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Chiengmai expats, why are some of them so cheap?


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I would guess that the main reasons why ex-pats decide to pack up and come to stay for the long term in Chiang Mai is because it`s cheaper to live here. My point being that if in their own countries they could still enjoy a similar lifestyle in decent environments and have the money to do it, than they would have no incentives to move.

Not many can afford much younger wives and/or a never ending stream of hookers in their home countries.

(those being the two main reasons for living here)

Are you speaking for yourself or on behalf of the rest of us?

Those who decide to stay in Thailand to seek young woman and frequent with prostitutes will probably settle in Pattaya or Phuket and not in Chiang Mai.

Many of the ex-pats I see living in Chiang Mai seem well passed it and not up to the job anyway.


Edited by Beetlejuice
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Nite Ize Plastic S-Biner Size 0 -

few people here seemed to have got the point. I merely asked if anyone can explain why guys with plenty of money want to drink beers that they don't like in bars that they don't seem to like. I didn't say Archa beer was good, bad or indifferent, I merely quoted them - they don't like it but drink it nonetheless. I also said nothing against being frugal, but most people who are frugal don't buy beer they don't actually like, do they?

I drink beer I don't like all the time (Rattler rules!).

One of the funny things about Thailand, if you don't drink loads of beer or whiskey, the girls mark you down as a weirdo, and they won't go home with you.

Try it yourself, go into a hooker bar and order an orange juice or soda water, then wait all night while the girls ignore you.

That is just not true.

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I would guess that the main reasons why ex-pats decide to pack up and come to stay for the long term in Chiang Mai is because it`s cheaper to live here. My point being that if in their own countries they could still enjoy a similar lifestyle in decent environments and have the money to do it, than they would have no incentives to move.

Not many can afford much younger wives and/or a never ending stream of hookers in their home countries.

(those being the two main reasons for living here)

Are you speaking for yourself or on behalf of the rest of us?

Those who decide to stay in Thailand to seek young woman and frequent with prostitutes will probably settle in Pattaya or Phuket and not in Chiang Mai.

Many of the ex-pats I see living in Chiang Mai seem well passed it and not up to the job anyway.

Are you with a white woman your own age?

If not, I rest my case.

I`m married to a Thai woman my own age, does that still count. We have been married for over 30 years.

I have lots of ex-pat friends in their 50s and 60s who are married to Thai women of similar ages and the majority of these guys don`t go with prostitutes. Perhaps in the past during their younger days they did, but they became bored with that long ago.

Not all ex-pats are living in Thailand specifically just for cheap sex and hoping to find young wives, many are here because they can live better lifestyles on their budgets, and that`s the main attraction for them in Chiang Mai. It`s full of cheap Charlies here. I bet most of them could not afford to have a stream of young women on the go anyway and that includes me.

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I can't fathom why Chiengmaijoe just didn't ask the 2 fellas why they are drinking cheap sh1t beer.

Many people call be Cheap Charlie until they see the home car and motor bike I have to enjoy but what business is it to others how I spend my money or how much money I give to poor orphans

in Thailand, America and Africa

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So many guys around with their brains in their balls 95% of the time who can not imagine that there are others who do not live that way.

Nobody lives that way for long, but we all came here for it.

Then you get married, then you have children, then you are stuck here, like it or not.

The draw is the available women, always was.

Then when you are married to a Thai lady with Thai children, (or are just too old to be bothered any more) you get to tell everyone how 'not everyone lives that way'.

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So many guys around with their brains in their balls 95% of the time who can not imagine that there are others who do not live that way.

Nobody lives that way for long, but we all came here for it.

Then you get married, then you have children, then you are stuck here, like it or not.


I guess the old saying is true;

"We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are..."

Dis aliter visum

Edited by FolkGuitar
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I dont understand why people drink beer...I prefer a good cup of tea :-) but that's just me.

I'm with you! I might drink 2-3 beers a year... if that much! But I'll drink 2-3 liters of tea every day. Hot or cold. But for hot tea, it has to be dam_n good tea!

I've got a half liter of East India Company's "Assam" tea beside me right now!


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I dont understand why people drink beer...I prefer a good cup of tea :-) but that's just me.

I've got a half liter of East India Company's "Assam" tea beside me right now!

Sounds good. Please, where can that tea be purchased in Chiang Mai?

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I like both, but in moderation. Fresh coconut juice was my favorite drink until the prices went up (staying on topic).

Coconuts were 15bht each last week in Makro.

