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Thailand without stimulants ?


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Did someone say stimulants?


I have to pull you up on this. You've missed focus on the subjects face. When taking portrait photos you must establish crisp focus on the subjects eyes.

Yeah, but the subject and composition are great, right? This is the first time I ever noticed that she has eyes. tongue.png

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I have a beer a day and am still surviving at eighty despite the doctors best efforts. As the man said " I drink alcohol to make people sound more interesting". I suggest Mr World that perhaps you should try doing the same. You protesteth too much. Loosen up.coffee1.gif

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Over the years less and less drinking, the bar scene is actually quite boring in Thailand. Uppity Thai yuppies from Bangkok, your usual drink-a-gallon-of-booze-per-day farang party goers from West, some backpackers and then the regular retiree sad drunks.

But if they ever were to legalize weed like in many US states, that would be great! Legal coffee shops would make this place fantastic like in Amsterdam but not going to happen any time soon. Thais chilling out...can't have that!

I quite agree mate, that's the one thing Thailand's really missing, so sad for a historically toking country that used to produce in quantity some of the best weed in the world...

I also agree unfortunately that it's not gonna ever be legalized again here, too many powerful people making fortunes out of Yaba & Yaba ice, they can never make money out of something everyone can grow in their backyard & it would make a huge dent in their Yaba sales if legalized... bah.gif

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We don't all need crutches to rely on to be happy in our lives.

I don't smoke or gamble, certainly not into illegal drugs. Coffee and alcohol in moderation, (since both - apart from red wine) are not really good for your health in the longer term). As for nightlife, you must be joking! What a total waste of money and time - I'd rather exercise my left hand....

My day is completely full of enjoyable activities, but I certainly don't condemn others if that's what they want to do. It's human nature to be greedy, selfish and lazy smile.png


I agree that not all of us need crutches to rely on to be happy in our lives. I also think many of the things you mentioned are a waste of time and money and certainly don't condemn others if they want to waste their time and money. I do question the notion that red wine is good for a person more than coffee since I think the taste of red wine is nasty. I feel that you are holding out on us about your left hand though. I am right handed and if I exercise my right hand will I get the same results as you do with your left? Please try not to be greedy, selfish and lazy with your answer.

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I'd say a good way to recognise an alcoholic is when they say they can't imagine how life could exist without it.

Don't think so. I just went two months without alcohol. While outside of Thailand. So I can imagine life without alcohol quite easily. I Just can't imagine life without Thailand, and without Thai nightlife specifically, which as a side-effect tends to involve some alcohol.

But I was happy to find out I have zero desire for the stuff when not in a (Thai) nightlife setting. I already suspected that, because I don't drink at home, but sometimes feared that my addicton could be to alcohol instead of to bars. I was happy to find out it's the bars, not the alcohol. Of course, I don't enjoy bars as much without alcohol so there is definitely a link, but at least alcohol is not a factor in going to bars for me. (am I still making sense? (did I ever?) ;) )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Surely, like all else in life, there is the middle road!

Not everyone who likes a glass of wine is an alcoholic. Not everyone who likes the occassional toke, or the occassional sniff of Charlie, is a drug addict.

Can I envisage life here in Thailand, or elsewhere, without the occassional binge? No - and why should I?

The total abstaners are the ones who have a real problem in my opinion - and as is clearly shown in this thread. The sad keyboard warriors, who have nothing else to fill their sad little lives, but to criticise others and [try] to convince everyone, but mainly themselves, what wonderful and upright people they are.

Sad sad sad

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Surely, like all else in life, there is the middle road!

Not everyone who likes a glass of wine is an alcoholic. Not everyone who likes the occassional toke, or the occassional sniff of Charlie, is a drug addict.

Can I envisage life here in Thailand, or elsewhere, without the occassional binge? No - and why should I?

The total abstaners are the ones who have a real problem in my opinion - and as is clearly shown in this thread. The sad keyboard warriors, who have nothing else to fill their sad little lives, but to criticise others and [try] to convince everyone, but mainly themselves, what wonderful and upright people they are.

Sad sad sad

you cant envisage life in thailand without binging on an intoxicant? now thats sad, sad, sad

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A lot of recovering alcoholics and drug addicts don't realize that Caffeine and nicotine are psychotropic drugs.


Quite ironic sometimes in an AA meeting the old-timers smoking and drinking coffee saying that some guy smoking pot or on antidepressants isn't really sober.

pot and antidepressants are intoxicants.

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I indulge in moderation . . . just like I did in my hometown before coming here.

Alcohol is ok but I like cocaine from time to time.

I most certainly don't NEED it but if I go out to a club and have a few too many drinks, a line of mumble or two definitely restores one's edge.

I don't think living in Thailand makes taking stimulants more or less necessary.

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neither do I. whats the big deal? not everyone needs intoxicants to get through life. why do you?

Unlike simon43, you've chosen to throw stones - what happened to the 'live and let live' ethos most of us associate with Thailand ? I'm happy to defend your right not to partake of so much as a morning coffee, yet you seem keen to dump on me for needing 'intoxicants' - last time I checked neither nicotine nor caffeine was an intoxicant

I dont smoke and I've had precisely one beer in the last 21 months. Coffee, however - well that's a very different story, and I know I'll enjoy a beer when I get back to Asia. I just couldnt get through a day in Bangkok without a coffee - I guess that means I'm going straight to hell.

There's always hope.....

