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Females Who Are The Sexiest Are Always The Nastiest

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Firstly I cannot directly relate to this subject, but have thought about it and what, if any consequences it may have on a relationship. I was wondering if anyone has any comments on the subject.

Females who are very pretty are more likely to acquire more male friends. These male friends are going to be there and when you have any problems with your relationship(Likely they have an ulterior motive). Personally it would worry me if my female partner was consoling in another male when we had relationship problems.

Obviously men are attracted to the prettiest/sexiest partner they can find. But having a relationship with a supper pretty girl will most likely have some downsides. Is it worth it?

I guess the reason I comment on this subject is often I see average looking with a extremely attractive girl, On the surface I feel a little jelouse, But underneath I feel there is more than meets the eye and suspect the relationship is all smiles.

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Many less attractive women can be nasty and cruel to men who fall in love with them because they resent not being pretty and subconsciously look down on men who ignore that fact.

There is always some idiot sniffing around no matter how ugly they are and many men are frightened of real knock-outs, so why not go for a beauty if you are going to have to deal with competition anyway? :o

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Courtesy of Dr. Hook:

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

It's hard

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

You know it's hard

Everybody wants her

Everybody loves her

Everybody wants to take your baby home

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

You watch your friends

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

It never ends

You know that it's crazy

You want to trust her

Then somebody hangs up when you answer the phone

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

You go it alone

Maybe it's just an ego problem

Problem is I've been fooled before

By fair-weather friends and faint-hearted lovers

And everytime it happens

It just convinces me more

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

You watch her eyes

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

You look for lies

Everybody tempts her

Everybody tells her

She's the most beautiful woman they know

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

You go it alone

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

You watch your friends

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

It never ends

When your in love with a beautiful woman

You watch her eyes

When you're in love with a beautiful woman

You keep looking for li

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I've been friends with, married to, and dated some very beautiful ladies, some are like that. However, there are some that are beautiful, absolutely drop dead gorgeous that are stereotyped like that, when they are not. Some of the ladies I've known had trouble meeting nice guys, because those guys were too shy to talk to them, because they were so beautiful. Sometimes the guys that did talk to them, couldn't look past their tits, eyes, legs or butt to get to know them as a person.

There are some ladies that are stuck up, mean, nasty and fixated on themselves, but there are those that are as beautiful on the inside as they are the outside, and we men don't take the chance to get to know them. Try talking to a beautiful lady sometimes, I mean a real drop dead gorgeous model quality female. Just talk, try to get to know her, you might be surprised, then again, she could tell you to buzz off. :o but you never know till you try. My exwife is going through that problem now... she's a 28 year old Romanian woman that truly looks like a model, in fact she does model in Atlanta. The problem is that everyone is afraid of her, or afraid to talk to her. She gorgeous and can't get dates. The only time that guys would try to flirt with her was when she and I would go out when we were married. They wanted to rescue her from the "old guy".

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Well, it seems to me that the prettiest, sexiest thai girls are not available to the average farang. These girls are being chased down relentlessly by the educated wealthy Thai guys and the girls are happy to string them along relentlessly.

We are better off out of it!

Saying that, there are absolutey zillions of dark skin stunners everywhere and i have never met a Thai girl with a nasty personality and if i did she would never make the grade as girlfriend material.

If you are ready to make a girl your GF, based on looks alone then you really are asking for trouble!!!

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If you want to keep the competition out, want to lock down the pretty-sexy broad, it's actually quite simple and primative...

You knock them up...she'll be locked down for atleast nine months, all the while you show her off with your offspring to all the competition and many of them will lose appeal for her.

Don't want to go that far?

Bottom line is don't get wooped by their freakiness. The only way to beat a monster is with a monster. And by allowing her monster to beat/outweigh yours, you are doing a shame to the Y chromosone.

Natural / sexual selection automatically states that females have a limited ammount of reproductive cells set from birth...Naturally, a female will be sexually inactive for many periods in her life i.e. menstrual, pregnancy, etc..

On the flip side, males produce billions/trillions of reproductive cells in a lifetime and basically are sexually active 24/7 once they hit puberty...One man can father hundreds of children, in effect taiming hundreds of women...The freakiest of women, at her best might deliver 10 children....

So all you wooped blokes who don't dare to unleash your monster at the same time dwelling over her monster basically deserve what you get when the other male monster mounts her like a savage :o

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If you want to keep the competition out, want to lock down the pretty-sexy broad, it's actually quite simple and primative...

You knock them up...she'll be locked down for atleast nine months, all the while you show her off with your offspring to all the competition and many of them will lose appeal for her.

Don't want to go that far?

Bottom line is don't get wooped by their freakiness. The only way to beat a monster is with a monster. And by allowing her monster to beat/outweigh yours, you are doing a shame to the Y chromosone.

