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Would a 500 Baht emergency-coverage fee scare off foreign tourists?


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A Tax is a Tax is a Tax.

Ignore the name, this is just another way to increase government income.

Very little to do with health funding, which is already more than covered from the taxes on tourists' expenditures, and the increased employment created in the tourist industry.

Most governments try this trick.

The name fools nobody.

Edited by attento
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If the French can force the Thais to buy compulsory insurance, why can't the Thais do the same?

Double standard?

It is a matter of principle, not who is rich and who is poor.


What are the requirements for insurance?

Due to a regulation of the European Union (Decision 2004/17/CE of December 22nd 2003), there is a requirement to hold travel insurance, which is a compulsory document.

The travel insurance should be:

Valid for Schengen area if you apply for short stay visa

Valid for France if it is required in the document list and you apply for long stay visa

Valid for DROM/CTOM according to your itinerary

Your travel insurance must be valid with a minimum cover of 30,000 in order to face any expenses that may arise in connection with your repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention or emergency hospital treatment. The travel insurance should fully cover the period of your stay in the Schengen Area. (see list of approved insurance companies.)

And how much would that cost, what would the coverage be, and what would the exclusions be?

For 500 baht you would get some pretty good coverage and the reality is that in many cases accidents would be covered by other policies or car insurance etc.

If you slip in a hotel, the hotel insurance pays.

If 500 Baht would give you pretty good coverage, then why does your travel insurance from your home country cost a multiple of that ?

maybe the expensive insurance Policies include repatriation ??

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Personally I welcome it. Cheap insurance. Of course it should be more like 100 baht. What many tourists don't realize

is the insurance they have paid for and think they have is bogus with many fine print limitations/ exclusions so you are

not really covered. As you don't make a claim there are no issues. If that time ever comes, only then do you find out.

So a simple charge at immigration for emergency care, accident, stroke, heart attack works for me.

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If the French can force the Thais to buy compulsory insurance, why can't the Thais do the same?

Double standard?

It is a matter of principle, not who is rich and who is poor.


What are the requirements for insurance?

Due to a regulation of the European Union (Decision 2004/17/CE of December 22nd 2003), there is a requirement to hold travel insurance, which is a compulsory document.

The travel insurance should be:

Valid for Schengen area if you apply for short stay visa

Valid for France if it is required in the document list and you apply for long stay visa

Valid for DROM/CTOM according to your itinerary

Your travel insurance must be valid with a minimum cover of 30,000 in order to face any expenses that may arise in connection with your repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention or emergency hospital treatment. The travel insurance should fully cover the period of your stay in the Schengen Area. (see list of approved insurance companies.)

And how much would that cost, what would the coverage be, and what would the exclusions be?

For 500 baht you would get some pretty good coverage and the reality is that in many cases accidents would be covered by other policies or car insurance etc.

If you slip in a hotel, the hotel insurance pays.

If 500 Baht would give you pretty good coverage, then why does your travel insurance from your home country cost a multiple of that ?

What does a travel insurance policy cost from Europe to Thailand for 2 or 3 week holiday?

Money supermarket just quoted me 10gbp for 15mn gbp medical cover but an excess of 250gbp for 2 weeks in thailand with repatriation.

Rather more than 300,000 Thai baht. Hmmmm

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Bt500 will be imposed only on those arriving via air. For land border crossing the fee will be Bt30 regardless of the time you are going to stay in Thailand. So yes, for each Cambodia visarun you'll pay Bt30 extra.

the Public Health Ministry proposed a plan to collect Bt500 as a fee for entering the country from foreign tourists staying in Thailand from three to 30 days;.............so if one is on a 1 year tourist visa does one have to pay 500 baht every

I am not sure if they will apply the fee only to those who arriving by air, but what it is said is ..... 500 baht fee for foreign tourist staying in Thailand from 3 to 30 days.

So if you need to do visa runs I guess you might have some problems to make some border officers understand that you must not to pay a this tax.

Also when they say foreign tourist they really wanted to say farangs nor Lao or Burmese because they need them, to do the jobs than thais don't want to do.

Completely discriminatory

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This 500 Bht is NOT a travel insurance and will not cover cost for medical treatment which will still need to be paid for. Just a money making exercise which will more likely piss tourists off rather than scare them off.


More of a concern is the logistics of it. Where will it be collected, at immigration? Most tourists do not already have Thai baht when entering the country. Surely this will cause huge delays getting through immigration?

