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Thailand's Armed Forces call for national unity before it is too late


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I smell a coup.....

Sent from my GT-I9200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Me too....

And then the yellow shirts will win, and years later Thaksin regime will take revenge and it goes on and on and on that greedy mafia clan fights...

You give to much credit to the Yellow shirts. They are a dead issue riding in on the coat tails of those seeking a better Thailand, They died in the Cambodian Temple land dispute.

If there is a coup you may rest assured it will be a through one and the Shinawatra Clan will never again rise to fame. Perhaps some Grand children but the current crop will be long gone.

If one was to come the army is not as stupid as the government. The people who were a part of the Thaksin corruption gang would be removed from office and any chance of ever holding office again. the army has learned from their past mistakes.

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The military is to blame for waiting for Thaksin to leave the country before pulling off the 2006 coup. They could have had him banged up without bail and then sentenced to several consecutive prison terms, if he didn't get so overcome with remorse that he mysteriously hanged himself in his prison cell.

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This is the spokesman of the defence ministry. Not the army. Yingluck is his boss!

Does Mr. T now offer negotiations as he start to realise that he cant win?

Agreed. The picture that depicts uniformed military is an archive photo' as watermarked. The statement is from the government department of the Ministry of Defense which is most definitely run by the majority party in government. For my money this is a desperate scare mongering tactic by a frightened government who will stoop to any depth to get what they want.

Disagreed. As said before, "He said that national conflict has developed throughout the past nine years and was deepening"

Beside criticizing both sides, the reference is to "the past nine years" and that was 2 years BEFORE the military coup. Who was in power then? So, the remark clearly says that the problem started 2 years before the coup.

If Yingluck instructed him to say that she is either indeed independant or made a big mistake for which big brother will ....... her. I do not think either is the case and thereefore my bet is it is a statement not authorized by her, which might have some interesting consequences. I can hardly wait to see whether the Minister of Defence will come out and support or discard it. hit-the-fan.gif

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The spokesman then called on all sides to set aside individual interest, stop creating hatred and stop hurting the country, but restoring peace and bringing happiness back to the people.

There is one person who has no interest in any of these things, His interests are all he cares about. Thaksin could bring an end to all this by returning, walk through the jail and settle for being the man behind the scenes. Alas, this will never happen, it's all about his ego.

Ego yes, but overridden by stupidity.

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Maybe now the Dems can form a goverment

like in 06 biggrin.png

Did the Democrats form a government in 2006 ?

Can you give us a link to that history book, please

No, he got it wrong. ANUPONG formed a government in 2008 featuring the Dems & their coalition members with army guns stuck up their backsides.

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The military is to blame for waiting for Thaksin to leave the country before pulling off the 2006 coup. They could have had him banged up without bail and then sentenced to several consecutive prison terms, if he didn't get so overcome with remorse that he mysteriously hanged himself in his prison cell.

That would have been too much to ask for, but would have saved a lot of the current ongoing problem.

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Wonder if the Defence Minister was advised a spokesman for the ministry would be making this statement?

Maj-Gen Surachart Jitjaeng, spokesman of the Defense Ministry’s Public Relations and Information Office.

Is Yingluck his boss? Is this a soft Public Relations test/warning?

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The spokesman then called on all sides to set aside individual interest, stop creating hatred and stop hurting the country, but restoring peace and bringing happiness back to the people.

There is one person who has no interest in any of these things, His interests are all he cares about. Thaksin could bring an end to all this by returning, walk through the jail and settle for being the man behind the scenes. Alas, this will never happen, it's all about his ego.

Ego yes, but overridden by stupidity.

Not stupidity, he is actually very clever and that is why he figured out ways to make the poor and the rural population believe that he cares for them, which is not the case. His ego is bigger than Mt. Everest and unfortunately coupled with the same amount of greed and arrogance. He wil sacrifice everything (Thailand and possibly also family members), but he will never give up and he probably even sees this as a special quality of his. vampire.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gif

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Funny thing is, if the Army jumps in, it will make the current ongoing protest and the opposition lose its legitimacy. In other words, all the blame will be shifted to the opposition and will further the Red shirt agenda which has been warning of a coup. Suppose the army was already paid off and DOES jump in, who's to say that they were not part of a strategic plan by Mr. T? Not many people would dare think that the Army would work in the best interest of the UDD, PTP and the golf caddy.

