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You obviously haven't been listening to what Suthep was saying on stage yesterday. Calling for a return to something similar to the pre-1932 system.

Really, that's what it has been about all along, with the smokescreen of removing this government through allegations of corruption and malfeasance.

The right wing PAD were very vocal about returning Thailand to an undemocratic system also, this is just a continuation of their earlier attempts to consolidate power, overthrow an elected government and return Thailand to the dark ages.

It really is quite terrifying that educated Westerners can't see what is happening here.

I consider myself educated, however, not able to read or write Thai. And asking Thais, all one gets is "I hate Thaksin", "Thaksin out".

And that's from educated, middle-class Thais. One never gets far talking politics with a Thai.

It is a boring subject to them.

The ones I talk to consider all parties the same, money grabbing corrupted bunch. And then change the topic.

Makes it a bit hard to get to the bottom of it.

But, in my opinion, as far as Thailand is concerned, beyond political parties, it is clear that the Thai system is wrong.

I highly doubt Suthep or whatever other person or party is going to/can change that.

The general opinion that I get from my good Thai friends is 'better the devil you know than the devil you don't' (They prefer the old school than the new school but don't endorse any of them) so your comment would be appreciated by my just about all my Thai friends (and these people are the majority not a poxy 100.000 or whatever people on the streets

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Yep. I agree. I hope JH's next BBC report will be less biased red reporting, and more a clear eyed view of the truth. It's black and white. This is what he should say if he wants to prove he isn't a paid Thaksin mouthpiece:

'Hello viewers. Here I am again, Jonathan Head in Bangkok. Now, I'd like to apologize for all my previous reports which were biased. This is the first true report I've ever filed. First things first, viewers: Thaksin is the Thai Hitler. Think Mugabe. Think Idi Amin. Think Pol Pot. Think Thaksin. He's the worst PM in Thai history, and in fact one of the worst ever in the history of the world. He's raped Thailand blind. He's turned Thailand from idyllic tropical paradise into a grim vision of hell. His supporters... pah!... It's really beneath my contempt to mention them. But in the interests of balance, viewers should realize they are paid dummies who're so ill educated they didn't even know how to use an elevator or turn on a tap with a censor when they were in Bangkok. They're so greedy that Thaksin will just throw 200 baht of taxpayers money on the floor at their feet and they'll pick it up and say 'oh thank you for your graciousness kind sir. jai dee maak'. Then they'll spend the 200 baht on rice whiskey and sit under trees playing cards all day. I tell you what, I remember Thailand in the 1990s and everyone was happy. There was no crime or drinking. Then Thaksin came along and played on the rural hordes natural greed and avarice.

But why waste more time on those idiots? Forget them! The important thing is what's happening now! Here I am in central Bangkok with Thailand's tax paying educated elite. Let's get behind them BBC viewers back in the UK and around the world! These brave heroes are about to stamp out the disease that is Thaksinism and I'm actually about to just join them myself... look at my whistle! I'm blowing my whistle! I'm blowing my whistle! *peep* *peep* We're actually just about to trash the finance ministry. What high jinx! This regime is going down, baby! *peep* This is so much fun. Hey, guys, are we going to Dunkin Donuts after this? *high five* Down with the Thaksin regime! *peep*'

Also, I think Jonathan should include a link on the BBC website to Sichonsteve's posts on here for any crucial background information they might've missed. I mean it's hard to convey just how bad Thaksin is in a 3 minute news report.

Worth a wai2.gif from me. Much appreciated.

So what does a BBC reporter know about Thailand ? Please tell me


The Big Question is.....

Can Thailand have a democracy as we know it ? Lets face it ours (falang) are more corrupt every day so maybe we should take things into context a bit here.Maybe the mob culture here is more honest and direct than the under the blanket so called western democracy.The USA and south European democracy is a total joke and if you can't see that you are blind.

Anyone need a guide dog ?

  • Like 1

I'm trying to think of one good thing that the Shinawatre gov't has done for the Thai people.

Ummmm, ....still thinking.

Access to a national healthcare for 30b


Anyone remember the western media in the red shirt BK burn down, happily positioned them selves in front of the stage at the public request from the read leaders for protection.

There is no problem with media organizations being biased.

Fox is Republician

BBC is Red in Thailand

Everyone knows it, so there is no problem.

The BBC is the finest media institution in the world and is there to report the news.

