and cost of living. Thais are good to be around but they are quite shallow and not very bright. I get fed up of dealing with imature 'big kids' who find thinking a 'chore'.

I like farangs who say things like this. Its good to know what they really say about Thais behind their backs.

Edited by Thaible
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Overall I like the weather, food and cost of living. Thais are good to be around but they are quite shallow and not very bright. I get fed up of dealing with imature 'big kids' who find thinking a 'chore'.

I like farangs who say things like this. Its good to know what they really say about Thais behind their backs.

Not to worry, farangs like that are in the minority, just as are Thais who have silly negative preconceptions about all farangs.

I like the people, the food, the culture, the mai pen rai easygoing attitude.

I dislike the heat and humidity.

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couldn't decide about favourite so went for 'nightlife' in the end. The women can fall under that umbrella too I suppose.

then theres the thai people, food, weather etc and of course TV Forum!!!

least favourite was easy enough - corruption.

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Oh! please spare me. Does anyone think the polar opposite? Thais may be nice but they are far from smart. The way they drive, use the BTS or use pavements! There is a thread about the sad demise of some 'lift' workers that contains many worse things than my comment.

If I am in such a minorty, why are Thai people listed as one of the worst things in Thailand (khon Thai) in this very poll.

I am in awe of the guys that put me down when all and sundry make such comments. The sand must be pretty deep. Not just 'farangs' (because they are too lazy to think of another term) but other Asians I know agree.

Nice folk. Easy to be around. Great country. Not smart.

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Oh! please spare me. Does anyone think the polar opposite? Thais may be nice but they are far from smart. The way they drive, use the BTS or use pavements! There is a thread about the sad demise of some 'lift' workers that contains many worse things than my comment.

If I am in such a minorty, why are Thai people listed as one of the worst things in Thailand (khon Thai) in this very poll.

I am in awe of the guys that put me down when all and sundry make such comments. The sand must be pretty deep. Not just 'farangs' (because they are too lazy to think of another term) but other Asians I know agree.

Nice folk. Easy to be around. Great country. Not smart.

As far as a people of any nationality go they need to be accounted for on an individual basis and not simply generalized about. The problem with generalizations is that there are always exceptions. Hence, the generalizations do not work well and draw a lot of criticism from those whose experience differs.

Also, since people are multidimensional there are always those aspects of a personality to focus upon which are pleasing. It's left up to the individual to do that or not. Unfortunately, when people choose to gravitate almost exclusively towards those aspects that do not please them then they themselves are the ones who unwittingly suffer. Their developed biases will, unrecognized to them, end up becoming self-fulfilling prophesies. In which case they will create more evidence to substantiate their views, which in turn will continue to re-enforce those views. A vicious circle is created, again unwittingly. To further compound the problem is the fact that as long as you're fixated on the poor aspects you will blind yourself to anything else. Such is human nature.

The sand isn't deep, rather it's the view you choose to take in. :o

Have a pleasant experience. :D

Edited by Tippaporn
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Griffin is entitled to his opinion.

Thailand has not won a Nobel prize, ever. Little Switzerland with

one eighth of the population has won 24. Nobel by country

No world class Thai companies ! Nothing like IBM, BP, Samsung

Toyota, Boeing, Rolls Royce, Intel, BASF, BMW, Sony, Alcatel, G.E. etc. etc.

In fact nary a one. :o

Mind you ... They got lotsa Hubs :D

I says it like I sees it.

Now where are all those "I love Thailand more than you love Thailand" types ?


Edited by naka
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The cost of living is very important because I would be living like a pauper in the USA. I like the food, the weather and the culture. The only place I EVER want to see ice again is in my glass. :D

I loved it in Jomtien before you farangs made the traffic a nighmare. :o I have been forced to live out in the boonies for the peace and quiet. The corruption is irritating but it really doesn't affect me much so it's no big deal. :D

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Griffin is entitled to his opinion.

Thailand has not won a Nobel prize, ever. Little Switzerland with

one eighth of the population has won 24. Nobel by country

No world class Thai companies ! Nothing like IBM, BP, Samsung

Toyota, Boeing, Rolls Royce, Intel, BASF, BMW, Sony, Alcatel, G.E. etc. etc.

In fact nary a one. :o

Mind you ... They got lotsa Hubs :D

I says it like I sees it.

Now where are all those "I love Thailand more than you love Thailand" types ?


What are you saying then, naka, that any nationality which has a Nobel prize or world class corporation is "better" than Thailand? I guess if those are the only important things in life then Thailand might rank low.

The idea behind listing least favoured aspects wasn't intended to invite bashing. It's merely to question what people least prefer about Thailand. The concept of preferences is what escapes some people. They feel that if it's something they don't like, or prefer, then it's O.K. to belittle it. It's one thing to state your preferences and quite another to espouse your preferences as holier than thou.

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I LOVE Thailand, and I could care less if the majority of the people are stupid, or not, - there are plenty of Thais who aren't - but I can't see berating those who feel this way when they are being asked for their opinions.

Don't ask questions if you don't want honest answers! :o

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Which is exactly what has happened in every other What Do You Like Most/least About Thailand? thread..

Tip.. be more creative.. no need to keep regurgitating this rubbish

A little more originality in polls would be most refreshing :o


Geeez, :D !!!!!!!!! Wasn't thinking about the negatives when I posted. But you're probably right, tots, might just be an invitation for people to stereotype. Well, if it's old hat it'll run it's course quickly. :D

On second thought tots, I recant. I find the poll results interesting. And if it's an opportunity to provide proper perspectives then there's value here.

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In a way my main dislikes are circumvented in the poll:

The way authorities treat the population.

(It makes me angry when I see those disgusting public transport busses spewing out black death and the people walking, eating and generally living literally two feet from the road, the tapwater is not potable, telephone system is shocking, a large part of the population lives in poverty etc . . . Yet, it can spend how many 100billion of baht on a new airport?!)

Favourite aspect would be the geography - we have a week-ender near Krabi, right at the base of a craggy mini-mountain and a view of the sea from the second floor.

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