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Civil War in Thailand? Anyone else afraid?


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Interesting to read on another thread that following Thaksin's deportation from the UK he vowed on his return to Thailand to cancel all British peoples visas.


This figures. I remember a few years back being in an awkward situation at a Thai friends (big time Red Shirt) house when the Red Shirts were having a debate on the television and were so racist about the British my sister-in-law (very pro-British, lived there and loved the open culture) became extremely vocal in denouncing the Reds because of it.


It's all very precarious.

Ah that would be good deporting all the British it would certainly be som nam na for those pro Taksin British posters.

Though i would hate for the others to get deported.

Taksin just has to go and this government must be transparent and follow the courts. It wont happen so the protests are justified.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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A falang's Thai friend? Do they really exist?

By default...yes

I know of VERY FEW farangs with real Thai friends. Very few, and I've been here a long, long time and met many, many farangs and Thais. We don't mix well. Oil and water.

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Interesting to read on another thread that following Thaksin's deportation from the UK he vowed on his return to Thailand to cancel all British peoples visas.

This figures. I remember a few years back being in an awkward situation at a Thai friends (big time Red Shirt) house when the Red Shirts were having a debate on the television and were so racist about the British my sister-in-law (very pro-British, lived there and loved the open culture) became extremely vocal in denouncing the Reds because of it.

It's all very precarious.

Ah that would be good deporting all the British it would certainly be som nam na for those pro Taksin British posters.

Though i would hate for the others to get deported.

Taksin just has to go and this government must be transparent and follow the courts. It wont happen so the protests are justified.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

While I'm frequently shocked regarding all manner of things in Thailand, I would have strong doubts that the business power base in Thailand would allow such a stupid act to occur.

Can you imagine the political, global ramifications if such a thing happened? With the ASEAN AEC approaching and Thailand looking for foreign investment and confidence? Now, as Thailand develops further economically (if that ever happens), perhaps when the country is rich enough -- if underlying xenophobic attitudes haven't changed by then, I could see such a thing happening. But, Thailand is not there just yet. Still a poor country, needing much help from all kinds of foreigners.

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Interesting to read on another thread that following Thaksin's deportation from the UK he vowed on his return to Thailand to cancel all British peoples visas.

This figures. I remember a few years back being in an awkward situation at a Thai friends (big time Red Shirt) house when the Red Shirts were having a debate on the television and were so racist about the British my sister-in-law (very pro-British, lived there and loved the open culture) became extremely vocal in denouncing the Reds because of it.

It's all very precarious.

Ah that would be good deporting all the British it would certainly be som nam na for those pro Taksin British posters.

Though i would hate for the others to get deported.

Taksin just has to go and this government must be transparent and follow the courts. It wont happen so the protests are justified.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Som nam na indeed if the Thais remember the large amount of war reparations the British wanted to extract from Thailand till the Americans talked them out of it.

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A falang's Thai friend? Do they really exist?

By default...yes

I know of VERY FEW farangs with real Thai friends. Very few, and I've been here a long, long time and met many, many farangs and Thais. We don't mix well. Oil and water.

Yes, but do not tell them that....the farang with thai friends I mean.

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A falang's Thai friend? Do they really exist?

Yes, but it's rare by all accounts. These people are globally travelled, multi-lingual and worldly wise. I hate to say it, but not your average.

Edited by MJP
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A falang's Thai friend? Do they really exist?

By default...yes

I know of VERY FEW farangs with real Thai friends. Very few, and I've been here a long, long time and met many, many farangs and Thais. We don't mix well. Oil and water.

This really does explain your consistently negative attitude towards the Thais. Not to say you're in the same league, but I've known racist whites in America who would never ever consider being friends with an African-American. Yet, they're happy to render opinions about African-Americans every chance they get. I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that the opinions are consistently negative.

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A falang's Thai friend? Do they really exist?


By default...yes


I know of VERY FEW farangs with real Thai friends.  Very few, and I've been here a long, long time and met many, many farangs and Thais.  We don't mix well.  Oil and water.



This really does explain your consistently negative attitude towards the Thais.  Not to say you're in the same league, but I've known racist whites in America who would never ever consider being friends with an African-American.  Yet, they're happy to render opinions about African-Americans every chance they get.  I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that the opinions are consistently negative.


My views are often but not always negative.

I certainly have had a few Thai buddies during the years, but I've found that even the foreign educated Thai men tend to ultimately, if given enough time, display the same Thai mannerisms that plague most: xenophobia to one degree or another, lack of logic, irrational or complete lack of problem solving skill, inability to handle confrontation of any significant kind (which makes real, hearty friendship near impossible), language/communication problems when important topics must be discussed, lack of respect for anyone who they are not required to respect, inability to be honest (due to their extreme conflict avoidance) which has them, rather, saying always what they think people want to hear.

Those are some examples. Of course, there are exceptions, but I would suspect that the majority of westerners who have or think they have Thai friends (especially if the Thais are male) actually have very shallow relationships rather than true friendships.

