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Still talking to her


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IM 24 SHE IS 39, I can find no other cases of this on the net, only older man younger women. This is why I feel things are unique between me and her, if I were an old man and not sending money I know she would have stopped talking to me long ago. Do any of you know of any older women younger man relationships and there outcome?

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bar girl troll thread and it's still open. wow

Out of curiosity, can you provide some sort of substantial evidence to support your accusations that this is the works of a "troll"?

In my opinion, if I was in charge of an internet forum, I would permanently suspend and delete a posters account the same second he/she made similar accusations without being able to provide any type of substantial evidence.

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bar girl troll thread and it's still open. wow

Out of curiosity, can you provide some sort of substantial evidence to support your accusations that this is the works of a "troll"?

In my opinion, if I was in charge of an internet forum, I would permanently suspend and delete a posters account the same second he/she made similar accusations without being able to provide any type of substantial evidence.

He is not exactly accused of murder, is he? And looking at other posts by Baabaa I too suspect that he is either trolling or not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. He asked for advice, which he got, but then chooses to ignore the advice and add more and more strange details to the story. Sure seems like trolling to me.

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In my opinion, if I was in charge of an internet forum, I would permanently suspend and delete a posters account the same second he/she made similar accusations without being able to provide any type of substantial evidence.

I reckon you'd make a good Mod ... thumbsup.gif

'substantial evidence' ... that's a tough one.

I suppose it comes down to weight of opinion and good judgement.


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bar girl troll thread and it's still open. wow

Out of curiosity, can you provide some sort of substantial evidence to support your accusations that this is the works of a "troll"?


In my opinion, if I was in charge of an internet forum, I would permanently suspend and delete a posters account the same second he/she made similar accusations without being able to provide any type of substantial evidence. 



He is not exactly accused of murder, is he? And looking at other posts by Baabaa I too suspect that he is either trolling or not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. He asked for advice, which he got, but then chooses to ignore the advice and add more and more strange details to the story. Sure seems like trolling to me.

It's actually when the heart rules the head that explains the persistence and I do have crazy ways, my iq is irrelevant to the situation, even the smartest of men can succumb to love,lust,desire or infatuation or any other emotion for that matter. However saying that, I haven't fallen for the night in shining armour role of "trying to save her", maintaining my stance financially is the best way to have her reveal if she has genuine loyalty and love, or a hidden agenda, if she is true then her persistence and contact with me will continue until a move to Thailand is viable, only then will my support for her happen (if it gets that far), as I have said, everything may come to an end when I go back in march if she has a hidden

agenda for my return. I don't really want to post pictures of me and her on here, but if you want to go ahead and post a picture of you and your piece then I'd be happy to do the same to disprove all this troll talk :)

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Haha no trolling here gents, I real am man who has fallen for a 39 yr old hooker, at 24 myself I do believe this is unheard of? I am fully aware of all the stereotypes, the hidden agenda of the bargirl and what is expected of a farang boyfriend, but I am care free and will crack on with the plan, maybe it will get volatile whilst I'm there, maybe I won't return home or maybe the plan will go as we hoped but either way I need to proceed, just to know. Like I said if it goes tits up I move on. I know I'll get scrutinised by most people and told I'm crazy, or that she has a saggy pus*y (which she doesn't) and is to old and "why not just get an 18 yr old bar girl" or "just get with a girl in my home town" or "your a good looking lad, why are you doing this to yourself", well I like to different to my peers and the fact she is 39 fascinates me, I'd never get with a women that age in England

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You're 24, Jesus! That's the same age I was when I first came here about three years ago.

Go out and meet 'real' Thai women, not a bloody old hooker from Pattaya.

As a young guy you should have absolutely no problem meeting nice young women, they're everywhere.

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Haha no trolling here gents, I real am man who has fallen for a 39 yr old hooker, at 24 myself I do believe this is unheard of? I am fully aware of all the stereotypes, the hidden agenda of the bargirl and what is expected of a farang boyfriend, but I am care free and will crack on with the plan, maybe it will get volatile whilst I'm there, maybe I won't return home or maybe the plan will go as we hoped but either way I need to proceed, just to know. Like I said if it goes tits up I move on. I know I'll get scrutinised by most people and told I'm crazy, or that she has a saggy pus*y (which she doesn't) and is to old and "why not just get an 18 yr old bar girl" or "just get with a girl in my home town" or "your a good looking lad, why are you doing this to yourself", well I like to different to my peers and the fact she is 39 fascinates me, I'd never get with a women that age in England

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You're 24, Jesus! That's the same age I was when I first came here about three years ago.


Go out and meet 'real' Thai women, not a bloody old hooker from Pattaya.


