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If you have to ask what 555 and TIT is on this forum, then I think you need to get out more. What is there to discuss about it?

Give the guy a break. Not everyone is as cool and Thai hip as you. 55555555

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The number 5 in Thai is Ha, so when Thais text-speak they write 555 = Ha Ha Ha for laughter.I don't know about TIT though ( gonna have to look that up myself)smile.png


This is from another forum for the meaning of TiT.

TIT has been around for years. It actually originated with the British Air Force and was called "tits-up" which meant the plane was inverted, which was bad news because that meant the plane had no navigation system left working and they were lost and going to crash when they ran out of fuel. Hence the phrase "we're tits-up over the English channel" or even worse for the bombers "we're tits-up over France/Germany". But the military being the military it flowed down through to the army and navy and of course different armies and navies who served or worked with the Brits and finally it was abbreviated "tits mate, tits" for anything that didn't really work or you knew it would go wrong.
By the time the Americans were using Thailand as a base for their various "programs" during Vietnam and were looking for serving soldiers to be seconded to Thailand for "illegal" duty over or in Laos "TIT" had become the popular abbreviation for the posting when talking amongst other personnel. Phrases like "I'm going to TIT, better pay, better promotion, no rules" were commonplace. If you knew the thought process of the American serviceman he was hampered by "rules of engagement" and getting permission to even engage the enemy half the time, so he would volunteer to become part of the CIA's war in Laos where there were no rules and he would of course be based in TIT or tits-up, a country that things always go wrong in, because there were no real rules and everything was copied, badly I might add, and if it did work at the start it wouldn't work in the end.
And the greeting once they landed at one of the US bases in Thailand was "welcome to TIT", a shake of the head and a rueful smile meant that nothing was right and if it was, it would go wrong in the future. And it did go wrong, just ask any of the "Blues" (infantry who rescued downed pilots in Laos, if the Viet Cong didn't "rescue" them first).
And I suppose that some silly civilian who didn't understand the friendly banter between CIA paid soldiers thought they were talking about Thailand, which they were in a way, and they were talking about a welcome to Thailand and so it became This is Thailand, when in actual fact it was welcome to the disaster that will happen when everything goes "tits-up".
That's the Reader's Digest version of TIT anyway.



Samlor......sam is thai for three....lor is wheels.....so tuk tuk with three wheels is a samlor...

A tuk tuk with three wheels is still a bloody tuk tuk.

A samlor is a pedal-powered tricycle.

PS. Avoid 2-wheel tuk tuks. they aren't going anywhere.



Been here for a while but really thought TIT meant "That Is That" meaning (to me) "that's what it is".

In the final analysis basically the same meaning. 555+

BTW thanks for the new tidbit of knowledge :)



Samlor......sam is thai for three....lor is wheels.....so tuk tuk with three wheels is a samlor...

A tuk tuk with three wheels is still a bloody tuk tuk.

A samlor is a pedal-powered tricycle.

PS. Avoid 2-wheel tuk tuks. they aren't going anywhere.

did you have anything to ADD......a samlor is actually EITHER a tuk tuk or a pedal powered trike....but yes most call the powered version a tuk tuk ...happy now?


3 fives and a Breast giggle.gif

You owe me a cup of coffee. I spilled mine on that one. smile.png

I was going to say 'a pack of cigarettes and a breast......coffee1.gif


Land of Shams

A sham marriage or fake marriage is a marriage of convenience entered into with the intent of deceiving public officials or society about its purpose. Arranging or entering into such a marriage to deceive public officials is itself a separate violation of the law of some countries. While referred to as a "sham" or "fake" because of its motivation, the union itself is still legally valid if it conformed to the formal legal requirements for marriage in that country. After a period, a couple often divorces if the marriage is no longer useful.



Apparently '555' is 'HaHaHa' - I'll leave it to the Thai speakers on the board to explain that one. 'TiT' is 'This is Thailand', and it's an ironic reference to the many contradictions which abound in the Land of Smiles. e.g. 'Low season - no customer - raise prices. TiT !'

I think you are qualified to explain, 55555.

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