I have no problem stating my prejudice. Thais don't either, when talking to those within their circle of course. My prejudices are based on my experiences.

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LOL! If my thai aquaintances thought I considered them to be " xenophobia to one degree or another, lack of logic, irrational or complete lack of problem solving skill, inability to handle confrontation of any significant kind (which makes real, hearty friendship near impossible), language/communication problems when important topics must be discussed, lack of respect for anyone who they are not required to respect, inability to be honest (due to their extreme conflict avoidance) which has them, rather, saying always what they think people want to hear. " I'm petty sure they wouldnt want to be a close friend with me either!!

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LOL! If my thai aquaintances thought I considered them to be " xenophobia to one degree or another, lack of logic, irrational or complete lack of problem solving skill, inability to handle confrontation of any significant kind (which makes real, hearty friendship near impossible), language/communication problems when important topics must be discussed, lack of respect for anyone who they are not required to respect, inability to be honest (due to their extreme conflict avoidance) which has them, rather, saying always what they think people want to hear. " I'm petty sure they wouldnt want to be a close friend with me either!!

Maybe you're one of the exceptions or perhaps you don't mind relationships that are more shallow than I am willing to tolerate. Nothing wrong with that if it's the case.

Not unlike the many men married to Thai women with whom they cannot communicate as they don't share a common language between them.


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My views are often but not always negative.

I certainly have had a few Thai buddies during the years, but I've found that even the foreign educated Thai men tend to ultimately, if given enough time, display the same Thai mannerisms that plague most: xenophobia to one degree or another, lack of logic, irrational or complete lack of problem solving skill, inability to handle confrontation of any significant kind (which makes real, hearty friendship near impossible), language/communication problems when important topics must be discussed, lack of respect for anyone who they are not required to respect, inability to be honest (due to their extreme conflict avoidance) which has them, rather, saying always what they think people want to hear.

Those are some examples. Of course, there are exceptions, but I would suspect that the majority of westerners who have or think they have Thai friends (especially if the Thais are male) actually have very shallow relationships rather than true friendships.

I have no problem stating my prejudice. Thais don't either, when talking to those within their circle of course. My prejudices are based on my experiences.

I certainly miss those hearty friendships.

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My views are often but not always negative.

I certainly have had a few Thai buddies during the years, but I've found that even the foreign educated Thai men tend to ultimately, if given enough time, display the same Thai mannerisms that plague most: xenophobia to one degree or another, lack of logic, irrational or complete lack of problem solving skill, inability to handle confrontation of any significant kind (which makes real, hearty friendship near impossible), language/communication problems when important topics must be discussed, lack of respect for anyone who they are not required to respect, inability to be honest (due to their extreme conflict avoidance) which has them, rather, saying always what they think people want to hear.

Those are some examples. Of course, there are exceptions, but I would suspect that the majority of westerners who have or think they have Thai friends (especially if the Thais are male) actually have very shallow relationships rather than true friendships.

I have no problem stating my prejudice. Thais don't either, when talking to those within their circle of course. My prejudices are based on my experiences.


I certainly miss those hearty friendships.


Sorry, mate. "Substantial" would have been a more appropriate word in British English (as opposed to North American.

But, funny. I haven't seen that in ages.

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LOL! If my thai aquaintances thought I considered them to be " xenophobia to one degree or another, lack of logic, irrational or complete lack of problem solving skill, inability to handle confrontation of any significant kind (which makes real, hearty friendship near impossible), language/communication problems when important topics must be discussed, lack of respect for anyone who they are not required to respect, inability to be honest (due to their extreme conflict avoidance) which has them, rather, saying always what they think people want to hear. " I'm petty sure they wouldnt want to be a close friend with me either!!

Maybe you're one of the exceptions or perhaps you don't mind relationships that are more shallow than I am willing to tolerate. Nothing wrong with that if it's the case.

Not unlike the many men married to Thai women with whom they cannot communicate as they don't share a common language between them.


as I dont harbour those notions about the character of thai people, I find my relationships are not at all shallow.

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LOL! If my thai aquaintances thought I considered them to be " xenophobia to one degree or another, lack of logic, irrational or complete lack of problem solving skill, inability to handle confrontation of any significant kind (which makes real, hearty friendship near impossible), language/communication problems when important topics must be discussed, lack of respect for anyone who they are not required to respect, inability to be honest (due to their extreme conflict avoidance) which has them, rather, saying always what they think people want to hear. " I'm petty sure they wouldnt want to be a close friend with me either!!

Maybe you're one of the exceptions or perhaps you don't mind relationships that are more shallow than I am willing to tolerate. Nothing wrong with that if it's the case.

Not unlike the many men married to Thai women with whom they cannot communicate as they don't share a common language between them.



as I dont harbour those  notions about the character of thai people, I find my relationships are not at all shallow.

That's great. Perception is reality for every individual.