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Guys, I could be wrong, but I believe discussion of anything beyond the 'legal' drugs is in violation of the board rules - it certainly wasnt my intention to start a thread trumpeting the merits - or otherwise - of illicit drugs. Psychotropic or no, caffeine and nicotine are legal.

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There is always HP sauce . In a letter to the BP today, Robin Leslie proclaims that , while Thai food is ok, in his opinion "HP sauce is the best condiment ever produced"......Yep, Thailand in some kind of crisis, the English cricket team collapsing....but ...HP sauce..oh, you have to love the Brits (sometimes).

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Surely, like all else in life, there is the middle road!

Not everyone who likes a glass of wine is an alcoholic. Not everyone who likes the occassional toke, or the occassional sniff of Charlie, is a drug addict.

Can I envisage life here in Thailand, or elsewhere, without the occassional binge? No - and why should I?

The total abstaners are the ones who have a real problem in my opinion - and as is clearly shown in this thread. The sad keyboard warriors, who have nothing else to fill their sad little lives, but to criticise others and [try] to convince everyone, but mainly themselves, what wonderful and upright people they are.

Sad sad sad

you cant envisage life in thailand without binging on an intoxicant? now thats sad, sad, sad

Totally misquoted! But then what to expect from sad little men?

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Surely, like all else in life, there is the middle road!

Not everyone who likes a glass of wine is an alcoholic. Not everyone who likes the occassional toke, or the occassional sniff of Charlie, is a drug addict.

Can I envisage life here in Thailand, or elsewhere, without the occassional binge? No - and why should I?

The total abstaners are the ones who have a real problem in my opinion - and as is clearly shown in this thread. The sad keyboard warriors, who have nothing else to fill their sad little lives, but to criticise others and [try] to convince everyone, but mainly themselves, what wonderful and upright people they are.

Sad sad sad

you cant envisage life in thailand without binging on an intoxicant? now thats sad, sad, sad

Totally misquoted! But then what to expect from sad little men?

misquoted!!?? lol. "Can I envisage life here in Thailand, or elsewhere, without the occassional binge? No - and why should I?" sorry to hear about your short term memory problems son

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Totally. I've recently cut down on my drinking and don't party much anymore. And yes, life seems a lot more boring here. Specifically, it's a lot harder to meet a girl that's fun and a bit westernized like you would any night you went out to a bar or club. And no, I'm not talking about sex workers. I'm talking about decent girls that aren't afraid of foreigners, or ashamed to be seen talking to one. Still adjusting my game a bit...

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I get by with one large Leo a week and not every week, I don't drink coffee and once a week when I have my large Leo I frequent a Karaoke place, but always go home alone. I think I will become a monk, if this keeps up. Oh I live in the middle of nowhere in a small town, so we aren't all alcoholics or druggies.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I'd say a good way to recognise an alcoholic is when they say they can't imagine how life could exist without it.

Don't think so. I just went two months without alcohol. While outside of Thailand. So I can imagine life without alcohol quite easily. I Just can't imagine life without Thailand, and without Thai nightlife specifically, which as a side-effect tends to involve some alcohol.

But I was happy to find out I have zero desire for the stuff when not in a (Thai) nightlife setting. I already suspected that, because I don't drink at home, but sometimes feared that my addicton could be to alcohol instead of to bars. I was happy to find out it's the bars, not the alcohol. Of course, I don't enjoy bars as much without alcohol so there is definitely a link, but at least alcohol is not a factor in going to bars for me. (am I still making sense? (did I ever?) wink.png )

It's called dependance - you can't go to a bar without alcohol....therefore you feel you can't function in that situation without it. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and you briefly "overcome" you hangups, and allows you to do/say things that you normally would keep in check. Of course it also lowers other inhibitions, such as anger etc and can get you into trouble you would otherwise have avoided.

Edited by wilcopops
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I'd say a good way to recognise an alcoholic is when they say they can't imagine how life could exist without it.

Don't think so. I just went two months without alcohol. While outside of Thailand. So I can imagine life without alcohol quite easily. I Just can't imagine life without Thailand, and without Thai nightlife specifically, which as a side-effect tends to involve some alcohol.

But I was happy to find out I have zero desire for the stuff when not in a (Thai) nightlife setting. I already suspected that, because I don't drink at home, but sometimes feared that my addicton could be to alcohol instead of to bars. I was happy to find out it's the bars, not the alcohol. Of course, I don't enjoy bars as much without alcohol so there is definitely a link, but at least alcohol is not a factor in going to bars for me. (am I still making sense? (did I ever?) wink.png )

It's called dependance - you can't go to a bar without alcohol....therefore you feel you can't function in that situation without it. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and you briefly "overcome" you hangups, and allows you to do/say things that you normally would keep in check. Of course it also lowers other inhibitions, such as anger etc and can get you into trouble you would otherwise have avoided.

In these 2 sentences the word you or your is used 10 times, perhaps it should be edited to replace you with I as you are projecting onto a person that presumably you do not know.

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I still travel between Thailand and my home country quite a bit while I'm saving money for a wedding and to be able to make the permanent move there (next year if work remains steady).

I have to admit I find it easy to not drink in Thailand, but virtually impossible in my home country. At home the faster pace of life and various stresses wear me down.

In Thailand I exercise more. I smile more. I find interactions easier. When I'm there I don't feel any need to have a couple of whiskeys at the end of the day to unwind. It's like I have these two personalities inside me and the better one is gradually taking over.

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