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unidentified hanging object/insect?

beau thai

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Not the best photo but these 'things' are about 8mm long, oval, and usually hang from the ceiling (difficult to detach) and I thought they were some sort of pupae of something, but found one with its head out 1mm, moving along the balcony today

. Quick trawl of google images hasnt helped.

I assume they metamorphose into something else bu I have no idea what?


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There are such clever people on TV! Thank you so much. We have wondered what these are for months.

It seems that they turn into small moths which geckos eat -if we and they get lucky.

We get rid of them about once in 2 weeks then find another 6-7.

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Ive seen something similar around just about every building Ive been in, that includes our house and also a condo.... but I think they may just be silverfish moult (I have never seen anything emerge from these 'skins' but thats not to say nothing ever has).

I tried to find photos on the internet but no joy as yet although there are a few articles about silverfish.

Your photo also looks a bit different to what Ive seen and the attached article from threedot says that your beastie is a bit like a clothes moth....they eat clothes. Not nice.

But like your ones, the ones Ive seen are or can be difficult to remove off wall or ceilings. Vacuum cleaner doesnt always work and a good stiff broom sometimes needs several swipes to remove them.

Luckily I havent seen or found any centipedes in the house....they can be agressive with a rather nasty bite!

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I think threedot is spot on Kiwi-if you click his link, or google image case-bearing moth larvae, the photos there are definitely what I have here.

I have not seen silverfish in Thailand (yet!) but in the west they are literally like small fish but out of water

Ive seen something similar around just about every building Ive been in, that includes our house and also a condo.... but I think they may just be silverfish moult (I have never seen anything emerge from these 'skins' but thats not to say nothing ever has).

I tried to find photos on the internet but no joy as yet although there are a few articles about silverfish.

Your photo also looks a bit different to what Ive seen and the attached article from threedot says that your beastie is a bit like a clothes moth....they eat clothes. Not nice.

But like your ones, the ones Ive seen are or can be difficult to remove off wall or ceilings. Vacuum cleaner doesnt always work and a good stiff broom sometimes needs several swipes to remove them.

Luckily I havent seen or found any centipedes in the house....they can be agressive with a rather nasty bite!

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