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LOL! If my thai aquaintances thought I considered them to be " xenophobia to one degree or another, lack of logic, irrational or complete lack of problem solving skill, inability to handle confrontation of any significant kind (which makes real, hearty friendship near impossible), language/communication problems when important topics must be discussed, lack of respect for anyone who they are not required to respect, inability to be honest (due to their extreme conflict avoidance) which has them, rather, saying always what they think people want to hear. " I'm petty sure they wouldnt want to be a close friend with me either!!

Maybe you're one of the exceptions or perhaps you don't mind relationships that are more shallow than I am willing to tolerate. Nothing wrong with that if it's the case.

Not unlike the many men married to Thai women with whom they cannot communicate as they don't share a common language between them.


as I dont harbour those notions about the character of thai people, I find my relationships are not at all shallow.

That's great. Perception is reality for every individual.


perception is rarely reality

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They change because of voting and home ownership and medical care from Issan to Rayong.

Why would there be a sudden power vacuum is Abhisit and all his folks and the army and all their folks going to be exiled to Dubai?

You do know that to be in a Thabian Baan you need to be the owner of the house or get the owner to put you in ? Most are probably renting, not going to happen.

I can't answer your question, sorry. Forum rules.

There are thousands upon thousands of new houses in the Rayong area. Yes I know. You can see most driving on the main streets but from the air even more impressive. Not apartments or condo buildings but single family homes (tens of thousands).

I lived in Rayong until 2 years ago. Where are these thousands of new houses?

Check real estate Rayong. I don't think on topic. I know we all want to not acknowledge the Thai economic boom but google richest and poorest Thai provinces. After that you can attack the statistics.

The fact is the success of Rayong, the richest province in Thailand will make any attempt at a civil war difficult. Too many people doing too well to mess with politics beyond a local level.

There is a path to go from the lowest Thai class to middle class through the employment opportunities in Rayong and the industrial East Coast of Thailand.

Hardly relevant.. One of my business partners down there was from ubon and was the most virulently red supporter I have met.

Half of Rayong is filled with isaan men with a huge chip on their shoulder about the yellow. I don't know why you would think Rayong makes some kind of special case.

The NGO that keeps campaigning against pollution there is rabidly red.

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Yawn.. up here in Isaan we will just watch it on TV if it happens

Haha. You think if the army comes in, those up in isaan won't fight them up country? Burn down a few city halls and the rest.

The biggest potential Areas that could blow up is isaan

no they won't or not enough of them. If theirs enough of a crackdown they will 99% just go home and give up especially if theirs no money in it. If army cracked down totally at start in 2010 it would have been over in a day.

You did notice the rampage through khon Kaen, ubon and a few other places whilst they burnt down city hall. So what you going to do?

If they come out and sit on the centre of town and start attacking government buildings? Quell them with love and persuasion?

You can't have a coup and allow political protest so this ends with a curfew and no protests or, the reds are going to put up stages and start rallying.

How does one overcome a coup?, with love and persuasion?

They can get thousands in a city in isaan if they want. I would say 10s of thousands of they really want to, at the drop of a hat.

You mean if Thaksin wants........and is prepared to pay for their attendance. These days, that is no longer a given.....either his munificence or the Red Shirts willingness to turn up en masse, given the past experience of often not being paid for showing up (disgruntled Reds) or being jailed for their 2010 looting and burning spree and then being spurned by their hero (severely pissed Reds). So, these days, I would seriously doubt if he could get more than a couple of thousand to turn up in his loyalist hometowns, such as Khon Kaen, Udon or Ubon. Simply put, Thaksin seems to have had his day in the sun and now it's a gradual fizzle out. That's not to say that there won't be the odd flare up or bang here and there, but it's not going to be like the 2010 fireworks I suspect.

You think he will just fizzle out? A couple of thousand in a stand off with the local recruits from the barracks is not going to end nicely.

The problem is that the army will not shoot the people in isaan. The army know that if they deal with the reds in bangkok they are on sympathetic soil. Not so up country.

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Ya all do know that the army has fought the navy and air force and the police force at various times in the not too distant past.

Maybe we should know which side the army, marines, navy, air force and police are on before we make predictions.

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Well it seems that shit is hitting the fan today.

I'm sure it won't get too serious, but I am ready to have my loved ones evacuated from BKK.

Why? are they in the area where the demonstrations are , 99% of BKK is quiet and you do not know there is anything going on.

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Well it seems that shit is hitting the fan today.

I'm sure it won't get too serious, but I am ready to have my loved ones evacuated from BKK.

Why? are they in the area where the demonstrations are , 99% of BKK is quiet and you do not know there is anything going on.

It was pretty quiet before the happenings back in 2010 also.

Luckily it didn't escalate too much back then, but who knows what will happen this time.

Like I said, I don't think this will get too serious, but you never know..

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Well it seems that shit is hitting the fan today.

I'm sure it won't get too serious, but I am ready to have my loved ones evacuated from BKK.

Wednesday is supposed to be the day of insurrection. Don't need the news just watch the Baht. 31.98 now if my little ap is correct.

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For an actual civil war, there needs to be at least a reasonable sized militia to fight the existing military. I have yet to see or hear of anything greater than southern terrorists in this respect. Anyone know of anything other?

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