I suspect there will be an arbitary amount in USD, GBP, EURO etc which will be more than the equivalent 500bts, as no change will be given ( its not a bank!). They will know what to charge and there is no point in arguing as they wont speak your language at the time.

Entry to Cambodia 20$ or 1000bts I seem to recall was a common conversion without the help of the local corruption squad.



$20 is the price for a tourist visa at the airport and still is IIRC. They are still at it demanding 1000thb if you have no US$ and shortchanging people who have paid in US$ as far as I am aware. People have cottoned on though and there's fewer suckers getting visas on arrival. eVisa is the way to go although it is $5 more.


Upon arrival by air in Siem Reap several months ago both myself and Thai gf, (myself with a business visa and she visa free) were asked at the immigration desk for money. I saw several Korean tourists paying money at the immigration desk after they had already paid for visas on arrival. In Phnom Penh there are clear signs stating 'nothing to be paid here' while in Siem Reap the scamming continues. Just be aware people. 


I expect this 500thb fee will provide plenty of scope for corruption at certain entry points throughout Thailand.



So they cotton on and pay $5 more. I am missing some thing there. I would think it was the other way around they would pay the visa fee apon arrival.


As far as Siem Reap I had to pay $25 U S while my girl friend was free, ?Same in Bali although I believe it was only $20 there and she was free.


You are quite correct there is defiantly plenty of room for corruption but as I have said in an earlier post where else are you going to get medical insurance for 500 baht a month. 6.000 baht a year.If the new medical plan for ex pats works out it will only be 2,200 baht a year. $200 American. The last time I tried to apply for medical insurance for a year it was $1,650 for a year.


The ones who are doing the visa runs are the ones who will have to pay the most but still it is cheaper than any other alternative.


A well thought out plan on the Governments side to make money and a not so well thought out reaction from the ex pats. Tourists will be jumping all over this plan cheapest deal in town.


You have misunderstood my post. The money asked was a bribe at actual immigration desk not the charge for the visa fee. My post made that perfectly clear. Both my girlfriend and I were asked. I already have a one year multi entry business visa and my gf is Thai so visa free entry to Cambodia.

I am still shaking my head at the amount of posters thinking you will get anything for this 500thb fee.

This fee will provide no healthcare benefits for foreigners, it is merely to cover those that skip without paying.

The rest of the money will be trousered by the usual beaurocrats and officials.

I repeat - you will not be entitled to anthing under this new scam, sorry, fee.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Again - this is merely a fee to cover the costs of those that skip without paying their hospital bill.

You are deluded if you think this will cover your healthcare costs while in Thailand or provide any sort of insurance whatsoever.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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To answer the headline question...YES... but there is no need for the 500 baht charge, many westerners will be scared off when they see the quality of healthcare in MOST hospitals in Thailand. For Thai's that benefit from tourism it's a good thing most tourists don't know the low quality of healthcare in most hospitals here. If you're having a heart attack they most likely will ask "Can I have your Passport and insurance card?" After a long wait they might even attempt to treat you. If they don't know what they are doing (because they bought their degree) they will just give you some pills that could very well kill you.

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Maybe all the Ministry's ministers should think, read this blog, think, get it translated correctly (almost impossible here), ask all the locals that might be effected, think again, forget about their own greed, think, sell one of their six 1234 million baht cars, give it to the health department, think once again, make sure it's used appropriately, stop being greedy, stop skimming money , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and. Problem solved.

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I'm hoping that less tourist will be coming to Thailand because of paying the 500 baht.Less tourist means A better Thailand

You are including yourself in that, s a matter of course?

If the French can force the Thais to buy compulsory insurance, why can't the Thais do the same?

Double standard?

It is a matter of principle, not who is rich and who is poor.


What are the requirements for insurance?
Due to a regulation of the European Union (Decision 2004/17/CE of December 22nd 2003), there is a requirement to hold travel insurance, which is a compulsory document.
The travel insurance should be:
Valid for Schengen area if you apply for short stay visa
Valid for France if it is required in the document list and you apply for long stay visa
Valid for DROM/CTOM according to your itinerary
Your travel insurance must be valid with a minimum cover of €30,000 in order to face any expenses that may arise in connection with your repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention or emergency hospital treatment. The travel insurance should fully cover the period of your stay in the Schengen Area. (see list of approved insurance companies.)

Yes the thais can buy and own land in france, why we can not do the same here?

Double standard?
It is a matter of principle, not who is rich and who is poor.

Yes, a medical travel insurance is necessary.

But I do not want to be forced to buy a more then questionable insurance that really does not help me in the event of an incident.