I think that Jonathon Head has let himself down in not having done his journalistic homework. Maybe he should do a few google searches to find out the truth about Thaksinism and the damage it has done to the people and the country. He should read up about Thaksin's fraudulent past and how he has duped and raped the common man and women with his greed and yearning for power.

Also. that he is a serial murderer and deviser of unworkable policies that benefit absolutely no one other than himself, that is.

The last straw was his illegal shennanigans in attempting to ram through laws that enable him to have a dictatorship. He is nothing but a parasitic leech who has been found out for what he is, a liar, trickster and poor imitation of a human being.

Jonathan Head used to be the BBC's SE Asia correspondent before he was reassigned to the Middle East. He doesn't need to do his homework, he knows full well what's going on (but, like us all, tends to favour one side more than the other). During the end of TRT's time in government and shortly afterwards, he was (rightly, in my opinion) demonised for being pro-Thaksin, highlighting his good points and neglecting his bad ones, and is even accused by some quarters of being directly on Thaksin's payroll along with others like The Economist's Sam Moon.

However - sorry, SichonSteve - the BBC has evolved into little more than a tabloid news source for a very long time, far before Jonathan Head's ridiculous Sukhumvit balcony interviews with Thaksin. I actually rate CNN a little better these days and that's not "real" news either.


What's the plan if they do get the government to step down?

Exactly. Even if you hate the redshirts you have to admit that their goal in 2010 was an election. That's the last thing Suthep wants because he knows they would lose again. He is angling for another coup, either judicial or military.

The red shirts goal was to overthrow a democratically elected government.

Yeah yeah yeah, but that's different, as we are red-shirts the followers of the true and only person capable of looking after his own interests before anyone else's, therefore we are allowed to do as we like - just ask us.

Jonathan Head used to be the BBC's SE Asia correspondent before he was reassigned to the Middle East. He doesn't need to do his homework, he knows full well what's going on (but, like us all, tends to favour one side more than the other). During the end of TRT's time in government and shortly afterwards, he was (rightly, in my opinion) demonised for being pro-Thaksin, highlighting his good points and neglecting his bad ones, and is even accused by some quarters of being directly on Thaksin's payroll along with others like The Economist's Sam Moon.

However - sorry, SichonSteve - the BBC has evolved into little more than a tabloid news source for a very long time, far before Jonathan Head's ridiculous Sukhumvit balcony interviews with Thaksin. I actually rate CNN a little better these days and that's not "real" news either.

JH is the BBC's SE Asia correspondent again now, PS.

Incidentally, he's now tweeting in response to those who think he and other foreign journalists are biased:

Jonathan Head @pakhead 10m @MrCIveson How do they think we view them? I have no dog in this race I'm a reporter. They are protesters, as were the reds in 2009 and 2010

Jonathan Head @pakhead 11m

@MrCIveson People know Nick as sympathetic to reds - but look at his reporting.Fair to both sides, and no farang covers so many yellow demos


Yep. I agree. I hope JH's next BBC report will be less biased red reporting, and more a clear eyed view of the truth. It's black and white. This is what he should say if he wants to prove he isn't a paid Thaksin mouthpiece:

'Hello viewers. Here I am again, Jonathan Head in Bangkok. Now, I'd like to apologize for all my previous reports which were biased. This is the first true report I've ever filed. First things first, viewers: Thaksin is the Thai Hitler. Think Mugabe. Think Idi Amin. Think Pol Pot. Think Thaksin. He's the worst PM in Thai history, and in fact one of the worst ever in the history of the world. He's raped Thailand blind. He's turned Thailand from idyllic tropical paradise into a grim vision of hell. His supporters... pah!... It's really beneath my contempt to mention them. But in the interests of balance, viewers should realize they are paid dummies who're so ill educated they didn't even know how to use an elevator or turn on a tap with a censor when they were in Bangkok. They're so greedy that Thaksin will just throw 200 baht of taxpayers money on the floor at their feet and they'll pick it up and say 'oh thank you for your graciousness kind sir. jai dee maak'. Then they'll spend the 200 baht on rice whiskey and sit under trees playing cards all day. I tell you what, I remember Thailand in the 1990s and everyone was happy. There was no crime or drinking. Then Thaksin came along and played on the rural hordes natural greed and avarice.