Natural / sexual selection automatically states that females have a limited ammount of reproductive cells set from birth...Naturally, a female will be sexually inactive for many periods in her life i.e. menstrual, pregnancy, etc..

On the flip side, males produce billions/trillions of reproductive cells in a lifetime and basically are sexually active 24/7 once they hit puberty...One man can father hundreds of children, in effect taiming hundreds of women...The freakiest of women, at her best might deliver 10 children....

So all you wooped blokes who don't dare to unleash your monster at the same time dwelling over her monster basically deserve what you get when the other male monster mounts her like a savage

i have read some garbage on this forum in the past , some of it even posted by myself , but i have to say that the above post must qualify for the biggest heap of steaming crap ever to have been dumped onto these pages.

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If you want to keep the competition out, want to lock down the pretty-sexy broad, it's actually quite simple and primative...

You knock them up...she'll be locked down for atleast nine months, all the while you show her off with your offspring to all the competition and many of them will lose appeal for her.

Don't want to go that far?

Bottom line is don't get wooped by their freakiness. The only way to beat a monster is with a monster. And by allowing her monster to beat/outweigh yours, you are doing a shame to the Y chromosone.

Natural / sexual selection automatically states that females have a limited ammount of reproductive cells set from birth...Naturally, a female will be sexually inactive for many periods in her life i.e. menstrual, pregnancy, etc..

On the flip side, males produce billions/trillions of reproductive cells in a lifetime and basically are sexually active 24/7 once they hit puberty...One man can father hundreds of children, in effect taiming hundreds of women...The freakiest of women, at her best might deliver 10 children....

So all you wooped blokes who don't dare to unleash your monster at the same time dwelling over her monster basically deserve what you get when the other male monster mounts her like a savage :o

Have you ever had a girlfriend?

Been reading too much FHM?

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Not only nasty but stupid and dumb also comes to mind.

Super model Naomi Campbell is apparently nasty to her staff. She was recently charged with assaulting one of them.

Super model Elle MacPherson can't keep a man, not even the father of her baby.

Super model Kate Moss has a drop kick drug addict boyfriend, she is now hooked too.

Super diva and ###### good looker (previously) Whitney Houston married a drop kick and she is now also a junkie like her husband.

Give me a pleasant looking girl with a good brain, loaded with personality and a good sense of humour any day.

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My experience has been the total opposite.

The nastiest women I have known have been pretty ordinary looking, more than that, they had a real overdone belief in their own looks/value.

Whereas the three nicest women I have known have been real stunners. And, I might add, have had very few male partners.

I put this down to most blokes will not hit on a pretty girl where as plain looking women get lots of dates.

Beautiful women scare some blokes, so the statement that beautiful women are nasty, vain etc is probably based more on those fears than reality.

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My experience has been, I get used to the "Beauty." So the fact that she may be a stunner no longer carries any weight with me any more. If she anoys me she anoys me... it does not matter how gorgeous she is.

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Give me a pleasant looking girl with a good brain, loaded with personality and a good sense of humour any day.

Right on!

I once had a stunner and, out of self-protection/territorialism, took her to the tribe I know of in Africa that offered to bash out all of her front teeth for me. Would you believe that she LEFT ME?!?

Beautiful women, eh? :D:o

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Water finds its level,

A beautiful women with a so, so guy,

1. She's a kept woman and just an accessory to him,

2. He's a kept man and just an ATM to her,

3. They actually like each for what ever reasons,

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i have read some garbage on this forum in the past , some of it even posted by myself , but i have to say that the above post must qualify for the biggest heap of steaming crap ever to have been dumped onto these pages.

You should read some other of greenwanderer's posts - they're a scream! No wonder he's still wandering.

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My fiancee is a stunner, she is the one with the brains in our relationship and probaly is the politest girl ive ever met.

Guy always try to pick her up but she always tells them straight up she has a bf. One thai business man in sydney is a rich bastard and he tried to pick up my fiancee even knowing that im with her and he thought he ould win her over with his BMW's plus his businesses, my gf told me he asked her out and tried to persade her to leave me etc for him, she quit her job straight away with his company and I went looking for him (immature but i was filled with rage at the time as you can imagine) anways i never found him as he was always out of the office etc.

But now i completely trust her with my life.

So pretty girls arent always nasty.

In my experience (not relationship wise but friendship) a quiet overweight girl who loses a tonne of weight and starts thinking she is all that are the nastiest. Ive had a few friends who just changed when they lost weight and thought the world revolved around them. Maybe not all but in my experiences they are the nastiest

Edited by Donz
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Here we go again...

Taxeile and Jai Yen yen, you have once again made blank unbacked charges at my post(s)...This starts to get redundant...not the fact that someone disagrees with me...actually I love it when others disagree, especially when they can provide logic, reasoning, and fair premises...what can I say, I love mature debates.