Edited by ThaiOats
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Suggestion to all posters,

For heavens sake, as well as your own, read your so very important post over a time or two before being in such a rush to push the send button.

Others may consider what you are saying much more if they can read and understand your writing. If it looks like gibberish and that you didn't even have the time to proof read, it will probably be considered the post of a moron. ..... and rightly so.

In a country which is purported to be a "Democracy", where the Military has, in fact, the last (and deciding) voice, is a country in deep trouble ! ! !

I think in most places that is true. However, in Thailand the Army has always been a safety valve; when things get to explosive they step in and return everything to normalcy before returning power to the electorate - in this country, where politicians have an easy ability to run amok, such a valve is a necessity. 2006 was bloodless - tanks in the streets and the public putting flowers in their barrel - hardly Tiananmen Square!

This though was not the army, it was the government - so it was not the military giving a warning, but the government trying to make it look the army will step in if people don't sit back and let them do what they want. I bet some scrambled-egg encrusted caps are keeping a close eye on this now - it they weren't already!

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Suggestion to all posters,

For heavens sake, as well as your own, read your so very important post over a time or two before being in such a rush to push the send button.

Others may consider what you are saying much more if they can read and understand your writing. If it looks like gibberish and that you didn't even have the time to proof read, it will probably be considered the post of a moron. ..... and rightly so.

In a country which is purported to be a "Democracy", where the Military has, in fact, the last (and deciding) voice, is a country in deep trouble ! ! !

I think in most places that is true. However, in Thailand the Army has always been a safety valve; when things get to explosive they step in and return everything to normalcy before returning power to the electorate - in this country, where politicians have an easy ability to run amok, such a valve is a necessity. 2006 was bloodless - tanks in the streets and the public putting flowers in their barrel - hardly Tiananmen Square!

This though was not the army, it was the government - so it was not the military giving a warning, but the government trying to make it look the army will step in if people don't sit back and let them do what they want. I bet some scrambled-egg encrusted caps are keeping a close eye on this now - it they weren't already!

It won't be like 2006. This time there are 2 armies with whistles, bells and horns. It will be much noisier than last time.

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This is the spokesman of the defence ministry. Not the army. Yingluck is his boss!

Does Mr. T now offer negotiations as he start to realise that he cant win?

Agreed. The picture that depicts uniformed military is an archive photo' as watermarked. The statement is from the government department of the Ministry of Defense which is most definitely run by the majority party in government. For my money this is a desperate scare mongering tactic by a frightened government who will stoop to any depth to get what they want.

Disagreed. As said before, "He said that national conflict has developed throughout the past nine years and was deepening"

Beside criticizing both sides, the reference is to "the past nine years" and that was 2 years BEFORE the military coup. Who was in power then? So, the remark clearly says that the problem started 2 years before the coup.

If Yingluck instructed him to say that she is either indeed independant or made a big mistake for which big brother will ....... her. I do not think either is the case and thereefore my bet is it is a statement not authorized by her, which might have some interesting consequences. I can hardly wait to see whether the Minister of Defence will come out and support or discard it. hit-the-fan.gif

She won't even be aware of it until a reporter asks her about it, and she answers 'ka' and 'thank you, three times' before referring the question to the Minister of Defence. When she realizes that that is her, she will quit the post and appoint someone else to answer the question on her behalf. Meanwhile, she'll be looking at an atlas and looking for a new destination to fly off to and set up trade links with ... North Korea perhaps.

Right, and maybe she can invite the "Head of State" of DPRK to give a lecture during another symposium, about how to progress towards reconciliation. Other speakers with great expeience in this topic could include Robert Mugabe and some other d... heads from Belarus and Ukraine.clap2.gif

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Funny thing is, if the Army jumps in, it will make the current ongoing protest and the opposition lose its legitimacy. In other words, all the blame will be shifted to the opposition and will further the Red shirt agenda which has been warning of a coup. Suppose the army was already paid off and DOES jump in, who's to say that they were not part of a strategic plan by Mr. T? Not many people would dare think that the Army would work in the best interest of the UDD, PTP and the golf caddy.

I tend to agree with your first statement - that a military coup now would only be to increase the resentment of the poorer classes and the Reds as a whole as it will be seen as the second time the army has stepped in to curtail a democratically elected government with a poor agenda (however true either of these 'facts' may be - the operative term being 'seen') - and to store it up, under pressure, for a future re-ignition - and perhaps of a more serious nature than even 2010.

