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Would a 500 Baht emergency-coverage fee scare off foreign tourists?


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This 500 Bht is NOT a travel insurance and will not cover cost for medical treatment which will still need to be paid for. Just a money making exercise which will more likely piss tourists off rather than scare them off.

More of a concern is the logistics of it. Where will it be collected, at immigration? Most tourists do not already have Thai baht when entering the country. Surely this will cause huge delays getting through immigration?

I suspect there will be an arbitary amount in USD, GBP, EURO etc which will be more than the equivalent 500bts, as no change will be given ( its not a bank!). They will know what to charge and there is no point in arguing as they wont speak your language at the time.

Entry to Cambodia 20$ or 1000bts I seem to recall was a common conversion without the help of the local corruption squad.

$20 is the price for a tourist visa at the airport and still is IIRC. They are still at it demanding 1000thb if you have no US$ and shortchanging people who have paid in US$ as far as I am aware. People have cottoned on though and there's fewer suckers getting visas on arrival. eVisa is the way to go although it is $5 more.

Upon arrival by air in Siem Reap several months ago both myself and Thai gf, (myself with a business visa and she visa free) were asked at the immigration desk for money. I saw several Korean tourists paying money at the immigration desk after they had already paid for visas on arrival. In Phnom Penh there are clear signs stating 'nothing to be paid here' while in Siem Reap the scamming continues. Just be aware people.

I expect this 500thb fee will provide plenty of scope for corruption at certain entry points throughout Thailand.

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I didn't read all the posts yet, but has anyone done the math?? They are losing 200 to 300 Million a year on tourists that are not insured. 23 Million tourists a year times 500B is 11.5 BILLION!!!!!!! <deleted>?! That is 38.33x 300 Million! This is just another scheme to press money out of tourists. And yes, everyone should have a travel or other insurance. Show it upon entry and you don't have to pay the 500B. DONE. Simple and correct. Now imagine you are a tourist who has already paid up 3600B for his Visa fee. And upon entering the Kingdom have to pay another 500B for medical insurance. Wouldn't your question be: "What did they do with my 3600B visa fee???!". Another scam by the powers that be. clap2.gifw00t.gif

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Please someone go and do the maths for these dips**TS.

They lose 300mn? My God, they are losing bazillions on rice, on bomb detectors and they want to go through all this hassle to recover 300mn from 20mn tourists?

15 baht per head?

They all ready did the math. It cost them up to 300 million baht for free medical to tourists.

the plan scheme will bring in 10 billion baht.

They will save money and make a fortune on it and be realistic 500 baht for a month health insurance is libel to convince people Thailand is the place to go look at how cheap the health insurance is, Where ever they go to get it at home they won't find it that cheap.

If they have health insurance they shouldn't have to pay. But who is going to buy it when it is so cheap here. Some like the plan I had in Canada will cover you but you have to pay here and turn the bill over to them in Canada. If you haven't got the receipt you don't get reimbursed. If you don't have the money to pay it here Thailand get's stuck with the bill any how even though you havee health insurance.

This idea of keeping out cheap travelers I think is completely wrong it will be like a magnet to back packers. go to Thailand and for 500 baht you get travel insurance.

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I didn't read all the posts yet, but has anyone done the math?? They are losing 200 to 300 Million a year on tourists that are not insured. 23 Million tourists a year times 500B is 11.5 BILLION!!!!!!! <deleted>?! That is 38.33x 300 Million! This is just another scheme to press money out of tourists. And yes, everyone should have a travel or other insurance. Show it upon entry and you don't have to pay the 500B. DONE. Simple and correct. Now imagine you are a tourist who has already paid up 3600B for his Visa fee. And upon entering the Kingdom have to pay another 500B for medical insurance. Wouldn't your question be: "What did they do with my 3600B visa fee???!". Another scam by the powers that be. clap2.gifw00t.gif

3,600 baht for a visa fee.

Youi are thinking what Americans have to pay to enter China or you had a travel agent who scammed you.xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka.png

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How about tapping the money used to get Visa's?

