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Alternative Software...


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I've recently set up a second computer and found a lovely little product called "multiplicity" that allows me to opperate both computers from a single kb/mouse. Just move the mouse off screen and it appears on the second monitor - fantastic, exactly what i need!

Unfortunately i found a bug or two in the software and have let the evaluation period slip. So what i am now looking for is an alternative, similar product to test. I have considered buying a license for Multiplicty ($40us) but would like to see if theres a free alternative or something slightly better.

I've googled and have trawled some of the download sites and can't really find anything else similar...

... does anyone else know of a product that would allow me to control two pc's from one kb/mouse without the use of additional hardware etc?

Any info greatly appreciated

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Works over the LAN connection - has a few side effects. Put Winamp on the second screen then close down winamp and the second screen. Open winamp and it isn't there - its on the second screen you don't have. Always have to take everything of the second screen before breaking the link.

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Thanks but remote desktop isnt really suitable for what i need.

I need to have functionality similar to that i get with Multiplicity, where simply moving the mouse off screen transfers control to the second PC.

Its for gaming, so haveing to minimize/maximize windows on the one pc isnt good enough.

I will check out the two products mentioned above

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