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Women from Myanmar


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Sorry, but how can you generalize about women of any country in this way? It's just not possible.

There's good and bad in all of us.

The only reason we experience it more in Asia is because many foreigners (not all I quickly add) only have the opportunity of socializing with the most desperate and poorest women.

Others meet really nice honest genuine women.

There can be no generalization between the two.

What a patronising judgemental comment that is, implying that women who happen to be poor cannot be 'nice, honest and genuine'! Since when was wealth or lack of it anywhere in the world an accurate guide to what sort of person someone is?biggrin.png

I think you've made a dubious link there.

Your first point is a fair criticism of the Andyfez post but your second point by way of a supposedly rhetorical question is misleading because it could be argued that in some parts of the world some people who have the ability to choose a career path, choose either one where the rewards are predominantly financial or one where they are academic or 'worthwhile' as in beneficial to others or indeed a mixture and by your reckoning the choice they make tells you nothing about that person.

Edited by piersbeckett
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  • 3 months later...

One of the most beautiful girls I've seen here in Bangkok turned out to be Burmese, she works in an Indian restaurant close to where I live, also very friendly, helpful, attentive, chatty and smiling a lot.

You do not have a candid photos?

Disappointing ah


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  • 5 months later...


Currently the Myanmar-Females still look slim and trim, as did Thai-Females some 15 years ago.

Farangs of the year 2013 = Too late, the thrill in S/E Asia is gone.{quote}

Agree with you , Thailand 15 years ago , was not polluted with,, and over populated with foreigners .bah.gif

now we just have a market value , i am surprised farlang , is not valued on thai stock exchange ,555

Those were the days , my friend .wai2.gif

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There are plenty of fat women in Myanmar but a lot of the slim ones are so beautiful.

I need to hurry and get a Burmese wife before Myanmar gets developed and the women get ruined like Thai women

Jesus christ it sounds like a case of taking advantage of 3rd world undeveloped countries. Perhaps you could consider sub saharan women then?

Other than the religion like islamic extremism i suppose it would be better.

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I want a woman from Myanmar, preferrably one that cooks me Burmese food, cleans, and does not use technology. Sounds like heaven to me.

in short you are looking for a slave.

Why do you make assumptions like that? And why is that taking advantage of a 3rd world woman? You are helping her economically and she is helping fill a part of your life. In essence you are helping each other out mutually.

What's up with westerners always making this assumption?

It beats getting a first world wife who won't even listen to you and will use the internet, etc. and disobey you. The grass is always greener on the other side.

Edited by Tai777
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  • 4 weeks later...

Dude... women are women the world over.

They are biologically hard-wired to find certain characteristics in men desirable... markers of status, confidence, reserved feelings, all the things that define masculinity (as well as a bit of romance, and a willingness to express sexual interest in women that many Asian men lack), being stoic, etc. Culture puts constraints on women's sexuality, and that is necessary for a society to develop. Myanmar is a conservative culture, yes, but they are also human and enjoy sex - but will never talk about this openly, and neither should you.

In the west we idealise women, which is precisely why pick up artistry / negging women to get into their pants has become so popular. If you're going to Thailand or Myanmar to find a wife, think about the reasons why you're doing so. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just look beyond the surface and do a bit of self-refection. You might also want to do a bit of research into the Red Pill community, and Rollo Tomassi's fantastic blog The Rational Male.

You can read my up-coming book to find out more information, Narbu: The Hidden Sex Life of Myanmar. smile.png

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I want a woman from Myanmar, preferrably one that cooks me Burmese food, cleans, and does not use technology. Sounds like heaven to me.

in short you are looking for a slave.

Why do you make assumptions like that? And why is that taking advantage of a 3rd world woman? You are helping her economically and she is helping fill a part of your life. In essence you are helping each other out mutually.

What's up with westerners always making this assumption?

It beats getting a first world wife who won't even listen to you and will use the internet, etc. and disobey you. The grass is always greener on the other side.