What % of the medical cost absorbed by the (govt) hospitals was from 3, 30 day or longer stay tourist?

They love to throw out numbers but very rarely back them up or break them down.

The last thing is how they say its only 500 baht and that quality tourist shouldn't mind? How many quality Thais will hand over 500 baht if they are asked?

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Please someone go and do the maths for these dips**TS.

They lose 300mn? My God, they are losing bazillions on rice, on bomb detectors and they want to go through all this hassle to recover 300mn from 20mn tourists?

15 baht per head?

They all ready did the math. It cost them up to 300 million baht for free medical to tourists.

the plan scheme will bring in 10 billion baht.

They will save money and make a fortune on it and be realistic 500 baht for a month health insurance is libel to convince people Thailand is the place to go look at how cheap the health insurance is, Where ever they go to get it at home they won't find it that cheap.

If they have health insurance they shouldn't have to pay. But who is going to buy it when it is so cheap here. Some like the plan I had in Canada will cover you but you have to pay here and turn the bill over to them in Canada. If you haven't got the receipt you don't get reimbursed. If you don't have the money to pay it here Thailand get's stuck with the bill any how even though you havee health insurance.

This idea of keeping out cheap travelers I think is completely wrong it will be like a magnet to back packers. go to Thailand and for 500 baht you get travel insurance.

how about 1,500 bht to cover farrangs for 90 ( days. every visa run. (O visa) this would help the expats here over 70s especially -who cannot get health cover. And wish they could.

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It's not the amount, it's the perception of being fleeced soon as you've stepped off the tarmac that counts. What do these officials think this country is, a club, a safari park, a circus? oh wait ...

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I suspect most TV Members see this as yet another Government scam for the enrichment of Thai Politicians, but let us set that aside for a moment. For a start, the maths doesn't stack up. They want to charge 500 baht per tourist, which is nearly 75% over what the shortfall is claimed to be - not good. There are many tourist who will arrive with perfectly good and valid insurance policies which will more than cover their needs. Why do they have to pay 500 baht for an inferior produce? They need to build in an exclusion in the scheme for those who can produce a valid insurance policy on arrival. Are they going to have an age limit? Most Insurance companies will not insure people over 70 years of age, nor will they entertain cover for ongoing ailments. For instance if you have had a heart by-pass before taking out your policy, most companies will not cover any incidents regarding illness of the heart whilst you are here. Thailand also needs to remember that their neighbours are fast coming up with their tourist trade, with similar climate, beaches, nice people et al. For some Tourists it will beg the question, "why do I have to pay this fee when I am going to be spending upwards of 10,000 baht per week whilst I am here?" A very poorly thought out "smash and grab exercise" that leaves much to be desired. Yet another indication of immature politicians who do not realize that the rest of the World can see right through them, thus lowering people's perception of the powers that be, and the monumental corruption in the Country. So sad.sad.png . But I still love the placethumbsup.gif .

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This 500 Bht is NOT a travel insurance and will not cover cost for medical treatment which will still need to be paid for. Just a money making exercise which will more likely piss tourists off rather than scare them off.

More of a concern is the logistics of it. Where will it be collected, at immigration? Most tourists do not already have Thai baht when entering the country. Surely this will cause huge delays getting through immigration?

I suspect there will be an arbitary amount in USD, GBP, EURO etc which will be more than the equivalent 500bts, as no change will be given ( its not a bank!). They will know what to charge and there is no point in arguing as they wont speak your language at the time.

Entry to Cambodia 20$ or 1000bts I seem to recall was a common conversion without the help of the local corruption squad.

$20 is the price for a tourist visa at the airport and still is IIRC. They are still at it demanding 1000thb if you have no US$ and shortchanging people who have paid in US$ as far as I am aware. People have cottoned on though and there's fewer suckers getting visas on arrival. eVisa is the way to go although it is $5 more.

Upon arrival by air in Siem Reap several months ago both myself and Thai gf, (myself with a business visa and she visa free) were asked at the immigration desk for money. I saw several Korean tourists paying money at the immigration desk after they had already paid for visas on arrival. In Phnom Penh there are clear signs stating 'nothing to be paid here' while in Siem Reap the scamming continues. Just be aware people.