Not sure that the Army would fall so easily in bed with Mr. T though; there are some real personal issues between the two, let alone lack of trust (based on history between them - and I meant from before the 2006 coup). No love lost there. Interference with the Army may just cause that very coup - which may be bad news for the Dems too right now, but would also put back any Thaksin return (home or of his sealed money) on a long term hold. Wise move would be to give the sleeping cobra a wide berth me thinks.

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The military is to blame for waiting for Thaksin to leave the country before pulling off the 2006 coup. They could have had him banged up without bail and then sentenced to several consecutive prison terms, if he didn't get so overcome with remorse that he mysteriously hanged himself in his prison cell.

He left a coupler of years after the coup 2008 I believe.

Maybe now the Dems can form a goverment

like in 06 biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png width=20 height=20>

Did the Democrats form a government in 2006 ?

Can you give us a link to that history book, please

No, he got it wrong. ANUPONG formed a government in 2008 featuring the Dems & their coalition members with army guns stuck up their backsides.

If I had a child in school and you were a teacher in that school I would have him out of there so fast your head would be spinning. I want the children to have an education here in Thailand. It is teachers like you that are holding them back.

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Is that a warning?

How do you say 'coup d'état' in paasaa Thai, mai? And they just tossed in the national security card. Humm.

A warning? To whom? Interesting... When the various State Department notices start hitting the Internet, I'll ignore them as usual. Life in the city and life in the Muu Baan seem to still be polar opposites. Just my opinion. It doesn't need to be yours.

Edited by connda
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"The Defense Ministry spokesman came out today for the first time to directly criticize the ongoing political turmoil with call for all sides to put an end to the widening and deepening conflict in the country before it gets out of control and is too late."

Just what Thaksin waiting for, a replay of the 2010 clash coffee1.gif

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Why doesn't some enterprising TV Station create a reality show where several teams would be given the chance of kidnapping Khun Thaksin and returning him to his beloved country and the people he really cares about. I'm sure if this was promoted via social media, and a favourable reward was offered, it would not only be ratings winner but would shift the attention to the core problem.

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Obviously not the speech the defence minister's lackey Suranand would write.

Could mean coup. Could mean we will stand back and watch you two sling it out. Could mean 'we are going to get dragged into fixing this'.

This is very significant.

Very significant. My view:

Statement that the military is united.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The spokesman then called on all sides to set aside individual interest, stop creating hatred and stop hurting the country, but restoring peace and bringing happiness back to the people.

There is one person who has no interest in any of these things, His interests are all he cares about. Thaksin could bring an end to all this by returning, walk through the jail and settle for being the man behind the scenes. Alas, this will never happen, it's all about his ego.

Ego yes, but overridden by stupidity.

Not stupidity, he is actually very clever and that is why he figured out ways to make the poor and the rural population believe that he cares for them, which is not the case. His ego is bigger than Mt. Everest and unfortunately coupled with the same amount of greed and arrogance. He wil sacrifice everything (Thailand and possibly also family members), but he will never give up and he probably even sees this as a special quality of his. vampire.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gif

It's called psychopathy - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy

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I smell a coup.....

Sent from my GT-I9200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How many times have we read that over the past few years?

Jatuporn would know, for sure.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

The coup smell getting stronger every day, just relax, it's happening before Christmas, countdown have started and you are warned coffee1.gif

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The spokesman then called on all sides to set aside individual interest, stop creating hatred and stop hurting the country, but restoring peace and bringing happiness back to the people.

There is one person who has no interest in any of these things, His interests are all he cares about. Thaksin could bring an end to all this by returning, walk through the jail and settle for being the man behind the scenes. Alas, this will never happen, it's all about his ego.

Ego yes, but overridden by stupidity.

Not stupidity, he is actually very clever and that is why he figured out ways to make the poor and the rural population believe that he cares for them, which is not the case. His ego is bigger than Mt. Everest and unfortunately coupled with the same amount of greed and arrogance. He wil sacrifice everything (Thailand and possibly also family members), but he will never give up and he probably even sees this as a special quality of his. vampire.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gif

Well I think he is a combination of three things

1 Ego

2 Smart

3 Stupidity

I have to stretch it a little bit to get the smart part in. Remember the people he is reaching out to are not the smartest in Thailand nor the most honest.

As for stupidity well listen to every thing he says he contradicts himself so often I wonder if he even believes him self.

No doubt what so ever about the ego.

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