I assume u are single and not had a gf for many years hahahahahahah

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Dude... women are women the world over.

They are biologically hard-wired to find certain characteristics in men desirable... markers of status, confidence, reserved feelings, all the things that define masculinity (as well as a bit of romance, and a willingness to express sexual interest in women that many Asian men lack), being stoic, etc. Culture puts constraints on women's sexuality, and that is necessary for a society to develop. Myanmar is a conservative culture, yes, but they are also human and enjoy sex - but will never talk about this openly, and neither should you.

In the west we idealise women, which is precisely why pick up artistry / negging women to get into their pants has become so popular. If you're going to Thailand or Myanmar to find a wife, think about the reasons why you're doing so. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just look beyond the surface and do a bit of self-refection. You might also want to do a bit of research into the Red Pill community, and Rollo Tomassi's fantastic blog The Rational Male.

You can read my up-coming book to find out more information, Narbu: The Hidden Sex Life of Myanmar. smile.png

Well first of all I'm a Thai national, but I won't go to Thailand. Thai women are much more liberated than Myanmar women. I'm not saying all Thai women are bad and I know that there are good and bad people in every culture. About the culture of Myanmar being conservative, I am well aware of that, I've been there, and I'm also aware of the red pill community, I enjoy reading ROK in particular.

I know the exact reason that I am looking for a wife from Southeast Asia and that's because I'm fed up and disgusted with the American culture and I prefer people who are family oriented rather than a career woman/feminist.

I don't understand what you meant by your response. I can go into more detail about my reasons for going to Southeast Asia if you want.

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Dude... women are women the world over.

They are biologically hard-wired to find certain characteristics in men desirable... markers of status, confidence, reserved feelings, all the things that define masculinity (as well as a bit of romance, and a willingness to express sexual interest in women that many Asian men lack), being stoic, etc. Culture puts constraints on women's sexuality, and that is necessary for a society to develop. Myanmar is a conservative culture, yes, but they are also human and enjoy sex - but will never talk about this openly, and neither should you.

In the west we idealise women, which is precisely why pick up artistry / negging women to get into their pants has become so popular. If you're going to Thailand or Myanmar to find a wife, think about the reasons why you're doing so. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just look beyond the surface and do a bit of self-refection. You might also want to do a bit of research into the Red Pill community, and Rollo Tomassi's fantastic blog The Rational Male.

You can read my up-coming book to find out more information, Narbu: The Hidden Sex Life of Myanmar. smile.png

I know the exact reason that I am looking for a wife from Southeast Asia and that's because I'm fed up and disgusted with the American culture and I prefer people who are family oriented rather than a career woman/feminist.

Once you learn the principles of 'game', or how to pick up women, it's possible to pick up women anywhere. And I do mean anywhere. Finding one who will stay around when you've slept with her is another issue, and one that many men find frustrating (not just in the West).

Women's sexual desires / behavior are triggered by two contradictory impulses - to find an alpha male who will make her vajayjay tingle (the outlaw, exotic, traveler or biker dude, etc), which translates into good genetic stock for her offspring; and the loyal beta male who will provide for her during pregnancy and beyond. The culture in Myanmar is such that necessity forces women (not all, of course) to be more sensible in their mate selection - so they err on the side of the faithful beta. Without feminism and a massive welfare state, this is just one important factor that will help propel the country forward IMHO. For the individual woman that strategy is less than optimal for sexual enjoyment, but it's the safe option that will ensure security in old age (without the support of government handouts).

The problem is that as a foreigner, you will likely attract the women who are slightly higher sexual risk-takers (as many Thai women have become), which is nice if that's what you're after. But her biology will program her to always look for the better option - the more alpha guy. So to restrain that, it's a good idea to learn about the culture, perhaps learn the language, and try to maintain a purpose in your life that she will likely want to align herself with. If you're looking to bring her out of poverty, be the white knight (so to speak) - as most aging foreigners dream of doing - that might be a sign of an underlying neediness (which is quite common btw).