I bought two, had the last one this morning.

Cheap season on coconuts is usually December.


Just bought 100 Aro (Makro own brand) English Tea bags, 125bht for an experiment.

Pretty good too, stronger than Liptons.

It's what Rob serves you in Sausage King.

Can't stand that gay wishy washy scenty muck, Assam, Darjeeling, etc.

British breakfast tea, in a mug with milk and sugar, what real men are meant to drink!

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Sounds good. Please, where can that tea be purchased in Chiang Mai?
Can't be found here. I order it directly from the East India Company. I also order from Taylors of Harogate, Fortnam&Mason, and McNultey's Tea&Coffee in New York. The only really good tea I've found here is the English Breakfast tea sold by the tea room on the same street as the Riverside. That really IS a good tea! Expensive, but worth it.
Can't stand that gay wishy washy scenty muck, Assam, Darjeeling, etc.

British breakfast tea, in a mug with milk and sugar, what real men are meant to drink!

English Breakfast tea is traditionally made by blending Keemun tea with a Ceylon (usually and Uva.) For a stronger tea, some companies add a hit of Assam, but that is usually labeled as Scottish Breakfast tea. Often there will be just a touch of Lapsang Souchong tea added for the smokey, peaty aroma. By the way, that tea room across the river sells a very nice Lapsang Souchong tea! But it can't hold a candle to the Extra Smokey Lapsang Souchong tea that McNultey's sells!

These teas do cost me an arm and a leg. But I'd rather cut off my arm and leg than drink the bilgewater that comes out of most teabags here and abroad (except PG Tips... That can hold its own!)

But anyone who would desecrate good tea by adding milk and sugar would probably serve watercress and cream cheese finger sandwiches (with the crusts removed) with it, while discussing the very best way to grow daffodils... :)

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it's important to leverage your strength(s). If rich, remind the poor how you have 10 houses back home. if athletic, tell the rich guy how it must be horrible to be overweight and you just ran 20 miles through the jungles. if poor, explain how you traveled 100 different countries and became enlightened. and if none of the above, tell them about all your super hot girlfriends in every country.

*I just gave my last 10 million baht to Wat prasing. darn, now time to get some 20 baht soup.

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But anyone who would desecrate good tea by adding milk and sugar would probably serve watercress and cream cheese finger sandwiches (with the crusts removed) with it, while discussing the very best way to grow daffodils... smile.png

I love cheese and watercress sarnies, crust on of course, more manly.

But how on earth did you know I used to grow daffodils?

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I asked my Thai wife what she thought about wealthy Farangs drinking a beer that they don't like just because it's cheap, she kept it simple, "stupid", the staff just laughed.........

From a previous post a couple of weeks ago:

I asked my Thai wife what she thinks of a farang getting angry because he thinks the Thai staff asked him to change tables because he was ugly and she kept it short.......... "Stupid". The staff just laughed.

One would think that someone who claims to possess a "lethal combination of being both smart and articulate", wouldn't really need to recycle trite or overused expressions...

If you search hard enough I think you'll find that that was the third, or possibly fourth time I used that phrase.

Oh, I see...

Here I was, silly me, thinking the "short & stupid / laughing staff" recurrent theme is some kind of a way to reaffirm your own opinions and judgement calls, when it turns out to be just a personal tagline. My apologies.

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Sounds good. Please, where can that tea be purchased in Chiang Mai?
Can't be found here. I order it directly from the East India Company. I also order from Taylors of Harogate, Fortnam&Mason, and McNultey's Tea&Coffee in New York. The only really good tea I've found here is the English Breakfast tea sold by the tea room on the same street as the Riverside. That really IS a good tea! Expensive, but worth it.
Can't stand that gay wishy washy scenty muck, Assam, Darjeeling, etc.

British breakfast tea, in a mug with milk and sugar, what real men are meant to drink!

English Breakfast tea is traditionally made by blending Keemun tea with a Ceylon (usually and Uva.) For a stronger tea, some companies add a hit of Assam, but that is usually labeled as Scottish Breakfast tea. Often there will be just a touch of Lapsang Souchong tea added for the smokey, peaty aroma. By the way, that tea room across the river sells a very nice Lapsang Souchong tea! But it can't hold a candle to the Extra Smokey Lapsang Souchong tea that McNultey's sells!

These teas do cost me an arm and a leg. But I'd rather cut off my arm and leg than drink the bilgewater that comes out of most teabags here and abroad (except PG Tips... That can hold its own!)