I expect this 500thb fee will provide plenty of scope for corruption at certain entry points throughout Thailand.

So they cotton on and pay $5 more. I am missing some thing there. I would think it was the other way around they would pay the visa fee apon arrival.

As far as Siem Reap I had to pay $25 U S while my girl friend was free, ?Same in Bali although I believe it was only $20 there and she was free.

You are quite correct there is defiantly plenty of room for corruption but as I have said in an earlier post where else are you going to get medical insurance for 500 baht a month. 6.000 baht a year.If the new medical plan for ex pats works out it will only be 2,200 baht a year. $200 American. The last time I tried to apply for medical insurance for a year it was $1,650 for a year.

The ones who are doing the visa runs are the ones who will have to pay the most but still it is cheaper than any other alternative.

A well thought out plan on the Governments side to make money and a not so well thought out reaction from the ex pats. Tourists will be jumping all over this plan cheapest deal in town.

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They would raise 10Billion Baht and currently the medical care costs around 200-300 million Baht, greed once again. How many billions of Baht are generated every year from tourists and why should I pay when I already have global medical cover. Another crazy idea. Thais ion most countries, Europe etc get free emergency cover, so should Europe ask Thais entering to pay extra.

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The idea is a complete non-starter set in motion by some typical motor-mouth politician who blabs before he thinks, a disease not exclusive to Thais. It is unworkable in terms of collection of the fee, in the time consumed in ensuring compliance and in the number of complaints and exceptions it will generate.

The only way to make certain the scheme will work perfectly is to bring in a heavyweight like Police Captain Yubamrung or Banharn Silpa-archa at the top, create a hub or two and bring a time scale for implementation to bear - such as two weeks.

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I think you should be exempt on production of a valid insurance document on entry.

I can see it having a small impact especially on budget travelers, but mostly on regional travelers from the ASEAN countries. 500 baht may well piss them off enough to make alternative arrangements.

They could possibly end up losing well over 10 billion a year.

The Thai Revenue Dept target for 2013 is around 2 trillion baht, so even if 1% of tourists were to fall away, then that could see a drop of 20 billion.

I don't think the title should say 'scare off tourists' but it would certainly 'piss off tourists'.

Thailand needs to get it's head out of its arse on tourism. I have traveled far and wide all my life, and I have seen enough major tourist destinations going from boom town to ghost town in a relatively short time.

10 years from now, I expect Thailand to be declining. Most have been there and done it, plenty of new places opening up all the time, fashions change. Thailand needs to start thinking about improving the tourist industry here instead of letting it slide into a seedy cesspit of scams and corruption.

You don't know what you have got until it has gone. Thailand would be cast back into the dark ages without its tourist revenue.

Don't take the piss Thailand.

You figure giving 30 day health insurance for 500 baht is not an improvement. You obviousley have never had health insurance for traveling.

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He recon it will bring in 10Bl a year and help pay for new stuff to help the tourists more, he should carry carry toilet rolls around with him to wipe the Bull Shit up he leaves. None of it will go any were but the coffers.

I have said before it is a scam to pay for the Rice farce.

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This 500 Bht is NOT a travel insurance and will not cover cost for medical treatment which will still need to be paid for. Just a money making exercise which will more likely piss tourists off rather than scare them off.

More of a concern is the logistics of it. Where will it be collected, at immigration? Most tourists do not already have Thai baht when entering the country. Surely this will cause huge delays getting through immigration?

I suspect there will be an arbitary amount in USD, GBP, EURO etc which will be more than the equivalent 500bts, as no change will be given ( its not a bank!). They will know what to charge and there is no point in arguing as they wont speak your language at the time.

Entry to Cambodia 20$ or 1000bts I seem to recall was a common conversion without the help of the local corruption squad.

$20 is the price for a tourist visa at the airport and still is IIRC. They are still at it demanding 1000thb if you have no US$ and shortchanging people who have paid in US$ as far as I am aware. People have cottoned on though and there's fewer suckers getting visas on arrival. eVisa is the way to go although it is $5 more.