But why waste more time on those idiots? Forget them! The important thing is what's happening now! Here I am in central Bangkok with Thailand's tax paying educated elite. Let's get behind them BBC viewers back in the UK and around the world! These brave heroes are about to stamp out the disease that is Thaksinism and I'm actually about to just join them myself... look at my whistle! I'm blowing my whistle! I'm blowing my whistle! *peep* *peep* We're actually just about to trash the finance ministry. What high jinx! This regime is going down, baby! *peep* This is so much fun. Hey, guys, are we going to Dunkin Donuts after this? *high five* Down with the Thaksin regime! *peep*'

Also, I think Jonathan should include a link on the BBC website to Sichonsteve's posts on here for any crucial background information they might've missed. I mean it's hard to convey just how bad Thaksin is in a 3 minute news report.

Worth a wai2.gif from me. Much appreciated.

So what does a BBC reporter know about Thailand ? Please tell me

Watch the BBC News and you will find out. Though for a man with many hundreds of thousands of Thai Friends. it's a wonder you have time for watching TV

"all my Thai friends (and these people are the majority not a poxy 100.000 or whatever people on the streets"




Apetley: you lie about the democrat handout.

YOU know very little about politics here to not realize the red shirt leaders ARE ELITE TOO! Only massive swindlers.

Make your words sweet, not arrogant, so they taste good when you have to eat them ( like in this instance, where you demonstrate the equivalent of 'rockefellers aren't elite..but rothschilds are)

You're aiming for the credibility of Jatuporn or Chalerm here (who appear to be your "non-elite heroes", 555)

Let me put you right on a few things.

The Democrats buy votes just like every single political party in Thailand. My own inlaws are Democrat supporters who hate PT and what they have done to Thailand. It does not alter the fact that come election time they get their handout from the local Democrat candidate. If you can't accept that happens then that's your own blinkered view of what goes on.

As for my own view of PT let me explain. The Shinawatra clan are the new elite and I hate what they are doing. However they do have a strong grassroots support because they have done more in 10 years for the poor of Thailand than the opposition ever did.

Thanks for trying to re-word your contradictions. Keep on adapting it- and thanks for all the condescending content.

PTP has robbed, plundered, taken land, denied and placed the rural into greater debt than any other previous group. Get real.

And the Bangkok elites and wannabe's are carrying out this current nonsense because of some new found pity for the great unwashed?

That's a bit of a stretch no?


I'm trying to think of one good thing that the Shinawatre gov't has done for the Thai people.

Ummmm, ....still thinking.

Access to a national healthcare for 30b

Oh!! yo mean the one that nearly bankrupted all of the government hospitals - well done Thaksin!!!!


With a foreign freelance journalist having been attacked at the anti-govt protests after being prompted from the stage (accused of being a Red Shirt supporter) and the Budget Bureau now 'occupied', things seem to be starting to get nasty...

My opinion:

Suthep forces the police to get nasty and then the army to come in and cool things off. With this group, if the army steps in, most Bangkokians will return to their offices. After that, Red Shirts etc. etc. I have no clue.

Perhaps democracy just doesn't work in Thailand.

Correct me if I'm wrong. But, I don't think Thailand has ever tried democracy.

Years and years ago, either Kriangsak or Prem said that Thailand does have a 'special' democracy. Now that was way, way back when I first ran aground here, LOS was loads of fun, cheap as dirt and there was a lot less foreigners with totally irrelevant opinions and faux alliances trying to have their say.


Apetley: you lie about the democrat handout.

YOU know very little about politics here to not realize the red shirt leaders ARE ELITE TOO! Only massive swindlers.

Make your words sweet, not arrogant, so they taste good when you have to eat them ( like in this instance, where you demonstrate the equivalent of 'rockefellers aren't elite..but rothschilds are)

You're aiming for the credibility of Jatuporn or Chalerm here (who appear to be your "non-elite heroes", 555)

Let me put you right on a few things.

The Democrats buy votes just like every single political party in Thailand. My own inlaws are Democrat supporters who hate PT and what they have done to Thailand. It does not alter the fact that come election time they get their handout from the local Democrat candidate. If you can't accept that happens then that's your own blinkered view of what goes on.

As for my own view of PT let me explain. The Shinawatra clan are the new elite and I hate what they are doing. However they do have a strong grassroots support because they have done more in 10 years for the poor of Thailand than the opposition ever did.

Thanks for trying to re-word your contradictions. Keep on adapting it- and thanks for all the condescending content.

PTP has robbed, plundered, taken land, denied and placed the rural into greater debt than any other previous group. Get real.

And the Bangkok elites and wannabe's are carrying out this current nonsense because of some new found pity for the great unwashed?

That's a bit of a stretch no?