But anyone who would desecrate good tea by adding milk and sugar would probably serve watercress and cream cheese finger sandwiches (with the crusts removed) with it, while discussing the very best way to grow daffodils... smile.png

I just learned something new on this thread. Something that will come in handy if I ever end up in a conversation about what goes into breakfast tea. That's if I haven't slashed my wrists first.


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Very few people here seemed to have got the point. I merely asked if anyone can explain why guys with plenty of money want to drink beers that they don't like in bars that they don't seem to like. I didn't say Archa beer was good, bad or indifferent, I merely quoted them - they don't like it but drink it nonetheless. I also said nothing against being frugal, but most people who are frugal don't buy beer they don't actually like, do they?

I drink beer I don't like all the time (Rattler rules!).

One of the funny things about Thailand, if you don't drink loads of beer or whiskey, the girls mark you down as a weirdo, and they won't go home with you.

Try it yourself, go into a hooker bar and order an orange juice or soda water, then wait all night while the girls ignore you.

Maybe they don't want to go home with someone who stays awake? wink.png

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You don't know what's really going on unless you have access to their financial info. You probably need to look under the surface. One thing I have found here is that many people come over and seem to reinvent themselves into what they want to be, rather then what they are. Especially financially and "man-wise". And they actually end up believing it over a cheap beer.

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You don't know what's really going on unless you have access to their financial info. You probably need to look under the surface. One thing I have found here is that many people come over and seem to reinvent themselves into what they want to be, rather then what they are. Especially financially and "man-wise". And they actually end up believing it over a cheap beer.

I reinvented myself as a hansum man ........

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You don't know what's really going on unless you have access to their financial info. You probably need to look under the surface. One thing I have found here is that many people come over and seem to reinvent themselves into what they want to be, rather then what they are. Especially financially and "man-wise". And they actually end up believing it over a cheap beer.

I reinvented myself as a hansum man ........

I've reinvented myself as a walking ATM.


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Hello, Chiengmaijoe. I have read many but not all the comments on this thread, and if you have been asked and have answered this question already I apologise for asking it again, but if you are genuinely curious about what goes on in the minds of your friends when they say and do such things as those you report and ask about, why not just ask them?

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Hello, Chiengmaijoe. I have read many but not all the comments on this thread, and if you have been asked and have answered this question already I apologise for asking it again, but if you are genuinely curious about what goes on in the minds of your friends when they say and do such things as those you report and ask about, why not just ask them?

Hi Rasseru you've dragged this back on topic, so I'll answer your question.

I'm not really sure, but most likely to avoid embarrassing them or possibly because I expect the answer to be vague or unhelpful.

Having mulled it over I think it is something to do with Culture Shock. This sort of behaviour is not unusual amongst expats, and as I said, I get the impression that on stints back home they then act normally and order a decent pint and go to a decent pub.

I think that many expats carry a constant burden of feeling that they're being cheated, overcharged, taken advantage of and as a consequence they end up questioning the cost of everything and feel abused if something is 5 baht more in one place than it is somewhere else. Such differences occur back home but because they're out of their comfort zone and because there are so many things that they don't understand , both culturally and linguistically, they end up feelin like a victim and so end up being paranoid and assuming the worst about everything.

A year or two down the line and they've become obsessed with the cost of everything and always looking for the cheapest in order to show that they're not stupid and being exploited. It becomes such an obsesseion that before you know it they've completely changed without really realising it. It has nothing to do with them being frugal, it's an obsession and one they never had before they came here.

I could go on, but I think I have a reasonably good idea as to why it is, and I will probably discuss this theory with friends and colleagues, but to be frank, trying to discuss it here is a waste of time as most replies have already shown. That probably sounds arrogant, but to be honest, what anonymous people who are unable to comprehend what I'm talking about, constantly miss the point entirely, and want to assume that I'm angry or jealous or that they're lying etc, think about me, doesn't interest or concern me. Present company excluded.

In order to prove my point, come back in a day or so and look at the response this post gets and count how many of them are relevant, intelligent, thoughtfull or even humorous.

chinagmaijoe, quite a succinct analysis, methinks!

Seems you've got it all at the beginning!

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During the recent beer- tax- shortage- crisis there were times that only Archa was available at the local shop, I found that it tasted like Leo, all the Thai beers taste like the cheap lagers they are so.... sure if I was in the US, I would pay more for a craft beer or decent plonk.

USA and decent beer in the same sentence? sounds a bit weird to me.
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