Upon arrival by air in Siem Reap several months ago both myself and Thai gf, (myself with a business visa and she visa free) were asked at the immigration desk for money. I saw several Korean tourists paying money at the immigration desk after they had already paid for visas on arrival. In Phnom Penh there are clear signs stating 'nothing to be paid here' while in Siem Reap the scamming continues. Just be aware people.

I expect this 500thb fee will provide plenty of scope for corruption at certain entry points throughout Thailand.

So they cotton on and pay $5 more. I am missing some thing there. I would think it was the other way around they would pay the visa fee apon arrival.

As far as Siem Reap I had to pay $25 U S while my girl friend was free, ?Same in Bali although I believe it was only $20 there and she was free.

You are quite correct there is defiantly plenty of room for corruption but as I have said in an earlier post where else are you going to get medical insurance for 500 baht a month. 6.000 baht a year.If the new medical plan for ex pats works out it will only be 2,200 baht a year. $200 American. The last time I tried to apply for medical insurance for a year it was $1,650 for a year.

The ones who are doing the visa runs are the ones who will have to pay the most but still it is cheaper than any other alternative.

A well thought out plan on the Governments side to make money and a not so well thought out reaction from the ex pats. Tourists will be jumping all over this plan cheapest deal in town.

Do I take it then,as an expat living here,If I leave Thailand to go on holiday in Europe and then return to Thailand on my retirement extension,I will have to pay the 500 Baht fee? If this is the case it would be more cost effective for me to cancel my Thai health insurance I pay at present.

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So, if I am from a country that gets 90 days on arrival, and I tell them I'll stay 31 days, I don't have to pay an entrance free.... even if I decide to leave after 10 days?

Or if I am am a multiple entry non-immigrant visa, I can just tell them I'll stay 31 days, and then leave after 5 days?

And more, if I have a 500B insurance, do I still have to pay my hospital bill?

Assuming now 99% of all tourists pays their hospital bill, this will quickly change to 0%.

So, the total cost for Thai government might be much higher than they expect, and the 10 billion baht revenue might not cover the costs.

I don't believe an entrance fee can ever work. They better increase the airport tax if they want to get more money from tourists.

Edited by kriswillems
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The other side of this coin is that a lot of people could end up coming over to have various ailments fixed and thus costing the insurers a whole pile of cash

Wonder if it will cover the spectrum of social diseases that might be contracted during a visit to the popular tourist areas of Cowbot and Nana?

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Have not read all the posts but has somebody mentioned if there will be a pre-existing medical conditions clause and will there be a multi page form declaring what medicines we have been prescribed. I am thinking those of us who have been prescribed blood thining medicines such as Warafrin that excluded us coverage by some travel insurance underwriters ( Zurich being one) . For twenty bucks i will be covered then what a bonus !!!

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Do I take it then,as an expat living here,If I leave Thailand to go on holiday in Europe and then return to Thailand on my retirement extension,I will have to pay the 500 Baht fee? If this is the case it would be more cost effective for me to cancel my Thai health insurance I pay at present.

Bearing in mind that all farang on whatsoever visa extension, up to and including Retirement are routinely classed as 'tourists' when dealing with Officials here, I believe the answer to your question is 'yes'.

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If Thailand dared to be transparent they could make a double. Simply follow a "adjusted to Thailand" visa system as used in the EU / USA. Then tourist, work permit holders, retires ,foreign spouses and the few who have obtained citizenship all pay their duties and be covered by insurance. As a plus their sought after quality tourists would probably soon see the positive change and return.

Now a few thousand Immigration officers both in land and abroad would need re-education but they would do great as police volunteers and tour guides.

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"We want good tourists to visit Thailand - not the [type of tourist] who does not want to enter because he or she has to pay Bt500 as an entrance fee," Pradit said.

I would presume, that the so-called “quality tourists” or “good tourists” are those who can afford and do have a health insurance in their baggage.

The problem may rather be the low budget tourists and low budget long time visitors/expats.