But when you say something like 'Your post/ideas are garbage', you are infact posting garbage/crap yourself on the contrary. What is it do you mean by garbage or 'crap'?...To give you the benefit of the doubt, I assume you just mean it is a 'truth/reality you're not willing to accept' as in when we say things like

'soccer is crap'

'French food is crap'

etc. etc.

Because if you intended for crap to mean 'untrue' as in

'Taxile and Jai Yen yen are full of crap'

you have provided no basis or counter argument to back up your blank statements in disregarding my last post as untrue information..In other words, there is nothing in my previous post that is 'untrue' even though it may be a 'reality you are not willing to face up to'

Please provide specific examples in your counter post...though taxeile I must commend you for attempting to attack the post as opposed to the poster, even though you failed to follow through to support your reasoning, it shows some potetnial as a respectable debater...with a little more work, we might promote you to master....Mass-debater


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My fiancee is a stunner, she is the one with the brains in our relationship and probaly is the politest girl ive ever met.

Guy always try to pick her up but she always tells them straight up she has a bf. One thai business man in sydney is a rich bastard and he tried to pick up my fiancee even knowing that im with her and he thought he ould win her over with his BMW's plus his businesses, my gf told me he asked her out and tried to persade her to leave me etc for him, she quit her job straight away with his company and I went looking for him (immature but i was filled with rage at the time as you can imagine) anways i never found him as he was always out of the office etc.

But now i completely trust her with my life.

So pretty girls arent always nasty.

In my experience (not relationship wise but friendship) a quiet overweight girl who loses a tonne of weight and starts thinking she is all that are the nastiest. Ive had a few friends who just changed when they lost weight and thought the world revolved around them. Maybe not all but in my experiences they are the nastiest

The girls that openly tell you themselves about guys hitting on them and how they were so loyal to you as to refuse them often have hidden agendas...could be working to whoop you Donz...then again, you could be so sexy with your own closet of monsters to unleash in the case she goes astray...

That's the best secret weapon that will keep most girls in check...knowing that the minute they slip up, you've got a handful of chicks on the waiting list...Ever wonder why only the good loyal guys get heartbroken...they didn't bother to get any insurance :o

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Your probaly right, she has fought off a few friends of mine that were girls, they were just work friends and always wanted to hang out with me after work on a friday night, then once she saw she was really good looking my fiancee came out with us on friday night drinks and started to act like a bith towards her.

She didnt just openly say it to me, she came home after work one night saying that and was pissed off. I sensed he liked her because he was offering me good jobs though his friends and i didnt even really know the guy. I was thinking no-one can be this nice and my gf was getting paid good money for the work she was doing (she only did the job for a month)

I never liked him to begin with when i met him, i could just sense that I would hate the fella

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You guys need to forbive greenslime, he is still a child, have you seen his pimple ridden face ?

The only unfortunate things is that he has already passed on his genes to at least one little mutt.

sounds like you've become so sour cause a child like myself mounted your daughter or wife ...history repeats itself...so you'd better keep a close eye on your wife and/or daughter, cause they're bound to get mounted by a pimple ridden child like myself... :o


yep, I'm so young and ugly...I've been seduced by countless geezers like yourself's wives cause they couldn't take care of business in the bed...too old, senile, or whatever...at the end of the day, the only way you get laid anymore is with your wallet...

go on, nawtilus, post your sexy geezer picture...you wouldn't dare just as you wouldn't dare post your family pics in another thread...looks like you've got more to hide than anyone.

Edited by greenwanderer108
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Dunno who said this, and if I misquote, aplogies:-

"Just remember whenever you see a stunning looking woman, that someone, somewhere is having to take her shit".

great one! i once heard another, similar version of this one that goes something like: "one thing you can be absolutely sure of when you see a beautiful woman is that someone, somewhere is sick to death of her."

i think it might have been a line in "basic instinct 2", actually!

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Dunno who said this, and if I misquote, aplogies:-

"Just remember whenever you see a stunning looking woman, that someone, somewhere is having to take her shit".

great one! i once heard another, similar version of this one that goes something like: "one thing you can be absolutely sure of when you see a beautiful woman is that someone, somewhere is sick to death of her."

i think it might have been a line in "basic instinct 2", actually!

Or another twist on it is

'if you see a stunning woman that no matter what, you can't stop staring or thinking naughty thoughts about her, just picture her taking a shit'


Edited by greenwanderer108
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:o:D:D Oh please xxxxxxxx, are you really proud of that photo :D

Your post just goes to show why you should have never spread your genes any further than the nearest tissue box :D

edit: enough of the namecalling. Ok! udon

Read rules 1&2 .

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hahahaha, is that picture really you??

Im a pretty good judge of character when i meet someone, i pretty sure I know the girl after talking with her abit, some take longer then others but thats what dating is all about, finding the girl that you will match well with.

I like a pretty chick with brains and a personality, I kept dating girls until i found one.

Its not that hard unless i just got lucky, as ive have met a few great girls

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