If you have a Schengen approved insurance, then u can be sure you get the medical help you need.

Please let me choose a approved insurance companie by myself.

Do you really think that this 500 baht for 30 days is from a kindhearted origin?

I think more than 50% of all Thai people have no health insurance.
Would be good if everyone had a health insurance, like in france.

Maybe it is also a matter, who is rich enough to buy a health insurance.

Pray tell, what does buying land have to do with this?

Honestly, I do believe some people should never leave their home country

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If the annual costs are 200-300 million baht, and there are 23 million tourists per year, than the charge per tourist should be 10-13 baht.

If they want to be on the safe side, they can charge 20 baht per tourist (and that would have no effect on the number of tourists...).

500 baht per tourist is about 14 times the amount they need, so it's definitely going be used for other things then emergency medical care.

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500 baht or approximately $15 dollars is not going to scare off tourists. This is the price of two draft beers in most western cities. Of course I won't speculate on how the government manages the income......

For backpackers, it means one night at a cheap guest house + a meal or two.

It won't change their travel plans, but it can reduce their spending and/or their length of stay.

For package tourists, it would just be added to the package price, so no change there.

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Personally I welcome it. Cheap insurance. Of course it should be more like 100 baht. What many tourists don't realize

is the insurance they have paid for and think they have is bogus with many fine print limitations/ exclusions so you are

not really covered. As you don't make a claim there are no issues. If that time ever comes, only then do you find out.

So a simple charge at immigration for emergency care, accident, stroke, heart attack works for me.

Some of you idiots really make me laugh...where on earth do you get the idea the 500 baht is to pay for an insurance policy?

The charge of 500 baht is to supposedly cover costs for uninsured "tourists" who get into trouble and cost the Thai health system money. Quite apart from the facts that many of these people aren't tourists and that the amount of money per visitor is tiny compared to the proposed charge, nowhere does it say any insurance will be provided.

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Please someone go and do the maths for these dips**TS.

They lose 300mn? My God, they are losing bazillions on rice, on bomb detectors and they want to go through all this hassle to recover 300mn from 20mn tourists?

15 baht per head?

Mmm. Your use of bazillions as a monetary indicator does not inspire confidence in your intricate knowledge of pecuniary matters and budgets- However it is probably and indicator. Not to mention tourism issues and rice are somewhat different venues. There are more profound issues than insurance coverage fees for visitors so the item should be ignored? Please share with us your deep insights into what you consider to be a non "dips**TS" allocation of time and money being expended on various issues compared to how these metrics presently stand.

Edited by techboy
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Well, of course they need at least 14 x the cost. How else to pay for sending kids overseas for study, gold, luxury items, etc etc etc?

Why do you think the departure tax was a cash only transaction for a decade after other countries built that cost into the ticket price?

If the annual costs are 200-300 million baht, and there are 23 million tourists per year, than the charge per tourist should be 10-13 baht.

If they want to be on the safe side, they can charge 20 baht per tourist (and that would have no effect on the number of tourists...).

500 baht per tourist is about 14 times the amount they need, so it's definitely going be used for other things then emergency medical care.

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A couple of times I tried to get a VAT refund at the airport. Didn't work. They keptrequiring conditions, beyond a VAT receipt, etc. It's the nature of bureaucracy to take fees and pay back as little as possible. This scam insurance thing will be more of the same. Most, if not all hospitals will find reasons for not accepting it. Those that do accept it, will finagle ways to charge much more. It's for farang, and farang don't quibble about prices. All Thais think all farang are rich. They see us go to ATM's and pull out the maximum Bt.20k - day after day.

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If they are not scared off by mass demonstrations, reports of violent crime, airport closures, natural disasters, scams, etcetera ... why would they be scared off by a 500 baht fee collected on arrival?

I struggle to think of why 23 million tourists come here every year in the first place.

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So No body can answer my question as to this 500bht refer to retirement visa holders??

It appears not so you might have to do your own research

A couple of times I tried to get a VAT refund at the airport. Didn't work. They keptrequiring conditions, beyond a VAT receipt, etc. It's the nature of bureaucracy to take fees and pay back as little as possible. This scam insurance thing will be more of the same. Most, if not all hospitals will find reasons for not accepting it. Those that do accept it, will finagle ways to charge much more. It's for farang, and farang don't quibble about prices. All Thais think all farang are rich. They see us go to ATM's and pull out the maximum Bt.20k - day after day.

