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I've been pondering over this for a while.

What if there was an annual catharsis in Thailand?

Those who have seen the movie 'The Purge' will know what I'm talking about.

The synopsis of the movie is:

In the year 2022, the United States has become "a nation reborn" thanks to the New Founding Fathers of America.

Crime and unemployment rates are hitting an all-time low due to the government having instituted an annual 12-hour period called "the Purge"

during which all criminal activity (including murder & rape) becomes legal.

The objective of "the Purge" is for anyone to get a chance to vent all the negative emotions and anger they hold inside of them.

In the context of Thailand & it's people, I believe there is some relevance,

as the culture emphasizes 'repressing' negative emotions such as anger & aggression.

Most people wouldn't snap unless they were pushed really, really far, but once they go over the edge, out come the knives and pistols.

What do you think would happen if there was a Purge?
Would the country decent into utter chaos?

Would you jump at the chance to take out Somchai from the house on your left,

who's incessant loudspeaker has been driving you crazy all day, every day for the past year?

Or Somsak, the yaba junkie from the house on your right, who's motorbike tune-up shop has had you inhaling dangerous levels of carbon monoxide?

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