All groups and classes of society are well represented at the protest against the current admin. They're finally waking up, even the rural have access to wi-fi, or are starting to realize they're getting shafted

I don't see how demonstrating peacefully is nonsense, unless you prefer totalitarianism.

You think they're down there because Pheua Thai has followed through on any of their promises, and that its acceptable to have a puppet gov't run by a fugitive located in Dubai-'that's a bit of a stretch, no?'

  • Like 1

Apetley: you lie about the democrat handout.

YOU know very little about politics here to not realize the red shirt leaders ARE ELITE TOO! Only massive swindlers.

Make your words sweet, not arrogant, so they taste good when you have to eat them ( like in this instance, where you demonstrate the equivalent of 'rockefellers aren't elite..but rothschilds are)

You're aiming for the credibility of Jatuporn or Chalerm here (who appear to be your "non-elite heroes", 555)

Let me put you right on a few things.

The Democrats buy votes just like every single political party in Thailand. My own inlaws are Democrat supporters who hate PT and what they have done to Thailand. It does not alter the fact that come election time they get their handout from the local Democrat candidate. If you can't accept that happens then that's your own blinkered view of what goes on.

As for my own view of PT let me explain. The Shinawatra clan are the new elite and I hate what they are doing. However they do have a strong grassroots support because they have done more in 10 years for the poor of Thailand than the opposition ever did.

Thanks for trying to re-word your contradictions. Keep on adapting it- and thanks for all the condescending content.

PTP has robbed, plundered, taken land, denied and placed the rural into greater debt than any other previous group. Get real.

And the Bangkok elites and wannabe's are carrying out this current nonsense because of some new found pity for the great unwashed?

That's a bit of a stretch no?

No!! They are simply worried about what all of Pheu Thai's failed policies will have on the country.

Blindly following Thaksin's bird-brained ideas (the whole lot of them) is draining the coffers fast and his populist policies designed to cling onto power will be Thailand's ruin!!

Abhisit's rice scheme was 10 times better than this stupid pledging scheme (at half the cost) and actually benefitted the farmers unlike Thaksin's, that benefits rich farmers, rice millers and the exporters - including many of his cronies.

When will people realise the damage he is creating? oh, I forgot, they have, what a shame that another of Thaksin's schemes to bring him home has taken the same course as everything else he thinks up in bringing his (sorry Yingluck's) inept government down!!!

  • Like 1

The Big Question is..... Can Thailand have a democracy as we know it ? Lets face it ours (falang) are more corrupt every day so maybe we should take things into context a bit here.Maybe the mob culture here is more honest and direct than the under the blanket so called western democracy.The USA and south European democracy is a total joke and if you can't see that you are blind. Anyone need a guide dog ?

I have to question your point about democracy in the UK as this is probably the best in the world!!

This despite my party (the labour party) being the only major party NOT in power!! I hate Cameron and Clegg but I still recognise that it is a true democracy.


Anyone remember the western media in the red shirt BK burn down, happily positioned them selves in front of the stage at the public request from the read leaders for protection.

There is no problem with media organizations being biased.

Fox is Republician

BBC is Red in Thailand

Everyone knows it, so there is no problem.

The BBC is the finest media institution in the world and is there to report the news.

I think that Jonathon Head has let himself down in not having done his journalistic homework. Maybe he should do a few google searches to find out the truth about Thaksinism and the damage it has done to the people and the country. He should read up about Thaksin's fraudulent past and how he has duped and raped the common man and women with his greed and yearning for power.

Also. that he is a serial murderer and deviser of unworkable policies that benefit absolutely no one other than himself, that is.

The last straw was his illegal shennanigans in attempting to ram through laws that enable him to have a dictatorship. He is nothing but a parasitic leech who has been found out for what he is, a liar, trickster and poor imitation of a human being.

Yep. I agree. I hope JH's next BBC report will be less biased red reporting, and more a clear eyed view of the truth. It's black and white. This is what he should say if he wants to prove he isn't a paid Thaksin mouthpiece:

'Hello viewers. Here I am again, Jonathan Head in Bangkok. Now, I'd like to apologize for all my previous reports which were biased. This is the first true report I've ever filed. First things first, viewers: Thaksin is the Thai Hitler. Think Mugabe. Think Idi Amin. Think Pol Pot. Think Thaksin. He's the worst PM in Thai history, and in fact one of the worst ever in the history of the world. He's raped Thailand blind. He's turned Thailand from idyllic tropical paradise into a grim vision of hell. His supporters... pah!... It's really beneath my contempt to mention them. But in the interests of balance, viewers should realize they are paid dummies who're so ill educated they didn't even know how to use an elevator or turn on a tap with a censor when they were in Bangkok. They're so greedy that Thaksin will just throw 200 baht of taxpayers money on the floor at their feet and they'll pick it up and say 'oh thank you for your graciousness kind sir. jai dee maak'. Then they'll spend the 200 baht on rice whiskey and sit under trees playing cards all day. I tell you what, I remember Thailand in the 1990s and everyone was happy. There was no crime or drinking. Then Thaksin came along and played on the rural hordes natural greed and avarice.