As you say, if you are Thai and speak Thai then why not look for a Shan woman - the language barrier isn't too much of a hurdle there, and she will likely understand your culture more easily. There are also over 2 million Burmese people living in Thailand who might be happy to date a Thai who's interested in Burmese culture (there aren't really that many), and that would make things easier for visas and living together.

As I have found out the hard way with a Burmese woman, keep things as simple as you can and have low expectations - this should be applied to all relationships really. Learn game too, that'll help build confidence with women anywhere, not just Myanmar thumbsup.gif

Edited by myauq
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If you're looking to bring her out of poverty, be the white knight (so to speak) - as most aging foreigners dream of doing - that might be a sign of an underlying neediness (which is quite common btw).

Well, I'm not exactly an "old foreigner." I'm in my mid-twenties, and I'm not obese or a slob. I'm half Thai and half European. ( We can continue this conversation through PMs if you like, as your story has piqued my interest. )

This might sound strange to you, but I was always looking for a girl in a rural area, not to bring her out of poverty but because of several reasons. I've lived in rural areas in Southeast Asia before and I can say I'm quite accustomed to them.

1. Typically in the extremely rural areas they are isolated, far from social media and western pop-culture.

2. Rural girls get married young and to one man and they stay together forever

3. Strong gender-roles, she agrees to stay in the home and cook and clean.

4. She is a "real" example of her culture that hasn't been tainted by western influence.

The new "Burmese types" you see in the city never existed prior to the opening of the country to western influence. I might go so far as to say the opening of the country created a sort of fake puppet class that lives by more western values. When I say Burmese I mean an actual real Burmese. Many Thais now belong to this fake puppet class, and the authentic Thai population is aging and bound to die out soon, but the numbers of the authentic Burmese class are still going strong.

The fake western-puppet Thai class eats at McDonald's and has tried lots of western food such as hamburgers and steak and regularly visits Starbucks and social media sites, while the authentic Thai class toils away in the rural areas, unaware of the existence of Facebook and such.

Westernization in Southeast Asia is creating a fake new middle class based on Western values that is trying to supplant the real local population. I don't actually consider these people to be natives, since the foundations of their existence are based on something foreign. My own mother is a "real" Thai and even after all these years in a western country still hasn't turned "fake" or western.

It was never my intention to ever mess with the western-puppet Burmese, as I know things are more likely to go wrong. I've been around Mae Sot in Tak province, Thailand and it seems there are more Burmese girls than Thais there. I'd definitely consider a Shan girl but only a very rural one because the urban ones seem to have very Siamese values, which I'm wary of. I know how tricky Siamese women can be.

The problem is that as a foreigner, you will likely attract the women who are slightly higher sexual risk-takers (as many Thai women have become), which is nice if that's what you're after. But her biology will program her to always look for the better option - the more alpha guy.

The most rural of the girls don't really seem to distinguish between the Alphas and the Betas as much, I think they just want a real person who will love them and stay with them in the long run. Their parents seem to aggressively safeguard their virginity for the right guy.

Sorry sir, but by no means am I after high sexual risk takers. If they pulled this crap when they met me chances are they're more likely to pull it again. I'm only looking for girls who never leave their village.

Staying around after sex? I've met girls in Laos who were virgins and wouldn't have sex with me until marriage...So there you go.

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  • 3 months later...

I have a Myanmar gf. She's amazing and seems quite different than the stereotype thai woman you're talking about. A lot of it matters where they come from ie. Yangoon vs. the country.. I believe the country people are called Kaleen??? (I don't know much about that) It'd be hard to generalize since I haven't got any experience outside of one. Meeting? hmm.. massage shops, restaurants, online?? I'd look for a motivated student maybe from Ramkhamhaeng Univ. as they'd have a passport and be further along. My gf was poor and has some terrible stories but did have a great education. She picked up thai and english in no time. Focused, loyal, cute, hard-headed... anyhow that's my experience. She does have some bad apple relatives... so again, I wouldn't generalize.

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