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Car Insurance


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Hi Guys,

I purchased a car in March this year. My GF just recieved a call from an insurance company saying they want to prepare renewal and give easy payment. The car is a Mitsubishi Mirage purchased at 460,000 how much should a 1st class insurance cost here for the 2nd year and why are they calling so early?

Appreciate any experience. Thanks

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I am new to this situation. I just read the other thread too what would a comprehensive insurance cost for a car thats 460k?

This is for the 2nd year and i had 2 small claims for scratches on the skirting during the 1st year which has not ended yet.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The reason people (you are certainly not alone) get these calls is because the Dealers sell their customer information to anyone who wants to buy it. Suggesting they can prepare(?) to renew a policy due next March is nonsense and smacks of desperation. Example, what happens to the quote if you have a claim before then …………….

Best advice is wait until 2 or 3 weeks before expiry date then contact your Broker with all the information and let them go to work for you.

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we had this problem, they started calling about three months before claiming the original company went out of business. Looked online, never got a reply from AA so in the got a neighbour in the biz to sort one out. southwest, or is it east? anyway 16k dealer garage no named driver etc. First quote off the phone was over 22K!

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They call up telling you they are from the dealer approved insurance company... they are not.

This is somewhat of a scam to get you to commit to their insurance... often 6 months early.

They'll suggest that you'll get a better discount, get better no claims bonus etc...

They'll also suggest that if you commit now and have a crash before your existing policy runs out that your no-claims will be unaffected (well of course it won't you'll be starting off with a new company).

In short, they get your data in an underhanded manner - Use Insurance which comes recommended by others, has a bail bond (200k baht), also covers all occupants of your car, places a reasonable insured value on your car....

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1st class comprenhensive insurance would be around 15k (+/- 2k) as a base for a 460k value vehicle, as others have said. 20% no claims bonus off that in your second year, but having claimed might nullify all that NCB - you'd have to look at the policy document or talk to the insurer to find out what the effect of minor claims are on the NCB. Further discount of 10% (? not so sure about the exact amount of discount) for a named driver. Don't forget that there is the Government compulsory insurance on top of that (645 baht for my Fortuner - may be less for a pickup?)

My Mitsui (Toyota) renewal documents tend to come at least 3 months before renewal date in Thailand. It may be a kosher renewal not a flyer

Edited by SantiSuk
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  • 3 weeks later...

QBE car insurance nightmare! - BEWARE!

It's now 17 months ago our company car got wrecked - with 70% damaged or more- because of water planing.

It had 1st class comprehensive insurance, paid over 20,000 thb.

QBE staff, not informing correct info, lying, giving their personal bank account to pay in insurance, the list is LONG.

Written complaints, not answered. We have had to go to a government lawyer 4 times, QBE still won't pay out, even though we are not in fault. The car is still in the garage that QBE appointed.

QBE tries to reduce the out payment for no reason, forging documents, the story has not ended yet.

Does anybody have any similar experience? How long does such a case usually last?

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