But why waste more time on those idiots? Forget them! The important thing is what's happening now! Here I am in central Bangkok with Thailand's tax paying educated elite. Let's get behind them BBC viewers back in the UK and around the world! These brave heroes are about to stamp out the disease that is Thaksinism and I'm actually about to just join them myself... look at my whistle! I'm blowing my whistle! I'm blowing my whistle! *peep* *peep* We're actually just about to trash the finance ministry. What high jinx! This regime is going down, baby! *peep* This is so much fun. Hey, guys, are we going to Dunkin Donuts after this? *high five* Down with the Thaksin regime! *peep*'

Also, I think Jonathan should include a link on the BBC website to Sichonsteve's posts on here for any crucial background information they might've missed. I mean it's hard to convey just how bad Thaksin is in a 3 minute news report.

Guess what!!

The Thai situation, having escalated overnight is the main news on the BBC.

Jonathon Head has just given an interview and it was honest coverage of events. Maybe he realises that he backed the wrong horse, either that or he follows the TV forum and can see the real picture now!!


I think Thaksin should come back and run the country...things were good when he was doing it...so what if he shafts the country along the way and pulls in a few wads for himself.

I lost 6million baht because they kicked him out and the ensuing financial issues and local economy stagnant for those years.

If you were CEO of a company, no way I would work for you. With your work ethics every employee would be in jail before long.

Thats good then because some people do not take rejection well.

Showbags, do you know or understand anything about economic cycles?

What does that have to do with the price of fish in Bhutan?


Would Suthep have led all that we have seen in the past week if he was not to be indicted on the 12th?

Yes!! Indicted for doing his job, I don't think that that is going to go anywhere, do you, so why should he be worried about this?!!


Showbags, do you know or understand anything about economic cycles?

What does that have to do with the price of fish in Bhutan?

Because you might then understand, that the reason the Thai-economy performed quite well when Thaksin was PM, was due more to the global-economic-cycle being on-a-high at that time, rather than to the quality of the local economic-management. wink.png

Of course some people might see him as deserving to be given credit for that, but not anyone with any education, what do you say ?

and "so what if he shafts the country along the way", as you put it ?

I can well remember, how in Thaksin's early days, people were excited because he was already a billionaire when he came to power, so they thought that he wouldn't need to "shaft the country", unfortunately it was more important to him that he "pulls in a few wads for himself" than that he work in the best-interests of the country. A missed opportunity. sad.png

  • Like 1

I hope that no one gets hurt in this protest. Let it be a peaceful one. Personally I favour still favor yingluck government although I also disagree on the amnesty bill because it is inappropriate.


I hope that no one gets hurt in this protest. Let it be a peaceful one. Personally I favour still favor yingluck government although I also disagree on the amnesty bill because it is inappropriate.

Just seen a flustered Yingluck leave the arena for a bite to eat (mid flow) after one of the Pheu Thai MP's approached her to tell her she was hungry.

She was taking a battering and when she couldn't answer the Democrat's questions she got agitated and fluffed her lines going bright red in the process!!

Its good to see that Thailand has got such a worthy and strong premier leading it.

Can I ask why you still favour this pathetic and abject government over a bright and competent party and leader, as with the democrats?


I hope that no one gets hurt in this protest. Let it be a peaceful one. Personally I favour still favor yingluck government although I also disagree on the amnesty bill because it is inappropriate.

Just seen a flustered Yingluck leave the arena for a bite to eat (mid flow) after one of the Pheu Thai MP's approached her to tell her she was hungry.

She was taking a battering and when she couldn't answer the Democrat's questions she got agitated and fluffed her lines going bright red in the process!!

Its good to see that Thailand has got such a worthy and strong premier leading it.

Can I ask why you still favour this pathetic and abject government over a bright and competent party and leader, as with the democrats?

