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Lyrica(Pregabalin) in Thailand


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Next month I will be traveling to Thailand for 8 weeks.

Here in Germany I get Lyrica from my doctor, 2x300mg per day.

As this stuff is quite expensive, I would like to look for it Bangkok. Even my doctor recommended this.

I tried to get some infos about Lyrica/Pregabalin in Thailand, but it could not find much.

I know there are tabs with 150mg available, but how does it really look like?

Does most of the pharmacies (in Bangkok) have lyrica? where are the best chances to get it? and the most important question: how much is it?

I would be very glad, if someone could post any experiences concerning this topic.

Thank you very much...

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  • 5 months later...

Lyrica can be bought over the counter ( mind you I did present the prescription every time )

I am sure it is available everywhere ( major chemists ) but you can PM if you would like to know the address

I can't remember the price: they were expensive compared to the other prescribed drugs but it was not exorbitant

I will go there on Wednesday or Thursday. Would you like me to enquire about the doses available ( I used to buy the 150 mg) and the prices?

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Pfizer`s Lyrica is expensive medicin because it is the orginal brand of pregabalin but if their patent is exipred in Thailand so maby there is hope for cheaper versions of pregabalin.

I asked now Lyrica prices and this quote i got from Fascino pharmacy at Pattaya klang. Clerk did not know anything about another brand.

One strip ( Lyrica /pfizer ) containing 14 tablets or maby it was capsules 150mg is 1528 baht
One strip ( Lyrica /pfizer ) containing 14 tablets or maby it was capsules 75mg is 1050 baht

Edited by thaitero
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  • 3 months later...

It is only the locally made drugs that are inexpensive here. Imports naturally cost a bit more than they would in the country they were imported from. That is usually Europe, hence still less than in the U.S,, but more than in the country of manufacture.

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It is only the locally made drugs that are inexpensive here. Imports naturally cost a bit more than they would in the country they were imported from. That is usually Europe, hence still less than in the U.S,, but more than in the country of manufacture.

Sheryl, years ago I had rabies vaccines, the vaccine came from the Louis Pasteur Laboratories in Paris. I had to have my final shot in Toronto Canada, the vaccine came from Canaught Laboratories Toronto, owned by Louis Pasteur, the price was four times higher than the price in Thailand, thank God it was covered by insurance.
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It is only the locally made drugs that are inexpensive here. Imports naturally cost a bit more than they would in the country they were imported from. That is usually Europe, hence still less than in the U.S,, but more than in the country of manufacture.

In Australia the cost charged by the manafacturers to the Government is higher than the retail price here. If you have to pay private prices for you prescription (few Australians do as most drug are subsidised) Costs there are considerably higher than here.

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It is here and very expensive. You should ask your Dr. why he has you on Lyrica instead of Neurontin. Lyrica was only manufactured because the patent of on Neurontin expired and generics became available (Gabapentin). There is virtually no difference between these drugs once ingested. You can read all about this. Many go so far as to say the American FDA never should have even approved it.

Do a few google searches and read what Dr.s are saying about this. You might be stunned to see how much you are paying for Lyrica when you can get Gabapentin for pennies.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 6 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/27/2021 at 7:37 AM, Sheryl said:

No. Thete are now many locally brands including:


Pregbalin GPO








The quote I got on a Thai generic pregabalin was Toprelin 150 mg 2,015 Baht/box of 56 tablets. I'm assuming the other Thai generics are about the same. The equivalent Sandoz was a bit cheaper at 1,960 baht for 150 mg x 56. The quote was from a well known online drugstore in Bangkok.


Paul Laew

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  • 1 year later...
19 hours ago, prakhonchai nick said:

Lyrica  75mg - today in Bkk Pattaya Hospital  120 capsules for 29,400 baht!!!!!!!!!  Thats 245bt EACH!


Never buy medications at a hospital except in the rare case where it is something not available over the counter. Mark up is considerable plus they tend to use the most expensive brands to start with.


Get at a pharmacy, and also do not get Lyrica brand. Among imports, Sandoz brand is much less. A box of 56 tabs will be under 2,000 baht.

Maxgalin  (locally made) is under 500 baht for 30 tabs



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