Odd, I've never had trouble with getting a VAT refund . . . though one does wonder if the people who proposed this have had in-depth discussions with hospitals involved . . . one would think not

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Please someone go and do the maths for these dips**TS.

They lose 300mn? My God, they are losing bazillions on rice, on bomb detectors and they want to go through all this hassle to recover 300mn from 20mn tourists?

15 baht per head?

Mmm. Your use of bazillions as a monetary indicator does not inspire confidence in your intricate knowledge of pecuniary matters and budgets- However it is probably and indicator. Not to mention tourism issues and rice are somewhat different venues. There are more profound issues than insurance coverage fees for visitors so the item should be ignored? Please share with us your deep insights into what you consider to be a non "dips**TS" allocation of time and money being expended on various issues compared to how these metrics presently stand.

I think his point is that 300 million baht is an extremely small sum in the grand scheme of things when compared to the many other things the government loses far larger sums of money on. You can perhaps understand the term bazillion as an amount that exceeds 300 million by several orders of magnitude.

I wonder what the cost of collecting this fee and administering the whole system would be? I would not be surprised if it was greater than the 300 million baht they say they are losing. Of course, at 30 or 500 baht per person, they will be collecting far in excess of the 300 million figure. Will anything really be provided to the people paying this fee?

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If they are not scared off by mass demonstrations, reports of violent crime, airport closures, natural disasters, scams, etcetera ... why would they be scared off by a 500 baht fee collected on arrival?


I struggle to think of why 23 million tourists come here every year in the first place.

I don't. You put millions of nice honey skinned, thin, agreeable, feminine ladies with a economic disadvantage anywhere in the world and add a good dose of live and let live attitude, and you will have the same situation. Millions of foreigners (overwhelmingly men, and, in this case, White men like the Chinese immigrant men before them) coming to... Uhm, visit temples and enjoy the "culture".


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If they are not scared off by mass demonstrations, reports of violent crime, airport closures, natural disasters, scams, etcetera ... why would they be scared off by a 500 baht fee collected on arrival?

I struggle to think of why 23 million tourists come here every year in the first place.

I don't. You put millions of nice honey skinned, thin, agreeable, feminine ladies with a economic disadvantage anywhere in the world and add a good dose of live and let live attitude, and you will have the same situation. Millions of foreigners (overwhelmingly men, and, in this case, White men like the Chinese immigrant men before them) coming to... Uhm, visit temples and enjoy the "culture".


You seem to focus solely on whoring as the attraction Thailand has for the tourist arrivals - why is that?

500baht isn't going to deter me from my quarterly week-long visits and I doubt my wife and children would show any interest in the 'millions of nice honey skinned, thin, agreeable, feminine ladies with a economic disadvantage' . . .

I did like your 'White men' Chinese comment, though . . . and I'm sure you realise that Thais are overwhelmingly of Chinese origin. thumbsup.gif

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I think you should be exempt on production of a valid insurance document on entry.

I can see it having a small impact especially on budget travelers, but mostly on regional travelers from the ASEAN countries. 500 baht may well piss them off enough to make alternative arrangements.

They could possibly end up losing well over 10 billion a year.

The Thai Revenue Dept target for 2013 is around 2 trillion baht, so even if 1% of tourists were to fall away, then that could see a drop of 20 billion.

I don't think the title should say 'scare off tourists' but it would certainly 'piss off tourists'.

Thailand needs to get it's head out of its arse on tourism. I have traveled far and wide all my life, and I have seen enough major tourist destinations going from boom town to ghost town in a relatively short time.

10 years from now, I expect Thailand to be declining. Most have been there and done it, plenty of new places opening up all the time, fashions change. Thailand needs to start thinking about improving the tourist industry here instead of letting it slide into a seedy cesspit of scams and corruption.

You don't know what you have got until it has gone. Thailand would be cast back into the dark ages without its tourist revenue.

Don't take the piss Thailand.

Tourists should have valid medical insurance just the same as required by Thais going to Europe.

There could be a pre-Immigration check which wouldn't slow things down at all.

The Thb500 is just a nonsense.

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One of those times when the all-caps rule should be waived...

The vast majority of those posting here just don't get that this is not an insurance premium, and won't buy arriving tourists who pay it, however it might eventually be collected, anything. It's just a new fee; a charge; a tax. Whether the arriving tourist has travel insurance or not is totally irrelevant. Where, how, and if foreigners get emergency medical care won't change.

Theoretically, the fee would go to reimburse hospitals who provide services that go unpaid by foreigners, after-the-fact. Practically, well, most of us appreciate the "practically"...

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