Haha. Just know my stand. That's all.


Showbags, do you know or understand anything about economic cycles?

What does that have to do with the price of fish in Bhutan?

Because you might then understand, that the reason the Thai-economy performed quite well when Thaksin was PM, was due more to the global-economic-cycle being on-a-high at that time, rather than to the quality of the local economic-management. xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.pEtiH2upqe.webp

Of course some people might see him as deserving to be given credit for that, but not anyone with any education, what do you say ?

and "so what if he shafts the country along the way", as you put it ?

I can well remember, how in Thaksin's early days, people were excited because he was already a billionaire when he came to power, so they thought that he wouldn't need to "shaft the country", unfortunately it was more important to him that he "pulls in a few wads for himself" than that he work in the best-interests of the country. A missed opportunity. xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp

I see what you are getting at...but you fail to see that him being kicked out and the following kafuffle was the direct cause for me losing 6 big ones....thats my focus...cos if he had still been in the job in 2007, I would not have lost 6 big ones.

Sorry for focusing on my own issues, I know it is selfish


The Big Question is..... Can Thailand have a democracy as we know it ? Lets face it ours (falang) are more corrupt every day so maybe we should take things into context a bit here.Maybe the mob culture here is more honest and direct than the under the blanket so called western democracy.The USA and south European democracy is a total joke and if you can't see that you are blind. Anyone need a guide dog ?

I have to question your point about democracy in the UK as this is probably the best in the world!!

This despite my party (the labour party) being the only major party NOT in power!! I hate Cameron and Clegg but I still recognise that it is a true democracy.

i think the point is western governments (including the uk) also effectively use bribes to gain / hold power through "democracy" - but they do so through long term policies to benefit the cheapest voters rather than simply handing out 500 baht notes

the permanent and irreversible damage of this corruption of democracy is now being felt hard in many western countries but still many western governments are finding excuses to avoid dealing with the problems today (and leaving even more problems for future governments to deal with)

the current thai government could learn a lot from western politicians on the art of brushing the dirt under the carpet - they would never have implemented a policy such as the rice buying scheme with big (and bad) consequences becoming obvious in the same term of office


Showbags, do you know or understand anything about economic cycles?

What does that have to do with the price of fish in Bhutan?

Because you might then understand, that the reason the Thai-economy performed quite well when Thaksin was PM, was due more to the global-economic-cycle being on-a-high at that time, rather than to the quality of the local economic-management. xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.pEtiH2upqe.webp

Of course some people might see him as deserving to be given credit for that, but not anyone with any education, what do you say ?

and "so what if he shafts the country along the way", as you put it ?

I can well remember, how in Thaksin's early days, people were excited because he was already a billionaire when he came to power, so they thought that he wouldn't need to "shaft the country", unfortunately it was more important to him that he "pulls in a few wads for himself" than that he work in the best-interests of the country. A missed opportunity. xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp

I see what you are getting at...but you fail to see that him being kicked out and the following kafuffle was the direct cause for me losing 6 big ones....thats my focus...cos if he had still been in the job in 2007, I would not have lost 6 big ones.

Sorry for focusing on my own issues, I know it is selfish

I respect your honesty, and am sorry for your loss, was that millions or hundreds-of-thousands ?

We've almost all lost anyway, thanks to the global economic-crisis, although many won't understand this until their much-reduced pensions start paying-out.

I too lost a six-figure (in a real currency) sum, at that time, it's still constraining us & our standard-of-living now. sad.png

But, just as I don't blame the former-PM for the economic-crash, nor can I give him total-credit for the boom which Thailand then enjoyed, the rising-tide was lifting all boats, and politicians everywhere rushed to accept the praise which they did not deserve ! Short-term populist-policies may boost short-term GDP, but they still have to be paid for, in the longer-run.

I hold a low opinion about Gordon Brown in the UK too.

Neither would I credit PM-Yingluck with the credit for the current recovery in global stock-markets, especially since her government is blowing things here, through poor policies & corruption. Indeed her 5-minute-speech during yesterday's no-confidence debate in Parliament suggests to me, that she hasn't got a clue, what's going-on economically here !

I hope your personal business-affairs have recovered, since 2007. But those of us who live here, and share in or contribute (in our small way) to the success or failure of the Thai economy, should recognise that it causes serious-damage when politicians "shaft the country" in pursuit of their own (or family/friends') interests.

No wonder that the people are showing their unhappiness, through these protests and marches, in Bangkok.

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