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Red shirts refuse to accept Constitutional Court's verdict


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My wife's sister has made plans to go up to Bangkok next week to join the anti-government protest (all expenses paid), some people are urging her not to go, they say that things are about to get, shall we say 'interesting' in Bangkok. I don't mean to sound alarmist, but perhaps people should think about stocking up on food or getting out of any areas that may be affected by the coming clash between pro and ant-government pawns.

My wifes sisters told us on phone from North- East this morning that they was wanted on the payroll to the red shirts for a tour of Bangkok!

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We have labor and coalition in Australia and they fight tooth and nail but they accept the umpires verdict and do not pay(well except greenies) for protesters to attend , it is purely volunteer.Red & yellow shirts are both wrong to do what they are but the current anti govt protest has a lot of ordinary people in amongst it that are fed up with the bullshit that thaksin and the ptp/reds are causing. I am dumbfounded that a wanted criminal on the run is allowed to preside over the govt political party in power and knowingly organize and pay them, this would not happen anywhere in the western world, he has a govt passport and no arrest warrants are issued by the current govt that he runs, this just goes to show how much of a joke thai politics are. The radical muslims want to keep the people dumb/unschooled so that they can control and lie to them, the ptp/reds are doing exactly the same thing, the crowds they are getting are illiterates that are simply too stupid to understand the truth. This country is being destroyed by the political parties and they dont give a damn who it harms as long as they get there way and a bigger bank account, its not the average red member at fault, its there leaders and they need to be cobbled before they start any further violence, the current violence has only started since the reds became involved this week, it was peaceful up until then, go figure.

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I don't mean to sound alarmist, but perhaps people should think about stocking up on food or getting out of any areas that may be affected by the coming clash between pro and ant-government pawns.

You know, when you say "I don't mean to sound alarmist" and then proceed to give a warning about a pending "clash" (or should that be an unfounded claim?) that you actually do sound like the very thing you were not trying to sound like...

How's that storm in that tea cup looking?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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We don't need no regulations,

We're so full of thought control,

Red shirt teachers in the classroom

Judges, leave our sins alone

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Careful Pink Floyd don't hit you for copyright.

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Only 5,000 Red shirts left?

The Yellow now have 50,000 at least.

I better change side now.

Missy, pls dye all my red shirts yellow NOW.

I would keep two complete sets, if Weng wins and does a Mao style reeducation, it comes handy to have a red shirt.

Like in Germany...when Hitler took over, everyone was really always a Nazi, and when the Soviet marched in, really everyone was in the resistance.....

Always need both shirts close....you never know who wins.

Me, I just tell everyone I'm a Chuwit supporter and it keeps them happy.

I know his history but he's good value and nobody, well, at the level we're talking about, seems anti-Chuwit.

Edited by Bpuumike
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I don't mean to sound alarmist, but perhaps people should think about stocking up on food or getting out of any areas that may be affected by the coming clash between pro and ant-government pawns.

You know, when you say "I don't mean to sound alarmist" and then proceed to give a warning about a pending "clash" (or should that be an unfounded claim?) that you actually do sound like the very thing you were not trying to sound like...

How's that storm in that tea cup looking?

Haven't the red shirt rabble rousers been on stage recently calling for a new fight and saying that a certain group of people have to be eliminated from Thailand? Sounds like fighting words to me, inciting violence, again.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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When lies become truth.

When madness becomes normality.

It means that the red and the yellow sheep are getting ready to march to the slaughterhouse and feed the canons, with a hurra on their lips.

What is it good for ? Absolutely nothing !

Hope that is just my pessimistic self, but still going to stock up on food and essentials........

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My diehard Red Shirt Neighbors just said they would accept the ruling as it is LAW .. I was speachless!!! They then said, more shock and horror, that if the Red Shirt Leaders did NOT distance themselves from the Shinawat Family they would NOT vote for them again !!!! .... Their words not mine coffee1.gif

Two issues: One, PTP overplayed their hand with the last minute change in the amnesty provision to include Thaksin. Even before the change, the amnesty provision alienated many of the party faithful who were red shirts. Two, when the constitutional amendment to change the composition of the Senate and the eligibility for standing for election for the Senate, the well had already been poisoned by the amnesty provision. As such, it will be difficult for the red shirt leadership to mobilize the faithful under the current circumstances. Unfortunately, the Constitutional amendment on changing the Senate does not benefit Thaksin. A rational analysis of this issue has been lost because of the hatred of so many Thais for Thaksin. No good deed goes unpunished.

Edited by pookiki
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Only 5,000 Red shirts left?

The Yellow now have 50,000 at least.

I better change side now.

Missy, pls dye all my red shirts yellow NOW.

