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Females Who Are The Sexiest Are Always The Nastiest

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yep, I'm so young and ugly...I've been seduced by countless geezers like yourself

:o you like geezers too, wow.

If you really want a laugh, enlarge this pic and check out the acne, then take note of the Mr Universe stance...not working is it... no muscles and flabby titties :D your short, having a bad hair day and you got bumfluff on your chin :D

You are most welcome to the ugly chickies that seduce you because hubby cannot get it up.

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Guest endure
Oh and I bet several guys in the gay forum have just saved that pic to jackoff over.

Er...NOT! :o:D

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And now for the punch line...

I'm no Mr. Universe nor am I a model boy on television. I'm a fattening Ameri-Asian with a 43 inch ass diameter just under 200 lbs, 180 cm tall...and the magic is, your Thai wife (likely less than half my size) doesn't even have to get on her knees to take her medicine.

Heck, I even have an excess of masculine sexual hormones without taking afra-deezies like some guys on this forum

But at the end of the day, guys like Nawt-twit-suck would bend over backwards from having the likes of his dependent females avoid ever meeting guys like me in casual life.

Lets see Nawty-<deleted>-r-us...post your WWE Sumo pose...Would you even dare for us to see your jelly role, celulite, balding, greying self??? Show yourself buddy! Too good for the spotlight?...

You sound pretty daring from your little dark closet/cave...Come on out if you have any balls...

Edited by greenwanderer108
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My entire office in the UK has just laughed their tits off at your pic. They say you are a brave yet deluded young man.

You have brightened up a dreary afternoon.

Well done.


Edited by udon
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hahahaha, is that picture really you??

Im a pretty good judge of character when i meet someone, i pretty sure I know the girl after talking with her abit, some take longer then others but thats what dating is all about, finding the girl that you will match well with.

I like a pretty chick with brains and a personality, I kept dating girls until i found one.

Its not that hard unless i just got lucky, as ive have met a few great girls

Yea, I agree that there are many reasonable hot chicks who are worthy...

Think of chicks as horses...These nasty hot chicks many of you refer to are like wild mustangs who roam the prairy from stallion to stallion...Inexperienced horse taimers and trainers wouldn't have a clue how to keep her steadily mounted...the rest is instinct imbeaded in the Y chromosone...not much to it figuring out what girls need and want...won't reveal all my secrets here though, too many punk hags not worthy of such valuable info... :o


if you date / sleep with only ugly or fat girls, some will turn out to be nasty, and others will turn out to be nice...

and on the flips side,

when you date/ sleep with only pretty girls, some will have lame personalities and some will have exciting energetic soluable characters/personalities...

Nevertheless, most of it comes down to the chemistry between you and her i.e. phsyiology and social-pyschological satisfaction...

some peoples trash is other's treasure. I might think of her as a isan reject pattaya product while others would hold her as wife material..

it's not about if they will be nasty or not...it's about whether your personal tempo is ready to handle her high or low maintenence and visa versa...

All you rich old geezers who are afraid to get their heart broken and have no self confidence and skill in courting and taiming hot females, you can have all the ugly girls...leave the pretty ones for us who appreciate and can utilize, benefit, and work [choose your preposition] them... :D

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My entire office in the UK has just laughed their tits off at your pic. They say you are a brave yet deluded young man.

You have brightened up a dreary afternoon.

Well done.


All The Dude can say to that is:


great work there Chona: I bequeath to you a brand new shovel for a most diggable comment. LOL

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Oh and I bet several guys in the gay forum have just saved that pic to jackoff over.

My entire office in the UK has just laughed their tits off at your pic. They say you are a brave yet deluded young man.

You have brightened up a dreary afternoon.

Well done.


All The Dude can say to that is:


great work there Chona: I bequeath to you a brand new shovel for a most diggable comment. LOL

Hey Dude, perhaps you could lend him one of your shovels?...

Hey greenthingy, "when you're in a hole, stop digging".

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:o Females Who Are The Sexiest Are Always The Nastiest :D

My kinda females! :D

agreed - when it comes to Thai girls you can't beat a literally sexy bitch. a good-looking nasty piece of work!!! :D

don't know why, just something that gets me!!!

don't think I'd marry a girl like that but fun at the time!! :D

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leave the pretty ones for us who appreciate and can utilize, benefit, and work [choose your preposition] them... :o

For me is so hard to believe that you have sleep,utilize, benefit and work so many pretty girls as you say you have. My opinion is not based in how you look (ugly or handsome) is the way you talk and the way you speak about women...

This comments about girls taking her medicine are so teenager like... so childish and silly...I just don´t get it , I have never understood guys like you and i can tell you everytime i meet one i try to keep myself away from guys like you (just in case maybe is contagious)...

Edited by Glauka
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leave the pretty ones for us who appreciate and can utilize, benefit, and work [choose your preposition] them... :D

For me is so hard to believe that you have sleep,utilize, benefit and work so many pretty girls as you say you have. My opinion is not based in how you look (ugly or handsome) is the way you talk and the way you speak about women...