The good quality tourists may not be scared away because of a 500-baht entrance ticket, but then the entrance fee may be in excess as same tourists are already covered by their travel insurance (might be the whole idea: more money to distribute). A compulsory insurance check at Immigration would make more sense – just like many European (and presumable other) countries do before issuing a Visa – and those not able to present a valid insurance must “buy” the entrance fee.

However, then some people may count on, that they now can save the health or travel insurance, as 500 baht only may be cheaper – perhaps rather sell them a normal insurance at Immigration. For sure insurance companies will pay a commission and an administration surcharge may also be possible to claim, so the visitors learn to cover themselves before entering Thailand.

It’s fair enough that visitors don’t suck resources of the Thai emergency and health system. That’s same kind of check when expats extend their Visa at Immigration, they need to show a steady income or a bank deposit, so they can cover emergencies.

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"Each year Thailand gets a lot of revenue from the tourism industry - but the government has never used money from this industry to develop and support tourism," she said.

Well, I've got to admit that it's good on her, Tourism Council of Thailand president Piyaman Tejapaibul, to admit this. That's a rather reveal.

As if we had any doubts regarding who truly benefits from foreign money. Surely not the tourists. Funny how TV can be so accurate sometimes.

I do notice over the last months that the Thai apologist brigade have gone almost completely dark silent. Interesting.

Your posting was interesting and spot on...up to the point concerning the "Thai apologist brigade". I don't remember seeing a member list and indeed, putting a label on posters with opposing views may be inaccurate. The guidelines used to put someone in that imaginary camp is vague and unknown, and is confusing to me.

I try not find the right hole for each peg, lest I have to hammer the peg in to fit the hole. Love the Maple Leaf by the way.

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Thais pay 5,000 Baht for a visa to go Farangland is OK.

Farangs pay 500 Baht to come to Thailand is not OK.


I get it now,

Yes, Thais pay 5000 Baht to goto Farangland where they are generally safe, we'll protected from scams targeting them and have equal rights under the law. And for countries that mostly don't need their tiny tourism revenue.

Farangs pay 500 Baht to come to Thailand where they are generally not safe, targeted for racist scams and have no legal protections. And to prop up a corrupt society that seems to desperately need tourism money.

Yes, you got it now.

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"He added that European countries and the US have supported the government in collecting entrance fees from their tourists, as they see that the plan would reduce risks for their citizens traveling abroad."

Who is "he", and where is the proof for this assertion? Why not call this thing what it is, an entry fee or tax, to be thrown into the general fund, and completely unrelated to foreigners' emergency medical treatments. Bali charges such a tax for its visa at port of entry, and Thailand will get away with it, too. The vast majority of tourists pay out of pocket for whatever emergency treatment they need here.

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I don't think the 500 Baht "Entrance fee", "Insurance Fee" or, whatever they want to call it, will be a determining factor for "Good" tourists coming to the LOS (Whatver "Good" means). What may change their minds are knowing:

A. They have a better than good chance of being involved in an accident, either by bus, car, motorcycle or boat.

B. That the emergency response system is archaic, fragmented and unreliable.

C. That corruption from the top down is rife.

D. That unscrupulous merchants, taxi drivers and other "Business people" see the tourist as an instant source of revenue.

E. That the justice system and police are often times not responsive and/or uninterested in assisting tourists.

F. That xenophobia is a practiced belief here beginning with the anti-honorific Farang moniker.

The list continues, but I'll spare you in the name of brevity.

I'd like to know if there is a refund if the good tourist doesn't access the Thai health care system while on holiday.

Living here full-time, I am able to navigate around the peculiarities of life. The tourist, on the other hand, is at the mercy of the society which is not all laughs and smiles.

Note to Thailand - "Greed - one of the Three Poisons that lead to Evil and Sufferingl". - Teachings of Buddhism

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NO, wouldn't AT ALL, this is a pity amount BUT WOULD scare them a lazy officers, shameless exchange rate and QUEUE, QUEUE, QUEUE.

Tell me who has feeling to wait queue after 10-14 hours flight ???

Much better if they can pay it in 7Eleven / Family Mart and when they leave they show to officer, and if someone forgot can pay there.

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