In fact the Yellow Shirts are a spent force and hardly to be seen. The great majority of the people demonstrating against the Peua Thai government in Bangkok and many of the provinces are NOT Yellow Shirts, they are normal, decent, democratic (small "D") people who are completely fed up with being cheated, lied to and ripped off by the Thaksin family.

No no, you don't get it. All anti government protestors are yellow shirts who are paid and controlled by their leaders.

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In their defense though, it the ruling had been the amendment was constitutional the yellow shirts would not have accepted the verdict.

Did you not see that Suthep said that he (his group) would accept the courts ruling ?

But carry on the reds need all the defense they can get.

Nothing to do with defense of reds at all, simply stating a fact about Thai politics. They all only accept what suits them, nothing else.

He can say whatever he wants before the act and say something entirely different after, nobody will even blink an eye.

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For sure they'll do and the registed member of UDD increasing day by day . Now aprox. 29 million registed members. Fighing for real Democraty in Thailand, and I think it can be a reality in between 4-5 year's. If this demonstration dont escalate to a civil war, let us pray this don't happend. I love this country and highly respect and love the King of Thailand !!!

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Only 5,000 Red shirts left?

The Yellow now have 50,000 at least.

I better change side now.

Missy, pls dye all my red shirts yellow NOW.

I would keep two complete sets, if Weng wins and does a Mao style reeducation, it comes handy to have a red shirt.

Like in Germany...when Hitler took over, everyone was really always a Nazi, and when the Soviet marched in, really everyone was in the resistance.....

Always need both shirts close....you never know who wins.

Congratulations! Now you can even think like a true Thai. wink.png

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For sure they'll do and the registed member of UDD increasing day by day . Now aprox. 29 million registed members. Fighing for real Democraty in Thailand, and I think it can be a reality in between 4-5 year's. If this demonstration dont escalate to a civil war, let us pray this don't happend. I love this country and highly respect and love the King of Thailand !!!

On 50% of the population are UDD members and increasing, I estimate that in 4-5 years 120 % of the population will be UDD members.

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For sure they'll do and the registed member of UDD increasing day by day . Now aprox. 29 million registed members. Fighing for real Democraty in Thailand, and I think it can be a reality in between 4-5 year's. If this demonstration dont escalate to a civil war, let us pray this don't happend. I love this country and highly respect and love the King of Thailand !!!

Can you give a source to back up this drivel about 29 million Registered members that you have just written about, or have you been hitting the Lao Kao early today?

Edited by mrtoad
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This is all a bit confusing...............the Red Shirts have decided not to accept a ruling of the Constitutional Court, which act is, of itself, a violation of the Constitution but they are refusing to accept the decision precisely because they want to change the Constitution...................so they are both accepting on the one hand that there is a valid Constitution because they want to amend it and denying, on the other hand, that the Constitution is valid by refusing to accept the ruling, which they are bound to accept by virtue of.............yes, the Constitution!

...............all clear now?

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When the red shirts start their own political party that seeks to better the lives of the working class then I will don a red shirt and come to the rallies

Until then, they can all cry into their som tum

Rise up! Be true to your beliefs!!

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Saw a line of 10 Red shirt buses on my way from Bangkok to Korat yesterday. Heard they are paying 1000 baht a head plus meals for the Essan people to join the group in BANGKOK. Are the Essan people that easy to buy??? They cannot think for themselves?????? bah.gif

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This person was announcing it from a red shirt stage


Well, I never thought Thaksin would resort to this, but there you go.... He certainly was thinking outside the box on this one... Welcome back dear leader cheesy.gif

He was supported by his cheer squad.......


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This person was announcing it from a red shirt stage

Posted Image



Well, I never thought Thaksin would resort to this, but there you go.... He certainly was thinking outside the box on this one... Welcome back dear leader Posted Image



He was supported by his cheer squad.......


{style_image_url}/attachicon.gif redshirt women.jpg

Glad to see they've updated the family portrait..

Though the black and white version had a lot more esteem to it :P

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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For sure they'll do and the registed member of UDD increasing day by day . Now aprox. 29 million registed members.

Really, where did you find out how many members they have?

This person was announcing it from a red shirt stage


I notice on the sign it says Red Skills Radio. Is this one of the skills they teach in the red shirt schools?

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For sure they'll do and the registed member of UDD increasing day by day . Now aprox. 29 million registed members.



Really, where did you find out how many members they have?


This person was announcing it from a red shirt stage

Posted Image


I notice on the sign it says Red Skills Radio. Is this one of the skills they teach in the red shirt schools?

Looking at the stomach and shoulders on that one I'd say it was born with a willy

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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For sure they'll do and the registed member of UDD increasing day by day . Now aprox. 29 million registed members.

Really, where did you find out how many members they have?

This person was announcing it from a red shirt stage


I notice on the sign it says Red Skills Radio. Is this one of the skills they teach in the red shirt schools?

Show some respect, guys. With the right family connections this could be your next senator.

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