This comments about girls taking her medicine are so teenager like... so childish and silly...I just don´t get it , I have never understood guys like you and i can tell you everytime i meet one i try to keep myself away from guys like you (just in case maybe is contagious)...

sorry if my childish comment was offensive...after all I'm just a child :D

Anyway, I don't mean to come off as I am simultaneously sleeping with hundreds of chicks or anything like that...even at 23, I've sewed plenty of my wild oats, know myself and what I'm capable of. While I don't claim to be able to hyptnotize females with a snap of the finger or wink of the eye...I can get my fair share of action using my own kinesics, personality, and charm, etc....

In other words, I've still got a lot of 'game' left in the event that I need to use it again, and it doesn't involve

A)paying bar fines or loyalty fines (i.e. sick buffalo/pappa)


B)popping aphrodeezies (i.e. viagra)

Perhaps many of the haters on this forum that have to use tactics A and B listed here to get any tail envy me so much that they jump at any opportunity to hate and make personal attacks...thinking they'll break me...but at the end of the day, they are left feeling broken because the truth hasn't changed. It's quite funny, the same guys who always jump on such band wagons have revealed little to no personal information / pics / description about themselves as they're obviously hiding something...

I've got nothing to hide, anyone who wants to put an effort can easily access my numbers, emails, website, pictures of me and family, etc etc...unlike some folks here.

Guys like Dud, Nawtytwat, and Jen Yin Yin can rub eachother's butts and peters all day passing shovels, dildos, or whatever they need to. I'm not mad at you for envying me...I use to volunteer in a old folks nursery home back in highschool, so I understand that senior citizens need all the support they can get.

Anyone else who's not a super-model or Mr. Universe, tired of renting girls, who wants to know some tricks to the trade of courting, I'd be happy to share what I know, but not sure others deserve such valuable info...

So back to the topic,

Being pretty does not necesarily dictate whether a girl will be nasty or not! BTW, Nasty has two uses here so people must clarify which nasty they're playing...

Is it nasty as in sour/rotten i.e. nasty attitude


Is it nasty as in freaky i.e. nasty in bed


I don't mind the second nasty at times... :o

Edited by greenwanderer108
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sorry if my childish comment was offensive...after all I'm just a child :D

Anyway, I don't mean to come off as I am simultaneously sleeping with hundreds of chicks or anything like that...even at 23, I've sewed plenty of my wild oats, know myself and what I'm capable of. While I don't claim to be able to hyptnotize females with a snap of the finger or wink of the eye...I can get my fair share of action using my own kinesics, personality, and charm, etc....

Even us old, fat, ugly guys can get free poontang in SEA by pretending to be looking for a serious relationship and most of us got laid for free when we were your age in our own countries.

What are you bragging about? :o

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Life experience cannot be beat. In about 15 years or so Greenwanderer will read through his words in this post and cringe. But thats what being young is about I guess.

I'm just grateful that I wasn't posting my thoughts on a forum 15 years ago.


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greenwanderer , if played correctly , could turn out to be the new bud zumwalt , some of you will know who i am talking about.

greenwanderer , you are a gift from heaven.

i take back my earlier comments about your posts , please keep posting.

Edited by taxexile
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First, you're a dork

Second, you're a chump

Third, you talk shit

Fourth, because you're full of shit

I don't even wish to give you the effort of a decent comment anymore

You keep hiding behind your computer talkin shit...but as of now, your comments and oppinions hold no weight because you can't seem to find enough testosterone in your testicles as to expose your identity even one bit...You think I'm going to post a picture of my girl for you selfish retarded prick who doesn't even have the balls to post a pic of your own wrinkled pervert face...

Why don't you do the health forum a benefit and post pictures of your hemoroids and what a retired shriveled scabie infected sausage looks like!

The funny thing about all your empty, inaccurate attacks at me and my physique, at the end of the day I'd still wet your wife's panties quicker than you could even locate the viagra . You better avoid showing her my sumo pose picture if you don't want her to fantasize about what she wishes she had :o

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You guys need to forbive greenslime, he is still a child, have you seen his pimple ridden face ?

The only unfortunate things is that he has already passed on his genes to at least one little mutt.

sounds like you've become so sour cause a child like myself mounted your daughter or wife ...history repeats itself...so you'd better keep a close eye on your wife and/or daughter, cause they're bound to get mounted by a pimple ridden child like myself... :o


yep, I'm so young and ugly...I've been seduced by countless geezers like yourself's wives cause they couldn't take care of business in the bed...too old, senile, or whatever...at the end of the day, the only way you get laid anymore is with your wallet...

go on, nawtilus, post your sexy geezer picture...you wouldn't dare just as you wouldn't dare post your family pics in another thread...looks like you've got more to hide than anyone.

You look like Tattoo from Fantasy Island :D:D:D:D

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My dad Always said "Son. If your going to get married, marry a plain woman. You marry a pretty one and if she leaves you, you are heartbroken.

If you marry a plain woman and she leaves you... who gives a ****"



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greenwanderer , if played correctly , could turn out to be the new bud zumwalt , some of you will know who i am talking about.

greenwanderer , you are a gift from heaven.

i take back my earlier comments about your posts , please keep posting.

I'm in agreement with you Tax , if corrrectly nurtered we could be in the presence of an uber Bud/Mr Vietnam/Iammaic cyber super hero.


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