As a young guy you should have absolutely no problem meeting nice young women, they're everywhere.

That's boring

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Haha no trolling here gents, I real am man who has fallen for a 39 yr old hooker, at 24 myself I do believe this is unheard of? I am fully aware of all the stereotypes, the hidden agenda of the bargirl and what is expected of a farang boyfriend, but I am care free and will crack on with the plan, maybe it will get volatile whilst I'm there, maybe I won't return home or maybe the plan will go as we hoped but either way I need to proceed, just to know. Like I said if it goes tits up I move on. I know I'll get scrutinised by most people and told I'm crazy, or that she has a saggy pus*y (which she doesn't) and is to old and "why not just get an 18 yr old bar girl" or "just get with a girl in my home town" or "your a good looking lad, why are you doing this to yourself", well I like to different to my peers and the fact she is 39 fascinates me, I'd never get with a women that age in England

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You're 24, Jesus! That's the same age I was when I first came here about three years ago.


Go out and meet 'real' Thai women, not a bloody old hooker from Pattaya.


As a young guy you should have absolutely no problem meeting nice young women, they're everywhere.

That's boring

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When did I say she worked in pattaya? When did I say I was seeking a girl my own age?

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I say, go for it, you only live once. In my twenties I was found myself in several relationships with women in their 30's and 40's, loved every minute of it.

You say you won't fall for the sponsership deal, I hope that resolve lasts. Keep thinking with the big head!

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Haha no trolling here gents, I real am man who has fallen for a 39 yr old hooker, at 24 myself I do believe this is unheard of? I am fully aware of all the stereotypes, the hidden agenda of the bargirl and what is expected of a farang boyfriend, but I am care free and will crack on with the plan, maybe it will get volatile whilst I'm there, maybe I won't return home or maybe the plan will go as we hoped but either way I need to proceed, just to know. Like I said if it goes tits up I move on. I know I'll get scrutinised by most people and told I'm crazy, or that she has a saggy pus*y (which she doesn't) and is to old and "why not just get an 18 yr old bar girl" or "just get with a girl in my home town" or "your a good looking lad, why are you doing this to yourself", well I like to different to my peers and the fact she is 39 fascinates me, I'd never get with a women that age in England

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You're 24, Jesus! That's the same age I was when I first came here about three years ago.

Go out and meet 'real' Thai women, not a bloody old hooker from Pattaya.

As a young guy you should have absolutely no problem meeting nice young women, they're everywhere.

That's boring

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When did I say she worked in pattaya? When did I say I was seeking a girl my own age?

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Apologies, I thought I read something about Pattaya earlier on in the thread.

Anyway, good luck.

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I haven't read this, thread completely, but going by this and your other posts/threads, you are going into this with your heart open, and your mind closed.

This is the long con - she doesn't love you, she might not hate you, but she doesn't love you and to be honest, you don't love her.

She might find you more acceptable that Farrang 1 (or 1 - 99)... you might find her more acceptable than bargirl 1 (or 1 -99). You need to keep it in that perspective.

The long con might end at you giving her a salary for 1 year while still working in the bar and getting salaries from farrang 1-99... it might end at her quiting the bar, and living on only your salary (plus a couple fo random pick-ups/old favourites while you aren't around)... it might end at you marrying her, and giving her a salary for 5 years or maybe even moving her home with you (and her taking you to the cleaners for all she can)... It might end at you and her living together in happiness for 10 years are until you shuffle off this mortal coil...

You will notice that in all of those scenarios, she has nothing to loose... In many of them you have nothing to loose if you protect yourself... but as soon as you start giving her your heart, you are in trouble...

Do whatever financial deal you are comfortable with - with the full knowledge that it isn't love or anything close to it - be a lot more circumspect with regards to what you invest emotionally....

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Obviously a little top up, if she doesn't love him and he doesn't seem to fused about actually being with her then she might as well enjoy it and gain some face for herself.

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A little top up ??? 55555555 More like more than enough to live on comfortably without selling her holes for cash.

You are ripe for it.

totster smile.png

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I think you are just having a laugh with us now.

No reasonable looking, sane, 24 year old would go after a well worn, 39 year old hooker when she is surrounded by a sea of relatively fresh hookers.

Is she the first girl that grabbed you on your first night in Thailand?

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No point as such.. but I think you know deep down that getting jumped more than you are willing to accept..

BUT.. here's a thought for you, if the Australian guy is sending her bt30,000 a month.. why is she still working in the bar ?

totster smile.png

Because it's her job.

Well, that's the point isn't it... bt30,000 a month negates the need for a 'job'. So we must conclude that she loves her job so much that she is willing to suck a bunch of stranger's knobs just because she likes it so much. Definitely wife material...

totster biggrin.png

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